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1、大学英语3第1阶段在线作业1分)0.0hi, tom, hows everything with you,a nd how are youA)Don t men ti on itB)Hm not too badC)ThanksD)Pretty fast参考答案: B收起解析解析:无2分)0.0Hello, I m Harry Potter.Hello, my n ame is Charles Gree n, but A)call my CharlesB)call me at CharlesC)call me CharlesD)call Charles me参考答案: C收起解析解析:无3分)d

2、inner in the0.0When Lily came home at 5 . yesterday, her mother kitche n.A)cookedB)was cook ingC)cooksD)has cooked参考答案: B收起解析解析:无4分)Professor Smith promised to look my paper, that is, to read itcarefully before the defe nse.A)afterB)overC)onD)into参考答案: B收起解析解析:无5分)0.0As the bus came round the corn e

3、r, it rana big tree by the roadside.A)intoB)onC)overD)up参考答案: A收起解析解析:无6分)0.0Our house is about a mile from the railway stati on and there are notmany houses .A)in betwee nB)far apartC)among themD)from each other参考答案: A收起解析解析:无7分)He adva ntage of the mome nt to leave the room.A)hadB)gotC)tookD)made参

4、考答案:C收起解析解析:无8分)Excuse me, how much is the jacketIt s 499 Yuan.A)Oh, no. That s OK!B)How do you like itC)Which do you preferD)Would you like to try it on参考答案:D收起解析解析:无9分)0.0Eggs, though rich in no urishme nts, have of fat.A)a large nu mberB)the large nu mberC)a large amountD)the large amount参考答案: C收

5、起解析解析:无10分)0.0I m sorry. I lost the key.A)Well , it s OK.B)No, it s all right.C)You are welcome.D)You are wrong.参考答案: A收起解析解析:无11分)0.0He teaches physics in a school.A)What does your father want to doB)Who is your fatherC)What is your fatherD)w here is your father now参考答案:C收起解析解析:无12分)0.0I don t know

6、 the park, but itsto be quite beautiful.A)saidB)toldC)spokenD)talked参考答案: A收起解析解析:无13分)0.0Who s that speakingThis is Tom A)speaksB)spokenspeakingD)say ing参考答案: C收起解析解析:无14分)our En glish teacher;the way0.0The young lady coming over to us she walks tells us that!A)must beB)can beC)would beD)could be参考

7、答案: A收起解析解析:无15分)5.0Did you no tice the guy head looked like a big potatoA)whoB)whichC)whoseD)whom参考答案:C收起解析解析:无16分)0.0It s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the windowA)Yes, please.B)No, go ahead.C)Sure, please.D)I don t like it.参考答案:B收起解析解析:无17分)5.0How are you. Bob Ted.A)How are youB)I m

8、 fine. Thank you.C)How do you doD)Nice to meet you.参考答案: B收起解析解析:无18分)0.0the train to Birmi ngham.Had you come five minu tes earlier, youBut now you missed it.A)would catchB)would have caughtC)could catchD)should catch参考答案: B收起解析解析:无19分)0.0paul, oh, that s my father! a nd beside him, my mother.A)what is the pers on over thereB)who s talki ng over thereC)what are they doingD)which is that参考答案: B收起解析解析:无20分)5.0Mike is better tha n Peter swimmi ng.A)forB)atC)onD)in参考答案: B收起解析解析:无

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