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本文(船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准计算书标准格式.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准计算书标准格式船舶未经处理生活污水排放速率标准计算书CALCULATION OF STANDARDS FOR THE RATE船名OF DISCHARGE OF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPSXXXXNAME OF SHIP: XXXX1.说明:a) 根据经 MEPC.164(56)决议修订的73/78 防污公约附则IV 第11.1.1 条的规定: “船舶在距最近陆地 3 海里以外,使用主管机关按照本附 则第 9.1.2 条所认可的设备,排放业经粉碎和消毒的生活污水,或在 距最近陆地 12 海里以外排放未经粉碎或消毒的生活污水。但不论哪

2、种情况,不得将集污舱中储存的生活污水,或来自装有活动物处所的 生活污水即刻排光,而应在船舶以不低于 4 节的航速航行时,以适当 的速率排放;排放速率应经主管机关根据本组织制订的标准 1予以认可。”b) 本组织制订的标准 1系指由国际海事组织 MEPC.15(7 55)号决议通过的 “船舶排放未经处理的生活污水的速率标准的建议”。c) 本计算书系根据上述标准进行计算,将和 MEPC15(7 55)号决议(见 附件)一起存放于船上。2.船舶主要参数:船名: XXXX船舶呼号: XXXXIMO 编号 : XXXXXXX船旗国: XXXX铺设龙骨日期: XXXX总吨位 : XXXX船长(柱间长): X

3、XXX型宽: XXXX型深: XXXX最小吃水: XXXX最大夏季吃水: XXXX最大航行速度(节): XXXX集污舱容积 (m3) :XXXX3.最大允许排放率的计算:最大允许排放率DR max 0.00926Vmax D max B= XXXX其中,DRmax 为最大允许排放率(m3/h ),Vmax 为船舶最大航行速度(节), Dmax 为船舶最大夏季吃水( m),B 为船宽( m)。最大允许排放率指的是任何 24 小时的时间段计算出的平均速率, 或如果排放时间小于 24 小时,在时间段内的平均速率,在每小时的基础 上测量时可以超过,但不高于 20。注:1. 对于不同的吃水情况,需要确定

4、出的船舶计算 VDB,最大至包括 根据 1966年国际载重线公约第 3 条勘划的夏季吃水。2. 如果船舶使用标准在固定速率的泵从污水舱排放生活污水, 该泵 可以:校准到 4 节航速时的允许排放率;或者校准到超过 4 节航速的某一具体最小航速时的允许排放速率。4.次级排放率的计算如果预期的实际排放率超过 4 节航速时的允许值,需要减少实际排 放率或增加航速。在吃水和速度的不同组合下排放生活污水,次级排放 率DRmax0.00926VDB其中,DRmax为 最大允许排放率( m3/h ),V 为船舶在该段时间内的 平均速度(节), D 为船舶吃水( m),B 为船宽( m)。用表格的形式来表现,具

5、体的速率和速度结果给出如下表: ( 下表内数 据为举例,具体船舶应根据实际技术条件计算 )排放速率( m3/h)速度( kt )吃水 (m)4 knots5 knots6 knots7 knots 最大航速最小吃水 3.704.635.566.486 m4.445.566.677.787 m5.196.487.789.078 m5.937.418.8910.379 m6.678.3310.0011.67.最大夏季吃水.5.对排放速率的遵守在根据本标准进行生活污水排放时,负责生活污水操作的船员应确 保船舶正在航行之中,距最近陆地的距离超过 12 海里,航行速度与主管 机关批准的排放速率相一致。鼓

6、励排放要求高的船舶保持其实际排放计 算记录,以便表明其符合经批准的速率。1. Introductiona)According to MARPOL ANNEX IV Regulation 11.1.1 with amendment by MEPC.164(56)(Discharge of sewage)“the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using a system approved by the Administration in accordance with regulation 9.1.2 of this

7、Annex at a distance of more than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land, or sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected, at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, provided that, in any case, the sewage that has been stored in holding tanks, or sewage originating from spac

8、es containing living animals, shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate when the ship is en route and proceeding at not less than 4 knots; the rate of discharge shall beapproved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the Organization1;:b)“ standards developed by

9、 the Organization1 ”he re means the standard adopted by IMO MEPC.157 (55 ),“RECOMMENDATION ON STANDARDS FOR THE RATE OF DISCHARGE OF UNTREATED SEWAGE FROM SHIPS ” (Herewith attached after this calculation )c)This approved calculation is carried out in accordance with above standard andshall be provi

10、ded onboard together with Resolution MEPC157 (55)。2. Ship s principal Parameters :Name of Ship : XXXXCall Sign : XXXXIMO number : XXXXKeel Laid : XXXXFlag State : XXXXGross Tonnage : XXXXShips Length(b.p.) : XXXXBreadth moulded : XXXXDepth moulded : XXXXMinimum Draft: XXXXMaximum Summer Draft : XXXX

11、Max.ship s speed : XXXXCapacity of sewage holding tank( m) :XXXX3 Calculation of maximum permissible discharge rate :maximum permissible discharge rateDR max 0.00926VmaxD max B=XXXXWhere:DRmax is maximum permissible discharge rate (m 3/h)Vmax is ship s average speed (knots) over the periodDmax is ma

12、ximum summer draft (m)The maximum permissible discharge rate refers to the average rate as calculated over any 24 hour period, or the period of discharge if that is less, and may be exceeded by no more that 20% when measured on an hourly basis.The calculated swept volume of the ship is to be determi

13、ned for drafts up to and including the summer draft assigned in accordance with Article 3 of International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.Where a ship is to discharge sewage from a holding tank using a pump calibratedat a fixed rate, the pump can either be:- calibrated at a the rate permitted at 4 k

14、nots; or- calibrated for a specific minimum ship s speed in excess of 4 knots.4 Calculation of secondary discharge ratesWhere sewage is to be discharged at a different combination of draft and speed one or more secondary discharge rates should also be calculated.DRmax0.00926VDBWhere:DRmax is maximum

15、 permissible discharge rate (m 3/h)V is ship s average speed (knots) over the periodD is ship s draft (m) 。The calculation can be indicated by below table : (For example only,which shouldbe calculated in line with actual ship s condition)DISCHARGE RA(TEm3/h)SHIP SPEED( kt)DRAFT(m)4 knots5 knots6 kno

16、ts7 knots MAX.SPEEDMIN. DRAFT 3.704.635.566.486 m4.445.566.677.787 m5.196.487.789.078 m5.937.418.8910.379 m6.678.3310.0011.67 MAX.SUM.DRAFT.5 COMPLIANCE WITH THE RATEBefore undertaking a sewage discharge in accordance with member responsible for sewage operations should ensure that the than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land and the navigation the discharge rate that has been approved by the Administration. discharge requirements are encouraged to keep notes of calculations discharges to demonstrate compliance with the approved rate.附件: MEPC157(55) 中英文版

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