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小升初英语复习冲刺试题十九 精品.docx

1、小升初英语复习冲刺试题十九 精品xx英语复习冲刺试题(十九)一.找出与其他划线部分发音不同的单词,把代号填写在括号里:(5分)1.()A.readB.beachC.needD.breakfast2.()A.goodB.footC.spoonD.cook3.()A.noteB.potatoC.oceanD.smoke4.()A.houseB.shoutC.knowD.now5.()A.thirdB.thereC.thinkD.thanks二.按要求改写下列单词:(20分)1.twelve(序数词)_2.they(宾格)_3.dear(反义词)_4.brush(复数)_5.bake(现在分词)_6

2、.child(复数)同音词)_8.go(第三人称单数)_9.noodles(同类词)_10.knives(单数)_11.复数:class_potato _radio_office _flour_family _12.单数:uniforms _squares _ branches _shelves_rocks_13.反义词:behind _rough _open _hungry _sad_14.现在分词:dig_eat_write_close_shake _dive _fly_go _make_wash _jump_15.同音词:know _write _flour _三.按要求填空

3、(15分)(1)根据括号内的中文完成句子:1.Dont _(买薯条).2.Look,the boy _(在做回家作业).3.Can the spiderboy _(开飞机)?4.I have got some _(滑板).5.There is _(汉堡包)in the basket.6.Where are _(香肠)?7.She has got _(两把剪刀).8.She _(吃早饭)at 6:30.(2)用动词的适当形式填空:Kally _(get) up at 7:00 every Sunday. Its Sunday today. Now she_(get)up.She_(go)toth

4、ePeoplesParktoday.Shecan_(see) many friends there.Oh,heres Kitty. She _(fly) a kite. _(look),she _(hold)the kite in her hands now. She _(like) flying kites very much.John _(run) there. And the geese _(swim) on the lake.(3)用适当的介词填空:I am Grace. I am _ shanghai. My home is _ the People Square.There are

5、 three people _ my family. My father is a doctor _ ahospital.Its_FenglinRoad.Mymotherisateacher.Shegoes_work _ bus. Shes busy. She always goes home _ half _ six.I am now _ England. Im a student _ Oxford University.四.选择填空(15分)1._ are these puzzles? Ten dollars.A.How mayB.How muchC.How old2.We like _.

6、A.maskB.a maskC.this mak3.Is that man _ or _?A.fourtyfiftyB.thirteenthirtyC.fortyfifty4.Are you a good _?A.runningB.runnerC.run5.Are you _ water?A.drinkingB.drinksC.drink6.Is there _ milk box on the table?A./B.theC.a7.I go to the park _ Saturday.A.inB.onC.at8.The boys like _. They can _ in the summe

7、r.A.swimmingswimB.swimmingswimmingC.swimswim9._ the pencil and the brush in the pencil-box? Yes,_ are.A.IsitB.Are therethereC.Arethey10.Are you and Tom painting in the garden? Yes,_ are.A.youB.weC.they11._ bag do you like? I like the yellow _.A.WhosoneB.WhoseoneC.Whichone12._ your father _ to the ra

8、dio? Yes,he is.A.Islistening toB.IslisteningC.Arelistening to13.My birthday is on the _ of June.A.nineB.ninthC.nineth14.Dont play _ that ball in the swimming pool.A.withB./C.to15.Betty _ to school at 7:00 every morning.A.walkingB.walkC.walks16.Dont _. Its dangerous.A.runningB.runC.runs17.There is _

9、ink in the black pen.A.someB.manyC.any18.Which grapes do you want,Jim? I want the big _.A.grapeB.oneC.ones19._,where is the Shanghai Zoo?A.HelloB.Im sorryC.Excuse me20.My mother likes to _ books.A.seeB.lookC.read21._ the teacher in the classroom?A.Is thereB.IsC.There is22._ Peter _ TV every evening?

10、A.IswatchingB.DoeswatchC.Doeswatches23.Listen,the pupils of Grand Five _ the violin.A.playB.are playingC.playing24.How many blouses _ Linda,Tom?A.haveB.are thereC.has25._ is washing the clothes in the kitchen?A.WhoB.WhosC.What26.Whos _?A.those boysB.a girlC.that short boy27._ your father a postman?

11、Yes,_ is.A.AreheB.isheC.Ishe28.This is our school. Its _ the cinema.A.inB.behindC.under29.Are these your pencils? No,theyre _ pencils.A.ourB.myC.your30.Wheres your football? Its _ the front ofB.behindC.on五.按要求改写下列句子(25分)1.There are some peaches in the basket.(否定句)_2.The soldiers have got t

12、hree model planes.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)_3.Please climb the tree,Peter.(否定句)_4.Peter can ride a motor-bike.(what提问)_5.Helen is cooking dinner at home.(what提问)_6.The dogs like bones.(what提问)_7.Their teachers are playing the drums in the music room.(who提问)_8.Those are old gardens.(单数句)_9.There are many sweets i

13、n the packet.(what提问)_10.There are six paints in my box. (how many提问)_11.There are some toy cars on the table.(否定句)_12.We read English in the morning.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)_13.His friend does his homework at five in the afternoon.(一般疑问句,否定回答)_14.They wash their faces in the morning.(单数句)_15.These doctors can

14、speak English well.(what提问)_16.The students are playing table tennis in the hall.(用what提问)_17.My birthday is in January.(when提问)_18.The dentist watches TV at night.(用what,画线提问)_19.The girls can write and paint.The girls are _20.Mr White reads English in the office.What _ in the office?21.I have only

15、 one hammer in my hand.How many _ in your hand?22.What does the dog do every morning? (dig the hole)_23.Are those red bit apples theirs?Those _24.Please listen to the teacher,Linda._ dont _25._?(写出上句)No,thank,you.六.阅读短文,作判断,用“T”或“F”表示(20分)IBill and Sue are brother and sister. They are both middle sc

16、hool studentsand go to the same school.TheygotoMissChensshopandseesomenicerabbits.Theylovetherabbitsvery much,but they have no money to buy them.Sue hasa good idea. She and Billhelp their fatherpick apples on the farmevery Saturday and Sunday. So their father gives them each a hundred dollars.Sue an

17、d Bill go to Miss Chens shop. Each of them buys a rabbit. One iswhite and the other is black. They call the black rabbit Bunny and the whiteone Judy. They like them very much.1.Bill and Sue are brothers.2.They study in different school.3.They like rabbits.4.They buy one rabbit in a shop.IIMost peopl

18、e in America eat three meals a day. They have breakfast in themorning,lunch at noon and dinner at night.Theyofteneatbreakfastandlunchinahurry.Theyhaveoneortwosandwichesorhamburgersandthendrinksomefruitjuiceorcoffeeforbreakfast.Sometimesthey have their lunch in McDonalds. They can get their lunch qui

19、ckly. Timeis important to them.Buttheyhavemoretimefordinner.Theyusuallyeatalot.Theydrinksoup,eatmeat,vegetablesandsomebreadatdinnertime.Theydrinkmilk,fruitjuice,coffeeorteaatdinnertime,too.Somepeopledontliketoeattoomuch.Theyhave desserts: pie,cake,or ice-cream.1.Americans have three meals every day.

20、2.They have a big breakfast.3.They usually have some hamburgers or sandwiches for lunch.4.Many people have their lunch in McDonalds.5.Americans often eat much at dinner time.6.People in America have a lot of time to eat lunch.IIITwo little children come to a new city. Their names are Peter and Tom.

21、Ofcourse,they live with their parents. Their framily is very rich. They have adriver and a lot of servants.Peter and Tome are going to a new school. On the first day their parentssay to them,“Peter and Tom,be modest at your new school. Dont say we arerich.”And they say,“Yes,Dad,Mum.”So they go to sc

22、hool. They see their new teacher. And they sit down withtheotherchildren.Theteachersays,“Hello,Children.Thefirstexercisetodayisacomposition.ThesubjectofthecompositionisMyFamily.”Soallthechildren write a composition. This is Peters composition:“My name is Peter. My family is very poor. Both my father

23、 and my motherare poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor”(1)仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上“T”或“F”:1.Peter and Tom are twins.2.Peter and Tom come to a new city.3.Their family has a driver and a lot of servants.4.Peters father is very poor.5.Peter writes a composition about his teacher.6.Peter and

24、 her brother are clever.(2)在A、B、C、D中选出一个最佳答案:1.Toms parents are very _.A.richB.poorC.modestD.both A and C2.The subject of the composition is _.A.“A Rich Family”B.“A Poor Family”C.“A Big Family”D.“My Family”3.Tom and Peter are in _.A.different classesB.the same classC.different schoolsD.different gra

25、des4.Their parents ask them say,“We are poor” say,“We are rich” be tell a lie七.完型填空(10分)(I)The Cat and the MiceMany1lived in a big house. They slept during the day. They playedduring the night. They lived a happy life. One day came a cat. He caught manymice.“What shall we2? What shall we do?”said the mice.“Lets put abell3thecatsneck.”saidalittlemous

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