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1、泸教牛津版Unit2Bodylanguage练习广州最新版Unit 2 Body Language 写出下列短语对应的英文1的用途 _2 肢体语言_3 在交流中_4 提出/接受/拒绝建议_5 的含义_6 发生_7 俯视_8 仰视_9 坐直身体_10 看上去无聊_11 一份兼职工作_12 一位穿着讲究的女士_13 向走过去_14 代替_15 立刻_16 留下一个好印象_17提醒某人某事_18 此时_19 反复考虑它_ 20 主动提出做某事_21 以开始/结束_22 根据 _23 类型的_24 描述_25 很小的时候_26 生气_27 擅长_28和某人交流_29稍微,一点儿_30离远_31对某事不

2、高兴_32例如_33太多_34感到紧张_35建立_36参加_37同某人握手_38 怎么了?_39 使某人做某事_40 决定做某事_41 尝试做某事_42 有好机会去做某事_43盼望做某事_44对做某事感兴趣_45 为什么不做某事?_46做某事怎么样?_47最好做某事_48 不间断地做某事_49考虑做某事_Reading一、完成句子1 Simon 叹气走开了。Simon _ and _ _.2 人们总是选择Debbie而不是我。People always _ Debbie _ _me.3 她的身势语使人们感到很舒服,因此他们向她求助。Her body language is _ people _

3、 _, so they _ _ _ _ _.4 他坐直并且试着人们微笑。He _ _ _ and tried _ _ _ people.二、单项选择1 My cousin has got a chance _ in the UK next year. How lucky he is!A working B work C to work D worked2 The top students often say _ English for 15minutes every day is one of the good ways to improve English.A reading B read

4、C reads D to reading3 -Mr. Green looked very worried yesterday.- Yes. He left the classroom without _ a word.A to say B say C said4 You dont give people a good _, so people choose Debbie instead of you.A impression B instruction C impressive D instruct5 A few moments _, she left with a smile.A after

5、 B before C later D late6 (2013*株洲)All the Chinese people must work hard _ China Dream.A to realize B realize C realizing7 (2013*广州) -I didnt hear you come in just now.-Thats good. We tried _ any noise, for you were sleeping.A not make B not to make C to make D making8 (2013*乌鲁木齐) Why not _ your tea

6、cher for help when you cant finish _ the story by yourself?A to ask; write B to ask; writing C ask; writing D asking; to write 三、完成单词1 Jack had to do some p_ jobs to pay for his daily cost when he was a student.2 When I knew that I got the first prize in the English competition, I told my mum c_ at

7、once.3 You made a good i_ on her.4 These old pictures can always r _ me of my happy childhood.5 C _ is more than just speaking.Listening and Grammar一、完成句子1 Debbie 擅长与人交流。Debbie _ _ _ communicating with people.2 我妈妈对下象棋感兴趣。My mother _ _ _ playing chess.3 芭蕾舞演员从很小的时候就开始训练。Ballet dancers start _ at an

8、_ age.4 闭上眼睛可以表明你正在思考。_ _ _ can show that you are thinking.5 他喜欢读书。He _ _ _.二、单项选择1 The mouse is in danger now. Its _ are followed by the big cat.A move B moving C movement D movements2 It sounds _ to catch fish but _ them is even better.A wonderfully; eating B wonderful; eatingC wonderfully; eat D

9、wonderful; eat3 - Can you tell me what happed at that time?- Yes, sir. I noticed him _ when I walked into the shop.A stealing B steal C stole D stolen4 Mr. Zhang always _ us to try our best to speak English in class.A stops B warns C encourages D prevents5 I havent had my dinner yet because I have _

10、 work to do.A too much B too many C much too D many too6 (2012 广州二模) -_ a bike to school is good for your health.-Sure, and it is also good for our environment.A To riding B Ride C For riding D Riding7 (2012 广州一模) Making pictures in your mind _ also a good way for you to memorize things.A is B are C

11、 has D have8 (2012 广州一模) Jackets with GPS technology can keep you from _ lost.A get B getting C to getting D got9 (2010 广州)-We dont have much homework this weekend. Shall we go out together?- OK. What about _ a movie?A to see B seeing C see D sees10 (2013 广州模拟) She cleaned her home and thought about

12、 _ some flowers, but there wasnt time.A buy B to buy C bought D buyingSpeaking and Writing单项选择1 He made much money and his name became famous _ the country.A from B at C throughout D for2 _ a telescope, you can see a few stone lions lie on the top of the mountain.A Has B Have C With D By3 -_ the sol

13、diers are very tired, _ they keep on working.-They are great. We must learn from them.A Because; / B Although; / C Because; so D Although; but4 My cousin will make up an excuse _ he is late for school.A every time B all the time C from time to time D in no time5 -Who is Li Minhao? Do you know?- Yes,

14、 of course. Hes been known as one of _ in Korea these years.A the famous actor B the famous actors C the most famous actor D the most famous actors6 -What about going to the South Lake for a picnic next weekend?- OK. But I dont know _ it will rain or not.A if B why C when D whether7 -Sam, do you kno

15、w if Alice _ to my party next week?- I think she will come if she _ free.A comes; is B comes; will be C will come; is D will come; will be8 My uncle didnt buy the house because of _ money.A a lack of B too many C too few D enough9 -Connie, do you know Jeremy Lin?-Yes. He _ a rising star in NBA.A is

16、considered B is considered as C is considered to be D all of above10 Disney is famous for its cartoon characters _ Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White.A for example B such as C as D likes11 (2013*襄阳) -Driving less, walking more is good for our health.-So Id rather _ an hours walk than co

17、nsider _ a car.A take; drive B take; to drive C take; driving D taking; driving12 (2013) He wants to have his TV_.A repairing B repaired C to repair13 (2013湖北黄石) Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.A walk; telling B entering; to speak C enter; to tell D walking; talking

18、More practice, culture corner and project1 Im sorry I cant see you tomorrow afternoon. Lets make it _ time.A others B another C the others D the other2 _ before the interview is the symbol of being polite.A Shake hands B Shook hands C Shaken hands D Shaking hands3 Its bad for small children to spend

19、 too much time _ computer games.A plays B in playing C in D to play4 Will you make arrangements for us to meet tomorrow, so that we can discuss this matter _ a friendly way?A in B on C with D by5 If Mr. Brown _ free tomorrow, he _ here together with his son.A is; comes B will be; comes C is; will co

20、me D will be; will come6(2013*杭州)Shes not strong enough_ walking up mountains.A to go B going C go D went7(2013*河北)The children decide _ their schoolyard this Friday afternoon.A clean B to clean C cleaning D cleaned8 (2013*北京) Our teacher often asks us _ questions in groups.A discuss B to discuss C

21、discussing D discussed9(2013*天津) He promised_ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.A see B seeing C saw D to see完成句子1 David 不在乎他是赢还是或输。David does not care _ he wins _ loses.2 这只黑猩猩骄傲得翘起下巴来了。The chimpanzee feels proud to _ _ _ _.3 她穿的新裙子和你的很相似。Her new dress shes wearing _ _ _ yours.4 那个可怜的乞丐正挨家挨

22、户地乞讨食物。The poor beggar _ _ _ food from door to door.5 我和我的家人住在靠山的一栋房子。I live with my family in a house _ _ some mountains.6 他把大部分闲暇时间用来网上聊天。He _ most of his spare time _ online.7 我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。I _ _ going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.8 Kelly 直视着那个男孩,什么也没说。Kelly _ the boy _ _ _ and said nothing.9 确保每个学生课堂上都坐直。_ _ each student _ _ _ in class.10 有人看见小偷向电影院方向逃走了。The thief was seen to run away _ _ _ _ the cinema.

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