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1、版高考英语一轮复习Module3MyFirstRideonaTrain讲义外研版必修1Module 3 My First Ride on a Train一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1classical n 古典音乐 2jazz n. 爵士乐3orchestra n. 管弦乐队(团) 4court n. 宫廷5genius n. 天才 6symphony n. 交响乐(团);交响曲7prince n. 王子;亲王 8album n. 专辑9solo adj. 独奏的 10tune n. 曲调(二)表达词汇写其形1audience n. 听众 2peasant n. 农民3ba

2、nd n. 乐队 4catchy adj. 动人的 (三)拓展词汇灵活用2.conductor n指挥conduct vt.指挥(乐队)*3.musician n音乐家music n音乐musical adj.音乐的*4.director n指挥;导演direct vt.指挥 adj.直接的direction n方向5.lose vt.失去;丢失;专心致志于loss n损失lost adj.丢失的;迷失的*6.talent n天分;天赋;才华talented adj.有才能的7.tour vt.巡回演出;观光;旅游tourist n观光者;旅游者tourism n旅游业8.influence

3、vt.影响n.影响;作用influential adj.有影响力的9.record vt.录音recorder n录音机*10.lecturer n(大学的)讲师lecture n& vt.演讲;报告用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1As a composer,_he has composed a great deal of music.(compose)2A famous musician played a good piece of music using a musical instrument.(music)3There was a police officer directing t

4、he traffic, so the lost director came up to him to ask how to get to the local theatre. The policeman showed him the direction and he left.(direct)4The little boy showed his great talent for painting. We all believed he would become a talented artist.(talent)5Mr Smith is one of the most popular lect

5、urers in our university. He will give us a lecture in the lecture hall tomorrow morning.(lecture) 话题单词积累1hobby /hbI/ n爱好2prefer /prIf/ v. 偏爱;更喜欢3preference /pref()r()ns/ n. 偏爱;偏好4relax /rIlks/ v. 使放松5relaxation /rilkseI()n/ n. 放松6amusement /mjuzm()nt/ n. 娱乐;消遣7entertainment /entteInm()nt/ n. 娱乐;消遣8e

6、ntertaining /entteInI/ adj. 令人愉快的9recreation /rekrIeI()n/ n. 娱乐;消遣10appreciate /priIeIt/ vt. 欣赏11concert /knst/ n. 音乐会12soul /sl/ n. 灵魂13rhythm /rI()m/ n. 节奏14melody /meldI/ n. 旋律15tone /tn/ n. 音色16perform /pfm/ v. 表演;演出17performance /pfm()ns/ n. 演出;节目18studio /stjudI/ n. 工作室;演播室19piano /pIn/ n. 钢琴2

7、0pianist /pInIst/ n. 钢琴家21violin /vaIlIn/ n. 小提琴22guitar /It/ n. 吉他23instrument /Instrm()nt/ n. 乐器24fan /fn/ n. 粉丝25clap /klp/ v. 鼓掌26camera /km()r/ n. 摄像机27microphone /maIkrfn/ n. 麦克风28stage /steId/ n. 舞台29broadcast /brdkst/ n. & v. 广播;播放30release /rIlis/ vt. 发行;发布二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.be_k

8、nown_as 作为而出名2.change_._into_. 把变成*3.of_all_time 有史以来*4.as_well_as 不仅而且;也5.be_impressed_with 留下深刻印象*6.go_deaf 变聋7.if_so 如果这样的话8.split_up 分裂;分割9.no_way 没门*10.make_a_note_of 记录11.have_a_talent_for 有方面的天赋(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1In Chinese culture, bamboo is_known_as one of the “four gentlemen” in plants.2Bu

9、t Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as_well_as beauty.(2017全国卷语法填空)3People who work and live in noisy conditions may go_deaf.4He is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists of_all_time.5You should make_a_note_of the key point

10、s that the teacher says. 话题短语积累1pop music流行音乐2rock music 摇滚乐3light music 轻音乐4folk music 民间音乐5country music 乡村音乐6be fond of 喜欢;喜爱7be keen on 喜欢;对着迷8show an interest in 在方面显示兴趣9develop an interest in 在方面发展兴趣10have a taste for 对感兴趣11suit ones taste 符合某人的嗜好12form a band 组建乐队13make records 制作唱片15make a h

11、it 流行16be crazy about 对狂热;迷恋17be fascinated by 对着迷18abandon oneself to 沉迷于三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1having done作时间状语例句Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.仿写作为交换生在香港过了一年,琳达看上去比同龄人更成熟。(2014福建高考单选)Having_spent_the_past_year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Lin

12、da appears more mature than those of her age. 2by the time引导的时间状语从句例句By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.仿写我到达火车站时,火车已经开走了。By the time I got to the station the train had_already_gone.3强调句型例句However, it was Haydn who

13、encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.仿写正是他的不懈努力使得中国逐渐发生变化。(2016北京高考书面表达) It_was_his_continuous_efforts_that caused China to change gradually.4主语be形容词to do例句If the words of a song are complex, are they easy or difficult to understand?仿写这个问题很难回答。The question is_very_difficult_to_answer. 话题佳句背诵1I lik

14、e the music which sounds good for me, no matter what style of music it is. 我喜欢那些听起来令我满意的音乐,无论它是哪种类型的。2No matter how frequently performed, the works of Beethoven are still popular with people all over the world.无论表演得多么频繁,贝多芬的作品依然受全世界人们的欢迎。3Learning a musical instrument will help you develop concentra

15、tion, patience and perseverance.学习一种乐器将帮助你培养注意力、耐心和毅力。4There is clear evidence that children who take music lessons develop a better memory compared with children who have no musical training.这里有明显的证据,与那些没受过音乐训练的孩子相比,上音乐课的孩子有更好的记忆力。5Nowadays, both traditional and modern music are enjoyed by people i

16、n China.现在,传统音乐和现代音乐都受到中国人的欢迎。四背语段语感流畅Peter is a famous musician and composer. He showed a talent for music from an early age. His father, a peasant, believed him was a genius and managed to send him to learn music in Austria, where he made a note of almost all that he was taught. His teacher was de

17、eply impressed with his talent as well as his hard work. Peter especially loved classical music and jazz. Later, he composed many catchy songs by mixing western music with oriental music. His style greatly influenced the music world. I like his lyrics and tunes very much and I collected almost every

18、 album of his.彼得是一位著名的音乐家和作曲家,小时候,他就表现出了在音乐方面的才华。他的父亲,一位农民,相信他是一个天才并设法送他去奥地利学习音乐,在那里他几乎把老师所教的全都记了下来。他的天赋和努力给老师留下了深刻的印象。彼得尤其喜欢古典音乐和爵士乐。后来,通过对东西方音乐的融合,他创作了很多动人的歌曲。他的风格对音乐界有着重大影响。我非常喜欢他的歌词和曲调并且几乎收集了他的每一部专辑。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1lose vt.失去;丢失;迷路;专心致志于高考佳句Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose we

19、ight.(2017天津高考)当然,我也采取了一些实际的步骤来减肥。(1)lose face/heart/weight 丢脸/灰心/减肥lose ones way be/get lost 迷路lose oneself in sth./be lost in sth. 专心致志于某事(be) lost in thought 陷入沉思(2)loss n. 损失;失去;丧失lost adj. 丢失的;迷失的at a loss 困惑;不知所措If we spend too much time playing with smartphones, we may lose_interest_in our le

20、ssons as well. (2014重庆高考满分作文)如果我们花费太多的时间玩智能手机,我们或许也会失去对所学功课的兴趣。Lost (lose) in the forest, we had to remain where we were, waiting for help.在森林中迷了路,我们不得不待在原地等待帮助。She listened intently to the music, losing herself (she) in its beauty.她专注地听着音乐,完全沉浸在美妙的旋律之中。Faced with so many new things to learn, I was

21、overcome by fear and was at_a_loss what to do. (2015湖北高考满分作文)面对那么多新的要学的东西,我被恐惧支配,不知该做什么。2influence vt.影响;支配n.影响(力);作用 教材原句If a band is influenced by another band, do they like them or not?如果一个乐队受另一乐队的影响,他们是喜欢还是不喜欢呢?(1)influence sb. to do sth. 影响某人做某事(2)have an influence on/upon . 对有影响under the influ

22、ence of . 在的影响下(3)influential adj. 有影响力的be influential in (doing) sth. 对(做)某事颇有影响What influenced you to_choose (choose) a career in nursing?是什么影响你选择了护士这个职业的?Most parents think that computer games have a bad influence on/upon their children.大部分家长认为电脑游戏对他们的孩子有不良影响。In reality, different students have d

23、ifferent learning habits, which I think are influential (influence) in their learning efficiency greatly.(2013四川高考书面表达)实际上,不同的学生有不同的学习习惯,我认为这会极大地影响他们的学习效率。3record vt.录音;记录n.纪录;唱片教材原句Before they visited India, they had recorded seven albums.他们访问印度之前,已录制了七张专辑。(1)It is recorded that . 据记载(2)keep a reco

24、rd of 把记录下来break/set/hold a record 打破/创造/保持纪录on record 记录在案的make a record 录制唱片Last year was the warmest year on_record,_with global temperature 0.68 above the average. (2015重庆高考单选)去年是有记录以来最暖和的一年,全球温度比平均值高出0.68摄氏度。It keeps a record of my birth at the hospital, my first smile and my first walk.(2014重庆

25、高考满分作文)它记录了我在医院出生、我的第一次微笑,以及第一次走路的历程。语境串记It is recorded that some athletes broke the world record, some set a new record, and others held the former record.据记载,有些运动员打破了世界纪录,有的刷新了纪录,其他的保持着原有纪录。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1The company suffered a heavy loss (lose) as a result of the accident.2Do you know how many ocea

26、ns and continents our world is composed of?3The bad weather influenced them to_finish (finish) the task in time.4After graduation, he worked as a lecturer (lecture) in a university.5It was when he was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.6When you make a record, its different

27、from a concert, because you leave something there.7Lily has a great musical (music) gift; she promises to be a successful singer.8The twins are so alike that many people mix them up.单句改错1Losing in thought, he didnt notice he had already passed by his home.LosingLost2The audience were so large that n

28、o seat was left in the grand hall.werewas3When mixing with water, salt dissolves quickly, which is a physical reaction.mixingmixed4My teachers words had a great influence to my studying science at college.toon/upon5Chinese citizens are to have their fingerprints recording when applying for or changi

29、ng their identity cards.recordingrecorded.单句写作(补全句子/句型转换)1当这位司机听到因为超速被禁驾时,茫然不知所措。The driver was_at_a_loss when he heard that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.2Influenced by a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.Under_the_influence_of a high school biology teacher, he

30、took up the study of medicine.3Write down the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.Keep_a_record_of the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.第二板块短语、句式突破1go deaf变聋教材原句As he grew older, he began to go deaf.随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋了。go blind/mad/bad 变瞎/变疯/变坏,变质go wrong/wild/blank/silent 出毛病/变疯狂/变茫然/一言不发go pale/red/grey 变得苍白/发红/花白go hungry 挨饿Meat soon goe

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