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1、Adqbjma中学生英语演讲稿10篇打包下载Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare中学生英语演讲稿1:Opportunities and ChallengesFirst, I would like to know, what does your destiny offer yo

2、u? Happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. If I had asked this question to president Nixon, he would probably had said,”Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.”Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games. T

3、ill now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen? New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.Other than those, there are even more g

4、ood effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. Im sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of

5、 foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you eve

6、n imagine us losing the holding rights? Ive already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you?”For us, I mean the Chinese youth, 2008 Olympic Games is a tremendous gift. Becaus

7、e what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .The society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying ”Hey! Come here and take the helm! ”How charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. This

8、morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the Olympic Games waving its hand. After chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the Olympic Games. And mine is to be a “comforter” -that is someone who will give comfort to others.At the end of my speech, I hope all the pre

9、paration will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. Let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.中学生英语演讲稿2:THE DREAM CAME TRUE-The First Day I Work For The 2008 OlympicsI woke up and looked at my watch. Oh my god, its 7:30 already! I have to get up at once othe

10、rwise Ill be late. Today Ill take the Australian athletes as a tour guide around Beijing, and Im going to be the interpreter at the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony tomorrow. This has always been a dream of mine since Beijing won the bid of the Olympics, and now the dream has finally come true

11、I have already become a successful interpreter. And today is another important day of my interpreting career. Im a little nervous but, of course, very excited. Here goes my plan for today:Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of Beijing, the symbol of the 5000 years civilizationthe Fo

12、rbidden Citywhere the emperors and empresses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties lived, and its really grand. It was renovated recently because of the coming Olympics.The second place we are going to is the Great Wall. This is the only building, I hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents

13、 the diligence and the wisdom of whole Chinese nation.Now, its time for lunch. We plan to have What? You say ”Beijing Duck”? Yeah, right you are! Well come back to the center of Beijing, and well have dinner at “Quanjude” restaurant. You can enjoy the most delicious Chinese foodBeijing Duck, and you

14、 must be very pleased to hear this! Then Ill show you around the Summer Palace. Its the royal garden for the emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty to pass the hot summers.After visiting those historical places, youll surely be impressed by the long-lasting history of our great country. At the s

15、ame time, during the journey of moving from one place of interest to another, we wont miss having a glance of Beijings modern civilization. The skyscrapers, beautiful avenues and advanced facilities must also catch your eyes. And well also have a chance to experience Beijings fast development in per

16、son. Well do some shopping at the shopping center near the Olympics Village. You can buy everything there of course except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in China. To see is to believe. What you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice to Beijing, China!Thats all about my

17、 plan for the day. What do you think of it, my friends? Today, Im very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more. As Beijing becomes the host city of the 29th Olympic Games, every Beijinger cares for the environment and good man

18、ners and behaviors much more than before. Now Beijing has already made herselves dream come true. So I must work harder to catch up with her steps. Knowing the hardness of making a dream into reality, I need to do my best at every side of my work, so then I believe my little dreamto be an interprete

19、rwill definitely be realized someday in the future!THANK YOU梦想成真现在是2008年,我已经成为一名成功的翻译。今天我要带领来自澳大利亚的Olympics运动员们游览北京。明天我将在2008年北京奥运会开幕式上担任同声翻译,这曾是我多年的梦想,现在它终于实现了。面对今天和明天的工作,我当然有些紧张,但也很兴奋,以下是我今天的计划。我们的第一站就是北京的标志建筑,中华五千年历史文化的象征紫禁城,它是明朝和清朝帝王们的居所。为了迎接北京奥运,它最近已被修缮一新。我们要去的第二个地方是天坛,这是我听说过的唯一一座能在月球上直接看得到的地球建

20、筑,它是中华民族勤劳与智慧的结晶。午餐时间,我们的目的地是全聚德餐厅,大家将会品尝到世界上最美味的中国食品北京烤鸭。然后我将带大家参观颐和园,这曾是清朝皇族们的避暑胜地。通过参观这些历史性的建筑,相信大家一定会对中国源远流长的历史文化留下深刻的印象,同时大家还将亲自体验现代北京的高速发展,相信这些摩天大楼、时尚的大道以及先进的设施也一定会吸引大家的眼睛,眼见为实,大家的所见所闻一定会更有力的证明了大家当初对中国北京的选择和信赖。这就是我这一天的计划,我的朋友们,你们认为怎么样?相信你们一定会喜欢,并且爱上北京这座美丽的城市!中学生英语演讲稿3:如何提高我们的英语水平 Good evening,

21、 everybody. I am * . Now, I am making a speech about how to improve our English for you. TThere are altogether 10 points. 1、What is language for? Some people seem to think its for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of wordsthe longer the words are, the better. Thats wrong. Language is for t

22、he exchange of ideas, for communication. 2、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. 3、A great man once said it is necessary to drill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become. 4、Learning any language takes a

23、 lot of effort. but dont give up. 5、Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages should be fun. 6、Rome wasnt built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hard work will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone! 7、Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. K

24、eep a small English dictionary with you all the time. When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the worduse it, in your mind, in a sentence. 8、Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something, think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence. 9、Practic

25、e tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms. 10、I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. When you understand the cultural background, you can use the language better. Finally, I wanna give you a sentence that is one of my favorite pr

26、overbs. We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose infinite hope. Ok, thats the speech. Thanks.中学生英语演讲稿4:To me March 28th was a lucky day. It was on that particular evening that I found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. Winning the 21st CenturyEricsson Cup Seventh National

27、English Speaking Competition is a memory that I shall treasure and one that will surely stay.More important than winning the Cup is the friendship that has been established and developed among the contestants, and the chance to communicate offstage in addition to competing onstage. Also the competit

28、ion helps boost public speaking in China, a skill hitherto undervalued.For me, though, the competition is a more personal experience. Habitually shy, I had been reluctant to take part in any such activities. Encouraged by my friends, however, I made a last-minute decision to give it a try. In the co

29、urse of preparation I somehow rediscovered myself, a truer me.I found that, after all, I like communicating with other people; that exchanging views can be so much funand so much rewarding, both emotionally and intellectually; that public speaking is most effective when you are least guarded; and th

30、at it is essential to success in every walk of life.At a more practical level, I realized knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it are equally important. To take the original ideas out of your head and transplant them, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an orga

31、nized mind. This ability improves with training.Yet there should not be any loss or addition or distortion in the process. Those ideas that finally find their waysintosanother head need to be recognizably yours. Language is a means to transmit information, not a means to obstruct communication. It s

32、hould be lucid to be penetrating.In China, certain public speaking skills have been unduly emphasized. Will it really help, we are compelled to ask, to bang at the podium or yell at the top of your lungs, if you have come with a poorly organized speech, a muddled mind, and unwillingness to truly share your views?Above all, the single most important thing I learnt was that as a public speaker, you need to pay attention, first and foremost, to the content of your speech. And second, the structure of

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