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1、大学英语选词填空Unit11. A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others. 善解人意的( 一个体贴的人往往先思考后说话,并且考虑别人的感受。)2. The library is closing. We might/may/could as well go home. 还不如,最好(图书馆关门了,我们不如回家去。) 3. Id like to draw your attention to the fact that there is some sense after all in

2、 the speakers nonsense. 注意( 我想让你注意这个事实,说话者的胡言乱语不是没有一点意义的。) 4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up marvelous stories. 极好的 (哈利想象力丰富,他能编出奇妙的故事。)5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second. 接受做某事(玛吉尽管游泳游得很好,但却没能得第一,屈居第二。)6. Im qui

3、te determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office. 做完,不再使用(我决定在下班前把事情做完。)7. Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competitive world of college and business. 有竞争性(大学生们被推荐参与竞争性的体育运动,为他们适应充满竞争的大学和商业活动做准备。)8. It pains/pained me to admit

4、 that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake. pain sb to do sth(承认自己是个重复犯同一错误的傻瓜使我痛心。)9. My boss paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signed up. 奖金(我和我的老板支付增加了对我已经签署了新客户的奖金。) 10. A soldier should never shrink from the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain dea

5、th. 减少(即使面临死亡,战士也不应逃避保卫祖国的职责。)11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and the delivery of goods was not on time. 投递( 由于天气格外糟糕,船晚到了,货物没能按时送到。)12. My wife was rather embarrassed when she overheard some of our guests say they didnt like the meal shed cooked for them. 偷听到(我的妻子是相当尴尬,当

6、她听到我们的一些客人说他们不喜欢她为他们煮的饭。)13. People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst. 酸的,变质的(在我们家乡,人们在炎热的夏天更喜欢吃酸的食物,可能是因为酸的食品能帮他们止渴。)14. In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent, but the high cost keeps many young

7、 people away. 用于出租(在美国,供出租的地方很容易找到,但高昂的价格常使年轻人却步。)15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on. 一叠(教授不太情愿停止给桌上的试卷评分,但她实在太累了,再也看不下去了。)16. Bacteria reproduce themselves by splitting into two. 繁殖(细菌繁殖分裂成两个自己)Unit21.The changes

8、in the firms policy will have to be fundamental if they are to have any effect on its future. (如果公司策略的变化想对未来有所影响的话,就必须是根本性的。)2. Last month I deposited 50 yuan in my savings account, but this month I had to draw 200 to pay for the mp3 player. (上个月我存了50元钱,但这个月我必须提取200元买录音机。)3. State financial support

9、given in the form of scholarships has stimulated the students to greater efforts. (以奖学金形式出现的国家财政支持促使学生们更加努力)4. If you spare half an hour for exercises every day youll soon be back in good condition/in condition. (如果你每天省下半个小时锻炼身体, 那么你很快就会恢复健康的。)5. The US dollar fell yesterday against most foreign cur

10、rencies. (昨日,美元下跌针对大多数外国货币。)6. A country should protect its natural resources by fighting against waste.(一个国家应通过反对浪费来保护其自然资源。)7. You can increase a tyres grip in winter by slightly lowering its pressure. (在冬季,你可以通过轮胎的抓地力来减小它的压力)8. Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.

11、(科学家们构思原子弹的想法在20世纪30年代)9. Rhythm is a basic component of music and language. (节奏是音乐的基本组成和语言)10. Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain on the countrys gold reserve. (大量的食物进口使得国家的黄金储备负担沉重)11. When were together all he talks about is business. I wish he were more romantic. (我们在一起时,他谈论的是商业

12、。我希望他更浪漫)12. The first quarter results reflect continued improvements in productivity. (第一季 度的结果反映了生产率的持续提高。)13. The teacher tried to encourage her students to become less dependent on her because she knew they would sooner or later have to take care of themselves. (老师努力鼓励学生更少地依赖于她,因为她知道他们迟早不得不自己照顾自

13、己。)14. Every country considers its internal affairs to be its own responsibility.(每个国家都把内政看做是自己的职责)Unit31. To support his argument the diplomat cited an article of the Charter of the United Nations.(外交官引用了美国宪章中的一篇文章来支持自己的观点。)2. Credulous people might accept that theory, but as for me, I dont believe

14、 one half of it.(轻信的人或许会接受这个理论,至于我,我一点儿也不相信。)3. Some people tend to exaggerate when they talk about their own achievements.(一些人在谈论自己的成就时,倾向于夸大其辞。)4. Statements made in anger are often regrettable but difficult to take back.(生气时说的话常常是令人遗憾且很难收回的。)5. Sometimes the preface to a novel or a play is more i

15、nteresting than the work itself.(有时候,小说或剧本的前言部分比作品本身更有趣。)6. My father always justified his behavior by telling us what his father had taught him to do when he was a child.(我父亲总是通过告诉我们当他还是孩子时他父亲教他的事情来为自己的行为辩护。)7. The sun had sunk below the horizon when we arrived at the village.(我们到达村庄时,太阳已落到地平线以下了。)

16、8. We accept the authority of our parents when we are young, but as we mature we may begin to question their advice.(当我们年轻时,我们听信父母的话,当我们逐渐成熟时,我们就开始质疑他们的建议。)9. Since she didnt reply yet you should follow up your letter with a phone call.(既然她还没有回答,你可以在写信后再打个电话。)10. This principle advanced by Lenin rem

17、ains an incontrovertible truth.(列宁提出的这一原则是颠扑不破的真理。)11. The meeting was late because the speaker talked on and on about his family, his travels, his publications and so forth.(会议开得很晚,因为发言者不停地谈论他的家庭、旅行、他出版的书等等。)12. No one could say how the magician was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat until he lat

18、er threw light on his tricks.(没有人能说出魔术师是如何能从帽子里拽出一只兔子来,直到后来他说明了其中的技巧。) 13. Even though Queen Isabella knew Columbus idea of a round earth was only theoretical, she agreed to finance his voyage which helped prove that the earth is indeed round.(尽管伊莎贝拉女王知道哥伦布的地圆思想只是一个理论,她还是同意赞助他的航行,而这次航行帮助证明了地球的确是圆的。)

19、14. Asian children usually shoulder the burden of caring for their parents when they grow old and can not look after themselves. (亚洲的孩子在父母年老不能照顾自己时通常负有照顾他们的责任。)Unit41. It took quite a while for the tour guide to _herd_ the scattering of tourists into a minibus. 它花了相当长的一段时间为导游群散射的游客在面包车。2. Henry was

20、a poor dancer; he kept _treading_ on the toes of his partner. 亨利是一个差劲的舞者;他一直踩在他伙伴的脚趾。3. Not only passengers sitting at the front of cars and taxis but also those travelling in the rear of must be restrained where a seat belt is available. 仅乘客坐在轿车和出租车前还有那些坐在后必须限制在安全带是可用的。4. I thought he was joking wh

21、en he said Helen was pregnant, but she really is. 我以为他是开玩笑的时候,他说海伦怀孕了,但她真的是。5. The committee needs to be in communication with the program designer, especially at the very beginning of the development. 委员会需要进行通信的程序设计师,尤其是在一开始的发展。6. Even though he couldnt swim, he managed to make it to the river bank

22、. 尽管他不会游泳,他设法使它到河边。7. We turned one last time to wave to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson when the train began to pull out of the station. 我们把最后一次,约翰逊先生和太太当火车开始拔出站波。8. Standing before the door he is fumbling with in his pocket for the key. 站在门前他摸索着口袋里的钥匙。9. It is not easy to make sense of the maze of facts and

23、figures concerning the project. 这是不容易理解的迷宫的事实和数字有关的项目。10. Fortunately our town bless with an excellent location, a busy highway intersection. 幸运的是我们镇的祝福与优越的地理位置,一个繁忙的公路交叉口。11. The plane had already started its descent when the pilot received orders to abort his landing. 飞机已经开始下降,当飞行员接到命令中止降落。12. Now

24、adays countries vary enormously in their supply of early education programs. 如今国家提供早期教育方案有很大不同。Unit 51. Her suggestion may sound reasonable to you, but in the eyes of everybody elses Im afraid it may seem ridiculous. (也许他的建议在你听来有道理,可是在别人的眼里,它简直太可笑了。)2. Some doctors believe it is brutal to tell dying

25、 patients the truth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide. (有的医生认为把病情告诉垂死的病人太残忍,因为这些病人可能会非常沮丧以至于自杀。)3. We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries. .(我们满意地看到,所有这些活动

26、已经促进了我们两国之间的理解和友谊。)4. Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sick people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way. (和一些医生的想法相反,即使年纪很大,病情很重的人也想知道他们病情的细节,这样他们就可以以自己独特的方式为死亡做准备。)5. Corruption in government is not tolerated

27、in any country that wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens. (在任何一个希望经济快速增长,人们生活水平提高的国家,政府中的腐败都不可容忍。)6. Mary betrayed her friends by going back on her words. .(玛丽违背诺言,背叛了她的朋友。 ) 7. The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by giving a brief accoun

28、t of the advances science has made since liberation. . (作者通过简略地介绍解放以来科学界所取得的成就来结束他著作的第一章。)8. In that accident, Julian risked her own life to help a disabled woman. (在那次事故中,朱利安冒着自己的生命,来帮助有残疾的妇女。)9. It pays in the long run to introduce new techniques. (从长远来看,引进新技术是值得的。)10. Mrs. Queen gave us a distort

29、ed account of what had happened; thats why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances. (格林太太对发生的事作了歪曲的描述,这就是我们不再相信她真诚的原因。)11. In every country parents always remember the first time their child utters the word Mama or Dad. (在所有家里,父母都记得他们的孩子第一次叫“爸爸” “妈妈”的样子。)12. At times the oral English

30、 class was noisy, with everyone participating in an activity at the same time, but at other, the class just sat there and didnt say anything. (英语口语课堂上常常是嘈杂的,每个人都在参与活动,但是在其他课上,全班同学都只是坐在那里什么也没说。)Unit 6 1. Months of training were a necessary prelude to the championship bout. (几个月的训练是拳击锦标赛必要的序幕。)2. Its

31、important that everyone on the project keeps to the schedule. (每个人坚持按照时间表来做项目是非常重要的。)3. Seeing that they were very busy then, we took our leave very quickly lest we should be in the way/get in the way. (看到他们非常忙碌之后,我们很快离开了,以免妨碍了他们。)4. Applications should be addressed to the committee and not to indiv

32、iduals. (申请应以书面向委员会而不是个人)5. The teacher singled out Jennifer for special praise, for she was good at writing short, clear sentences arranged in logical sequence. (老师挑出来特别表扬詹妮弗,因为她擅长写简短,明确句子的逻辑顺序排列。)6. A special commission will be set up within three months to study the question of how to preserve historical houses in the city. (一个特别委员会将在3个月内成立,研究如何保护这个城市的历史建筑的问题。)7. Her appearance isnt relevant to whether she can be a good teacher. (她的外貌与她是否能成为一名优秀的教师是不相关的。)8

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