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1、物业管理合同中英对照物业服务合同Property Services ContractXXXXXX年 XXXXXX 月December xxxxxx物业服务合同Property Service Contract委托方(以下简称甲方):XXXXXX信息技术(上海)有限公司Pd法定代表人: Legal Representative 注册地址:室Registered Address:联系电话: 联系人: Telephone: Contact person: 受委托方(以下简称乙方):江苏XXXXXX服务外包有限公司法定代表人: Legal Representative: 注册地址: Registere

2、d Address: 联系电话: 联系人: Telephone: Contact person: 签约地址: Place of Execution: 根据有关法律、法规,在自愿、平等、协商一致的基础上,在熟悉、了解物业设 施状况的情况下,甲方将求真楼1号楼委托乙方实行外围及公共设施区域整体物业 管理,订立本合同。This Con tract is en tered in to on the followi ng terms and con diti ons in accorda nce with releva nt laws and regulatio ns and on the basis

3、of volun tari ness, equality, mutual agreeme nt, based on ack no wledgeme nt and un dersta nding of the status of the facilities of the Property, whereby Party A en trusts Party B with overall property man ageme nt of the surro unding and public facility areas of Block 1 of Qiuzhe n Build ing.、物业基本情

4、况Article One Basic Information of the Property物业类型:标准办公楼Type of Property: Stan dard Office Buildi ng座落位置:常熟市湖山路99号常熟理工学院东南校区求真楼1号楼Location Site: Block 1, Qiuzhen Building, SoutheastCampus, Changshu Institute of Tech nology, No.99, Hushan Road, Cha ngshu City.管理服务类型:求真楼1号楼物业管理。Type of man ageme nt se

5、rvice: Block 1 Qiuzhe n Build ing property man ageme nt二、本合同中术语的定义Article Two. Definition管理区域:是指 求真楼1号楼 区域。Management area: Block 1 Qiuzhen Building area.业主:是指物业的所有权人。Owner: Owner of the Property.管理公司:是指在物业前期由开发商委托根据物业管理服务合同进行专业管 理服务的江苏XXXXXX服务外包(集团)有限公司。Man ageme nt compa ny: IService (Jia ngsu) Gr

6、oup, which con ducts professi onal man ageme nt service pursua nt to the Property Service Con tract in early stage of the Property as en trusted by the developer.共用部位:是指整栋建筑内业主所有且共同使用的部位,其中包括(但不限 于)入口、大堂、外墙、天台、楼道、楼梯、楼梯间、电梯间、 平台、垃圾房、厕所、货梯机房、电表房、泵房、共用仓库、消 防中心、电话机房、天井、水箱。Com mon Parts: Parts owned and

7、com mon ly used by all owners in the build ing, in clud ing but not limited to entran ce, lobby, exter nal wall, balc ony, corridor, stair, stairway, elevator, platform, garbage room, toilet, freight elevator machine room, meter room, pump room, shared warehouse, fire fighti ng cen ter, teleph one r

8、oom, patio and water tank.共用设备:是指整栋建筑内业主所有且共同使用的设备,其中包括(但不限 于)电梯系统、通风系统、防火设备、消防系统、保安监控系统、 给、排水系统、污水处理系统、强弱电系统等。Common equipme nts: Equipme nt owned and com monly used by all owners in the build in g, in cludi ng but not limited to elevator system,ventilation system, fire fighting system, security mo

9、nitoring system, water supply and drainage systems, sewage treatment system, strong and weak electricity systems, etc.公共设施: 是指管理区域内归全体业主所有或共同使用的设施(共用设施除 外),其中包括(但不限于)照明路灯、排水管道、水景、窖井、 化粪池、垃圾房、配电房等设施。Common facilities: Facilities owned and commonly used by all owners in the management area other than

10、share facilities, including but not limited to road lighting, drainage pipeline, waterscape, pit well, septic tank, garbage room, distributing substation, etc.公共区域: 是指管理区域内归全体业主所有或共同使用的部位和场所(共用 部位除外),其中包括(但不限于)道路、绿地、停车场库等部 位和场所。Common areas: Parts and venues owned and commonly used by all owners in

11、the management area other than shared facilities, including but not limited to road, greenbelt, parking lot, etc.三、甲方的权利与义务Article Three Party A s Rights and Obligations 1监督乙方管理工作的实施;Oversee the implementation of Party B s management.2.按期支付乙方的物业管理费用;Pay property management fee to Party B when due.3提

12、供乙方物业管理有关所需的装潢平面图纸、电气线路图、消 防验收批文;Provide decorating plane drawings, electric wiring diagram, fire inspection approval required in connection with Party B s property management.4自用部位、自用设备自行负责管理、保养、维修或根据房屋租赁合同或XXXXXX常熟站点委托建设及装修合同要求乙方保养、维修;Manage, maintain and repair occupied parts and private equipmen

13、ts or request Party B to maintain or repair in accordancewith the House Lease Contract or Changshu Site Decoration Agreement.5. 配合乙方做好物业管理中的其它协调工作;Cooperate with Party B in other coordination work in property management.四、乙方的权利与义务Article Four Party B s Rights and Obligations1.遵守有关法律、法规及本合同的约定 .制定详细的

14、物业管理工作计划Comply with relevant laws and regulations and provisions of this Contract, and formulate specific property management plan.2.对业主和物业使用人有违反法律法规的行为,提请有关部门处理。Report to relevant authority on the violations of laws and regulations committed by property owners and users.3.在求真楼 1号楼二楼建设可同时提供 100人同时用餐

15、的餐厅。 甲方支付餐厅 租金并承担水电费Build up a canteen which can seat 100 people on the Second Floor, Block 1 of the Qiuzhen Building.4.向业主和物业使用人书面告知物业使用的有关规定, 当业主和物业使用人 装修物业时,书面告知有关限制条件,并负责监督。Notify property owners and users in writing of rules in connection with property management, and notify them of relevant re

16、strictions thereon in case property owners and users decorate the Property, and shall be responsible for oversight thereof.五、物业管理范围:Article Five Scope of Property Management1.求真楼 1号楼区域的共用部位。Common parts of Block 1 of Qiuzhen Building;2.求真楼 1号楼区域的共用设备。Common equipment of Block 1 of Qiuzhen Building;3

17、.求真楼 1号楼区域的公共设施。Common facilities of Block 1 of Qiuzhen Building;4.求真楼 1号楼二楼的餐厅。Canteen of 2nd Floor of Block 1 of Qiuzhen Building.六、 物业管理服务内容:Article Six Content of Property Management Services1 求真楼外观:完好整洁,室外设备安装有序。Qiuzhen Building appearance: Intact and clean, orderly installation of outdoor faci

18、lities.2 公共环境卫生: Public and environmental hygiene(1) 求真楼区域道路、停车点及公共走道、明沟、大厅、二楼餐厅、电梯厅、照明灯具、楼道、楼梯扶手、楼道玻璃、屋面、水泵房、配电房、电梯间及电梯机房等有专人负责保洁。Cleaners put in place in charge of cleaning of the roads, parking spots, public walkways, open trenches, lobbies, 2nd floor canteen, elevator hall, lighting, corridors,

19、staircase rails, corridor glasses, roofing, pump room, distributing substation, elevator hoistway and elevator machine room of Qiuzhen Building area.求真楼区域做好除虫害工作, 每月安排专业除虫害公司来做除害工作, 必须确保求真楼里没有老鼠等虫害。 (费用由大楼业主分摊)(2)Conduct insect pest removal in the Qiuzhen Building area, for that purpose a profession

20、al pest removal company shall be engaged to do pest removal work each month to ensure there are no insect pests such as mice.(3)配备垃圾箱、做到生活垃圾每日清运。Dust bins are provided and domestic garbage is removed each day.(4)求真楼区域外的门前保洁,委托环卫部门操作。Cleaning in front of the door of the Qiuzhen Building area is entru

21、sted to the public sanitation department.(5)真楼 1号楼外墙每年清洗一次。 (费用由大楼业主分摊)Exterior wall of Block 1 of Qiuzhen Building shall be cleaned once a year.3.公共区域安全管理:Security Management of the Public Area:( 1) 保安全天候巡逻、控制闲杂人等进入办公楼区域。24/7 patrol by security guards, precluding people without fixed duties from en

22、try into the office building area;( 2) 机动车与非机动车停放有序,保持道路畅通。Motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles park orderly to enable the road unclogged.( 3) 机动车停车实行无偿服务,给予固定停车位 10 个。Motor vehicles are parked free of charge and given 10 fixed parking spaces.提供非机动车停放,搭建停车棚供甲方使用,至少提供 200 辆自行车 的停放。车棚建造费用由大楼业主分摊。Prov

23、ide park ing space for non-m otor vehicles, and con struct a park ing shed for Party A, which can accommodate at least 200 bicycles.4.特约服务:Special services:(1)水电费由委托方直接支付给常熟理工学院,付款信息如下。Water and electricity fees will be paid to Changshu Institute of Tech no logy ;受益人名称常熟理工学院银行帐号32201986152050594557受

24、益银行名称常熟建行城中支行(2)对于房屋租赁合同或xxxxxx常熟站点委托建设及装修合 同未涉及的部分,接受甲方提出的自用部位、自用设备的维 修并合理收取费用。Accept repairs of occupied parts and private equipme nt applied by Party A for those areas not covered in the House Lease Con tract or Chan gshu Site Decorati on Agreeme nt and may charge reas on able fees thereof;(3)代办其

25、它方面报修项目。En trusted with other repairs.5.设备运行及维护保养: Equipme nt operati on and maintenance(1)由大楼业主分摊楼区下水道疏浚费用,每一年疏浚二次(其中 一次摇车进场),确保下水道畅通。Sewer dredg ing in the pla nt area, dredgi ng twice a year (in clud ing rock ing cart, a kind of hoist) to en sure un clogged sewer.(2)由大楼业主分摊费用及时更换损坏的窨井盖座。Promptly

26、replace damaged pit well cover.(3)对落水管道进行日常维护,确保下水畅通。Con duct rout ine maintenance of dow nspout pipe to en sure un clogged sewer.(4)由大楼业主分摊费用对二级生化处理池由物业公司进行日常疏 通、保养。Secon dary biochemical treatme nt pond is dredged and maintained routi nely by the Property Compa ny.(5) 由大楼业主分摊费用定时清洗水箱,保证水质卫生。Regula

27、rly clea n the water tank to en sure water san itati on.(6) 由大楼业主分摊费用定期进行除虫害工作。Regularly remove in spect pests.(7) 做好配电房、水泵房日常维护、保养工作。Con duct routi ne maintenance and repairs of the distributi on substatio n and water pump room.(8) 及时更换损坏的垃圾桶。Promptly replace damaged garbage bins.(9) 对机动车停车点定期划线(油漆

28、);自行车车棚维护保养,一年 两次定期进行油漆。Regularly do linework (paint) for vehicle parking spots; maintain and repair bike shelter, regularly paint it twice a year.(10) 对大楼内避雷针的维护、保养,保持畅通。对大楼区内消防系 统进行日常检查、保养。Repair and maintenance of arrestors in the pla nt area to keep them operative. Repair and maintenance of fire

29、 protection system in the plant area.(11) 由大楼业主分摊求真楼1号楼内公共用电、用水等费用的支出。 Bear the expe nditure of public electricity and watercon sumpti on in Block 1 of Qiuzhe n Build ing.(12) 由大楼业主分摊分摊电梯运行的操作和日常保养及年检费用。 Operati on and routi ne maintenance and annual in spect ion of elevators.(13) 由大楼业主分摊分摊承担电梯水泵日常运

30、行费用的支出。 Bear the expe nditure of rout ine operati on cost of elevator and water pump.(14) 急修二十分钟到现场,24小时修理完毕。For emergency repair, arrive at the site in 20 minutes and complete repair in 24 hours.(15) 小修当天报修,三十分钟到现场,当天处理,一般不超过三天。 Arrive at the site in 30 minu tes for small repair applied on the day,

31、 make treatme nt on the very day, gen erally not exceedi ng 3 days.七、物业管理服务费用及期限Article Seven Property Management Services Fees and Term1 收费标准:运营场地整体物业管理,收费标准按建筑面积每平方米36 元人民币/月收取。每年物业费在上一年度基础上上涨 5%Rate of charge: Con duct overall property man ageme nt of the sites, the rate of charge shall be RMB 1.

32、5 Yua n per square meters of con struct ion area per mon th;2物业管理费按本协议及甲方委托之内容收取,甲方按季支付管理费,Property management fee shall be collected in accordanee with this Agreement and Party A sentrustment. Party A shall pay property man ageme nt fee on a quarterly basis.2.1真楼1号楼4楼物业费收费标准从 xxxxxx 年 5 月 1日至 2017年 4 月 30日;thThe rate of

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