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1、感谢信模板感谢信模板各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:感谢信格式以及范文 感谢信的格式和写法 一、感谢信的概念和主要特点 1.感谢信的含义 感谢信是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体(党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等)或个人表示感谢的专用书信,有感谢和表扬双重意思。写感谢信既要表达出真切的谢意,又要起到表扬先进,弘扬正气的作用。它广泛应用于个人与个人之间、个人与组织之间、组织与组织之间,用以向给予自 己帮助、关心和支持的对方表示感谢。 2.感谢信的主要特点 感谢对象要确指 感谢信都有确切的感谢对象,以便让大家都清楚是在感 谢谁。 表述事实要具体 感谢别人是有具体的事由的,

2、否则就会显得抽象空洞。 感情色彩要鲜明 感动和致谢的色彩强烈鲜明,言语里充满感激之情。 二、感谢信的种类 感谢信依据不同的标准可以有不同的分法。 1.按感谢对象的特点来分 写给集体的感谢信 这类感谢信,一般是个人处于困境时,得到了集体的帮助,并在集体的关心和支持下,自己最终克服了困难,度过了难关,摆脱了困境,所以要用感谢信的方式表达自己的感 激之情。 写给个人的感谢信 这类感谢信,可以是个人也可以是单位也可以是集体为了感谢某个人曾经给予的帮助或照顾而写的。 2.按感谢信的存在形式来分 公开张贴的感谢信 这种感谢信包括可在报社登报、电台广播或电视台播报 的感谢信,是一种可以公开张贴的感谢信。 寄

3、给单位、集体或个人的感谢信 这种感谢信直接寄给单位、集体或个人。 三、感谢信的格式和写法 感谢信通常有标题、称呼、正文、结语和落款五部分构 成。 1.标题 感谢信的标题的写法有这样几种形式:“感谢信”单独由文种名称组成的:“致鬃椎母行恍拧薄 筛行欢韵蠛臀闹置 乒餐 槌傻模骸白捉值乐伦拙缭旱母行恍拧薄 筛 行凰 胶臀闹置 谱槌傻摹?/P 2.称呼 开头顶格写被感谢的机关、单位、团体或个人的名称或姓名,并在个人姓名后面附上“同志”等称呼,然后再加上冒 号。 3.正文 感谢信的正文从称呼下面行空两格开始写,要求写上感谢的内容和感谢的心情。应分段写出以下几个方面: 感谢的事由 概括叙述感谢的理由,表达

4、谢意。 对方的事迹 具体叙述对方的先进事迹,叙述时务必交待清楚人物、事件、时间、地点、原因和结果,尤其重点叙述关键时刻对方给予的关心和支持。 揭示意义 在叙述事实的基础上指出对方的支持和帮助对整个事情成功的重要性以及体现出的可贵精神。同时表示向对方学 习的态度和决心。 4.结语 写感谢信收束时表示敬意的话、感谢的话。如“此致敬 礼”、“致以最诚挚的敬礼”等。 5.落款 感谢信的落款署上写信的单位名称或个人姓名,并且署 上成文日期。前者在上,后者在下。 四、写作感谢信的注意事项 1.内容要真实,评誉要恰当篇二:感谢模板信 . 感谢信模板2014济宁二模英语作文 给老师的感谢信 假设你是高三学生李

5、华,毕业在即,回首过去的岁月,一定有人值得你感谢。请按下面给出的要点用英语写一封120-150词的感谢信,以便上传至校园网英文页面“Student Voice”(学生心声)栏目。 1.简述收信人对你的帮助及你的受益情况。2.表达你的谢意3.表达你的决心:继续努力,以优异的成绩回报对方。 With my upcoming graduation from senior middle school, I have put much thought into who helped me the most and it is you. I want to thank you for always bei

6、ng there for me, and for teaching me that I am capable of accomplishing anything I put my mind to. Your kind words and constant support have always inspired me to work hard and remain determined, even when things seem difficult. You are a strong, intelligent woman and I want to make you proud of me,

7、 just as I am proud of you. My hard work and determination will help me pass the college entrance exams and be admitted to a university. My future success in college will surely make you proud of me. Thank you for always being there to guide me through lifes obstacles. With love and admiration, Li H

8、ua 2015天津高考模拟作文写给向你捐助大学学费的外籍老师感谢信 假设你是李华,以优异的成绩考入了理想的大学,但由于家境原因,难以负担学费。你的外籍教师Betty得知你的情况之后为你捐助了学费,帮你完成学业。现请你给Betty老师写一封信,以表谢意。 内容包括:1. Betty老师提供的捐款8000元已经收到,全家非常感谢。2. 立志要努力学习知识,取得优异成绩。 3. 大学毕业之后会建设家乡,奉献家乡。4. 会和父母在今年暑假一起去拜访Betty老师。 参考范文 Dear Mrs. Betty, Thank you very much for your kindness. I have r

9、eceived your letter and 8000 yuan. My family and I are very happy and grateful. With your help, I will have no difficulty in studying at university. So I have made up my mind to study hard. Im sure I will make great progress. Im going back to my hometown after I graduate from university and I am det

10、ermined to devote myself to building my hometown. My parents and I are going to pay a visit to you this summer holiday. Thank you again for your kind help. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Lihua高三英语作文 向夏令营寄宿家庭回信表示感谢 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,上个月赴美参加夏令营,回国后收到寄宿家庭 Mr. Smith的一封信。请给Mr. Smith写一封回信,向他表示感谢。内容包括:1.感谢他寄来的

11、照片;2.告诉他你最喜欢的照片及原因;3.欢迎他们全家来北京。 参考范文: Dear Mr. Smith, Im glad to receive your letter and want to express my thanks for the photos you sent me. All the photos are beautiful. My family and I appreciate them a lot. One of my favorite photos is the one at my birthday party you threw for me. I was blowin

12、g candles happily. It is the best remembrance of my trip to America. I,m really grateful for everything. I hope that someday you can come to Beijing. I would like to show you around my hometown. Please give my respects to all your family. 、 Yours sincerely, Li Hua 假定你是李华,暑假你参加了英国游学活动,住在房东Tricia家中,回国

13、后给房东写一封信表示感谢,要点如下:1、安全抵家2、回顾英国游学体会3、感谢房东的帮助4、附寄两张合影5、表达愿望 Dear Tricia, Ive come back home safely . Looking back to my stay in Britain, I felt so happy and satisfied. The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed me a lot . I also benefited a lot from learning together with local students. More

14、 importantly , your help and kindness made it easier for me to have a better understanding of British culture and adapt to the life there . So Im so grateful to you . By the way , attached to the letter are two photos taken with you , which I believe will remind you of the happy time we spent togeth

15、er. You are expected to come to China soon. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 英语作文模板感谢信 当别人帮了你一个忙时,你应该给他写封信,以示感激。 Dear John: Thank you very much for the nice birthday present you have sent me! I have been longing for a dictionary for a long time. It will surly be very helpful to

16、 my study. Its very nice of you to remember my birthday. Ill make good use of the dictionary and Ill think of you with gratitude and affection every time I use it. Yours sincerely, Sally 给送生日礼物的朋友写封感谢信 Dear Jack, Yesterday, I received your present, a useful electronic dictionary, very unexpectedly a

17、nd excitedly. Believe it or not, what you sent me is the very electronic dictionary I am anxious for. I have been looking for it in almost every store in my city. Im sure this electronic dictionary must be of great help to my English learning. Thank you for your timely help and fine present, and I w

18、ill work harder at English in return. If you have time this summer holiday, Id like you to come to my home and lets study English together. Best wishes to your parents. Yours, Li Hua篇三:感谢信写作模板 写作指导 感谢信可分为感谢馈赠、感谢款待、感谢帮助、感谢送行和感谢探病等。 写作格式 1. 2. 3. 一、 常用词汇、短语和句式 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 1. I am writing this let

19、ter to thank you for 2. 3. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (adj. 衷心的) to you for 4. With deepest gratitude I write you this letter for 5. you for 6. 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 1. It was nice/kind/thoughtful (adj. 考虑周到的2. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality (n. 好客, 热情招待) and the h

20、onor you showed me during my visit 3. (强调句型) 4. If it for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I (won the prize) (虚拟语气) But for/Without 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 1. Thanks again for your generous help. 2. I appreciate it more than I can say. 3. My true gratitude is beyond the words description. 4. I feel deep

21、ly indebted to you and I really do not know how to thank you enough for your help. 5. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget. 6. Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me. 7. (回报). 8. 虚拟语气倒装) me to do something for you 9. 报答) 10. Best wishes for your health an

22、d every happiness. 二、感谢信模板 模板一: Dear _(收信人) I am writing to express my sincere thanks for _ (感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in _ (对方给你的具体帮助),I fear that I would have been _ (没有对方帮助时的后果)。 Everyone agrees that it was you who _(具体帮助的细节)。 Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to

23、you! Please accept my gratitude. Yours sincerely Li Ming 模板二: Dear _ (收信人), I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for _ (感谢的原因). Id like you to know how much your _ (对方的帮助) meant to me. I not only enjoyed _ (具体细节),but also _ (具体细节) I repeat my thanks again for your _ (感谢原因). Please give my kind regards to your _ (问候对象). Yours trulyLi Ming感谢信模板各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢

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