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1、新航标职业英语综合英语预备级学生用书Unit2Unit 2 WorkplaceBackground Facilities in the officefax machine 传真机printer 打印机photocopier 复印机projector 投影仪shredder 碎纸机 fingerprint attendance machine (指纹)考勤机scanner 扫描仪punch打孔机stapler 订书机 water dispenser 饮水机 pot plant 盆栽 cupboard 橱柜folder 文件夹 paper clips 曲别针calculator 计算器 glue

2、胶水clear tape 透明胶带 staple remover起订机glue stick 胶棒 pen container 笔筒record pen 录音笔 post-it note 便利贴desk calendar 台历 marker 记号笔Suggested teaching planItemsObjectivesSuggested TimeGetting ReadyTo learn how to express the different parts of a desktop computerTo become familiar withthe expressions of the b

3、asic facilities in an office10 min.Text ATo get a general idea about what an ideal workplace should includeTo master the important expressions and structures in the text and be able to apply them in practice80 min.Language FocusTo have a good command of the core vocabulary and structures in Text ATo

4、 learn to use space prepositions45 min.Text BTo have an overview of introducing the officebuildingTo learn some basic expressions of introducing the officebuilding to others45 min.Vocational FocusTo learn some basic information and manners about first day at workTo learn how to introduce a new membe

5、r to your colleagues90 min. Skill FocusListening and SpeakingTo learn the differences between some similar sounds in EnglishTo practice speaking skills45 min.Skill FocusPractical WritingTo learn how to describe a place using space prepositions40 min. Practical LearningTo get familiar with different

6、workplaces around us5 min.Getting ReadyHave the students think about the questionsWhat are the different parts of a desktop computer in English? What facilities are there in an office? Give some hints if necessary. (2 min.)A (2 min.)a. Have the students look at the picture and try to name the differ

7、ent parts in English.b. Have the students check their answers.Key to Exercise A1. speakers 2. computer case 3. mouse4. keyboard 5. monitor 6. cableB (6min.)a. Have the students work in pairs to guess the meaning of the English words. b. Have the students categorize the different things in an office.

8、Key to Exercise BOffice furniture:chair, cupboard, deskOffice machines:fax machine, laptop, photocopier,shredderDesktop equipment:desk lamp, telephoneStationery:calculator, clear tape, dictionary, eraser, folder, marker, notebook,paper clips, post-it notes, scissors, staplerPersonal belongings:coffe

9、e spoon, cup, handbag,photosText A1.Have the students first listen to therecording of the new words and expressions, and then have them read them aloud and get familiar with their meanings. (10 min.)2. Have thestudents listen to the recording of the text, and read the text more carefully and do the

10、exercise in “Understanding your reading”. (25 min.)3. Have the students check their answers with each other and then ask some students to give their final answer. (10 min.)4. Ensure thestudents have a deep understanding of the text by explaining the language points. If time permits, have the student

11、spractice using them by composing new sentences. (25 min.)5. After an in-depth reading of the text, have the students work in groups to discuss the ideal workplace of their own. (5 min.)6. Students should get familiar with the workplace. Write a summary of the text. (5 min.)Key to Text A Exercise1.

12、T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TLanguage PointsParagraph 1quitvt. & vi. 辞职;离开;停止If I dont get more money, Ill quit. 不给我加薪我就辞职。He has decided to quit as manager of the club. 他已决定辞去俱乐部经理的职务。My father has quit smoking. 我父亲戒烟了。 Paragraph 21.make sure 确保,保证;查明,弄清楚Make sure (that) no one finds out about this. 绝对不要让任

13、何人发觉这件事。Make sure to turn of the light before you leave. 你临走前一定要关灯。They scored another goal and make sure of victory. 他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。 I think the door is locked, but Ill just go andmake sure. 我觉得门已经锁上了,不过我还是去看看好放心。2. quality a. 高品质的 n. 质量,品质;特性 (对应词:quantity数量)We specialize in quality furniture. 我们专

14、营高档家具。We provide quality service at a competitive price. 我们提供质优价廉的服务。When costs are cut, product quality suffers. 一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。【拓展】quality control 质量管理 quality newspaper 高端报纸3. come up with 提出,想出 She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的一个新招儿。We were not able to come up with a

15、ny new suggestions. 我们提不出任何新建议。【拓展】come up 长出地面;发生;被提及The seeds I sowed last week havent come up yet.我上周种的种子还没有长出来。Im afraid something bad has come up. 恐怕有不好的事发生了。The subject has come up at the meeting. 这个话题在会议中提到了。come up to sb. 走近 He came up to me and asked me a question. 他走到我跟前来问了我一个问题。Paragraph

16、31.convey v. 传达,表达Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. 红色之类的颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。Please convey my apology to your parents. 请向你父母转达我的歉意。2. demonstratev. 展示,示;证明Her job involves demonstrating new educational software. 她的工作包括演示新的教学软件。These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaig

17、n is working. 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。【拓展】 demonstrationn.Paragraph 4 effectivea. 有效的;起作用的 The government should take effective measures to live through this economical crisis. 政府应该采取措施度过这场经济危机。I admire the effective use of color in her painting. 我很欣赏她的绘画作品中的色彩效果。The new speed limit on this road becom

18、es effective from 1 June. 这条路上新的限速规定自6月1日起生效。Paragraph 5by oneself 独自,单独Remember that a good life is created by oneself, not by others. 记住,好生活是自己创造的,而不是别人给予的。You have to do it by yourself. 你得自己单独做这件事。Paragraph 61.presentationn. 展示(会);述;介绍;赠送The sales manager will give a presentation on the new produ

19、cts. 营销经理将举行一次新产品推介会。Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card. 会员出示会员证便可入场。【拓展】presentv. 颁发,授予;展现,显示;上演On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。 Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection. 古奇将举办时装发布会推出

20、他们的秋季系列。presenta. 目前的,现在的;在场,出席 Inthepresent situation, you must be careful. 在当前形势下,你必须得小心。We dont have any more information at the present time. 目前我们没有进一步的消息。There were 200 people presentat the meeting. 有200人出席了会议。presentn. 礼物,礼品;目前,现在What can I get him for a birthday present? 我能给他送点什么生日礼物呢?Youve t

21、o forget the past and start living in the present. 你必须忘掉过去,开始现在的生活。2. updateda. 现代化的;更新的My secretary provided me with an updated name list. 我的秘书为我提供了一份更新的。 The company offers updated office equipment. 公司提供现代化的办公设备。【拓展】update v. 使现代化;更新;向提供最新信息 Its about time we updated our software. 我们的软件应该更新了。I cal

22、led the office to update them on the days developments. 我给办公室打告诉他们当天最新的发展。3.go a long way (towards doing sth.) 大有帮助,作用很大The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem. 新的法律十分有助于解决这一问题。For now, just a change of attitude will go a long way. 现在,仅仅是态度的改变就很有帮助。Paragraph 71.witnessv. 目睹;证明He witn

23、essed the accident yesterday. 他目睹了昨天的那起事故。Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility. 今年来人们的社会流动性越来越大。【拓展】witnessn. 目击者,见证人He is a witness to the killing. 他是这起杀人案的目击证人。He is one of the witnesses at our wedding. 他是我们婚礼的证婚人之一。2. (be) equipped with配备有,装有 The house is equipped with all kinds

24、of furniture. 这栋房子里配有各种家具。【拓展】equipv. 配备,装备This fitness center is well equipped. 这个健身中心设备齐全。He equipped himself with a street plan. 他随身带着一街道平面图。equipmentn. 设备,器材;配备,装备 He bought some useful equipment for his office. 他为自己的办公室买了些有用的设备。The equipment of the studio was expensive. 这个工作室的装备花费巨大。Paragraph 8

25、1.flexiblea. 灵活的Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone. 我们的计划必须能够变通,以满足每个人的需要。We have flexible working hours. 我们拥有弹性工作时间。【拓展】flexibility n. 灵活性,弹性,柔韧性Plan ahead but maintain flexibility. 事前计划,但要保持弹性。Online education gives students much flexibility. 网上教育使学生获得了很多灵活性。2.

26、positionn. 姿势;处境,地位,立场My arms are aching so I shifted my position slightly. 我的胳膊疼了,所以稍微变了变姿势。What would you do in my position? 你要是碰到我这样的情况会怎么办?Im afraid I am not in a position to help you. 我恐怕帮不了你。Paragraph dependent on/upon 依赖于;取决于You cant be dependent on your parents all your life. 你不可能一辈子靠父

27、母生活。A childs development is dependent on many factors.孩子的成长受多种因素影响。【拓展】dependv. 依靠,信赖;指望 (常与on/upon搭配)He is a person you coulddepend on. 他是个可以信赖的人。2.positivea. 积极的,肯定的;乐观的She is quite positive about her new job. 她对自己的新工作很有信心。On the positive side, profits have increased. 从好的方面看,利润增加了。I cant be positi

28、ve about what time it happened. 我说不准这事是什么时候发生的。【拓展】反义词:negativea. 消极的,负面的,否定的Language FocusA Focus the students attention on the three groups of words by discussing the differences among the three or four words in each group. Have some students read each group of sentences aloud and make sure they u

29、nderstand their meanings. (5 min.)B Have thestudents finish Exercise B in pairs. One students reads a word in Column A aloud while the other chooses the proper word or expression that agrees with it from Column B. (3min.)C Have the students look through the given vocabulary, and have them complete t

30、he sentences individually and check their answers in pairs. Then have some of the students read the sentence aloud one by one. (5min.)D a. Have the students look back at the structures “whether”and“are in a position to” in Text A. Elicit some ideas about the usage and meaning of the structures.b. Ha

31、ve thestudents compose sentences with the given words. Then have them take turns to read the sentences, making corrections if necessary.(7min.)E Have the students work individually or in pairs. Check their E-C translation orally. (5min.)Key to Language FocusA1. a. products b. production c. produce d. productive2. a. stressful b. stress c. stressed3. a. profession b. professional c. professionallyB1. c 2. a 3. B 4. d 5. eC1. flexible 2. ahead of 3. updated 4. supportive of 5. collaboration 6.positive 7. effective 8. came up withD1. a. Whether it

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