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1、一一.起源起源 错误分析理论(error analysis)作为应用语言学的一个分支,产生于二十世纪六十年代末、七十年代初。二十世纪五十年代末,CFrices和RLado等一些美国语言学家和语言教学家提出了对比分析理论(contrastive analysis)。他们认为:通过对学习者的母语(mother tongue)和目的语(target language)对比研究,可以预见学习者在 学习该目的语中可能会犯的错误,但是局限性也逐渐的暴露了出来。为了对学习者的错误进行系统性的分析研究,以确定其错误的来源,为教学过程中消除这些错误提供依据,一种分析语言错误的新理论“错误分析理论”产生了。Def

2、inition1.Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics:The study and analysis of the errors made by second and foreign language learners.2.Corder:Error analysis is a type of bilingual comparison,a comparison between learners interlanguage and the target language.The definition of errors Dulay et al:erro

3、r refers to any deviation dive()n 误误 差差,偏偏 离离 from a selected norm of language performance,no matter what the characteristics or causes of the deviation might be.errors ofperformance语言行为错误(performance errors)由于紧张,粗心,激动等等所犯的错误。products of chancecircumstances,suchas slips of thetongue or of the

4、rors ofcompetence语言能力错误语言能力错误(competence errors)还未掌握所学的)还未掌握所学的语言的体系和规律而出现了系统上的错误,语言的体系和规律而出现了系统上的错误,一般有老师纠正一般有老师纠正errors that reveallearners underlyingknowledge of thetarget language.Only errors of competence are worth studying and analyzing,because they are systematic.But errors of competence can

5、only be inferred from errors of performance.mistakes or errors?Difference from CA CA:examine errors resulting from the interference of the first language;EA:examine errors attributable to all possible sources.EA can easily supersede CAsupsid 取代取代Basic assumptionsHuman learning involves making errors

6、.Errors in L2 learning are unavoidable.Errors made by L2 learners can be observed,analyzed,classified and described.Errors made by L2 learners help understanding the process of L2 learning.Brown:Error analysis is based on the following assumptions3 steps to identify errors-a model provided by Corder

7、Identifying overt and covert errorsstep 1Providing interpretations and constructing well-formed sentences in the target languagestep 2Providing pairs of ill-formed or inappropriate sentences and reconstructed well-formed sentences in the target language for comparisonstep 3Description of errorsCompa

8、risonDescriptionstages in which errors are madegeneral nature of errorslevels of language1.Presystematic stage2.Systematic stage3.Postsystematic stagestages in which errors are madegeneral nature of errorslevels of language1.addition 添加2.omission 省略3.substitution4.ordering 错误词序phonology fnld音系学音系学,o

9、rthography grf写作体系,lexicon,grammar,discourseExplanation of errors-why are errors madeExplanation of errorsInterlingualtransferCognitive and affective factorsCommunication strategiesTransfer of trainingIntralingual transfer1.语际语言错误(语际语言错误(interlingual errors)把本族语的语言和文化习惯带到了目的语的学习和运用中所造成的把本族语的语言和文化习惯带

10、到了目的语的学习和运用中所造成的(1)在词汇方面:the public medical fare(正确的说法:the free medical fare)(2)在语法方面:I very much miss you(正确的说法:I miss you very much)(3)在文化方面:由于语言学习者对目的语的文化风俗习惯不懂或者了解的较少,在使用目的语时套用母语的文化习惯就会产生语言错误。如中国人见面打招呼常用的“Have you had your dinner?”对西方国家的人来说就完全不适用。Interlingual transfer refers to the interference

11、of the first language,such as the mechanical application of rules,set phrases or items of the L1 to L2 context.It explains many errors made at the beginning stage of L2 learning.2语内语言错误(intralingual errors)Intralingual transfer refers to overgeneralization of rules of the target language.Intralingua

12、l transfer occurs when the learner has learned some rules of the target language but has not learned the restrictions of their application.人类学习语言的过程一般是对接触到的语言材料进行不断的概括,进而得出规则的过程。例如:由于过度概括例如:由于过度概括work,play,want等动词变等动词变成过去式是直接在词尾加成过去式是直接在词尾加ed形式,学生就将动词形式,学生就将动词go,do,buy等写成了等写成了goed,doed,buyedTransfer

13、 of training refers to those errors caused by the way in which the language items have been presented or practiced,either in the classroom or in the textbook.Communication strategies is the conscious employment of a verbal or nonverbal mechanism for communicating an idea when precise linguistic form

14、s are for some reason not readily available to the learner at a point in communication.Four main communication strategies are generally used by L2 learners:1.avoidence2.prefabricated petterns3.appeal to authority4.language switchCognitive and affective factors:The learners style of thinking and pers

15、onality style can also be sources of errors.An impulsive person,for example,may speak fluently in the target language but with more errors,whereas a reflective person may make fewer errors in his careful but hesitant speech in the target language.Correction of errors in the classroomWhat errors to c

16、orrect?3 criteria:1.Errors that affect communication should be corrected.2.A grossly ungrammatical sentence should be corrected.3.Errors in the structure or rule that is being taught should be corrected.How to correct errors?It requires a combination of affective,cognitive and linguistic judgement.The basic principle is that correction should not impede communicaion while accomplishing a certain purpose.Two issues are worth notingFossilizationPidginizationThe relatively permanent incorporation o

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