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1、精益生产中英文互译An outline of: Lean Thinking Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation By James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones New York, NY: Free Press, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1996, Second Edition, 2003 Preface to the 2003 Edition. Forecasts are always wrong. That is why lean thinkers strive to re

2、duce order-to-delivery time. During the 2002 meltdown, this 1996 book went back on the Business Week bestseller list. We have added what we have learned since 1996 in this edition. Lean Thinking is more relevant today. Lean ideas are the single most powerful tool available for creating value and eli

3、minating waste in any organization. Part I: Lean Principles Taiichi Ohno (1912 1990), a Toyota executive, identified seven types of waste found in any process: Transportation. Unnecessary transport of parts under production. Inventory. Stacks of parts waiting to be completed or finished products wai

4、ting to be shipped. Motion. Unnecessary movement of people working on products. Waiting. Unnecessary waiting by people to begin the next step. Over-Processing the product with extra steps. Over-Production of products not needed. Defects in the product. We have added an eighth waste: goods and servic

5、es that do not meet the customers needs. Other authors have added: underutilization of people Lean Thinking is the antidote to waste. There are (5) Lean Principles: Specify Value. Value can be defined only by the ultimate customer. Value is distorted by pre-existing organizations, especially enginee

6、rs and experts. They add complexity of no interest to the customer. Identify the Value Stream. The Value Stream is all the actions needed to bring a product to the customer. If the melter, forger, machiner, and assembler never talk, duplicate steps will exist. Flow. Make the value-creating steps flo

7、w. Eliminate departments that execute a single-task process on large batches. Pull. Let the customer pull the product from you. Sell, one. Make one. Pursue Perfection. There is no end to the process of reducing time, space, cost and mistakes. Lean is doing more with less. Use the least amount of eff

8、ort, energy, equipment, time, facility space, materials, and capital while giving customers exactly what they want. The Prize We Can Grasp Now. Converting a batch-and-queue system to continuous flow, with pull, will: Double labor productivity Cut throughput time by 90% Reduce inventory by 90% Cut er

9、rors by 50% Cut injuries1: Value A House or a Hassle-Free Experience? Doyle Wilson Homebuilder found that customers “valued” a hassle-free design process and on-time delivery. All his processes were then re-aligned to meet this goal. Define Value in Terms of the Whole Product. As the product flows,

10、each firm defines value differently. Think of air travel. Each firm agent, airline, taxi, currency exchange, customs, immigration defines their own priorities, duplicates efforts, and works in disharmony with the whole process. The customer is not satisfied. 2: The Value Stream The View from the Ais

11、le. A value stream “map” identifies every action to design, order, and make a specific product. Each step is then sorted into three categories: (1) those that add value, (2) those that add no value but are currently necessary, and (3) those that add no value and can be eliminated. After the third ca

12、tegory has been eliminated, the second category should be addressed through flow, pull, and perfection techniques. The Value Stream for a Carton of Cola. The British grocery chain Tesco retails products with thousands of value streams. In the canned cola value stream, three hours of value-added acti

13、vity take 319 days to perform. 3: Flow The World of Batch-and-Queue. Five-sixths of home-building is waiting for the next set of specialists or rework. Flow principles typically cut half the effort and the time required. The Techniques of Flow. The 1st step is to maintain focus on the product. The 2

14、nd step is to ignore job boundaries and departments IOT remove impediments to continuous flow of the specific product. The 3rd step is to rethink work practices to eliminate backflow, scrap, and stoppages IOT make the product continuously. Takt time synchronizes the rate of production to the rate of

15、 sales. (48) bikes per day sold divided by (8) hours of production = (6) bikes and hour, or (1) bike every ten minutes. Flow requires all workers and machines to be capable at all times. This requires cross-training. Flow requires workers to know the status of production at all times. This requires

16、visual controls. All activities can flow. Concentrate on the value stream for a specific product, eliminate organizational barriers, and relocate and right-size tools. 4: Pull Pull means that no one upstream should produce anything until the customer downstream asks for it. “Dont make anything until

17、 it is needed, then make it very quickly.” “Sell one, buy one.” “Ship one, make one.” The Bad Old Days of Production. The Toyota bumper replacement system suffered long lead times. The ability to get parts quickly from the next upstream producer enabled re-orders in small amounts. This is the secret

18、 to reducing inventory. Cut lead times and inventories. Demand should instantly generate new supply. 5: Perfection The Incremental Path. Freudenberg-NOK, a gasket manufacturer, improved a single process six times in three years. “Why didnt they get is right the first time?” Because perfection is con

19、tinuous. Continuous Radical and Incremental Improvement. If you are spending capital, you are doing it wrong. Once leaders understand the first four lean principles value specification, value stream identification, flow, andpull their perfection step starts with policy: a vision of the ideal process

20、, and the step-wise goals and projects to get there. Transparency is everything. Everyone must know what you are attempting to achieve and what area is the first priority. The force behind this is the leader known as the change agent. Part II: From Thinking to Action: The Lean Leap 6: The Simple Cas

21、e Lantech manufacturers stretch wrap machines. “Process Villages” Sawing department, Machining department, Welding department, Painting department, and Sub-assembly department all generated long lead times. Batches of ten were manufactured to ship one. Inventory overwhelmed the factory. Order change

22、s created havoc in the plant. “The more inventory you have, the less likely you will have the part you need.” The Lean Revolution. Ron Hicks leaned Lantech. He created four cells, one for each product. He defined standard work: on time, on spec, every time. Takt time was introduced: number of produc

23、ts needed per day divided by number of hours (8/8 = 1 hour). He right-sized machines to fit inside work cells. He implemented quick changeover to make multiple different parts with little machine downtime. Result. Lantech cut 30% excess space, doubled product output, cut defects from 8 per product t

24、o 0.8 per product, and cut lead time from sixteen weeks to fourteen hours. On-time shipping rose from 20 to 90%. 7: A Harder Case The Change Agent. Art Byrne was hired as CEO of Wiremold in 1991. “CEOs are timid to change the shop floor.” Byrne led lean training using a manual he wrote himself. He l

25、ed tours of the plant to observe waste that his managers were now able to see. Improvements Must be Fast. Three days was Byrnes standard. Post a Scorecard for Each Product Team. Wiremold tracked: Productivity sales per employee, Service percent delivered on-time, Inventory turns, and Quality mistake

26、s. Teach People How to See. Create a lean training function. Teach all employees the five principles of lean: Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, and Perfection. Teach all employees lean techniques: standard work, takt time, visual control, pull scheduling, and single-piece flow. Results. Wiremold free

27、d 50% factory floor space, eliminated a warehouse, and converted $11M of inventory into $24M in sales. Lead time fell from four weeks to two days. 8: The Acid Test Pratt & Whitney (P&W). In 1991, CEO Karl Krapek and cost-cutter Mark Coran leaned P&W. Jet Engines. Founded in 1860, P&W led the aircraf

28、t engine business by 1929. When they abandoned piston engines to gamble on jets in 1946, business soared. Production inefficiencies were overlooked. Overcapacity. Faced with competition in the 1980s, P&W rationalized plant layout and addressed development costs. They needed lower production costs an

29、d flexibility to react to customer needs. Why did P&W need so much space, tools, inventory and people to get so little done? Daily output of engines and spare parts could fit inside CEOs office. Failure to manage assets. P&W cut people, cut managers, and overhauled their entire production culture an

30、d processes. The Monument of all Monuments. A “monument” is a machine or process too big to be moved and whose scale requires operating in batch mode. Monuments are evil, generating huge amounts of waste. P&W had an $80M grinding system, representing obsolete thinking. Although speeding up grinding

31、from 75 minutes to 3 minutes and eliminating multiple manual grinding jobs, in actuality grinding jobs took longer (due to eight-hour changeovers and batch scheduling), and required more people (22 computer technicians). P&W retired the $80M monument, returned to 75-minute production.9: Lean Thinkin

32、g versus German Technik Porche. Chairman Wendelin Wiedeking introduced lean thinking to Porche. In 1994, the first-ever Porsche rolled off the line with nothing wrong with it. Engineers. Porche is led by engineers, intrigued with unique solutions that are difficult to manufacture. Workers are craftsmen. Unfortunately, much craftsmanship is waste. Tinkering with the product repairing and polishing raw materials, troubleshooting, re-assembling elements, repainting and re

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