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1、学年PEP人教版小学英语六年级英语全套毕业考试总复习资料PEP人教版小学英语六年级英语全套毕业考试总复习资料六年级上册知识要点重点单词(会听,会说,会读,会写)122个:violin小提琴play the violin拉小提琴 do eye exercises做眼保健操play sports参加体育活动learn学习learn English学英语have a rest休息一下take out the book取出书本matter要紧,重要afraid恐怕,害怕right now立刻,马上always总是,一直half半,一半past超过,超出brush刷,擦tooth牙齿usually通常,

2、常常hour小时healthy健康的walk走,步行take a walk散步play ping-pong打乒乓球play tennis打网球boat船,划船go boating划船go skating滑冰go shopping购物a lot of许多how often多久一次twice两次once一次study学业,学习do well in在做得好care for 关爱,照料earth地球pick采,摘pick flowers摘花cut down砍伐,把砍倒dirty脏的make the air dirty污染空气waste浪费drive驾驶,开(车)drive a car开车more更多的

3、have to 必须,不得不World Car Free Day世界无车日something某事,某物think想,认为also也,同样thing东西,事物only只,仅仅picnic野餐go on a picnic去野餐take out of 从取出put 放put into放入,放进里面get to抵达,到达meet at the gate在大门口会合free空闲的,自由的shall将要or还是,或者basket篮子ask问,询问hungry饥饿的start开始,起动answer回答,答复excited兴奋的,激动的just now刚才scarf围巾wallet钱包sunglasses太阳

4、镜gloves手套warm jacket棉夹克rain boots雨靴school bag书包heavy大的,重的last最近的,最后的still 还,仍然in front of在前面yesterday昨天lost丢失的,迷路的ago以前thousand千show表演,节目,展览watch a show看表演look after照顾,照看housework家务劳动do housework做家务see a friend看望朋友match比赛go away离开busy忙碌的work工作,事业hear听到,听说happen发生herself她自己beach沙滩,海滩volleyball排球play

5、beach volleyball打沙滩排球museum博物馆visit the museum参观博物馆buy some gifts买一些礼物eat sea food吃海鲜make a cake做蛋糕myself我自己cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹laugh笑,大笑cry哭joke笑话tell a joke讲笑话act演,扮演act a play演话剧guitar吉他play the guitar弹吉他win赢得,获得win a gift赢得礼物funny搞笑的,滑稽的everyone每个人everything每件事物,一切at the beginning开始,起初poor贫穷的,可怜的final

6、ly最后 六年级下册知识要点重点单词(会听,会说,会读,会写)112个:speak to. 与交谈 mobile phone手机phone call电话make a phone call打电话Internet互联网go on the Internet上网send送,发送send a message发短信read an e-book读电子书e-mail电子邮件send an e-mail发电子邮件out 外面的,在外的take a message留言think about考虑a bowl of一碗plate盘子a plate of一盘a glass of一玻璃杯a bottle of一瓶a cu

7、p of一茶杯a piece of一片,一块,一张anything 任何东西else别的,其他的take up拿起address地址,住址pupil小学生actor男演员singer歌手,歌唱家reporter记者scientist科学家police警方,警察police officer警官player运动员set up建立,建造a hope school一所希望学校past 过去的grassland草原age 年龄at the age of 在岁时lose失去,失败difficult困难的meeting会议,聚会have a sports meeting举办一场运动会throwing投掷运动

8、meter米race比赛100-meter race 100米赛跑long jump跳远high高,高的high jump跳高running race赛跑take part in参加,参与anyway无论如何guess猜测,猜想wish祝福,祝愿clever聪明的,机灵的outgoing开朗的,外向的shy害羞的,内向的kind和蔼的,温和的friendly友好的hard-working努力的serious严肃的,认真的lazy懒惰的,懒散的easy容易的,简单的understand理解,明白Ms. 女士teach教without 无,没有Mrs. 夫人smile微笑get变,变得sale 卖

9、,拍卖notebook笔记本magazine杂志glue胶水story book故事书model plane飞机模型toy car玩具小汽车scissors剪刀sell卖,出售money钱before在之前bring 带来and so on等等,诸如此类southeast东南north北方northwest西北northeast东北west西方east东方southwest西南south南方hope希望,期望somewhere某处,某地by 沿着,在旁边the Bund外滩famous著名的,出名的town城镇,市镇dream梦想,愿望,梦tour guide导游travel around t

10、he world环游世界land到达,着陆go to college上大学join加入,参加the National Team国家队study研究come true实现,成真hard努力地from now on从现在开始one day有一天maybe可能,也许believe相信常用介词及短语:in在.里面 on在.上面 under在.下面 to到,去 with同,和,跟,用 at在 for为了,因为 between A and B在A和B之间 behind在.的后面 near附近 next to紧挨着,旁边 opposite to在.对面 in front of在.前面 特殊疑问词:what什

11、么 where哪里 when什么时候 why为什么 who谁 which哪一个 how多么 how long多久,多长 how far多远how often多久一次 what about怎么样 how about怎么样国名及城市(单词的第一个字母须大写):China 中国Japan 日本Canada 加拿大U.K. 英国U.S. 美国New York 纽约Tokyo 东京注意: 在国家和城市名称的单词前使用 in,即 in+国名/城市名六年级上册知识要点重点句型(会听,写,认):1. Its time to play the violin.该是拉小提琴的时候了。2. -Can I go out

12、 to play?我能出去玩吗? -Im afraid you cant. 恐怕你不能。 -Of course, you can.当然能。 3. -Sorry.对不起。 -It doesnt matter.没关系/不要紧。4. -What are you doing?你在做什么? -Im having a rest.我正在休息。5. -Whats the time?什么时间了? -Its half past seven.是7点半。 half past +数字,表示“点半”6. You have no time to have breakfast.你没有时间吃早餐。 have no time t

13、o do(动词原形) sth.(某事) 没有时间做某事7. -How often do you drink milk?你多久喝一次牛奶? -Every day.每天。 how often的意思是“多久一次”,表示频率,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,once a day, twice a week,once a month8. You look healthy. 你看起来很健康。9. -How often does Li Shan go skating? 李珊多久去滑一次冰? -She goes skating twice a w

14、eek.她每周去滑两次冰。10. That sounds interesting!那听起来真有趣!11. We all live on the earth. 我们都住在地球上。12. We have only one earth.我们只有一个地球。13. We waste too much water.我们浪费了太多的水。 too much 后面跟不可数名词 too many 后面跟可数名词复数 14. A:What shouldnt he do? 他不能做什么? B:He shouldnt hunt too many animals.他不能猎杀太多的动物。15. A:What should

15、we do? 我们应该做什么? B:We should care for it.我们应该关爱它。 should(应该), may(也许,可以), can(能), must(一定)都是情态动词,它们的否定形式是在后面加not。不管肯定还是否定,它后面跟的动词都用原形。16. Whats the matter?= Whats wrong? 怎么了?发生了什么事? Whats up? 什么事? 17. There is a lot of water on the earth.在地球上有许多水。 There are a lot of trees on the earth. 在地球上有许多树。 ther

16、e be结构意为“存在,有”,be 动词后如果接的是复数名词,be就变成are;接的是单数名词或者不可数名词,be就变成is。 is+单数名词/不可数名词基本句子构造:There are+可数名词复数否定式:There be no/not+主语+其它18. Lets go on a picnic.让我们去野餐。19. Are you free next Saturday? 下周六你有空吗?20. Good idea!好主意!21. See you tomorrow!明天见!22. What shall we take?我们将要带什么?23. Have a good time!玩得愉快!24.

17、What a heavy rain!多么大的雨啊! What a fine day! 多么好的一天啊! What引导的感叹句,结构:What+a/an+名词(前面可放修饰词)+主+谓!25. -Where is my raincoat?我的雨衣在哪里? -Its behind the door.它在门的后面。26. -Was there a library?那里以前有个图书馆吗?-Yes, there was./ No, there wasnt.是的,以前有。/不,以前没有。27. -What do you wear on a rainy day? 下雨天你穿什么? -I wear a rai

18、ncoat on a rainy day. 我在下雨天穿雨衣。28. -What did you do last weekend?上周末你做了什么? -I did some housework. 我做了一些家务。29. -Where did you go on your holiday?在假期你去了哪里?-I went to Shandong.我去了山东。-Who did you go with?你和谁一起去的?-I went with my friends.我和我的朋友一起去的。30. -Im sorry to hear that.我很抱歉听到这个。 -It doesnt matter.没关

19、系。31. She is better now.她好多了。32. Sounds great.听起来很棒。33. What happened to her? 她发生了什么事?34. She did very well in her study. 她在学业上做得很好。35. -What do you think of our party?你认为我们的聚会怎么样? -It was great.太棒了!36. It made many students cry. 它让许多同学哭了。六年级下册知识要点 重点句型(会听,写,认):1. -May I speak to Kitty? 我能找Kitty说话吗?

20、 -Sorry, Kitty is out. This is Colin speaking.Who is that? 对不起,Kitty在外面。我是Colin. 你是谁? 英语在电话用语中,this 指的是“我”, that 指的是“你”。2.Can I take a message? 我能帮你留个言吗?3.Is that Liu Zhaoyang? 你是刘朝阳吗?4.Could you please ask Kitty to call me?能请你让Kitty 回个电话给我吗? ask sb(某人) to do 要求某人去做.5.Ill tell her when she comes bac

21、k. 当她回来的时候,我会告诉她。6.It takes too much time. 这要花费很多时间。7.Its bad for their eyes. 这对他们的眼睛有害处。8.Let me think about it.让我考虑一下。9.Can I help you?=What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么吗?/你想要什么?10.-What would you like to eat?你想要吃些什么? -Id like a piece of bread.我想要一片面包。 would like sth(某物) 想要某物 would like to do 想要去做. 不

22、可数名词和一些经常以复数出现的可数名词的数量表达结构如下: a +容器/量词+of 例如,a bowl of noodles一碗面 数字+容器/量词(S)+of 例如,two plates of beef 两盘牛肉11. What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要什么种类的面条?12.Would you like something to drink?你想要一些饮料喝吗?13.Anything else? 还要些其他的东西吗?14.Please wait a minute. 请稍等。15.-Who is the young woman? 那个年轻的女人是谁

23、? -Her name is Li Ling. 她的名字叫李玲。16.-What does he do?/What is he? 他是做什么的? -He is a doctor. 他是一名医生。17.How difficult it was!多么困难啊!感叹句结构:How +形容词/副词+主+谓!18.Little Liu Wei wanted to be a football player.小刘伟想成为一名足球运动员。 want to do 想要做.19.At the age of nine, he lost his arms. 在9岁的时候,他失去了双臂。20.He is very hel

24、pful to the people.他对那里的人们帮助很大。 be helpful to 对.有帮助21.You look tired. 你看起来很累。22.Anyway, you did well.无论如何,你做得好。23.Last week, our school had a sports meeting.上周我们学校举行了一次运动会。24.Best wishes! 最好的祝愿。25.-What sport did he take part in at the school sports meeting? 在学校运动会上,他参加了什么运动? -He took part in the th

25、rowing.他参加了投掷运动。 -Did he win it?他赢了吗? -Yes, he did./No, he didnt. He lost it. 是的,他赢了。/不,他没有。他输了。26.-What is he like?他这个人怎么样? -He is shy.他是内向的。27.-What is your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么? -My favorite subject is Math.我最喜欢的科目是数学。28.There will be a sale at our school.我们学校将有一次义卖活动。29.What shall we do w

26、ith the money?我们将用这些钱做什么?30.-What will you sell?你将要卖什么? -I will sell some magazines and color pencils.我要卖一些杂志和水彩笔。31.Lets go together.让我们一起走。32.-Where is Shanghai?上海在哪里? -Shanghai is in the southeast of China.上海在中国东南部。33.I hope to go to somewhere by the sea.我想去一个靠海的地方。34.Is Hangzhou in the north of

27、China?杭州在中国的北方吗?35.How about Hainan?海南怎么样?How about=What about,意思是.怎么样?36.Lets go by train.让我们坐火车去。by+交通工具,意思是乘坐(交通工具)37.-Where would you like to go? 你想去哪里? -I hope to go to Qinghai. 我希望去青海。38.-What is your dream?你的梦想是什么? -I want to be a scientist.我想要成为一名科学家。 want to do 想要做39.But its difficult to co

28、me true.但是它很难实现。40.-What did you talk about at your class meeting today?你们在今天的班会上讨论了什么? -We talked about our dreams.我们讨论了我们的梦想。41.Whose dream is it?这是谁的梦想?42.I hope to land on the moon one day.我希望有一天能登陆月球。43.Maybe I will join the National Team one day.也许有一天我会加入国家队。26个英文字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii J

29、j Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz过去式不规则动词表原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式am, iswas是 arewere是makemade制作have/hashad有gowent走/去dodid做saysaid说话wearwore穿taketook拍/带/拿cancould能find-found发现loselost失去,失败singsang唱givegave给drinkdrank喝sitsat坐beginbegan开始comecame来becomebecame成为seesaw看见runran跑wakewoke醒来getgot得到forgetforgot忘记riderode骑winwon赢writewrote写drivedrove驾驶telltold告诉sellsold卖speakspoke说stand-stood站立underst

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