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1、第一册词组默写第一课1.2在校门口与新同学说话34.看墙上的时刻表开始了我的高中教育5.6.在本市的另一个区里和我差不多年龄的男孩女孩们7.8.环顾四周高一(1班)9.10四处站着发现;弄清;查明1112来自全市自我介绍1314负责/管理我们班级说了一些更多的东西1516这节课结束时对我们所有人而言是个新开始1718过了一会儿;不久 (写出至少两种)洗个淋浴1920在不恰当的时间打电话我也发生过那事。2122大部分时间;多数时候交上你们的作业2324把地址写在黑板上在人群中2526使我成为班级的笑料脸红了2728走到我身边朝着我微笑2930把手轻轻放在我的肩上一种某人在我身后的感觉使我觉得很不

2、舒服3132爆发出一阵笑声;哄堂大笑回到你的座位上3334毫无疑问我可以读得比他们任何人都好。自信3536流利地说话窃窃私语地谈论我Unit One1. at the school gate2 talk with a new classmate在校门口与新同学说话3 look at the time table on the wall4 start my senior high school education看墙上的时刻表开始了我的高中教育5. in another district of the city6. boys and girls about my own age在本市的另一个区里

3、和我差不多年龄的男孩女孩们7. look around8. Senior High School One, Class 1环顾四周高一(1班)9. stand about10 find out四处站着发现;弄清;查明11 come from all over the city12 introduce oneself来自全市自我介绍13 be in charge of our class14 talk some more负责/管理我们班级说了一些更多的东西15 at the end of the class16 a new beginning for all of us这节课结束时对我们所有人而

4、言是个新开始17 after a while; in a moment; in a minute18 take a shower过了一会儿;不久 (写出至少两种)洗个淋浴19 call at the wrong time20 That happened to me too.在不恰当的时间打电话我也发生过那事。21 most of the time22 hand in your homework大部分时间;多数时候交上你们的作业23 write your address on the blackboard24 in the presence of a crowd把地址写在黑板上在人群中25 ma

5、ke me the laughing-stock of the classroom26 grow red in the face使我成为班级的笑料脸红了27 walk to my side28 smile at me走到我身边朝着我微笑29 place one hand tenderly upon my shoulder30 A sense of sb behind me makes me feel uncomfortable把手轻轻放在我的肩上一种某人在我身后的感觉使我觉得很不舒服31 burst into laughter32 go back to your seat爆发出一阵笑声;哄堂大

6、笑回到你的座位上33 No doubt I can read better than any of them.34 be sure of oneself毫无疑问我可以读得比他们任何人都好。自信35 talk fluently36 whisper about me流利地说话窃窃私语地谈论我第二课1.2今天早晨雾蒙蒙的。与天气预报很不一样34今天天气预报怎么说的?晴转多云56没有时间写信满是来自世界各地的人78在街上拦住人问路坐在公园的长凳上910喜爱登山离我住处很近的小餐馆1112觉得想家;思乡人行道上挤满了人1314带着雨伞匆忙走向干的地方1516在街上驶来驶去在我的邻桌1718戴着一顶滑稽的

7、帽子坐在靠窗的一个小桌边1920看上去味道不错;看上去很美味我喜欢你的信,你的信里有家乡的消息Unit Two1. Its foggy this morning.2 quite different from the forecast今天早晨雾蒙蒙的。与天气预报很不一样3 Whats the weather forecast for today?4 fair to cloudy今天天气预报怎么说的?晴转多云5 have no time for writing/ to write letters6 full of people from all over the world没有时间写信满是来自世界

8、各地的人7 stop people on the street to ask the way8 sit on a bench in the park在街上拦住人问路坐在公园的长凳上9 be fond of climbing mountains10 a small restaurant close to my place喜爱登山离我住处很近的小餐馆11 feel homesick12 The sidewalks are crowded with people.觉得想家;思乡人行道上挤满了人13 carry umbrellas14 be in a hurry to get to a dry pla

9、ce带着雨伞匆忙走向干的地方15 move up and down the street16 at the table next to mine在街上驶来驶去在我的邻桌17 wear a funny hat18 sit at a small table near the window戴着一顶滑稽的帽子坐在靠窗的一个小桌边19 look delicious20 I enjoy you letters with news from home.看上去味道不错;看上去很美味我喜欢你的信,你的信里有家乡的消息第三课12得了重感冒怎么会?34跳入河中救一个溺水的孩子他多勇敢啊!56把孩子送到医院沿着河边走

10、78脱去鞋子游向某人910恐惧地摔开他的胳膊搂住他的脖子1112把他拖下水没考虑个人安危1314把那人拉上岸苏醒1516坐起身子;坐起来一、两天后就会好1718抓住孩子的手臂相当虚弱1920下沉生火2122恢复知觉跑出熊熊燃烧的校舍2324校舍里传出一声呻吟跑回里面2526着火摔倒在地上,再次失去知觉27醒来Unit Three1 catch a bad cold2 How come?得了重感冒怎么会?3 jump into the water to save a drowning boy4 How brave of him!跳入河中救一个溺水的孩子他多勇敢啊!5 take the child

11、 to the hospital6 walk along the river把孩子送到医院沿着河边走7 take off ones shoes8 swim toward sb脱去鞋子游向某人9 throw out his arms in fear10 catch sb around the neck恐惧地摔开他的胳膊搂住他的脖子11 draw him under the water12 with no though for ones own safety把他拖下水没考虑个人安危13 get the man to shore14 come to (oneself)把那人拉上岸苏醒15 sit u

12、p16 be fine in a day or two坐起身子;坐起来一、两天后就会好17 catch the boy by the arm18 pretty sick抓住孩子的手臂相当虚弱19 go down20 make a fire下沉生火21 come to ones senses22 run out of the burning schoolhouse恢复知觉跑出熊熊燃烧的校舍23 a moan from inside the schoolhouse24 run back inside校舍里传出一声呻吟跑回里面25 be in flames/ be on fire26 fall to

13、 the floor unconscious again着火摔倒在地上,再次失去知觉27 wake up醒来第四课12你最近怎么样?怎么了?出什么问题了?34由于感冒病倒了康复56问起他;关心他的情况有许多事要做(variety)78进城给自己买了一条裤子910长了大约两英寸洗茶具1112洗完了碗碟轻轻上楼1314将裤子剪短两英寸后来1516那个年轻人脸上的神情我比他高一头1718在你家谁洗碗碟?试穿裤子1920旧衣服只值两英镑,一分也不多。2122从口袋里掏出两英镑挂在你的店外23价目标签Unit Four1 How are you recently/ lately?2 Whats the

14、trouble/ matter?你最近怎么样?怎么了?出什么问题了?3 be down with a cold4 get over it由于感冒病倒了康复5 ask after him6 have a variety of things to do问起他;关心他的情况有许多事要做(variety)7 go into town8 buy himself a pair of trousers进城给自己买了一条裤子9 be about two inches too long10 wash up the tea things长了大约两英寸洗茶具11 finish the washing up12 go

15、 quietly upstairs洗完了碗碟轻轻上楼13 shorten the trousers by two inches14 later on将裤子剪短两英寸后来15 the looks on the young mans face16 I am taller than her by a head.那个年轻人脸上的神情我比他高一头17 Who does the washing up in your family?18 try on the trousers在你家谁洗碗碟?试穿裤子19 second-hand clothes20 They arent worth a penny more

16、than two pounds.旧衣服只值两英镑,一分也不多。21 take two pounds out of his pocket22 hang outside your shop从口袋里掏出两英镑挂在你的店外23 a price tag价目标签第五课12不太确切向公众开放34改建老城区在希腊举办第一届奥运会56从10个运动项目发展到21个主办国;东道主78有开幕典礼开始宣布又一个国际运动节日的开始910运动项目被分成五大区域1112田径运动体操竞技1314团体项目期盼着每四年一次的奥运会1516当地政府过着舒适的生活1718口试缺课1920幻想在比赛中作弊公平竞赛2122遵守比赛规则渴望

17、赢2324全力以赴击败对手为了尊严打一场明知要输的比赛2526没有运动道德的运动员被宠坏的孩子2728保持良好的心境正确对待失败2930真诚地祝贺赢家确实具有真正的运动精神Unit five1 not exactly2 be open to the public不太确切向公众开放3 reconstruct the old section of the city4 hold the first Olympic Games in Greece改建老城区在希腊举办第一届奥运会5 grow from 10 to 21 sports6 a host nation从10个运动项目发展到21个主办国;东道主

18、7 begin with an opening ceremony8 declare the start of another international sports festival有开幕典礼开始宣布又一个国际运动节日的开始9 athletic events10 be divided into five areas运动项目被分成五大区域11 track and fields sports12 gymnasium competition田径运动体操竞技13 team events14 look forward to the Olympic Games every four years团体项目期

19、盼着每四年一次的奥运会15 the local government16 live a comfortable life当地政府过着舒适的生活17 an oral exam18 be absent from school口试缺课19 dream of cheating in a game20 play fair幻想在比赛中作弊公平竞赛21 keep the rules of the game22 be keen to win遵守比赛规则渴望赢23 play with all his energy to beat his opponent24 play a losing game with di

20、gnity全力以赴击败对手为捍卫尊严打一场明知要输的比赛25 an unsporting player26 a spoilt child没有运动道德的运动员被宠坏的孩子27 keep in a good humour28 take defeat well保持良好的心境正确对待失败29 congratulate the winner sincerely30 have indeed the true sporting spirit真诚地祝贺赢家确实具有真正的运动精神第六课12寄往伦敦的航空邮件邮资多少?2张2角钱的邮票34总共四角钱这封信要多久才能到伦敦?56在交通事故中受伤由粗心造成78遵守规章

21、停下来,两边看看910背着书包准备穿马路1112街道的另一边看右边1314匆忙跑到街道上1516将他撞倒撞上他1718打电话叫救护车竭尽所能1920这是他的错。车辆靠左行驶212212除以4等于3。早早出发2324把信投到邮箱里头上有严重的伤口2526奔向被撞坏的汽车把两辆车拖出公路Unit Six1 Whats the postage for an airmail letter to London?2 two 20-fen stamps寄往伦敦的航空邮件邮资多少?2张2角钱的邮票3 forty fen in all4 How long will it take the letter to r

22、each London?总共四角钱这封信要多久才能到伦敦?5 be injured in road accidents6 be caused by carelessness在交通事故中受伤由粗心造成7 obey the rules8 stop and look both ways遵守规章停下来,两边看看9 have a satchel on his shoulders10 be ready to cross the street背着书包准备穿马路11 the other side of the street12 look to the right街道的另一边看右边13 be in a hurr

23、y14 run out into the street匆忙跑到街道上15 knock him down16 hit him将他撞倒撞上他17 call for an ambulance18 do everything possible打电话叫救护车竭尽所能19 This is his fault.20 Traffic keeps to the left.这是他的错。车辆靠左行驶21 Divided 12 by 4 and you get 3.22 make an early start12除以4等于3。早早出发23 drop the letter into the post box24 hav

24、e a bad cut on his head把信投到邮箱里头上有严重的伤口25 run to the damaged car26 pull the two cars off the road奔向被撞坏的汽车把两辆车拖出公路第七课12收到他的一封信赚了很多钱34价值每年上涨艺术品商店56根本不懂中间有个黑点78窄窄的铜框电灯开关910金钱方面的事情;钱的问题非常焦急地打电话给他的医生1112一件急事留言1314吞下一支钢笔由老师推荐的那个学生1516墙上的一条狭缝允许尽可能多的光线进入1718抵御恶劣地天气排烟1920随着时间地推移使空气与光线进入Unit Seven 1 get a lett

25、er from him2 make a lot of money收到他的一封信赚了很多钱3 the value goes up every year4 an art shop价值每年上涨艺术品商店5 dont understand at all6 have a black spot in the middle根本不懂中间有个黑点7 a narrow brass frame8 an electric light switch窄窄的铜框电灯开关9 money matters10 ring up his doctor with great anxiety金钱方面的事情;钱的问题非常焦急地打电话给他的

26、医生11 an urgent matter12 leave a message一件急事留言13 swallow a pen14 that student recommended by the teacher吞下一支钢笔由老师推荐的那个学生15 a slit in the wall16 let in as much light as possible墙上的一条狭缝允许尽可能多的光线进入17 keep out the bad weather18 let out the smoke抵御恶劣地天气排烟19 as time goes on20 admit air and light随着时间地推移使空气与

27、光线进入第八课12笔直朝前走在交通灯处朝左转3410分钟的路程第一个路口朝右转56根本不远多谢78我到那里要很长时间么?男生宿舍910在街道的拐角走出宿舍的前门1112笔直朝前走过两个街区乘电梯到二楼1314出电梯右边第一间1516做某事有麻烦遵照指示1718第二街上海展览馆1920出示你的学生证乘71路车沿着延安路开2122出发;动身走到我们面前Unit Eight1 go straight ahead2 turn left at the traffic lights笔直朝前走在交通灯处朝左转3 a ten minutes walk4 take the first turning on the right10分钟的路程第一个路口朝右转5 Its no distance at all.6 Many thanks.根本不远多谢7 Will it take me long to get there?8 the boys dormitory我到那里要很长时间么?男生宿舍9 on the corner of the street10 go out of the front door of

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