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最新北师大初中英语九年级下册《Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports》word精品教案 3.docx

1、最新北师大初中英语九年级下册Unit 6 The Spirit of Sportsword精品教案 3Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports一、学习目标1语言能力:通过本单元的学习,我们要学会如何描述发生在过去的运动事件;学会谈论有关运动和奥运会的话题;学会表达过去将要发生的事情;学会提出建议;学会表达表扬和鼓励的方式。2语言技能:能听懂有关运动员运动生涯的描述;能听懂有关具体某项运动的描述;能够听懂有关建议的表达;能口头描述和谈论有关运动的各种内容;能口头表达建议、表达表扬和鼓励;能阅读描述有关运动员运动生涯、有关具体某个运动项目、有关奥运会的短文或对话;能写出表达有关描述过

2、去运动事件的句子;能写出描述某次运动会的文段;能写出表达建议的句子;能写出简单的某位运动员的传记。重点掌握下列表达方式:China had never won so many medals before.She won the silver medal though she had been in the first place for most of the final round.By 2004, he had already attended three Olympic Games.Chinas history of basketball is almost as long as Ame

3、ricas.Basketball is one of the sports played by Chinese school children all over the country.China is the second oldest basketballplaying country.I think that Michael Jordan is the most famous NBA player in China.Could you tell me if he is going to see the NBA game?They didnt think he would complete

4、 the run.He said he was going to take part in the 5-kilometer run.I didnt know if they were going to come.Do you think doing regular exercise is important?Lets all help to make the Beijing Olympics a great success!Shall we find out how to volunteer?Both men and women compete in artistic gymnastics.I

5、t wasnt my fault. Dont be angry with me.Linda is good at drawing.3文化意识:了解中国体育的情况,培养爱国情感;了解有关奥运的历史、现状与未来,为北京2008奥运会做好准备,力争成为志愿者;了解竞技运动除了竞赛之外的人文内涵;了解体育的精神是坚持不懈、拼搏不息、为国争光和帮助他人。二、教学内容1语法A句型Chinas history of basketball is almost as long as Americas.Basketball is one of the sports played by Chinese school

6、 children all over the country.China is the second oldest basketball-playing country.Lets all help to make the Beijing Olympics a great success!Shall we find out how to volunteer?Both men and women compete in artistic gymnastics.B语法宾语从句I think that Michael Jordan is the most famous NBA player in Chi

7、na.Could you tell me if he is going to see the NBA game?Do you know whose T-shirt this is?Do you think doing regular exercise is important?过去完成时 China had never won so many medals before.She won the silver medal though she had been in the first place for most of the final round.By 2004, he had alrea

8、dy attended three Olympic Games.They had predicted that the team would win many medals in Athens.过去将来时They didnt think he would complete the run.I didnt know if they were going to come.He said he was going to take part in the 5-kilometer run.She said that she would attend the meeting.C词法be + adj. +

9、prep. 结构It wasnt my fault. Dont be angry with me.Linda is good at drawing.Jackie Chan is famous for his action movies.Are you afraid of spiders?2功能用语Lets tell everyone about the Games.Lets make the city more beautiful.Shall we volunteer to help our local organizing committee?Why dont we look on the

10、Internet for more information about the Olympics?Good job!Well done!Go for it!You did well!Keep going!Good for you!三、词汇教学 1set a record创造记录He had set a new Olympic record.他创造了一项新的奥运会记录。The Americans set a new world record in the sprint relay.美国人创造了新的世界短跑接力赛记录。2similar to相像的;相似的My new dress is simila

11、r to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。Her ideas are quite similar to mine.她的想法和我的非常相似。3come from behind追上Du Li was able to come from behind to beat her and win the gold medal.杜莉能够追上,超过她并获得金牌。In the relay race,the last student of Class Two came from behind to win the match.在接力赛中,二班的最后一名同学后来居上,赢得了比赛。4in

12、good health身体好He was 44 years old and he was not in good health. 他44岁了并且身体不太好。Although he is in his sixties, he is in good health.尽管他已经六十几岁了,他身体很好。5start doing开始做某事She started writing advice for newspaper readers at the age of ten.她在十岁时就开始为报纸的读者提供咨询意见。 He started playing table tennis at the age of s

13、ix.他六岁就开始打乒乓球。6by the end of到末By the end of the war, the small workshop had become a large factory. 到战争结束时,这个作坊已经变成一间大工厂了。By the end of 2004, he had already won three gold medals at the Olympic Games.到2004年底,他已经获得了三块奥运会金牌。7by the year 2000到2000年为止They had been to Korea twice by the year 2000.到2000年为

14、止,他们已经去过两次韩国了。By the year 2000, my family had seen films quite a few times.到2000年为止,我们家已经看了很多次电影了。8at different levels不同的级别,不同水平There are many matches at different levels every year.每年都有很多不同级别的比赛。Students at different levels may have different problems with English learning.不同水平的学生在英语学习上可能有不同的问题。9ke

15、ep doing继续做某事I kept thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.独自一人在那个地方,我一直在想念乔伊。I keep telling you but you wont listen.我一直在跟你讲,但是你不听。10catch up with赶上He didnt expect to catch up with the other students.他并不期望能赶上其他同学。Bill caught up with John on the second lap.比尔在第二圈时赶上了约翰。11it takesto do花了某人(时间)做某事

16、It took him hours to finish the 5-kilometer run.他用好几个小时跑完5公里。It will take you half air hour to walk there.你走到那儿需要半个小时。121eave behind超过;留下The other students soon left Joe behind.其他的同学很快就超过了乔伊。Wait a moment, please. Don t leave me behind.请稍等一会儿,不要把我落下。13see sb. doing看见某人(正在)做某事When I was on my way to

17、schoo1. I saw Mary walking in the street.在上学的路上,我看见玛丽在街上走。The young man was seen running into the building.(有人)看见那个年轻人跑进了大楼。14keep you healthy保持健康Doing morning exercises every day will keep you healthy.每天做早操会使你保持健康。To keep you healthy, you have to eat less junk food and drink more water.要保持健康,你得少吃垃圾

18、食品多喝水。15be based on基于Scores are based on the difficulty of the routine and performance of the gymnast.(体操)比赛的得分基于规定动作的难度和体操运动员的表现力。Harry Porter is a film based on a best-selling novel.哈里波特是一部根据畅销小说拍的影片。16Combineand联合;结合 Good carpet wool needs to combine softness and strength. 好的羊毛地毯既柔软又耐磨。 Rhythmic

19、gymnastics combines gymnastics and dance. 韵律体操把体操与舞蹈两者结合起来。四、部分知识讲解和课外知识阅读1Clyde Drexler 德雷克斯勒前NBA球员,常被人们称为“滑翔机”。他曾效力于开拓者队。1995年加入火箭队。他曾于2000年在主教练里克巴里(Rick Barry)的带领下来到中国。当时来到中国的队员还有巴克威廉姆斯(Buck Williams)和罗兰多布莱克曼(Rolando Blackman)。2获得2004年雅典奥运会男子10米气手枪亚军的是俄罗斯运动员Mikhail Nestruev内斯特鲁耶夫(1968. 10. 28)。他是

20、目前俄罗斯最优秀的射击运动员之一3They had predicted that the shooting team would win a few medals in the shooting events. 他们已经预料到射击队会在射击比赛中获得一些奖牌。event常用来指体育赛事。如: The next event will be the 100-meter race. 下一个比赛项目是100米赛跑。 Which event have you entered for? 你报名参加哪一项比赛?4His success proved his ability. 他的成功证实了他的能力。 pro

21、ve证明,证实。如:He proved his braveness in the battle. 他在战斗中证实了自己的勇敢。The lawyer proved his innocence. 律师证实了他的清白。 I will prove to the world that he was right. 我会向全世界证明他是对的。 They will prove to you that I am not lying. 他们会向你证明我没有说谎。5A few people laughed and I think Joe felt embarrassed. 有几个人窃笑,我觉得乔依有些不自在。 fe

22、el在这里是一个系动词,后面跟形容词。又如: No matter which you choose, you will feel satisfied. 无论你选择哪个,你都会感到满意的。 He is having a fever. He must feel terrible now. 他正在发烧,他一定非常难受。 Whenever I see you, I feel nervous. 我一见到你就紧张。 However fast you drive, I always feel safe with you. 无论你的车开多快,和你在一起我总是觉得很安全。6The next day, as 1

23、was cycling to school, 1 saw Joe walking in the street. 第二天,我骑车上学时看到乔依在街上走。as用于引导状语从句,表示“一边一边”;有时也表示在某事发生的过程中,另一事发生。如: Grandmother sings as she works. 祖母一边工作一边唱歌。 The bird sings merrily as it flies higher. 小鸟一边唱着,一边越飞越高。 As he became richer,he had fewer friends. 他越富有,朋友就越少。 Her hair was golden when

24、she was a child, but it went darker as she grew up. 她小时候头发是金黄色的,但随着她的长大头发变得越来越黑。7On the day of the run, Joe lined up with the other students. 长跑的那天,乔依排在了学生的队伍中。 line up排成一行,排队。如: Everybody lined, facing the front. 人们排成一行面向前方。 People lined up in front of the theater. 人们在剧院门前排起了队。 He lined up behind t

25、he others to wait for his turn. 他排在别人后面,等待自己的机会。 The teacher lined up the boys on the playground. 老师在操场上让男孩子们排成一行。8No one will blame you for coming in late. 没有人会埋怨你迟到了。 blame埋怨,怪罪。如: I dont blame you. I blame myself. 我没有怨你,我怨我自己。 Bad workmen often blame their tools. 蹩脚工人总埋怨工具差。I am blamed for someth

26、ing I didnt do. 我没做错却受到了责怪。1 will not have you blame it on me. 我不能让你把这事赖在我身上。9IOC(International Olympics Committee)国际奥林匹克委员会,世界上最有影响的国际体育组织。总部设在瑞士洛桑。1894年6月,由法国人顾拜旦发起,在巴黎成立了国际奥林匹克委员会。国际奥委会管辖奥林匹克运动。奥林匹克运动的宗旨是:在奥林匹克理想指导下,鼓励组织和发展体育运动、体育竞赛;促进和加强各国运动员之间的友谊。现任国际奥委会主席是比利时人罗格。10第一届奥林匹克运动会于公元前776年在希腊奥林匹亚举办。这

27、次运动会中只有希腊的男运动员。女性甚至不能观看比赛。前十三届奥林匹克运动会只有一个竞赛项目赛跑。但是,后来逐渐增加了新项目。古代的奥林匹克运动会到公元393年结束。第一届现代奥林匹克运动会于1 994年在希腊雅典举办。这个运动会是为了增进国家间的理解,促进友好关系而举办的。第一届冬奥会1994年在挪威的利勒哈默尔举办。现在,冬季和夏季奥运会每四年举办一次,主办城市遍布于世界各地。(The first ancient Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. The Games were only for Greek men.

28、women could net even watch them. The first thirteen Olympics consisted of only one eventrunningbut slow1y more events were added. The Ancient Olympic Games came to an end in 393 AD. The first modern O1ympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. They were held to promote understanding and friend

29、ship among nations. In 1994,the first Winter Olympic Games were held in Lillehammer, Norway. Today, the Olympic Games, both Summer and Winter, are held every four years and are hosted by cities around the world. )11Beijings streets were crowed with thousands of people celebrating the citys success. 北京的街道上站满了成千上万的人,大家一起庆祝这个城市的成功。 be crowded with挤满。如: The hall was cr

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