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1、janeeyre读书报告janeeyre读书报告janeeyre读书报告ds. Jane thinks that she should be equal to anone in the orld. While Helen tolerated all the punishment in the Loood, Jane as filled ith anger and she hated the ruel headmaster. Although Jane lives at the bottom of the soiet The time of the first edition:47 and su

2、ffered a lot, she never gives up seeking equalit and freedom. She thinks that all the people in the orld is fair in love. She didnt abandon the pursuit of love and happiness even though she is a servant. Jane loves Rohester beause of his personalit instead of his ealth. Thirdl, Jane is faithful to h

3、er on feelings. Before Jane and Rohesters edding, Jane found that Rohester had a ife alread. Then, Jane hose to leave beause she ould not like to be a mistress. Jane met John River later on and John ant to marr her. Hoever, Jane refused him beause she knos that River does not love her and hat he atu

4、all needs is not a ife. Last but not least, I think Jane is a ver kind lad, the salt of the earth. When Helen as badl ill and everone in the Loood as told to keep XX from her, Jane visited Helen and apanied her. She is sinere not onl to her friends but also to her loved one. When she ent bak to Thor

5、nfield Hall and disovered that Rohester as blind, she as deepl touhed. Although Rohester as a blind man, Jane still deided to marr him. As far as I am onerned, the novel is reall fantasti. Charlotte Bronte reated an almost perfet harater in Jane Ere. Jane is a oman of reputable harater. She is unill

6、ing to tolerate oppressing, she pursues freedom and equalit. Although Jane as poor, she lives a life of dignit. She struggled to ahieve respet and happiness. The novel is a big suess hih impressed me a lot ith Janes tremendous harater.篇二:Jane Ere读书报告 What I have read: Jane Ere: This stor as ritten b

7、 Charlotte Bronte, ho ame from the United Kingdom. She as born in16, and her mother died hen she as ver oung. The stor as from the life herself, and experiene. It as ritten in46, and the seond fition of Charlotte. She produed a poor oung girl Jane in the stor, and expressed her on emotion b Jane exp

8、erienes, and inspired the readers deepl. Then Charlotte published it, and she beame a ver famous riter. The speial of this book not onl the truth and the strong inspiration, but a brave independent oman. The heroin of the stor named Jane Ere, ho as an orphan and lived ith her aunt Mrs. Reed. But her

9、 aunt treated her badl so that Jane had an unhapp experiene there. The onl one ho treated her ell as Bessie. One da Mrs. Reed invited Mr. Broklehurst, the hairman of Loood, a shool for poor men, she anted to send Jane to shool. But on the other hand Jane as glad to leave the house, before her leave,

10、 she said to her aunt, “Goodbe Mrs. Reed, I hate everthing about ou. Ill never e and see ou hen Im gron-up, and Ill never all ou aunt as long as I live! If anone asks me ho ou treated me. Ill sa oure bad, and hardhearted and mean. The ver sight of makes me sik!” After ing Loood, Jane as sad disappoi

11、ntment. She thought there she ould have arm and are. But it as a prison .And also Mr. Brokehurt as old and implXXble ruelt. Jane stood all these and her stud as ver ell. Ten ears later left shool into the orld and found a job as a governess at Thomfield. The oner of Thomfield Mr. Edard as a ver stra

12、nge, old and melanhol man. But Jane as moved b him, deided to marr him at last. The moment before the got married, a laer ame to told Jane that Mr. Edard had got married ith Bertha, ho had been mad and lived in Thomfiled. Jane left there, baking to her aunt. But she heard Mr. Rohester is alling all

13、the time. After Jane ing bak to Thomfield, she found it as disappeared. The mad oman set a fire, and Edard Rohester as blind. Then the began their on life and lived happil. NO.2The old man and the sea This novel as ritten b Ernest Heminga, a ver famous Ameria riter. And the stor near perfetion of fr

14、om ithin the limitations of its subjet matter, restraint of treatment, regard for the unities of time and plae, and evoative simpliit of . Also, like most great stories, it an be read on more than one level of meaning. On one it is an exiting but tragi adventure stor. Substained b the pride of his a

15、lling, the onl pride he has left, a broken old fisherman ventures far out into the Culf Stream and there hooks the biggest marlin ever seen in those aters. Then, alone and exhausted b his struggle to harpoon the giant fish, he is fored into a losing battle ith marauding shark, the leave him nothing

16、but skeleton of his ath. Ernest Heminga: Born on Jul 21st99, in Ameria. In his famil there ere 6 hildren and Heminga as the seond one. His mother taught him to pla ello and his father taught him fishing and shooting. So he had a happ hildhood. In shool he as a petitive person, and developed all alks

17、 at shool. Heminga had a happ hildhood but his orks ere about fear, violene and disappointment. And lonel as another theme. NO.3 Little Women Lousia Ma Alot: Born in32 and died in88. She as the daughter of A Bronson Alott, the “Sage of onorl.” Her earl surrounding ere of a highl intelletual and lite

18、rar harater and she naturall took to itting hile still ver oung. Here is some fragment. In the stor she rote, in their old fashioned Ne England home the little omen lived ith Mr. Marh, their brisk and heer mother, ho alas had a “an-I- help-ou” look about her, and hom her four girls lovingl alled “Ma

19、rmee”. Prett Meg, the oldest, as 16, and alread shoed domesti tastes and talents, though she detested the drudger of ork, and a little vain of her hite hands, longed at heart to be fine lad. Jo, ho as 15, and she as tall and thin and oltish. Beth, 13 ears old, as a loveable little thing. Am, a 12 ea

20、r-old girl, onsidered herself the floer of the famil. Father Marh as an arm haplain in the ivil ar and in his absene Am delared herself to be the man of the famil. She orked everda to support the famil. Next door lived a rih old man and his grandson Laurie. One da, Laurie took the to older girls to

21、the theater, Am insisted to go ithout invited, Jo solding her little sister. And Am burning up the manusript of a preious book, hih Jo spent 3 ears to finish. Jo didnt forgive Am until one da Am as nearl droned b falling though the ie that onsiene-striken Jo forgave her sister and learn a muh-need l

22、esson of self-ontrol. Meg, too, learned a salutar lesson hen she ent to visit some fashionable friends and had her first taste of “Vanit Fair”. But on a hall hagrin and remorse folloed, and it as not realized the trumper value of fashionable rivalr and the real orth of simpliit and ontentment. John

23、Brooke as the tutor of Laurie, he seret loved Meg. Laurie found this, rote a love-letter to Meg, this prank aused a terrible upset in both houses, but later on Brook put the momentous question and Meg meekl this hispered “Yes John”. Then Father ame bak, Meg married Brook Jo beame a riter of sensatio

24、nal stories. She found a profitable market and she needed mone. Beause Beth ill. Another da, Laurie as invited to the doveote to see Megs ne bab. Jo appeared and the tins ere born. Although Laurie loved Jo but it as so sorr for him, at last he married Am and Jo married a professor, the lived in the

25、house hih Aunt Marh left her hen she died. The set up a shool, and had a happ life. Jo rote their lives as this: Lives hose brave musi long shall ring, like a spirit-stirring stain.篇三:Jane Ere 读书报告 Jane Ere is a touhing stor of a strong lad, Jane Ere. She as the daughter of a poor parson, and lost h

26、er parents shortl after birth. She lived at the household of her aunt, treated rudel b her aunt Mrs. Reed and her hildren. One da, unable to bear the ill-treatment an longer, Jane told straight to her aunt hat she thought of her, hih made Mrs. Reed furious to send her to a harit shool in Loood. Malt

27、reated b the authorities, Jane staed there for 8 long ears. Then Jane got a position of governess at Thornfield, the famil of Mr. Rohester. Rohester fell in love ith Jane, and she ith him. Hoever, Jane fled XX on their edding da for she learned that Mr.Rohester had a mad ife seretl loked in the hous

28、e. Later, Jane aidentall found her ousins and inherited her unle's lega. She shared the mone ith her ousins and got a job as teaher in a village shool. Meanhile, Mr.Rohester lost his sight and beame disabled during a fire set b his mad ife. Hearing that Mr.Rohester as penniless and disabled, Jan

29、e hurried to him and took the responsibilit to look after him. In the end, the got married and lived a happ life. In the novel, Jane suumbed to peoples opinions on omens appearane. She stiked to the belief that beaut is indispensable in forming a perfet lad. Being a plain-looking girl, Jane had a st

30、rong inferiorit plex about her look, even hen she beame a ell-eduated lad. When living in her aunts famil, she attributed her dislike b the famil partl to her plain appearane. She mentioned that if she as handsome, her aunt ould endure her presene more plaentl; her ousins ould entertain for her more

31、 of the ordialit of fello-feeling; the servants ould be less prone to make her the sapegoat of the nurser. When being a governess in Thornfield and seeing Miss Ingram, she felt inpetene to in Edards love against suh a beautiful lad at first sight. In fat, i think Jane is a good girl. After reading t

32、his novel, e an reall and think so muh beause of Jane's figure. We an remember her goodness for someone ho lost arms and blinded in ees, for someone ho despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone ho had hurt her deepl in the past. In m mind, mabe a person's beaut on the fae an ma

33、e others one feel that one is attrative and harming, if his or her mind isnt the same beautiful as the appearane, other people ill not like the person an more. After all, the beaut of appearane an't last a long time. As for Jane, she as not prett, not brilliant, not ealth and had no famil. Hoever, no matter ho gloom her das ere she never lost her dignit nor

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