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1、江苏省扬州市江都区届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题江苏省扬州市江都区2020届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题说明:1. 本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题第81题,共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。2. 答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号。3. 所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个

2、能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。1. - Have you seen film Kung Fu Panda3? Isnt it exciting one? - No, its not my cup of tea. A. the; an B. a; the C. a; an D. the; the2. - Mr Li, must I read the book here? - No, you take it home and keep it for a week. A. neednt B. must C. can D. wont 3. _ fantastic time we are having t

3、oday!A. How a B. What a C. What D. How 4. - Do you know the young man was charged _shoplifting?- But I dont think he is guilty_ that crime. A. for; of B. with; of C. of; with D. with; for5. Amy is a _nurse. Each of his patients is _with his kindness and service. A. pleasant; pleasant B. pleased; ple

4、asant C. pleased; pleased D. pleasant; pleased6. _my parents _my best friend, Jim, think I can make a good accountant because Im good at math. A. Both, and B. Not only, but also C. Neither, nor D. Either, or7. They said they would_ the drawing of the suspect on the wall. A. put off B. put up C. put

5、on D. put down8. - Jim knows little English. -_ I failed the English exam again. A. So am I. B. So do I. C. Neither am I. D. Neither do I.9. - _did your uncle leave his hometown? - He _for nearly twenty years. A. When; has left B. When; has been away C. How long; has left D. How long; has been away1

6、0. British people say “please” and “thank you” all the time _ some people in Asia may think it unnecessary. A. while B. when C. until D. since11. - The summit of G20 and B2_successfully in Hangzhou in September. - It was a great success. A. hold B. is holding C. will held D. was held12. - I called y

7、ou this morning, but nobody answered.- Sorry. I _ the flowers in the garden.A. was watering B. am watering C. watered D. has watered13. - I heard that Cao Wenxuan won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize (国际安徒生奖)this year. - Yes, he was the first Chinese writer _ won the prize for childrens literature.

8、 A. who B. whom C. that D. which14. - Hello, Jane! I wonder _. - Voluntary doctors.A. how do they call those persons B. how they call those persons C. what they call those persons D. what do they call those persons15. - Peter, be more careful while taking the exam. . - OK, I will. A. Every dog has i

9、ts day. B. Practice makes perfect. C. Actions speak louder than words. D. A miss is as good as a mile.二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。As a child, I was always told “Dont talk to strangers” and I believed it. However, as I grew older, I became less 16 about this. Is the world rea

10、lly such a bad place? I wanted to see for myself. Against all life advice I 17_ my job and set off to hitchhike( 搭便车旅行)around Europe. I wanted to trust in 18_ and saw if the world was really dangerous.Friends said I was 19 . But I left home on a rainy summer day in England and found myself at a petr

11、ol(汽油) station, feeling rather 20 . “Maybe everyone was right,” I thought. “Maybe I should stop.”But as my doubts grew, a car suddenly 21 to help me. I couldnt believe it, but it was actually happening. I eagerly(渴望地) jumped in and, by the end of the day, found 22 in Belgium. What 23 was half a year

12、 of being invited into the homes of strangers across more than 20 countries. During my journey I was 24 on the side of the road for 227 times. They took me 23000 km across Europe. Along the way we built up the strong 25 which still lasts today.Everyone I met positively influenced upon my journey. I

13、learned that the world is not such a big scary place 26 . I also learned that money is not as 27 as we are led to believe. I almost never paid for accommodation(食宿) and spent little.People have been 28 to be afraid of the unknown. But how can you say the world is a dangerous place if you never step

14、outside your comfortable 29 to see it for yourself? My journey has reminded me that people are 30 . All you have to do is to give them a chance.16. A. doubtful B. certain C. careful D. curious17. A. give up B. give in C. give out D. give away18. A. relatives B. friends C. strangers D. Europeans19. A

15、. right B. reasonable C. believable D. crazy20. A. silly B. happy C. calm D. excited21. A. passed B. broke C. rode D. stopped22. A. himself B. yourself C. myself D. themselves23. A. followed B. happened C. expected D. developed24. A. set up B. picked up C. looked up D. grown up25. A. love B. will C.

16、 confidence D. friendship26. A. in all B. after all C. above all D. of all27. A. necessary B. powerful C. useful D. helpful28. A. thought B. taught C. recognized D. studied29. A. area B. ground C. space D. field30. A. terrible B. selfish C. wonderful D. dangerous三、阅读理解(共l5小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给

17、的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AWONDERFUL EVENTSHorse racing all year roundRaces Starting at 3 p.m. Every SundayRacetrack Only 20 Miles AwayLots of Free Parking SpaceFree PresentsNo Children Allowed100 years of picturesTHEN AND NOW (Photo Show)See the Tajin History From 19002000February 1April 30City Art Museum 750

18、 High StreetTuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. 5 p.m.Weekend salesThis Saturday 26 p.m.EVERYTHING 20%40% OFFVisit Us at Block Grandview MallRealize Your DreamsSave Time and MoneyFall in Love with Prices We OfferDance party CELEBRATE A SPECIAL DATEBringing Your Sweet HeartSUNDAY NIGHT, COUNTRY CLUBLive Band f

19、rom 9 p.m.1 a.m.$25 A Couple (夫妇) $15 A single (单个的) person31. Who can NOT go to the horse race? A. Kids. B. A couple. C. A single person. D. Free parents.32. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party? A. 15 dollars. B. 25 dollars. C. 20%40% off. D. For free.33. Wher

20、e can you see the advertisements above? A. In a book. B. In a magazine C. In a newspaper. D. On TV.BAn eight-year-old girl heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there wa

21、s no one to lend them the money.When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle can save him now,” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.She hurried to a drugstore (药店) with the money in her hand.“And what do you w

22、ant?” asked the salesman.“Its for my little brother,” the girl answered. “Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the salesman.“My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “W

23、e dont sell a miracle here, child. Im sorry,” the salesman said with a smile. “Listen, if it isnt enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.” said the girl.A well-dressed man heard it and asked, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”“I dont know,” she answered wit

24、h her eyes full of tears. “Hes really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought all my money.”“How much do you have?” asked the man. “$ 1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered. “Well, what luck,” smiled the man. “$ 1.11, the price of a mira

25、cle for little brother.”He took up the girls hand and said, “Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Lets see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasnt long b

26、efore Andrew was home again.How much did the miracle cost?34. What was the trouble in the little girls family?A. Nothing could save her brother.B. It was very difficult for Miracle to get in the drugstore.C. They were so poor that no one could lend them money.D. Her brother was badly ill and her fam

27、ily couldnt afford the operation.35. The little girl said again and again “I can try and get some more.” That shows _.A. she had still kept some money B. she thought money was easy to getC. There was no need to worry about money D. she hoped not to be refused 36. What made the miracle happen?A. The

28、girls money. B. The girls love for her brother. C. Nobody can tell. D. The medicine from the drugstore. 37. From the passage we can infer that _.A. The little girl is lovely but not so cleverB. The salesman didnt sell miracle to the girlC. A miracle is sure to happen if you keep onD. Andrew was in f

29、act not so sick as they had thoughtC “You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream. And Ill always love you for it. But I cant love you for much longer. This season is all I have left to give,” Kobe Bryant(科比) wrote these words in his poem Dear Basketball. This 37-year-old basketball player announced

30、 his retirement(退役) with the poem on November 29,2020. Over his 20-year-long career with the Los Angeles Lakers(洛杉矶湖人队),he appeared in the NBA All-Star Game 17 times and won an NBA MVP award, five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. He has proved that he is one of the greatest players in

31、NBA history. But my body knows its time to say goodbye,” Kobe wrote in Dear Basketball. He is now suffering from injuries and aging. His retirement left regrets to his fans and himself. Many fans even cried when Kobe announced his retirement.“Kobe has a great love for the game. I join his millions of fans around the world in thanking him for so many thrilling memories,” said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.38.The unde

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