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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 9优质课教案.docx

1、人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 9优质课教案Unit 9 Can you come to my party?【教材分析】本单元主要内容是学习如何礼貌地发出,接受,拒绝邀请;谈论自己和别人的义务和责任.学习如何安排好日程表同时根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。【教材目标】一 认知目标 1.学习,理解掌握和运用以下单词: available, until, hang, catch, invite, accept, refuse. weekday, invitation, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, goodbye, take a trip, glad,

2、 preparation, glue, without, surprised, look forward to, housewarming, opening, concert, smartly, headmaster, event, guest, calendar. 2.学习,理解掌握和运用以下词组prepare for an exam, help my parents, go to the doctor have the flu, meet my friend, another time , hang out, on weekends, on weekdays, have a piano l

3、esson , the day after tomorrow , look after his sister ,play tennis with me make an invitation ,take a trip, have a surprised party, look forward to ,go to the concert , dress smartly3.学习,理解掌握和运用以下句子:Can you come to my party? Can he/she go to the baseball game? Can they go to the concert? Sorry , I

4、cant. Sure, Id love to./ Great. Id love to. Come and have fun. Come and join us. Maybe another /next time. Thank you for asking/inviting me/your invitation.二技能目标1.能礼貌的发出,接受.拒绝邀请2.能谈论已有的计划或安排3.能用情态动词have to, must三情感目标1.通过小组活动和合作,在多种英语学习情景中用英语交流互帮互助2.互相邀请学会相互关心和体谅【教材策略】 充分利用多媒体等教学设备,创设与本单元话题相关的情景。围绕本单

5、元的教学目标,设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务,例如让学生谈论周围事物的变化等,充分利用目标语言进行交际。【教材重难点】1.本单元的重要词汇和句型.2如何发出.接受拒绝邀请3.如何写邀请卡和邀请信4.如何写电子邮件或便条来回复邀请.【教材安排】第一课时: Section A (1a2c)第二课时: SectionA (2d3c) 第三课时: SectionB(1a1f)第四课时: Section B (2a2e)第五课时: Section B (3a4)第六课时:(Selfcheck)第一课时【学习内容】SectionA1a2c【学习目标】:掌握下列单词:prepare, prepare for

6、, exam, flu, available, another time. 掌握句型:(1) Can you come to my party ? Sure, Id love to ./ Sorry, I cant. (2) Thanks for asking.【学习重点】:用情态动词can来邀请别人做某事。【学习过程】:Step1: Preparation1. Review and warm-up (课前热身,激发学生兴趣) T: What weekend activities do you know? Make a list.Ss: Study for a test/ go to a mo

7、vie /have a piano lesson /surf the internet/ help my mother /visit my grandfather /play basketball and so on.让学生把所知活动写在黑板上,这样既为下一步要用到活动名提供了选择和参考,又让学生学习以前知识且能体验到成就感,兴趣大增,在列举的基础上补充如prepare for an exam, help my parents, go to the doctor have the flu, meet my friend,等且写在黑板上.2. Lead in直接导入新课,引出课题。教师利用展示在

8、周六下午要举行一个聚会并要求学生参加Im going to have a party, can you come to my party? Lets learn Unit 9 Can you come to my party? (板书并教学课题)Step2: Presentation 1. What activities do you want to do this weekend?S:I want to T: What activities do you not want to do?S:I dont want to study for a test/T: Yes, you dont lik

9、e these activities but you have to do them.把句型You have to do something.写在黑板上,这样导入了表示拒绝的重点句型 I have to然后问学生是否能参加我的生日晚会(晚会时间各不相同有上课时,周末等)回答中必然有肯定和否定两种,帮助学生回答完整且把下列对话写在黑板上.A: Can you come to my party?B: Sure , Id love to .Thanks for asking.Sorry I cant. I have a piano lesson/have too much homeworkIm so

10、rry , I cant . I have to help my mother./go to the doctor.Im sorry , I cant. Im playing soccer./going to the movies.这样表示拒绝的三种理由表达法都呈现出来了,接着让学生使用以上三种句型来拒绝邀请.2.Match the phrases with the pictures Finish 1aStep3: Practice1、 Game (学生从PPT中抽图片,表演,进行问答)A: Can you come to my party?B: Yes, Id love to.A: Can

11、you come to my party? B: Im sorry. Im not available. I have to2. Listen and finish1b3. Read the listening materials after the tape.Step4: ProductionTask 1、Pairwork (2c) (学生从PPT中抽图片,表演,进行问答)Task: Give and accept or decline invitations in pairs like2c.Then ask several pairs to act out their conversati

12、ons.此任务是学以致用,利用以上所学来向对方提出或拒绝或接受邀请,样一来学生在使用目标语中慢慢掌握了本节课重点内容.Task 2 listening1Listen and finish2a2Read the listening materials after the tape.3Listen again. Finish 2b 4Translate the sentences.Step5: Progress1. 课堂训练2.Homewerk 第二课时【学习内容】SectionA (2d3c) 【学习目标】:掌握下列词汇:until, hang, hang out, catch, invite,

13、 accept, refuse. 掌握句型:(1)Im afraid I cant. (2)Im not sure. I might have to meet my friends. 【学习重点,难点】:学会礼貌地接受邀请和拒绝邀请。【学习过程】:Step1: Preparation1. Review 出示图片,让学生复习Can you come to my party? Sure. Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. I have to Lead in 投影展示一些图片,学生根据图片进行对话,复习prepare for an exam, help my parents,

14、 go to the doctor have the flu, meet my friend, another time等短语Step2: Presentation1 在上述的对话的基础上,学生阅读2d.教师点拨,弄明白每句话的意思,后领读。2 让基础好的学生表演对话,然后让学生结对,利用2d中短语和句子仿照2d进行对话练习。Step3: Practice1. Grammar Focus . Go through the sentences. 2. 利用PPT图片,让学生结对根据表格内容进行交谈。3. 分组表演Step4:ProductionTask:Group work1. Finish 3

15、 aComplete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.2.让学生结对根据题目中的内容进行对话练习。3. Finish 3b. Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you.4.让学生结对根据题目中的内容进行对话练习。并分组表演。5. Make a survey. Finish 3c. Lucys CalendarMonday TuesdayWednesdayTuesdayFridaySaturday &SundayMorni

16、ngAfternoonEvening写出下周你每天必须做的事,选择一个时间举行一次聚会,并向你的同学发出邀请。学生先分组活动,教师再找几组向全班汇报。Step5: Progress1小结 让学生归纳本课重要的单词, 短语和句子2 完成PPT中的随堂练习3 Homework (见导学案) 第三课时【学习内容】SectionB1a1f【学习目标】:掌握下列词汇:the day before yesterday , the day after tomorrow, weekday, look after. 掌握句型:Whats today? Its Monday the 14 th . 【学习重点】:

17、学会询问及回答日期的表达方法。【学习过程】:Step1: Preparation1. Warm-in 利用PPT上的提示找几组学生进行对话练习来巩固上节课的内容。2Lead in 教师出示PPT中图片,向学生提问:What day is it today?引导学生说出Sunday. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 这些单词。Step2: Presentation1屏幕呈现today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday , the day after tomorrow,

18、weekday, weekend单词并完成1a ,.1b2看PPT中的日历,教学生怎样询问日期,星期及同时询问日期和星期。 例如:询问星期A: What day is it today / tomorrow / the day after tomorrow?B: It is Wednesday.询问日期A: What is the date today / tomorrow / the day after tomorrow?B: It is Nov. 2nd.询问日期和星期A: Whats / is today? B: It is Wednesday Nov. 2nd.A: What was

19、yesterday / the day before yesterday?B:It was Tuesday Nov. 1st.Step3: Practice1. 根据PPT中的图片进行询问日期和星期的对话练习,并进行表演比赛。3.听录音完成1d,1e.教师解释1d,1e, 提醒学生注意表格的标题是活动和日期。4.播放录音两遍,学生完成任务,老师点学生回答,最后核对答案。5.学生结对练习1d,1e录音稿。Step4:Production 1. Pair work 让学生用1d的信息进行对话练习。例如:A: Can Vince play tennis with Andy today?B: Sorr

20、y, he cant. He has to go to the doctor and study for a test today.2. 让学生分组表演并评选出优秀表演者。3. 让学生开展小组活动,编对话向对方发出,接受拒绝邀请4. Step5: Progress1 随堂练习 翻译短语和句子2 Homework(见导学案)第四课时【学习内容】SectionB2a2e【学习目标】:掌握下列词汇:invitation, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, goodbye, take a trip, glad, preparation, glue, without

21、, surprised, look forward to, housewarming. 2.重点句型:(1)Thanks so much for planning this. (2) Let me know if you need my help. (3) I look forward to hearing from you all. 【学习重点】:学会用书信的方式发出邀请或接受和拒绝邀请。【学习过程】:Step1: PreparationLead in: 老师询问学生一些问题What kinds of parties do people have ? Can you make a list?

22、 教师根据学生的回答在黑板上列个清单。如:birthday party,_Step2: Presentation1. Learn some new words on Page 69. Read the new words to the students and ask them to repeat.2. Learn2b Skim the messages below. Why did the people write them? Match the reason with each message below.3.教师讲解重点短语和疑难句子。 3. 听录音,并让学生跟读课文。4. 学生再自己阅

23、读理解课文。Step3: Practice用2b短文中的信息完成2c中的问题。1. What kind of party is it?2. Who is the party for?3. When is the party?4. Who did David incite to the party?5. What can people do at the party?Step4:Production 用2b中出现的单词和短语完成2d中的邀请函。 We are planning a housewarming _ at our new house this Saturday. Can you _?

24、Our house is at 2London Road. We are serving _ and _ from 3:30 P.m. Please _ your friends and family. A party is more _ with more people! Please let us _ by Wednesday _ you can come to the party. Hope you can make it!Step5: Progress1向学生解释2e活动要求,先与一位学生做示范对话。A:Why is she one of your favorite teachers?

25、 B: Because she is very kind.A: What do you want to say to her?B: I want to say2.学生四人一组为单位完成该任务,然后汇报表演。3布置作业第五课时【学习内容】3a4【学习目标】:1.掌握下列词汇:opening, concert, smartly, headmaster, event, guest, calendar. 2.重点句型:(1)I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.(2) Pleas

26、e dress smartly (3) What will happen after this?【学习重点】:如何写电子邮件或便条来回复邀请.【学习过程】:Step1: Preparation Warm-in 利用PPT上的提示找几组学生进行对话练习来巩固上节课的内容。Step2: Presentation1. Learn some new words on Page 71. Read the new words to the students and ask them to repeat.2. Learn3a Read the invitation and answer the questi

27、ons.3.教师讲解重点短语和疑难句子。 3. 听录音,并让学生跟读课文。4. 学生再自己阅读理解。Step3: Practice用邀请函中的信息完成下列的问题。1. Who is making the invitation?2. What is the invitation for?3. When will the even happen?4. What will happen after this?5. What kind of clothes should people wear?6. Do parents have to bring anything?7. How should peo

28、ple reply to this invitation, and when?Step4:Production Task 写作练习1让学生根据3b的要求,模仿3a写一封邀请函.2小组成员向搭档发出邀请,并回复对方的邀请。若拒绝邀请,则给出一个合适的理由。然后用笔写下来。3. 找几位学生朗读他们的邀请及回复。Step5: Progress1.把下列日程安排表画在黑板上,然后向学生提问,从而引导学生如何制定周安排.Lucys CalendarMonday TuesdayWednesdayTuesdayFridaySaturday &SundayMorningSchoolSchoolSchoolSc

29、hoolSchoolAfternoonBabysit my sisterHave a guitar lessonVisit my auntEveningDo homeworkHelp my motherDo homeworkGo shoppingT: Suppose you are Lucy. And answer my questions.T:Can you go to the movies this week?S1: Sure, Id love to. When?T: What are you doing on Monday evening?S1: I have to do my home

30、work.T: Well. What are you doing on Friday afternoon ?S1: Im going shopping.T: What are you doing Tuesday evening?S1: Nothing. I can go with you.2. Pair work. Practice the conversation in Part 4 on page 72 in pairs.学习询问彼此的日程安排,从而决定出共同做某事的时间.3. Finding a partner.T: First make a reasonable calendar for a week on vacation .Then invite one friend to do something together with you.S: First make a calendar for a week. Then make a conversation to invite a partner.4布置作业第六课时【学

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