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1、人教版pep初中七年级英语上册教案全册Starter Unit 1 Good morning!授课班级授课日期授课类型 Starter Unit 1新授课学时数The First Period ( 1a1c)教学目标1. Knowledge and abilitiesLet students know the eight English names and remember them.Let students know how to greet people in the morning.2. Process and methods Through listening and reading,

2、 let students grasp the simple greetings.3. Emotion, attitude and values Motivate studentsinterests of learning English.教学内容 学习八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 学习打招呼的用语:Hello!/ Good morning!重点难点八个人名 Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学方法

3、任务型教学、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法教学用具图片、黑板、录音机教学过程设计备注教学步骤Step1. Warming-up 1.T wears a name card with an English name on it, then points to the name card and have an introduction. 2. Greet the whole class and help them to say,Hello, Good morning, 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。Step2. Play

4、 a game. T gets ready for a list of English names for boys and girls. Play the game like this: T says a letter, for example C, then let the Ss tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first or he ca

5、n give the chance to his friend. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励,也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Step3. Presentation. Show a picture of a girl and give the name under the picture, teach Alice. In the same way teach the other seven names. 图画和名字结合起来,加强学生的感性认识,有助于

6、记忆。并为后面的游戏做好了铺垫。Step4.Game Show the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. Let the Ss tell the names of these children. ( The winner can have a chance to choose an English name.) 通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。Step5. Work on 1a.Write down the names in the picture . 通过名字

7、的总结,让学生进一步巩固所学的人名。Step5. Presentation. Show a picture with Eric, let Ss guess what Eric wants to say to us. The answer is : Hello! or Good morning. Then help them to say: Hello, Eric! or Good morning, Eric. 通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心,也让他们了解Good morning的使用。Step6. Work on 1b. Play the recording for the

8、first time, Ss only listen. 先听后读,培养学生学习Play the recording a second time. Ss repeat. 英语的良好习惯。Step7. Work on 1c. Ss practice the conversations in pairs. T moves around the classroom when Ss are practicing. Give them some help if needed. Ask Ss to practice greeting each other. They can use their Chines

9、e names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if they can. Ask them to practice using all the different greetings taught in Activity 1a. 鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚才得到的英语名字进行操练,不会读的可以请教老师。当然允许他们使用自己的中文名字进行练习。关键是要鼓励学生大胆开口,愿意说的良好习惯。小结与作业课堂小结 Blackboard Design:Starter Unit1 Good morning!()1. 词汇: Name

10、s: Bob, Alice, Cindy, Frank, Eric, Dale, Helen,Grace.2. 句型: Good morning, Alice! Good morning, Cindy! Hi, Bob ! Hello, Frank ! Homework Make a name card like the teachers by themselves and learn how to read their own names. 授课班级授课日期授课类型 Starter Unit 1新授课学时数The Second Period ( 2a2e)教学目标1. Knowledge a

11、nd abilitiesLet students know the right pronunciation and the writing ways of Letters Aa-Hh.Let students remember the meanings of some short Big Letters.2. Process and methods Through listening reading and writing, let students grasp the eight English letters.3. Emotion, attitude and values Motivate

12、 studentsinterests of learning English.教学内容 学习Aa - Hh八个字母。 巩固八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 重点难点 Aa - Hh的字母教学。教学方法任务型教学、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法教学用具字母卡片、黑板、录音机教学过程设计备注教学步骤Step1. Warming-up Greet all the Ss with : Hello, or Good morning, using their English names. (Ask all the

13、students to wear their name cards like T) At the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember their names. 让学生佩戴名字卡,可以让师生早日熟悉对方,也便于学生之间的互相了解。通过打招呼既复习了旧课,也可以让学生正确读出自己的名字,学会如何用自己名字与朋友交流。Step2.Presentation Show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. First big

14、 letters, then small letters. 因为大部分同学对字母有些了解,通过这种方式既进行了复习,也可以知道他们对哪些字母掌握不是很好,在后面的教学中加以注意。Step3. Learn the letters. (Work on A 2a2d) 1.Listen and repeat the eight letters. 2.Put all the big letters in order. 3.Find the big letters for these small letters. 4.Listen and number the letters they hear. 5.

15、Teach them how to write these big and small letters. 6.Write the small letter for each big letter. 从认读大小写字母开始,先学会正确地朗读,然后过渡到正确规范地书写,循序渐进让学生扎实巩固地掌握从 AaHh 这八个字母。Step4. Game.(Which letter is missing?) Show seven big letters(from A-H) on the slide picture, see who can find the missing letter. Then show

16、seven small letters. Ss play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters. 通过这个游戏既可以培养学生的反应能力,又可以巩固他们对字母的掌握。尤其通过四人小组游戏,既让他们锻炼了书写,又给了学生一个彼此熟悉和合作的机会。有助于以后活动的组织。Step5. Presentation Show some letters and ask them to read fi

17、rst, and then guess what they stand for. If they have difficulties, T can give them some hints.让学生学会注意观察日常生活中出现的一些常用缩写词的含义,培养他们仔细观察的能力。Step6. Work on 2e. Ss discuss and guess what these letters stand for and then check the answers with the whole class. 通过讨论解决问题,帮助培养他们的合作精神。Step7. Consolidation.Show

18、the eight names on the slide picture first and ask some to read. Then put them in order according to the first letter.通过复习所学的八个名字来巩固对字母的掌握。也起了过渡到下个环节的作用。小结与作业课堂小结 Blackboard Design:Starter Unit1 Good morning!()字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh缩写字母:HB CD BBC Homework 1.Copy these eight big and small letters

19、 five times. 2.Find as many letters like HB, CD, BBC as they can. 授课班级授课日期授课类型 Starter Unit 1新授课学时数The Third Period ( 3a3d)教学目标1. Knowledge and abilitiesLet students learn the greetings in the different times.2. Process and methodsThrough listening , reading and practicing speaking English, let stud

20、ents grasp the greetings in different times.3 . Emotion, attitude and values Encourage students to greet to friends politely.教学内容 学习打招呼的用语:Good afternoon!/ Good evening! 学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:- How are you? - Im fine, thanks. How are you? - Im OK. .重点难点用英文名字来跟朋友打招呼问候教学方法任务型教学、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法教学用具钟表、黑板、录音机教学过

21、程设计备注教学步骤Step1. Warming-up. 1. Greet the students. 通过问候帮助学生记忆所2. Ss practice greetings in groups of four using their English names.学对话和同学的英语名字,加深印象。3. A report on “ What do these letters mean?” Ask some students to give their reports. 通过汇报找到的缩写字母,既检查了作业的完成,又开阔了学生的思维。Step2. Presentation 1. Use clocks

22、 to teach morning, afternoon and evening. Let Ss know different times, we use different words. 2. Show some pictures to help them say, Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 使用时钟让学生清楚地认识这三个单词的区别,学会在不同时段来使用它们。通过图片的场景进一步加深对这三个句子的理解和应用。Step3. Work on 3a. Play the tape for the first time, let Ss on

23、ly listen.Play the tape again. This time Ss put the correct number of each conversation in the box. 先听不做,让学生培养起良好的听的习惯,也有助于培养他们的专心和注意力集中。Step4. Work on 3b.Ss practice the conversations in pairs. Step5. Presentation Look at the picture and present the dialogue: -How are you? -Im fine, thanks. 通过图片引出对

24、话,可以使学生加深印象。Step7. Work on 3c.First listen and then read after the tape. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.先听后读再操练,有助于学生循序渐进地学习。Step8. Work on 3d.1. In groups of four or five, practice the dialogue in 3d with their English names. 2. Play a game. Who has the most friends? Ss move round the classroom

25、and try to know as many friends as they can and practice the dialogue with them. Lets see who has the most friends in just three minutes. Ss should point to the persons and tell their names. The winner can get a present.先通过小组活动熟悉所学对话,然后通过游戏进一步熟悉全班同学的名字。通过游戏培养了学生的竞争精神,当然也训练了他们的反应能力,并有助于增强他们的交际能力。其实也是

26、回家作业的一个很好检查。课堂小结 Blackboard Design:Starter Unit1 Good morning!()打招呼:Good morning/ afternoon/evening, !Good morning/afternoon/evening, !Hello/Hi, !问候:How are you?Im fine, thanks. How are you?/ And you?Im fine, too./ Im OK. Homework Make a conversation by yourself and write down in Exercise Book.授课班级授

27、课日期授课类型 Starter Unit 1新授课学时数The Fourth Period ( 4b4d)教学目标1. Knowledge and abilitiesLet students learn an English song .Let them consolidate the letters and the words in Unit 1 according to the pronunciation and the classification.2. Process and methods Through listening , reading, singing, let stude

28、nts grasp the main points in Unit 1.3 . Emotion, attitude and values Encourage students to learn more English songs in order to make them interest in English.教学内容 1.学唱一首英语歌曲。2.巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。3.学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。重点难点学好这首英语歌曲及将相同音素字母和单词归类。教学方法 Singing, practice pronounciating.教学用具黑板、录音机教学过程设计备注教学步骤Step1

29、. Warming-up. Greetings.( Let all the Ss practice with their English names.) 复习前一课时内容,熟悉班级同学的英语名字。Step2. Letter Bingo. Play a game like this: Fill in nine blanks with AaHh. One of them can be used twice. (Show an example on the slide picture.) Ss should write both the big ones and the small ones. Ss

30、 circle the letters they hear. If the circled letters are in a row, they win.通过学生填入字母的大小写复习了八个字母的书写;通过听指令圈出所听到的字母,既有助于培养学生的注意力又是对字母读音的一个有效复习。加上游戏本身的趣味性,使复习字母变得不再枯燥。Step3. Work on 4b and 4c. Ss listen and repeat. Make sure Ss understand the difference between the two a sounds and the two e sounds.通过对

31、比让学生了解到同样一个字母在不同单词中的差异,学会准确区分。Step4. Listen and sing the song Play the tape for Ss listen first. Then sing after the tape. At last just play the music and let Ss sing together. Then let the boys have a try ,then the girls.学会这首歌曲也就意味着掌握了本单元的重点句型。学歌既是一种美的熏陶,也是复习的一种有效手段。小结与作业课堂小结 Blackboard Design:Starter Unit1 Good morning!()发音的归类:A A H Dale Grace Frank thanksE B C D E G evening F Helen Homework Finish off the exercises of starter unit1 in Best DesignRemember the key words in starter unit1.The Third Week授

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