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外研社三起六年级下册英语小升初刷题演练含答案 2.docx

1、外研社三起六年级下册英语小升初刷题演练 含答案 2小升初刷题演练(五)一、听录音,选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词 1.根据录音,判断图片是否正确2.听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A.B.3.Can I come in? 4.听音,选出你听到的句子( ) A.Shes a pupil.B.Youre a pupil.5.W: _did you go last weekend? M: I _to my uncles home in Yunnan.6.This is my aunt. Shes very nice. 7.Mrs Liu brings _ (sandwiches/hambur

2、gers), cakes and drinks for the family. 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。 8.听录音,在相应栏中打“”. Jack and his classmates are talking about their last summer holiday. What did they do?9.听录音,填入所缺单词 Betty, Rose and Jane are my good_. They are in Shanghai now. They live at School. Betty and Jane are_America. Rose is English. Bet

3、tys father is a doctor. Bettys mother is a nurse. Janes mother is a_. Roses mother is a teacher. Betty can play the recorder. Jane can play the_. Rose can sing and_. The three girls like the autumn in Shanghai. The weather is_, windy,_and dry. They can fly kites. They can_bikes in the park. They are

4、 happy in Shanghai.10.根据听到的对话完成表格 NameJohnNationality_Birthday_SchoolShanghai_SchoolFamily memberfather,mother and IBirth placea small_near LondonHobbyswimmin9,and_11.How often can Betty watch TV? A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week.D.Four times a week.12.13.听录音,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。 (1)Toda

5、y is Monday. (2)There are lots of people on the bus. (3)They are going to visit the Summer Palace. (4)The bus driver is from Canada. (5)The young girl cant speak English. 14.按听到的顺序用阿拉伯数字给下列句子编号 _You can call me Jane._My hair is long and black._Hi, Im Jane Chen._Thats my dog. His name is Sam._Thats m

6、y mothers car. Its blue._Im eleven years old._I have ten fingers._Hes black and white.15.Its warm in Beijing 16.根据录音,在相应的方框内画“。 FoodNamesandwichsaladbeef noodlesice creamhamburgerchickenJohnMikeSarahAmyChen Jie17.三、听录音,将小朋友们的爱好所对应的序号填入表中相应的格子内。 18.Whats the DVD about? A.Space travel.B.Libraries.C.Ho

7、spitals.四、听录音,根据故事内容的先后顺序用数字给下列图片排序。 19.听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。 (1)Linda is from the UK. (2)Linda is 12 years old. (3)Yellow and black are Lindas favourite colours. (4)Linda likes dancing and swimming. 五、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符。 20.听短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符 (1)Lu Xun was a famous doctor. (2)Lu Xun was born in 188

8、1 in Shaoxiang Zhejiang. (3)Lu Xun was thin and not tall. (4)Lu Xun wanted to write articles to wake the people up. (5)Lu Xun died in 1946. 六、Lee收到4个笔友Julie,Max,Annie,James的来信,他准备送给他们每人一份礼物。 21.听录音,请根据所听到的短文内容的先后给下列图片按照AE的顺序排列。 _七、玲玲正在打电话订外卖。请听录音,将信息单填写完整。 22.根据录音,选出你所听到的图片 A.B.八、选择正确答案, 23.玲玲告诉你它是黑

9、红相间的,她会说: A.Its black and red.B.Its red and white.24. is your rabbit sleeping? In its house.A.WhatB.WhereC.Whose25.We will find Buckingham Palace in _. A.AustraliaB.the UKC.the USA26.I love _ travel with my family. A.inB.forC.to27.The flowers dance in the wind _. A.softB.hardC.softly28. A.There are

10、two windows.B.There are two doors.29.你想问Kim,他什么时候参观颐和园,你会说:_ A.What are you going to visit the Summer Palace?B.Where are you going to visit the Summer Palace?C.When are you going to visit the Summer Palace?30. What is Little Pig doing? . A.He sings softlyB.Hes cutting some paperC.He likes running31.

11、_ run on the grass. A.DoB.DontC.Please32.Steak usually tastes _ with black pepper sauce. A.wellB.wonderfullyC.niceD.sweet九、情景交际,补全对话33.补全对话。(TTeacher SStudent)T: Hello!S: _T: I am your new teacher._S: My name is Tom.T: _S: Very well, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S: _A. How are you?B. Hi!C. Whats yo

12、ur name?D. Nice to meet you, too.十、阅读,判断正误 34.阅读理解 Today is the first day of the week. Liu Tao and his friend are at the Sports Club. Theyre talking about their weekends. Liu Tao is from Beijing. He can speak Chinese and English. He often plays football at the weekend. Sometimes he rows a boat with

13、his parents. David is from the USA. But he lives in China with his parents now. He speaks English and French. He often looks for something on the Internet at the weekend. Sometimes he helps his mother do some cleaning and washing at home. (1)What day is it today? Its .A.SundayB.MondayC.Saturday(2)Wh

14、at does Liu Tao sometimes do at the weekend? He sometimes with his parents.A.goes shoppingB.buys thingsC.rows a boat(3)David is from . A.the UKB.AmericaC.England(4)David sometimes at the weekend. cartoonsB.looks for something on the InternetC.helps his mother do the housework十一、阅读短文,在Lily的

15、备忘录上填写相应的节日名称 35.读对话,选出Zoom点的菜。Zip: Welcome! What would you like for dinner?Zoom: Id like some fish and soup.Zip: Here you are. Would you like some beef and chicken?Zoom: Id like some chicken. But I dont like beef. Can I have some noodles?Zip: Sure! The fish is eighty yuan. The soup is thirteen yuan

16、. The noodles are ten yuan, and the chicken is ten yuan too. Heres the bill(账单).十二、阅读理解 36.阅读短文, 并补全句子。 Sarah is from America. She went to Canada last winter holiday. She went to a park. She went skating and took many pictures. Her friend Kate went to China last summer holiday. She learned Chinese f

17、rom her Chinese friends. She went to a park, ate good food, and climbed a mountain. She took many pictures too. They were all happy.(1)Sarah went to _ last winter holiday. (2)Her friend Kate went to _. (3)Kate went to a park, _and_. (4)Sarah went _ but Kate didnt. (5)They _ all happy. 十三、书面表达 37.看图写

18、话,不少于5句话 参考答案 一、听录音,选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词。 1. 错误 2. A 3. 正确 4. B 5. Where;went 6. 错误 7. sandwiches 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。 8. 9. friends;from;worker;violin;paint;sunny;cool;ride 10. English;September 16;UK;town;fishing 11. B 12. 错误 13. (1)错误(2)正确(3)正确(4)错误(5)错误 14. 2;4;1;6;8;3;5;7 15. 错误 16. FoodNamesandwichsaladb

19、eef noodlesice creamhamburgerchickenJohnMikeSarahAmyChen Jie17. 正确 三、听录音,将小朋友们的爱好所对应的序号填入表中相应的格子内。 18. A 四、听录音,根据故事内容的先后顺序用数字给下列图片排序。 19. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)正确 五、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符。 20. (1)错误(2)正确(3)正确(4)正确(5)错误 六、Lee收到4个笔友Julie,Max,Annie,James的来信,他准备送给他们每人一份礼物。 21. C;A;E;B;D 七、玲玲正在打电话订外卖。请听录音,将信息单填

20、写完整。 22. B 八、选择正确答案, 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. C 九、情景交际,补全对话. 33. B;C;A;D 十、阅读,判断正误。 34. (1)A(2)C(3)B(4)C 十一、阅读短文,在Lily的备忘录上填写相应的节日名称。 35. 十二、阅读理解 36. (1)Canada(2)China(3)ate good food;climbed a mountain(4)skating (5)were 十三、书面表达 37. Today is Sunday. It is sunny. There is a swing on the playground. There are four children on the playground too. They are playing football. They are very happy.

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