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IWR的安装与发布 v10.docx

1、IWR的安装与发布 v10IWR的安装与发布Ver:1.0 Author:winkexp1 IWR的安装1.1 默认安装(Typical Installation)1.1.1 在典型安装中,IWR默认的LDAP服务器设置如下: Directory server port: 389 Namespace: default Unrestricted User /Runtime Administrator Distinguished Name:cn=Directory Manager Directory Suffix: o=Cognos, c=ca如果要使用不同的参数设定来安装IWR,请参见:第二节

2、定制安装。1.1.2 安装需求:Operating system:Windows NT 4.0 Intel with Service Pack 4 or higher; Windows 2000RAM: 512 MB for production (256 MB minimum)Disk Space: 4 GB (200 MB required by the installation)Web server: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 3.x,4.x or 5.x. Netscape Enterprise Web server v

3、ersion 3.5.1 or later Netscape FastTrack Web server version 3.01 or 4.x iPlanet Web server 4.1Web browser:Each report consumer computer must have eitherInternet Explorer version 3.1 or higher, or NetscapeNavigator 4.0 or higher.Other:The account that runs Impromptu Web Reports Services must have adm

4、inistrator privileges.We recommend that you install Impromptu Web Reports on an NTFS drive.Do not install Impromptu Web Reports on a substituted drive.1.1.3 默认的设定:在默认安装中,系统自动完成以下工作: Looks for a local directory server running on port 389寻找本地的LDAP服务器,必需运行在389端口 Creates a namespace in the directory ser

5、ver called Default to store your Cognos security information in 在LDAP服务器中创建名为Default的namespace来储存cognos的权限管理信息 Installs ObjectStore on your computer. ObjectStore is the third-party software used to run the data store, where Impromptu Web Reports stores information. 安装ObjectStore Stores a reference t

6、o the Default namespace in the data store This means that you must use the Default namespace to store security information. To use an existing namespace that does not use the name Default or does not use the default directory server settings listed at the beginning of this chapter, you must use the

7、custom installation. Sets several user IDs, passwords, and ports for different components.To set different user IDs, passwords and ports, you must use the custom installation. shares the folder where the data store is installed creates three Web aliases 如不使用默认的设置进行安装,请参照定制安装。1.1.4 默认安装中的用户名/密码、服务端口、

8、虚拟目录等设定请参看IWR installation documents page181.1.5 安装IIS服务略 1.1.6 安装Netscape Directory Server 41、 设定本机的DNS后缀右键“我的电脑”属性计算机名更改其他:填上DNS后缀Netscape Directory Server 4 在安装时将检测机器的DNS后缀,并取DNS后缀作为Directory Suffix使用,例如DNS后缀为:com,安装时Directory Suffix为:o=com运行Netscape Directory Server 4安装程序选择custom安装Password都使用:ad

9、min1234,一路Next至将Suffix改为:o=cognos,c=ca,Next.and Next again 至此,将Install Sample Organizational Structure前的勾去掉,不安装企业结构例子,下一步 将管理端口改为:8888,下一步最后,在安装程序给出收集的所有安装信息后点击下一步,完成安装。注:会弹出对话框,问两个DLL文件是否覆盖,选择是或否无影响安装结束后查看服务,可以看到Netscape Directory Server的服务已启动,端口为389,Netscape Administration Server也已在8888端口启动: 1.1.7

10、 安装IWR 6.1运行setup.exe,选择Typical,下一步下一步,完成安装,重启系统。注:在安装至6时会弹出一对话框,alt+tab切换至对话框,点击“确定”使安装继续进行。 1.1.8 初步检查安装是否正确完成 打开服务,可以看到下面4个服务以启动: 打开浏览器,访问http:/localhost/cognos/iwrUser ID: administratorNo password1.1.9 IWR的配置打开“开始”“程序”Cognos BIToolsAccess Manager - Configuration Wizard选择Next,Next,Add.,Specify a

11、file location,Browse选中cognos安装目录下C:Program FilesCognoscer1bincognos.csa,确定,,Accept the setting,finish. 打开“开始”“程序”Cognos BIAdministration Access Manager Administration“File”open选择C:Program FilesCognoscer1bincognos.csa,打开可以在Directory Servers中连接上前面所安装的Netscape Directory Server,并看到IWR安装过程中在Net

12、scape Directory Server中创建的名为default的namespace1.1.10 安装发布IMR报表中所需的软件Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder运行IWR6.1的setup.exe,选择install Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder进行安装IWR6.1默认安装结束1.2 定制安装缺2 IWR的中报表的发布2.1 IWR中报表的发布必须安装有以下软件: Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder Cognos Report Administration Adobe Ac

13、robat Reader 3.01 or higher Cognos 产品整体架构图: 从上图可以看出IWR能使用两种数据源展示数据:IMR报表与Catalog。2.2 下面以cognos所带的great outdoors公司的销售信息报表讲解发布过程。2.2.1 背景介绍:You are an employee of the Great Outdoors Company. The Great Outdoors Company sells camping and hiking equipment, mainly through catalog orders. Your company has

14、purchased and installed Impromptu Web Reports and you are asked to demonstrate the new product to your colleagues one week from today. You ask a colleague to send you some of the Impromptu reports that upper management uses most often, along with any bitmaps and HotFiles they use, and the catalog us

15、ed to create the reports. To prepare for your demonstration, you must copy these files to the Impromptu Web Reports server and set them up. Then you can show a few of the reports to your colleagues using your Web browser.The process of copying Impromptu reports to an Impromptu Web Reports server is

16、called publishing. The group of reports that you publish is called a report set. A report set consists of a catalog, a set of reports, and any supporting files, such as graphic files (.bmp), HotFiles (.ims), and PowerPrompts applications. To prepareyoure your demonstration, you must create a posting

17、 folder publish the report set generate user classes and users set up some reports move the reports to a new report folder view the published reports review the report setFor this demostration, you will use the Great Outdoors sample report set thatis installed with Impromptu Web Reports.二.2.2 创建一个Po

18、sting Folder在将report set发布到IWR server之前必须将它放在一个IWR能访问到的地方。To do this, you must use the Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder to package the reports, the Impromptu catalog, and the supporting files into a folder called a posting folder.创建目录C:Program FilesCognoscer1SamplesIwrPosting Foldertutorial1、 运行C

19、ognos Distribution Shuttle Builder2、 在Directory处浏览打开C:Program FilesCognoscer1SamplesIwrReports目录3、 在Posting处将posting location定位于刚才我们创建的posting folder:C:Program FilesCognoscer1SamplesIwrPosting Foldertutorial,点击post4、 在收到成功post的信息后关闭Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder二.3 发布report set2.3.1 在发布你的report

20、 set之前,你必须把储存要发布的报表的目录report store共享,并使自己具有写权限。这里我们要把reporter set放在C:Program FilesCognoscer1Report Store目录下进行发布,所以该目录必须共享,且对本用户可写。发布步骤:1、 运行Impromptu Web Reports - Report Administration utility,用户名administrator,无密码2、 在Tools菜单选择Publish Reporter Set,选择new report set,输入你要给你的report set命的名,比如demo3、 在repo

21、rter set location栏输入要报表集要发布的目的reporter store的网络访问地址:4、 winkexpReport Store注: 1、这里reporter store所在的主机名为winkexp,目标report store共享时使用的共享名为Report Store2、若为本地主机则主机名不可用localhost代替5、 在Payload Locator File栏里填上路径信息,指定刚才用Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder把你的report set打包至的posting folder里的reports.plp文件,本例中填入的信息

22、为:C:Program FilesCognoscer1samplesIWRPosting Foldertutorialreports.plp注:使用Cognos Distribution Shuttle Builder打包你的report set至一个posting folder时,CDSB会在你的posting folder下生成一个*.plp文件6、 从View菜单里选择Report Project,刷新一下,这时可以看到Report Project下有了你刚刚发布的demo报表集7、 选择demo,点击右边的status栏查看发布demo的详细信息:8、 从View菜单里选择All Re

23、ports and Events,refresh all一次,可以看到:至此,你的report set已发布完成,但是by default你的Published_demo目录在IWR浏览器中还是不可见的,直到你打上上图中show to the report consumer左边的勾。 一般来说,你并不想让所有的报表对浏览器都可见,所以咳咳,故事到这里才刚 刚开始二.3.2 创建用户类和用户创建用户类和用户的目的是为了对你说发布的报表实行权限管理You need the user classes and default users to create and view different typ

24、es of reports later on in this tutorial. You will generate user classes for all the user profiles stored in the sample catalog: Great Outdoors Sales You will also create a default user for each user class.A default user has the same name as the user class that it is associated with.1、 从Too

25、ls菜单中选择Generate User Classes,选择你的报表集demo,选择所有的user profiles,在create a default user for each user class左边打上勾,OK。这时,IWR管理器根据你在创建catalog时设定的user class和user的定义及它们的权限定义自动在nescape的LDAP服务器中生成该权限管理体系。 2、 结果检查 运行Access Manager - Administration utility,打开保存在cognos.csa中的LDAP服务器设定,连上位于winkexp:389的nescape ldap服务

26、器,在default namespace下可以看到IWR自动生成的用户类树: 2.4 创建报表 创建public报表参见Report Administrators Guide 第26页 创建burst报表参见Report Administrators Guide 第27页 创建个人报表参见Report Administrators Guide 第30页2.5 创建一个可视的目录用于发布创建好的报表创建一个可视的目录,将你设定好的报表拷贝至该目录中,即完成报表的发布,可以在浏览器内浏览此存在于该目录中的报表。1、 在all reports and events下选择all reports,选择i

27、nsert菜单,插入Report Folder,并将此目录命名为reports,save一次2、 将上一节中建立的三个报表product revenue and margintop ten sales repssales by country剪切至reports目录中3、 选择reports目录,在show to the report consumer处打上勾2.6 检查发布的报表 打开浏览器,http:/localhost/cognos/iwr,还是那句话:用户名administrator,无密码。 选择start,可以看到允许show to the report consumer的报表目录reports3 问题 汉字是否能正常显示?

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