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1、人教版高一英语教案第十二单元Unit 12 Art and literature. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about art and literatureRevise making decisions and giving opinionsReview the Attributive ClauseDesign a film poster.目标语言功能句式Making decisions and giving opinionsWhat shall we do?Would you like to.Id like to .May be we could. Id pref

2、er.Which do you prefer. or.?Cant we .?There are several things we could do.词汇四会词汇: literature, comedy, local, exhibition, power, magic, trick, series, forehead, treat, unhappy habit, village, shoulder, whisper, stupid, announcement, character, realistic, fantasy认读词汇: Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso

3、, romantic, Harry Potter, JK Rowling, scar Miserable, Hogwarts, witchcraft, wizardry, wizard, Pete词组: a series of, in trouble, come across, believe in, turn around重点词汇: Literature, magic power, comedy, poster, announcement, realistic, fantasy结构Review the Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive C

4、lauses.重点句子1. The books are about magic and strange creatures, but they still tell us about something about the real world. P 802. He learns the truth about his past, a dark secret that will make life and his choices more difficulty. P 813. You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want

5、 to succeed in the worldthe magical world of Hogwarts and the real one. P 814. Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not important as what he or she grows up to be. P815. It was almost as if the creature was watching them. P 836. If only they could find a way to get to the room, or w

6、hatever it was, behind the wall. P 837. When we read or write something, we do much more than. P 154III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以art and literature为话题,旨在通过单元教学, 使学生了解不同的文学、艺术形式;学会做出决定和提出看法;能用所学的art and literature的词汇描述一幅世界名画;能创设一个名画展,并能向他人介绍, 能设计画展、电影海报, 能写出书评, 能通过想象编写故事。. 1. 1 WARMING UP 提供了四幅名画, 让学生辨

7、别他们的作者、这些作者的国籍,以及画的主题内容,帮助学生增加相关知识。教材设计的三个问题旨在指导学生鉴赏世界名画, 同时也培养学生用英语谈论名画的能力。 1. 2 LISTENING部分提供了三段材料,话题涉及参加画展,观看演出等活动。内容设计的目的是让学生学会捕捉信息要点。听清具体的内容, 地点, 时间和价格。 1. 3 SPEAKING设计了邀请朋友看电影,了解艺术节两个情景。要求学生用打电话的方式询问相关事宜以及回答有关事宜的安排情况,锻炼打电话交流信息的能力。 1. 4 PRE-REDING是READ的热身活动。设计的三个问题引导学生讨论,了解本世纪初风靡全球的小说和电影Harry P

8、otter,并了解魔术。 1. 5 READING介绍了英国作家JK.Rowling的系列小说Harry Potter及其主人公Harry Potter的生活、学习、性格和信念。 1. 6 POSTREADING中的第一个训练题的几个问题都需要学生在深刻理解课文的基础上才能作答,重点是训练学生的概括能力。而第二个选择正误训练题需要学生在掌握细节的基础上才能作答,目的是训练学生对细节的理解。1. 7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇学习分两部分。练习一是单词配对,训练学生对单词的理解和用英语解释英语的能力。练习二和练习三涉及到构词法,训练学生掌握形容词后缀-al和前缀-fo

9、re,目的是让学生了解构词法,扩大词汇量。语法学习是复习非限制性定语。通过连句子加以巩固。 1. 8 INTERATING SKILLS中的阅读任务是要求学生阅读小说片段“问题”,并写出该故事的结尾,然后与同学分享。其目的是培养学生的想象力和合作学习的能力。写作部分是让学生根据提供的情景和要求写一张电影海报,旨在培养学生的创造力、说服力和英语写作技巧。2. 教材重组2.1 从训练目的上看,WAMING UP与SPEAKING 以及WORKBOOK 中的TALKING相一致,从教材份量上分析,可将这三部分整合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。 2.2 将LISTNING 与WORKBOOK中的LIS


11、型设计与课时分配(根据对教材和学情的分析,本单元可分六课时教授) 1st period 口语课 2nd period 听力课 3rd period 阅读课 4th period 语法课 5th period 泛读课 6th period 写作课IV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语: literature, romantic, comedy b. 交际用语 What shall we do? Would you like to.? Id like to. M

12、aybe we could. Id prefer to. Which do you prefer.or.? Cant we.? There are several things we could do.2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. Enable the Ss to decide which paintings and painters they like, which films they want to see and what they can do at the art festival. b. Enable the Ss to tell the others the

13、ir opinions with the target language.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to invite their friends to see the films and learn about the festival by telephone.Teaching important points 教学重点 Get the Ss to learn to use the structures of making decisions and giving opinionsTeaching diffic

14、ult points 教学难点 How to tell the friends about the films and the art festival and try to get them to go with the Ss.Teaching methods 教学方法 Cooperative method Teaching aids 教具准备 a computer and a projectorTeaching procedures 教学过程Step I RevisionCheck the homework assigned in the last lesson. 1. Check the

15、 Ss writings. 2. Check if the students find out which countries the four painters are from. T: Hello, boys and girls! Please check your writings with each other first. (After a while) Have you found out which countries the four painters are from?Ss: Yeah.Now compare your notes with your partner.Step

16、 II Warming upTalk about the pictures.T: Now, Ill narrate the resume of the painters and youll guess who they are. 1. He is a painter of Holland. He lived in the nineteenth century. He is famous for his emotional expression in painting. His great works include Bedroom at Arles, Starry Night and Crow

17、s in the Wheatfields. 2. He is an Italian painter. He lived during the 15th and 16th century. He is well-known for his works like the Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Besides, he is also a sculptor, architect, engineer and scientist. 3. He is a Spanish painter. He is widely known as the most important art

18、ist of the 20th century. But many people say it is not easy to understand his paintings. 4. He is a Chinese painter. He lived a very long life, crossing two centuries, from 1864 to 1957. He is not only good at painting, but good at making poems and sculpture.T: Please tell me who they are.Sa: No.1 i

19、s Vincent van Gogh.Sb: No.2 is Leonardo da Vinci.Sc: No.3 is Pablo Picasso. Sd: No.4 is Qi Baishi.T: Now, discuss the three questions below the pictures. (After a discussion) Who want to tell us your favorite paintings? Sa: I like Leonardo da Vincis Mona LisaSb: The paintings about nature like mount

20、ains, rivers, flowers and birds are my favorite, so I enjoy Qi Baishis.Sc: Im fond of Xu Beihongs horses.T: Who want to give us a description of your favorite paintings?Sd: I prefer Mona Lisa very much. Her smile seems to be changeable. Sometimes she is happy and gentle; sometimes she is serious and

21、 a little bit sad; sometimes she mocks and sneers. There is a veil over her eyes and lips. Her smile is difficult to ascertain and forget.Se: I like Qi Baishis shrimps. Look at the picture. The shrimps are of different forms and vivid. Their bodies seem transparent and they seem to be swimming or ju

22、mping. They are really true to life. The picture is of great sense of beauty.Sf: My favorite is Zhen Bangqiaos Black Bamboos. In the picture the bamboos erect tall and straight. The branches reach out of the picture. A poem is written vertically downward. Its mainly made up of vertical lines. Its of

23、 fine lines and gigantic stature.T: Who volunteer to give us your answer to the last question?Sh: In the picture a boy is almost buried by piles of books. In front of him are Chinese, Math and English books; on his right are Physics, Chemistry and Biology books; on his left are History, Geography an

24、d politics books. The boy is me. Si: Its an early spring. All the flowers are booming. A girl with a colorful flower ringing on her head smells the fresh air in the sea of flowers jumping and laughing. The girl is me.Step SpeakingDo some preparations guided by the teacher and then get the Ss to ask

25、each other questions in pairs using the given role cards and information. Finally ask some of them to act out.T: Talking about art, we often think of paintings. Can you name any other kinds of arts?Ss: music, drama, comedy, sculpture. Architecture, writing, TV play, film, Peking opera.T: Good! They

26、are all arts. And I know most of you have your favorite film stars and you wont miss any films performed by them. But whats on in the cinema thisweekend?Ss: Im sorry I dont know.T: Maybe we can call someone else to ask about it. But if you are calling to see whether your friend wants to go to see a

27、film, what would you say? Sa: Hi, Tom, this is Mary speaking. Would you like to see a film this evening?Sb: Hello, Joe, this is Jane. Would you prefer to see a film on Sunday? T: If you want to try to get him or her to go with you, what would you say?Sc: Its said the film is full of adventures and v

28、ery exciting.Sd: The film is performed by your favorite film-star Cheng Long. You never miss any films performed by him, do you?T: If your friend asks you about the film, what shall he ask?Se: Whats the film about?Sf: When is the film shown?Sg: Who is the main character?Sh: How much are the tickets?

29、Situation 1T: Now, here are two pieces of film information on Page 79. Read them quickly and then work together with your partner to make up a dialogue. (After a while) Which pairs would like to act out your dialogue?A: Hi Jack, this is Peter speaking. Would you like to see a film on Sunday?B: Which

30、 film do you want to see? A: Well, I have read about two films. One is called Last Chance. Its about a hero who tries to save his girl friend and its an action film.B: It sounds that there will be a lot of shootings and fights. Whats the other film? A: Its called Under the Moon. Its said that its a

31、romantic comedy and its full of fun.B: I prefer action films. They are much more exciting. So Id like to see the former. When is it shown?A: Sunday 6 pm at the Red Sun Cinema. B: Great! How much are the tickets? A: $ 3. Not too much.B: No problem, but what about you? A: Of course, Ill go with you. I like comedy too. B: Ok, Ill call for you at 5:30 pm on Sunday. Bye.A: Bye.Situation 2T: lets do more practice. Go through Situation 2 on Page 79 and 80 quickly and make up another dialogue. (After a while) Who want to perform yours?A: Liberty Park. This is Mary. What can I do for you?B: Id li

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