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高中英语 模块综合测评2 Modules 34 外研版选修6.docx

1、高中英语 模块综合测评2 Modules 34 外研版选修6模块综合测评(二)Modules 34.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe opera house in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is one of the most beautiful opera houses in the United States.It is small and open, with one roof over the stage where singers perform and another roof over part of the audience.This o

2、pera house in the mountain is one of the best opera houses in the country, which may seem surprising because performances are only given during seven weeks in the summer, and because Santa Fe is a very small city.One reason why the Santa Fe Opera is so good is that it attracts many excellent young s

3、ingers.They all hope to sing in famous opera houses like Metropolitan in New York someday, and they work hard to become wellknown during the summer.The musicians and directors are experts who come from the best orchestras (管弦乐队) and operas in the country during their vacations.They enjoy working the

4、re because they like to live in Santa Fe, which is near both the mountains and the desert.It is very beautiful there in summer.The state government of New Mexico advertises the Santa Fe Opera in newspapers all over the country, and a great many tourists come to New Mexico because of the opera.Still,

5、 most of the audience do come from Santa Fe and other nearby cities,and all the seats in the theater are sold for every show.There is only one thing that some people do not like about the Santa Fe Opera, and that is the cold weather.Because the theater is open, performances cannot start before it ge

6、ts dark at nine oclock in the evening, and then the mountain air becomes very cool.Sometimes people complain about the cold air, but because the operas are good, these people come back again wearing warm coats.1This passage mainly introduces Aa mountain city Byoung musiciansCan opera house Dthe tour

7、ists in Santa Fe【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文主要是介绍“the opera house in Santa Fe,New Mexico”。【答案】C2Young singers come to perform in Santa Fe Opera because Athe music quality is highBthey enjoy the climate thereCthey want to be famousDthey like the scenery there【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“They all hope to sing in famous o

8、pera houses like Metropolitan in New York someday,and they work hard to become wellknown during the summer.”可知年轻的音乐家们选择在圣菲歌剧院演出是为了出名。【答案】C3Why do some people NOT like the Santa Fe Opera?ABecause it is always cold all year round.BBecause the theater is open.CBecause there are so many people.DBecause

9、the structure of the opera is not good.【解析】细节理解题。最后一段前两句“There is only one thing that some people do not like about the Santa Fe Opera,and that is the cold weather.Because the theater is open.”说人们不喜欢该剧院的唯一一点就是寒冷,因为剧院是露天的,故选B。【答案】B4From the passage, we can learn that Athe opera house is openBmusician

10、s always spend vacations in Santa FeCthe government advertises to attract moreDperformances are held in Santa Fe only on Sunday【解析】细节理解题。最后一段第二句“.the theater is open.”可知剧院是露天的。【答案】ABAmericans are famous for being friendly to people.Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual(随意的)

11、than friendships among people from other cultures.It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their lifetime, and consider other “friends” to be just social acquaintances (泛泛之交)This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans dis

12、like to be dependent on other people.They tend to “compartmentalize” (划分) friendships, having “friends at work”“friends on the softball team”“family friends” and so forth.Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go.In this hig

13、hly charged atmosphere, Americans sometimes seem abrupt (无礼的) or impatient.They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else.Sometimes, they ask you questions that you may feel very personal.No insult is intended; the questions usually grow out of their true inte

14、rest or curiosity,and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter.And the same goes for you.If you dont understand certain American behavior or you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to ask them questions about themselves.Americans are usually eager to explain all about their count

15、ry or anything “American” in which you may be interested.They explain so much in fact that you may become tired of listening.It doesnt matter because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation.They would rather talk about the weather or the latest sports scores, for instan

16、ce, than deal with silence.On the other hand,dont expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States.Because the United States is geographically distant from many other nations, some Americans tend not to be a

17、ware of what goes on in other parts of the world.5According to the passage, Americans attitude towards friendship is Athat it is unusual to have only one close friendBmore informal than that in other countriesCto regard all friends as only social acquaintancesDto divide friends into several grades【解

18、析】推理判断题。由第一段第二句可以推知美国人对待友谊较为随意,不太正式。【答案】B6The words “highly charged” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean “ ”Aextremely expensiveBmuch cheerfulChighly responsibleDfull of mobility and change【解析】词义猜测题。认真阅读并分析其所在句及前一句可知,该词组是对前面一句话内容的概括,由此可见应表示“充满流动性和变化的”。【答案】D7What can we learn from the passage?AAmerican

19、s know a lot about international affairs.BFriendships among Americans tend to be more formal.CAmericans always seem to be on the move.DAmericans like to cooperate with other people.【解析】推理判断题。由第二段首句中的“.people always seem to be on the go.”可知答案。【答案】C8It can be inferred from the passage that AAmericans

20、want to take part in all kinds of activitiesBcuriosity is the major characteristic of AmericansCAmericans do not know how to deal with silenceDAmericans characters are influenced by their social and geographical environments【解析】推理判断题。由文章第一段第四句可知,美国人对待友谊的态度可能与美国人的流动性以及他们不喜欢依赖别人有关;由第二段首句可知,美国是一个充满活力、充

21、满流动性和变化的社会。这一切都表明美国人的性格受社会影响。文章最后一句表明美国人的性格也受其地理位置的影响。故D项正确。【答案】DCMichael Jackson was on the road of performing when he was five years old.As is known to all, the road to fame and fortune is a long,hard one to travel.Michael remembered those early years when he was young.“My father was a machine ope

22、rator,” he explained,“and he worked at a steel plant(factory)My mother worked at Sears, a big department store.But they were both musicians.”Michaels father Joe Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talent, and he knew he could train them to become fine musicians.In those days there were plent

23、y of music groups and some of them were very good.He knew if his sons were to stand out, they would have to be the best.Practice makes perfect.And the Jackson boys practised! Gradually the group took shape.When the Jacksons took the first professional job,their total pay was only five dollars! They

24、kept on working.They played at parties.They entered big contests.They worked at clubs.Then word of this group began to get around.All of a sudden,the Jackson Five became popular in the country: their first album sold a million copies! Michael,11 years old then, was the star.It just didnt seem possib

25、le that so much talent could come from such a young performer.Then Michael got a chance to do some solo songs.In the following years Michael was always on the top.One million records of his were sold in New Zealand,which has only a total population of three million!When Michael was eighteen, he ente

26、red another field of his careeracting.“I plan to star in movies,”he told his friends, “but of course, my first love is music.”Michael wrote a lot of his own songs.“Songs came about in the strangest ways,” he said,“Ill just wake up from sleeping and there is a whole song coming into my head.And then

27、I put it down on the paper.” Whatever he was doing,it worked!Still, with all his success, Michael managed to keep his head calm.“I just do a different job from other people,” he said,“but it doesnt make me think Im better than other people.”To be quite honest,his fans just loved to hear and watch hi

28、m!9From this story we can see that AMichael Jacksons parents enjoyed music a lotBMichaels mother worked in a factory when he was youngCMichaels father spent a lot of time in drinkingDMichael began to earn money when he was only four years old【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But they were both musicians.”可知本题答案为A。【

29、答案】A10Before the Jacksons became well known, Ano one would like to hear their songsBthey only played music in the streetsCthey could not make moneyDthey had a lot of practice in music【解析】推理判断题。从第四段中的“Practice makes perfect.And the Jackson boys practised.They played at parties.They entered big contes

30、ts.They worked at clubs.”可知本题答案为D。由第四段中的“Then word of this group began to get around.”可知并不是没有人喜欢听他们的歌曲,故A项不正确;B项说法过于片面;由第四段中的“When the Jacksons took the first professional job,their total pay was only five dollars!”可知C项不对。【答案】D11Which of the following is TRUE?AAbout one person in three bought a reco

31、rd of Michaels in New Zealand.BMichael began to act in films when he was five years old.CAll of Michaels songs were written by other people.DMichael thinks that he is much more clever than others.【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段中的“One million records of his were sold in New Zealand,which has only a total population

32、of three million!”可知A项正确。根据第六段的内容可知B项不正确;由第七段中的“Michael wrote a lot of his own songs.”可知C项不对;根据倒数第二段中的“.but it doesnt make me think Im better than other people.”可知D项错误。【答案】A12This passage mainly tells us Awhy Michael is so popular all over the worldBhow the Jacksons became successfulChow Mr.Jackson trained his childrenDhow Michael becomes so popular all over th

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