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1、大学英语3第3阶段在线作业1分)0.0No matter , the little sisters man aged to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.A)it was snowing hardB)hard it was snowingC)how it was snowing hardD)how hard it was snowing参考答案: D收起解析解析:无2分)0.0Is it possible for you to work late toni ghtA)I like it.B)I II do thatC)I

2、d love to.D)I thi nk so.参考答案: D收起解析解析:无3分)0.0People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware _ he had gone.A)of whereB)of the place whereC)whereD)the place参考答案:A收起解析解析:无4分)5.0This ki nd of material expa nds the temperature in creas ing.A)toB)forC)withD)at参考答案:C收起解析解析:无5 分)5.0Un belie

3、vable! I have failed the driv ing test aga in!This is not the end of the world.A)Good luck.B)Cheer up.C)Go ahead.D)No problem.参考答案: B收起解析解析:无6分) the War of In depe nden ce, the Un ited States was an En glish colony.A)BeforeB)AtC)InD)Betwee n参考答案: A收起解析解析:无7分)0.0The stude nts were all en terta ined i

4、n a Mexica n restaura nt, at Profess or Brian s .A)moneyB)payC)expenseD)loss参考答案:C收起解析解析:无8分)5.0 Hey, Tom, what s upA)Yes, defi nitely!B)Oh, not much.C)What is happe ning in you lifeD)You are lucky.参考答案:B收起解析解析:无9分)0.0A sudde n no ise of a fire-e ngine made him to the door.A)hurry ingB)hurriedC)hurr

5、yD)to hurry参考答案: C收起解析解析:无10分)0.0A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to pay ing his fare.A)avoidB)rejectC)refuseD)n eglect参考答案:A收起解析解析:无11分)0.0How was your trip to London, JaneA)Oh, won derful in deed.B)I went there alone.C)The guide showed me the wayD)by plane a nd by bus.参考答案

6、:A收起解析解析:无12分)5.0Do you mi nd my smok ing hereA)No, tha nks.B)Yes, I do.C)Yes, I d rather not.D)Good idea.参考答案: B收起解析解析:无13分)0.0If she wants to stay thin, she must make ain her diet.A)changeB)turnC)runD)bus参考答案: A收起解析解析:无14分)0.0While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo,is very useful n

7、ow for me.A)itB)whichC)thatD)what参考答案: B收起解析解析:无15分)5.0 This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.You may ask for help.B)Let me give you a hand.C)Please do me a favor.D)I d come to help参考答案: B收起解析解析:无16分)5.0i wonder if i could use your computer tonight i m not usi ng it right now.A)Sure, go ahe

8、ad.B)I don t know.C)It doesn t matter.D)Who cares参考答案:A收起解析解析:无17分)0.0Tom, what did you do with my docume nts I have n ever see n such a and disorder!A)massB) messC)guessD)bus参考答案: B收起解析解析:无18分)5.0David injured his leg playing football yesterday.Really A)Who did thatB)What s wrong with himC)How did

9、that happe nD)Why was he so careless参考答案: C收起解析解析:无19分)0.0Excuse me, could you show me the way to the n earest post office Oh, yes! Two blocks away from here at the Gree n Ave nue. You can t miss it.A)I beg your pard onB)What do you meanC)You re welcome.D)Mm let me think.参考答案:D收起解析解析:无20分) Wow! This is a marvelous room! I ve never known you re so artist ic.A)Great , I am very art-consciousB)Don t men ti on it.C)Thanks for your complime nts.D)It s fine.参考答案:C收起解析解析:无

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