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1、马Chinese charactersM3U2 Project The development of木燕禾泉舟车网鱼Can you make out these Chinese characters?甲骨文甲骨文金文金文战国文字战国文字小篆小篆Oracle Bone InscriptionsBronze InscriptionsLesser Seal Characters Warring States script 王曦之王曦之兰亭序兰亭序行书行书楷书楷书Formal ScriptFormal ScriptRunning ScriptRunning ScriptThe development

2、of Chinese charactersFast reading1.How does Chinese language differ from Western languages?2.Who first invented Chinese writing?3.When did the Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese characters?Cang Jie L7In the 1950s L27Instead of an alphabet,Chinese uses characters which stand for ideas,ob

3、jects or deeds.L1-L2Find out the whole structurepara1p2p3p4p5p5p1p2p3p4p5p1p2p3p4p1p2p3p4p5ADCBPart1(1)Brief introduction of_ Part2(2-4)A story about_ and _ types of Chinese characters.Pare3(5)_ Chinese characters.fourSimplifiedChinese characters.Main ideas of each partCang Jie inventing Chinese wri

4、ting Detailed reading Part1(para1)How can we study the history of the Chinese language?The history of the Chinese language can be examined by looking at how these characters developed.L4What are the three ways in which Chinese characters developed?Careful reading(paras2-4)drawings of physical object

5、s pictographs(象形象形)What are the three ways in which Chinese characters developed?drawings of physical objects pictographs(象形象形)combining two or more characters together to express ideas ideographic(会意会意)What are the three ways in which Chinese characters developed?众 孬 炎 歪.Explain the following chara

6、cters and give more examples.drawings of physical objects pictographs(象形象形)combining two or more characters together to express ideasideographic(会意会意)combining meaning and pronunciation pictophonetic(形声形声)What are the three ways in which Chinese characters developed?Can you give more examples of pic

7、tophonetic characters(形声字形声字).砖 编 聆 骂 Examples:PictographSunMoonMountainSheep象形字象形字 HumanWomanIdeographs Ideographs 会意字会意字 combine two or more characters.(返回键)Pictophonetic形声字形声字帽、洋、姥、驶、材、帽、洋、姥、驶、材、枝、钢、侣、铜枝、钢、侣、铜、洲、洲Discussion Why should we do research on the development of Chinese characters?Chines

8、e charactersn1.Chinese history is recorded byn2.represent Chinese culture n3.represent our nation and municate with other culturesn Some possible answersUseful expressions 1.和和不同不同(L1)2.在于,因为在于,因为(L1)3.代表代表(2)4.通过通过形成形成(L2)5.在很多情况下在很多情况下(L3)6.组成,捏造组成,捏造(L3)7.考虑,研究考虑,研究(L4)8.根据根据(L6)9.渐渐地渐渐地(L12)10.作

9、为整体作为整体,总得说来总得说来(L13)11.由由A发展成为发展成为B(L13-14)12.变成变成(L15)13.与与相反相反(L22)14.广泛运用广泛运用(L28)ndiffer from nIn that nstand fornbe formed bynin many casesnmake up/be made up ofnlook atnaccording tonover timenas a wholendevelop from A into Bnturn intonbe opposite ofnhave widespread useFill in the blanks with

10、the phrases below.over time,according to,differ from,in that/this way,turninto,as a whole,develop into1.Old English _ greatly _ the modern English we use today.2.Life on the island has changed _ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.3._ the tickets,the train will leave at

11、 8:30.Wed better hurry to get to the station on time!differsfromAccording toover time4.She said it was the teachers praise and encouragement that _ her _ a good student.5.Considering your idea _,I think it will contribute significantly to the development of the company.However,it may cause some prob

12、lems as well.6.I was lucky _ I was able to find what I wanted.turnedintoas a wholein thatDifficult sentences 1.The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.Phrases:A differ from B in sth=A is different fr

13、om B in sth Clauses:that引导的为引导的为_,which引导的为引导的为_,先行词为先行词为_.宾语从句宾语从句定语从句定语从句charactersEg:英语和法语在读音和拼写方面都有很大的不同。:英语和法语在读音和拼写方面都有很大的不同。English greatly differs from French both in pronunciation and spelling.=English is greatly different from French both in 2.Not all characters were developed fromdrawings

14、 of objects.Not all表示部分否定,翻译成表示部分否定,翻译成 并非所有的并非所有的此句可转换成:此句可转换成:All characters were not developed from drawings of objects.英语中部分否定表达的惯用语:英语中部分否定表达的惯用语:两者:两者:Not both或或 Bothnot 三者或三者以上:三者或三者以上:Not all/every/the whole或或 All/every/The wholenot英语中全盘否定表达的惯用语:英语中全盘否定表达的惯用语:两者两者 neither 三者三者 nonenEg:这两姐妹并非

15、都喜欢吃甜食。这两姐妹并非都喜欢吃甜食。Not both of the sisters are fond of desserts.Both of the sisters are not fond of desserts.并非所有的学生都去看电影了。并非所有的学生都去看电影了。Not all the students/every student/the whole class went to the movies.All the students did not go to the movies.3.Therefore,a method was developed to have one par

16、t of a character indicate the meaning and the other suggest the pronunciation.Phrases:have sb/sth do 使某人使某人/某物做某事某物做某事 have sth done 使某物被使某物被 have sth to do 有某事要做有某事要做 Translate the following sentences:Tom 让他哥哥帮他修车子。让他哥哥帮他修车子。Tom 将他的车子送去修了。将他的车子送去修了。今天晚上我有很多作业要做。今天晚上我有很多作业要做。I have a lot of homework to do tonight.Tom had his car repaired.Tom had his brother repair his car.1.Who introduced blind people to reading?2.What did the soldier do for students when he visited the school?Louis Braille.He s

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