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1、现在完成时与过去完成时的区别现在完成时与过去完成时的区别The present perfect tense&The past perfect tense形式形式现在完成时现在完成时have/has+doneShe has waited here for an hour.过去完成时过去完成时 had+done By the end of last term we had learned 4000 English words.概念概念现在完成时现在完成时1.表示表示过去过去发生的发生的对现在有影响对现在有影响的动作;的动作;I have seen the film many times,so I

2、wont go with you.2.表示表示过去过去某一时间开始一直某一时间开始一直延续到现在延续到现在的动作。的动作。He has lived here since 1949.概念概念过去完成时过去完成时 表示过去表示过去某一时刻以前某一时刻以前已经开始并一直已经开始并一直延续到这延续到这一时刻一时刻或或在此刻前在此刻前已经完成的动作,即已经完成的动作,即“过去的过去的过去过去”.By the end of last term we had learned 4000 English words.When I got there,the bus had already gone.Before

3、 I met her,I had heard a lot about her.By the time we got to the cinema,the film had been on for five minutes.表示意向意向的动词如hope,wish,expect,think,intend,mean,suppose等用过去完成时表示原本想做但并未完成的动作eg.Ihadhopedthatyouwouldcometomyparty.练练 习习1.Ihavethisnicewatchfortwoyears.(A)had(B)bought(C)borrowed(D)lend2.I_900En

4、glishwordsbythetimeIwasten.(A)learned(B)waslearning(C)hadlearned(D)learnt3.Itissaidthathe_senttoAustraliatoimprovehisEnglish.(be)4.ThelivingstandardofthepeopleinNanjing_since1983.(rise)5.It_(stop)rainingwhenIwokeupthismorning.hasbeenhasrisenhadstopped cover,earn,fail,make,permitTsinghua Tsinghua Uni

5、versity University has has mademade swimming swimming a a compulsory compulsory course course for for all all students.students.Those Those who who are are not not able able to to swim swim will will not not be be permittedpermitted to to graduate.graduate.The The new new regulation,regulation,start

6、ing starting this this year,year,states states that that all all students students must must pass pass a a swim swim test,test,and and those those who who failfail must must take take a a swimming swimming course.course.Students Students can can take take the the swimming swimming course course any

7、any time time in in the the latter latter three three years years of of their their university university experience.experience.A A“pass”“pass”can can be be earnedearned by by coveringcovering 50 50 meters meters using using breaststroke breaststroke(蛙蛙泳泳),),butterfly,butterfly,freestyle freestyle o

8、r or backstroke(backstroke(仰泳仰泳).).fail vt&vi 不能;未能;失败不能;未能;失败We tried but to do sth:fail to do sth:It is very important to find out why you failed to achieve your goal.I never fail to phone my parents on their birthdays.vt&vi 没有通过没有通过(考试考试);不及格;评定;不及格;评定(某某人人)不及格不及格Her work was so bad t

9、hat the teacher had no choice but to fail her.I passed in history but failed(in) 出故障;失灵出故障;失灵He saw a terrible accident in which a trams brakes 常用于进行时常用于进行时(健康、体力、视力等健康、体力、视力等)衰退;衰退;减弱;消失减弱;消失His eyesight is failing.She has suffered from failing healthfailing health.vt 使失望使失望(=

10、let down);使无能为力;使无能为力When we needed his help,he failed us.Words fail meWords fail me(=I cannot express how I feel).claim,cover,hold,remindA A photo photo of of an an old old womanwoman holdingholding up up an an umbrella umbrella for for a a young young child child has has recently recently gone gon

11、e viral viral(流流行行起起来来)on on Chinas Chinas social social In the the photo,photo,the the kid kid is is not not at at allall coveredcovered by by the the umbrella,umbrella,which which looks looks amusing.amusing.The The girl,girl,from from Hefei Hefei City City of of Anhui Anhui Provinc

12、e,Province,is is 2 2 years years old.old.The The old old woman woman is is her her grandmother.grandmother.They They were were on on their their way way to to a a wet wet market market(鲜鲜货货市市场场)to to claimclaim the the milk milk bottle bottle left left there there the the previous previous

13、he The grandmother grandmother didnt didnt realize realize the the funny funny scene scene until until a a passer-by,passer-by,who who also also took took the the picture,picture,remindedreminded her.her.Claimv./n.声称,断言,主张;索要,索赔;认领Theproductclaimsthatitcanmakeyouthinwithdieting.Thegirlsclaimtohavese

14、enthefairies.Youcanclaimontheinsuranceifyouhaveanaccidentwhileonholiday.Ifyouarestillnotsatisfied,youmaybeabletoclaimcompensation.Lostpropertycanbeclaimedbetween10a.mand4p.m.allow,hold,remain,rememberEveryone always remembers to wash his or her hands and body at the end of the day,but many times neg

15、lect their phone screen.The reason why your phone holds so many germs(细菌)is that it remains warm throughout the day because of how often we use it.The warm environment allows bacteria to grow very easily and puts you at a greater risk of getting infected.remain v.作系动词作系动词 保持;仍然是保持;仍然是remain silent r

16、emain silent/seated seated 保持沉默/继续坐着Many of his songs have remained popular as ever.Light pollution has remained unsolved for years.留存;剩下;遗留留存;剩下;遗留Very little of the house remained after the fire.正式用语正式用语 停留;逗留停留;逗留(近近 stay)remain at/in/with:We were told to remain in our seats with our seat belts fastened.The rest of his family remained in Europe.留待;尚待留待;尚待 remain to be done:remain to be done:Major questions remain to be answered about his work.关于他 it remains to be seen+wh-it remains to be seen

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