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1、物流专业英语与计算机基础模拟题带答案物流英语与计算机模拟题1、一个完整的计算机系统包括( )。A、计算机及其外部设备 B、主机、键盘、显示器C、系统软件和应用软件 D、硬件系统和软件系统2、任何程序都必须加载到( )中才能被CPU执行。A、磁盘 B、硬盘C、内存D、外存3、RAM代表的是( )。A、只读存储器 B、高速缓存器C、随机存储器 D、软盘存储器4、将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到( )。A、桌面上B、“我的文档”中C、内存中D、被删除的位置5、汉字的拼音输入码属于汉字的( )。A、外码B、内码C、ASCII码D、标准码6、扩展名为.MOV的文件通常是一个( )。A、音频文件

2、B、视频文件C、图片文件D、文本文件 7、在Internet中的IP地址由( )位二进制数组成。A、8B、16C、32D、64 8、用C语言编写的程序需要用( )程序翻译后计算机才能识别。A、汇编B、编译C、解释D、连接BB9、E-mail是指A、利用计算机网络及时地向特定对象传送文字、声音、图像或图形的一种通信方式B、电报、电话、电传等通信方式C、无线和有线的总称D、报文的传送 BA10、下列设备中,属于输人设备的是A、声音合成器B、激光打印机C、光笔D、显示器BC11、在Intenet中,IP地址由两部分组成,它们是( )。A、用户帐号和主机号B、网络号和主机号C、域名和国家代码D、源地址

3、和目的地址BB12、下列程序不属于附件的是( )。A、计算器B、记事本C、网上邻居D、画笔BC13、( )是计算机的输出设备A、键盘B、扫描仪C、打印机D、CPUBC14、如果在Windows的资源管理器底部没有状态栏,那么要增加状态栏的操作是( )。A、单击“编辑”菜单中的“状态栏”命令B、单击“查看”菜单中的“状态栏”命令C、单击“工具”菜单中的“状态栏”命令D、单击“文件”菜单中的“状态栏”命令BB15、门到门是( )。A、from beginningB、door to door C、door to door transportD、door-to-doorBD16、准时制物流( )。A、

4、Just-in-time(JIT)B、Just-in-time logisticsC、zero-inventory logisticsD、logistics cost controlBB17、集中采购( )。A、channel of distributionB、centralized dispatchingC、centralized procurementD、closed distribution systemBC18、COD(Cash on delivery) ( )。A、交货收款B、现金付款C、交货与速递D、现金与交货同步BA19、DN(Domain Name) ( )。A、域名B、主名C

5、、域址D、主址BA20、虚拟物流( )。A、virtual logisticsB、customized logisticsC、external logisticsD、value-added logistics serviceBA21、无形损耗( )。A、tangible lossB、intangible lossC、supply logisticsD、supply chainBB22、物流联盟是( )。A、logistics allianceB、logistics unionC、logistics cooperationD、logistics allyBA23、拼箱货( )。A、Full Co

6、ntainer Load (FCL)B、Less- than Container Load (LCL)C、Full Box Goods (FBG)D、Less Box GoodsBB24、流通加工( )。A、distribution processing B、transportation processingC、delivery processingD、shipping deliveryBA25、包装是( )。A、package/packagingB、boxingC、packingD、 wrappingBA26、集装运输是( )。A、containerized transportB、conta

7、iner transportC、continue transportD、union transportBB27、自动化仓库( )。A、automatic warehouseB、stereoscopic warehouse C、virtual warehouse D、boned warehouse BA28、大陆桥运输是( )。A、continental transportB、continental bridge transportC、land transport by railwayD、land bridge transportBD29、货架是( )。A、goods shelfB、shelfC

8、、good storeD、good frameBC30、物流资源计划( )。A、Logistics Resource Planning (LRP)B、Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)C、Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)D、Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)BA31、快速反应是( )。A、quick reflectB、quick re-actC、Quick ReactionD、Quick Response ( QR )BC32、批号( )。A、bar code B、batch nu

9、mbersC、bar code labelD、base stockBB33、消费者物流( )。A、consumer physical distribution B、container terminalC、cooperative buyingD、cost controlBA34、条形码扫描机是( )。A、bar code readerB、bar code scannerC、bar code examinerD、bar code identificationBB35、FedEx(Federal Express) ( )。A、联邦特别B、联邦特殊邮件C、联邦快递D、美国政府快递机构BCA E031|

10、.The process of logistics integration can be divided into four stages: Stage1.Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities as-sociated with distribution.Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribu

11、tion management(PDM).Stage2.PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials ,components, and subas-semblies,generally known as materials management .By the late 1970s,many firms had es-tablished logistics departments with overall responsibility for the movement,storage,and han-dling of products

12、 upstream and downstrem of the orodution operation.Stage3.Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other func-tions.With the emergece of business process re-engineeing(BPR) in the early 1990s, the rela-tionship between logistics and related functions was redefined.

13、Systems integration occurred.Cross-functional integration should achieve greater results.Stage4. Establish Supply Chain Management(SCM)to achieve supply chian optimization and minimize inventory.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage(本章节总共有五小题).1What is the meaning of integration? ( )。A

14、、To link some separate factors as a whole chainB、United C、To put together D、Mixture BAA E031|.The process of logistics integration can be divided into four stages: Stage1.Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities as-sociated with distribution.Separate distrib

15、ution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management(PDM).Stage2.PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials ,components, and subas-semblies,generally known as materials management .By the late 1970s,many firms had es-tablished logisti

16、cs departments with overall responsibility for the movement,storage,and han-dling of products upstream and downstrem of the orodution operation.Stage3.Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other func-tions.With the emergece of business process re-engineeing(BPR)

17、in the early 1990s, the rela-tionship between logistics and related functions was redefined. Systems integration occurred.Cross-functional integration should achieve greater results.Stage4. Establish Supply Chain Management(SCM)to achieve supply chian optimization and minimize inventory.Questions 1

18、to 5 are based on the following passage(本章节总共有五小题).2How many stages in the processing of logistics integration? ( )。A、OneB、TwoC、ThreeD、FourBDA E031|.The process of logistics integration can be divided into four stages: Stage1.Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all ac

19、tivities as-sociated with distribution.Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management(PDM).Stage2.PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials ,components, and subas-semblies,generally known as materials management

20、 .By the late 1970s,many firms had es-tablished logistics departments with overall responsibility for the movement,storage,and han-dling of products upstream and downstrem of the orodution operation.Stage3.Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other func-tions.Wi

21、th the emergece of business process re-engineeing(BPR) in the early 1990s, the rela-tionship between logistics and related functions was redefined. Systems integration occurred.Cross-functional integration should achieve greater results.Stage4. Establish Supply Chain Management(SCM)to achieve supply

22、 chian optimization and minimize inventory.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage(本章节总共有五小题).3What is PDM? ( )。A、Production distribution managementB、Physical distribution managementC、.Processing distribution management D、Pallets distribution managementBBA E031|.The process of logistics

23、integration can be divided into four stages: Stage1.Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities as-sociated with distribution.Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management(PDM).Stage

24、2.PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials ,components, and subas-semblies,generally known as materials management .By the late 1970s,many firms had es-tablished logistics departments with overall responsibility for the movement,storage,and han-dling of products upstream and downstrem of

25、 the orodution operation.Stage3.Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other func-tions.With the emergece of business process re-engineeing(BPR) in the early 1990s, the rela-tionship between logistics and related functions was redefined. Systems integration occurr

26、ed.Cross-functional integration should achieve greater results.Stage4. Establish Supply Chain Management(SCM)to achieve supply chian optimization and minimize inventory.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage(本章节总共有五小题).4What is BPR ? ( )。A、Business .Production relation B、Business promot

27、ion relationC、Business process re-engineering D、Business placement ratioBCA E031|.The process of logistics integration can be divided into four stages: Stage1.Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities as-sociated with distribution.Separate distribution depart

28、ments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management(PDM).Stage2.PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials ,components, and subas-semblies,generally known as materials management .By the late 1970s,many firms had es-tablished logistics departmen

29、ts with overall responsibility for the movement,storage,and han-dling of products upstream and downstrem of the orodution operation.Stage3.Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other func-tions.With the emergece of business process re-engineeing(BPR) in the early

30、 1990s, the rela-tionship between logistics and related functions was redefined. Systems integration occurred.Cross-functional integration should achieve greater results.Stage4. Establish Supply Chain Management(SCM)to achieve supply chian optimization and minimize inventory.Questions 1 to 5 are bas

31、ed on the following passage(本章节总共有五小题).5What is SCM ? ( )。A、Supply Customer ManagementB、Support Customer ManagementC、Supply Chain MaterialsD、Supply Chain ManagementBDA E032|.Third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and im-prove the service level to the customer. Third part logistics hav

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