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2、一、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案。( )1.Mum,ImgoingonapicnicwithmyfriendstodayHave _ good day.A. a B. an C. /( )2.WhenwillthemovieTheKingLion狮子王returntomovietheatresinAmerica?_ July.A. On B.At C.In( )3.Timgotfour _ fromhisrelativesonChildrensDay.A. toy B. toys C. toies( )4.whatstheweatherlikeinsummerhere?It

3、shot.Sometimesitrains _.A.clearly B. heavily C. carefully( )5.Whichsportdoyouprefer,volleyball _ basketball?Iprefervolleyball.A. or B. and C. but( )6.Kidslikereadingstorieswhichcanmakethem _. A. laugh B.tolaugh C. laughing( )7.Wellcelebratethe _ NationalDaythisyear.Thatsreallyexciting。A.seventy

4、venteen C.seventieth( )8.Lucy,lookatthestarsinthesky._!A.Whatbrightitis B.Howbrighttheyare C.Whatbrighttheyare( )9.Somestudentsdontknowhowto _ worries.Theycanasktheirteachersandparentsforhelp。Abelongto B.dealwith C.callin( )10.Learningisalifelongjourneybecausewecanlearn _ everyday.A.nothingnew Bnews

5、omething C.somethingnew( )11.Whenwe _buildingtheSubwayLine3,itwillbeeasiertotravelaroundthecity.A.finish B.finished C.willfinish( )12.Excuseme,couldyoutellme _?Certainly.Goalongthestreetandyouwillfinditontheright.A.howcanIgettotheradiostationB. howIcangettotheradiostationC. whyIcangettotheradiostati

6、on( )13.Haveyougotreadyforthesoccergame?Yes.Ivedoneeverything _ Icantowinthegame.A. who B. that C.which( )14.HI,Tom! _ youever _ the Birds Nest?Yes.Ihave.Itfantastic.A.Have, been to B.Have, goneto C.Did,goto( )15. Journey to the West is a traditional _ book. It has been translated into different lan

7、guages.A. American B. British C. Chinese( )16. Small things can make a big difference to the environment. In daily life, we can _ protect the environment.give out food to homeless peopleuse cloth bags instead of plastic bagsturn off the lights when leaving a roomhelp the old people in the neighborho

8、odride bikes or walk to school rather than go to school by carA. B. C. ( )17. Jim went shopping and spent 100 dollars on these following things yesterday. The school things cost him _ dollars.Food for dinnerClothesPens and pencilsNotebooks35%50%10%A. 5 B. 10 C. 15( )18.Whichpairofthewordswiththeunde

9、rlined(划线的)lettershasdifferentsounds?A.thickboth B. chessstomach C.breadhealth( )19.Inthefollowingwords,whichunderlined(划线的)letterhasadifferentsoundfromtheothers?A. duck B. brush C. human( )20.Whichofthefollowingwordsdoesnthavethesamestress(重音)astheothers?A. Borrow. B.Above. C.Hurry二、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题

10、1分) The summer vacation is coming. During the vacation, you can do what you like and prepare yourself for the future. Youll enjoy this period of time to the fullest with the help of the following _21_.Take exercise. After working hard for months, you must be bored. Taking exercise is the best way to

11、 get _22_ again. Swimming and walking are perfect choices for you. All kinds of exercise _23_ your health.Master some basic life skills. You will live an _24_ life one day. Therefore, you should learn some necessary and useful skills such as washing clothes and cooking. At the same time, you can hel

12、p your parents _25_ housework to express your thanks to them.Gotravelling.Theworldisabook.Thosewhodonttravelonlyreadonepage.Travellingisso _26_.Haveyoumadeyour owntravelplan?Ifnot,doit_27_! Duringthetrip,youwill haveachance tolearnmoreknowledge. While learning about different culturesand customs. Yo

13、uwillalsomakealot offriend.Enjoytimewithfamilymembers.Familymembersplayanimportantroleinyourlife.Theygive youlove, careandsupportallthetime.Dont_28_tospare sometimetogettogetherwiththem.Youwill find _29_greattostaywiththem, talkingabout dreams,hobbiesoranythingyoulike. _30_youfollowwhatismentionedab

14、ove,youwillhaveawonderful vacation.( )21.A. suggestions B.classes C. teams ( )22.A. danger B. money )23. A.aregoodat B.aregoodfor C.aregoodwith( )24. A.asleep B.impolite C.independent( )25.A.for B.with )26.A. terrible B.useless C.interesting( )27.A.sofar B.atonce C.nolonger( )

15、rget B.toforget Cforgetting( ) B. one C.that( )30.A.Though B.Evenif C.Aslongas三、阅理解(本题共20分每小题1分)(A)Tina graduated from college. Several days later, she got a new job. She would work in the biggest company(公司) in her city. Her friends admired her very much.On her first workday, Tina arrived at

16、 8:45 a.m. She took the lift to the 11th floor(楼层), and a clerk showed her where her desk was. As a green hand, she didnt know what to do, so she tried to talk to the girls who sat near her in the office. However, they were not friendly to her. After a while, a young boss came in. Tina was surprised

17、 that the boss was not the old man who interviewed her several days ago. The boss gave her a lot of reports to write. But when she began to write, she found that she had much trouble understanding the reports. She spent almost the whole day trying to do the work. At 5:30p.m. it was time to go home.

18、Although most of the reports werent finished, she got into the lift. On the 10th floor. she was greeted by John, the old man who interviewed her several days ago. Tina! he said, Why didnt you work with us today? All of a sudden,Tina realized she mistook the 11th floor for the 10th floor. Oh, my God!

19、 she answered. After hearing this, John couldnt help laughing. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )31. The underlined(划线的) words “a green hand” most probably mean _.A. a person without experienceB. a person caring about he environmentC. a person doing well in growing vegetables( )32. Tina was surprised because _.A. she

20、 was not allowed to leave the companyB. the young boss wasnt the man who interviewed herC. the bosses in the two companies refused her in the interviews( ) 33. Tina spent _ trying to finish the reports.A. almost the whole dayB. almost the whole morningC. almost the whole afternoon( ) 34. Which of th

21、e following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Tina moved to another city for a new job.B. The girls sitting near Tina were unfriendly to her.C. Tina arrived at the company at 5:30 a.m. on her first workday.( )35. “_” can be the missing sentence in the passage.A. I forgot the interview date!B. I ha

22、ve finished all the reports!C. I have been in the wrong office all day!(B)The Volunteers for the Ice and Snow FestivalItemNameJackDu YueMikeZhang NaAge25283128NationalityAmericanChineseEnglishChineseJobCoachNurseSingerTour guidePersonalityFriendlyQuietHumorousoutgoingVolunteering experience(s)Helpin

23、g during the City Art Festival in 2016Volunteering at an animal hospital in 2013 and 2015Teaching children music at school in the countrysideworking at an animal care centre twiceWord Box: item项目;personality性格根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( )36. Jack helped during the City Art Festival _.A. in 2013 B. in 2015 C.

24、 in 2016( )37. Mike is _ Zhang Na.A. three years older than B. as old as C. three years younger than( )38. Du Yue and Zhang Na _.A. have similar volunteering experiencesB. come from different countriesC. have the same personality( )39.IfsomeoneishurtduringtheIceandSnowFestival, _ maybethemostsuitabl

25、eto help.A.Jack B.DuYue C.Mike( )40.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtotheform(表格)above?A.Mikewhotaughtchildrenmusicishumorous.B.ThetwogirlsvolunteeredattheOlympics.C.JackfromEnglandisatourguide.(C)Peterlivedinavillage.Hewassadrecentlybecausehethoughtthathehadnothingleft.Oneday, Peterwentto askawis

26、emanforhelp.Hesaidtothewise man,Ihavenothingleft,soIdontwantto live.Thewisemansmiledsympathetically(同情地)The wise man took out a piece of paper and drew a straight line down the middle. He explained that hewouldwritedownthethingsPeterhadlostonthe leftsideand thethings Peterstillhadon the right side.T

27、hewisemanasked, “Whendidyourfamilyleaveyou?”“Whatdoyoumean?Theyhaventleftme.Theyloveme!”“Thatsgreat!” saidthewiseman.“ThenthatwillbethefirstthingontherightsideFamily haventleft.Now,doyouhavefreedom(自由)?”“Thatsasillyquestion.OfcourseIdo!” “Good!ThatsthesecondoneontherightsideYouhavefreedom!” saidthew

28、iseman, writing it down.AfterPeterwasaskedsomemorequestionsinthesameway,hefinallyunderstoodand smiled. “Thingswillchangewhenyouthinkoftheminadifferentway!” hesaid.Asamatteroffact,changeyourattitudeandyouwillchangeyourworld.Itsnecessarytohavea positive(积极的)attitudetolife.根据短文内容判断正、误。(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)( )41.Peterthoughthehadnothingleft,sohewassadrecently.( )42.Petersfamilydidntlovehimandlefthim.( )43.Theanswertothesecondquestionwaswrittendownontheleftside.( )44.ThewisemanaskedPetermorethantwoqu

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