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1、qq个性签名英语大全qq个性签名英语大全导读:本文是关于qq个性签名英语大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、有些事情,越想越伤心;有些关系,再也回不去。Some things, the more you want to be sad; some relationships, never go back.2、所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。The so-called missing, just a persons wishful thinking.3、不管我们当初是怎样的不甘心,现在也依旧淡然的活着。No matter what we had is not willing to, stil

2、l indifferent alive.4、我给不了你多少温暖,但有个词叫尽我能。I can not give you the number of warm, but there is a word called as far as I can.5、即使分手,我依旧在笑,我笑你不懂珍惜。Even break up, I still smile, I laugh you do not know how to cherish.6、每天每夜想着你,时时刻刻念着你。Every day, every night thinking of you, always read you.7、一个人,一座城,一个人

3、独守空城。A person, a city, a person alone in night.8、没有我的世界,我想你一定很幸福。Without my world, I think you must be very happy.9、最心疼的心疼,是连呼吸都那么疼。The most distressed distressed, is even breathing is so painful.10、我想做个单细胞的生物,没心没肺的活着。I want to be a single-cell organisms, heartless creature alive.11、一瞬的美丽,却是记忆里一世的永恒

4、。A moment of beauty, is the eternal memory.12、我困在你留给我的眼泪*看不到边疆。Im stuck in the tears youve left me to see the frontiers.13、没有脆弱和坎坷,哪来的辉煌和骄傲。There is no fragile and rough, which to the glory and pride.14、我们为了爱情当傻瓜,爱情却把我们当傻瓜。We fool for love, but love fools us.15、坚持自己的执着,哪怕是没有结果的等待。To adhere to their

5、own, even if it is not the result of waiting.16、要是哪一天我丢了,就当是跟玛丽叔叔去冒险了吧。If one day I lost, when it is with uncle Marie to take a risk.17、就算全世界都反对,我也要跟你在一起。Even if the whole world is against, I want to be with you.18、有时辰俄真的很想健忘迩,健忘迩曾在俄的天下呈现过。Sometimes I really want to forget you, forget you, had appea

6、red in Russia in the world.19、其实我们都一样,对爱的人都会奋不顾身。In fact, we are the same, the love of the people regardless of personal danger.20、假如现实不是那么的残忍,可能我也就会活得更好些。If the reality is not so cruel, maybe I will live a better life.21、觉得在这个世界上,自己是最不重要的人。Feel that in this world, he is the most important person.22

7、、你知道我喜欢你,你别逼我说出来。You know I like you, you dont force me to say.23、为什么我还在回忆里挣扎,你却已经是别人的童话。Why I still struggle in the memory, you have been a fairy tale.24、过去的就让它过去,因为已经回不来了。The past let it in the past, because it has not come back.25、不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。Do not know what is sad, you will not really ap

8、preciate happiness.26、伤口是丑陋而羞耻的。只能在孤独中隐藏。The wound is ugly and shameful. Can only hide in loneliness.27、我释怀不了的那些回忆,最终成为枷锁无法逃离。I cant forget those memories, eventually become unable to escape the shackles.28、我永远都愿意当一个听众,安慰着你的痛。I am always willing to be a listener, to comfort your pain.29、这世上任何事都有理由,可

9、是,感情没有。Theres a reason for everything in this world, but theres No.30、就算这个世界的灯都暗了,我的世界里有你就是亮的。Even if the light in this world is dark, I have you in the world is bright.31、霓虹灯下的城市,我的心掉在了那个角落?The city of neon lights, my heart fell in the corner?32、每个人心里都住着一个人,或眷念,或暗恋,或想念。Everyone lived alone, or love

10、, or love, or miss.33、我还没来得及去沾花惹草,就被人拔光了。I havent had time to promiscuous in sex relations be plucked.34、我决定一个人流浪,带上悲伤,拖着幸福!I decided to wander alone, with sadness, dragging happiness!35、我们只能是普通朋友无论我怎么挽救。We can only be friends no matter how I save.36、别不珍惜我的主动,也许下一秒它就没了。Dont cherish my initiative, ma

11、ybe next second its gone.37、有时候感动不需要太多的言语,一句简单的我爱你就可以。Sometimes touched dont need too many words, a simple I love you can.38、我怀念的不是你,而是曾经掏心掏肺的自己。I miss you, but once Taoxintaofei himself.39、哥寂寞是因为姐不在,姐寂寞是因为哥不行。Elder brother is lonely because the elder sister is not in, elder sister lonely is because

12、 the elder brother is not.40、你懂我想要的温暖,却给不了我所谓的承诺。You know I want the warmth, but give me the so-called commitment.41、离开我就别安慰我要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。Dont comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.42、在我眼里什么都是浮云,唯独他是我的神马。In my eyes, what are the clouds, he only is my what.43、习惯你的一切,到头来不习惯没有你的全

13、部。Used to all of you, in the end is not used to all of you.44、每当我翻看回忆的时候,总感觉,你还在等待。Whenever I look at the general feeling, memory, are you waiting for.45、没关系,天塌下来,我自己扛。It doesnt matter, the sky is falling, I carry on my own.46、指着心骄傲的说对你说,这里以后都是你。Pointing to the heart proud to say to you, here are yo

14、u.47、让你在没有我的地方疯狂,让我在没有你的世界坚强。Let you in the place without me crazy, let me in the world without you strong.48、能不能。有那么一个肩膀。让我可以一辈子依靠。Can I。 There is a shoulder. Let me be able to depend on.49、让我习惯每一个没有你的日子,我想我做不到啊。Let me get used to every day without you, I think I cant do it.50、天之大,唯有你的爱是完美无暇。The bi

15、g day, only your love is perfect.51、飞蛾扑火,有几人能做到。A moth, a few people can do.52、不管你愿不愿意,时光总会走过去,青春总是不复返。Whether you like it or not, the time will always go, the youth is always gone.53、都是你,占据了我的心海,不留一丝空隙。Are you occupied my heart, without leaving a gap.54、早已死在你心里的人,再怎么折腾也起不了波澜。Already died in your he

16、art, and then how to toss and can not afford to waves.55、爱情就是这样,有些人宁愿疼死,也不愿意放开。Love is like this, some people prefer to die, but also do not want to let go.56、有时候不需要太华丽的浪漫,简简单单的小幸福才是真。Sometimes do not need too gorgeous romantic, simple little happiness is true.57、当你爱上一个人的时候,你会觉得他身边的异性都是SB。When you f

17、all in love with a person, you will feel that his side of the opposite sex are SB.58、懵懵懂懂的年代,总会很容易动心,不要打碎它,好吗。Unsuspectingly age, always very easily, dont break it, please.59、痴情的我遇见痴情的你,可是我们却不能擦出爱的火花。I love you love to meet, but we cant wipe out the spark of love.60、我恨自己一无是处,更恨自己被他人看见我的无助。I hate mys

18、elf, hate myself for being Nothing is right., others see my helplessness.61、那首不完整的旋律,什么时候被你唱得淋漓尽致?The first incomplete melody, when you sing most vividly?62、蜕变的故事,过程是撕裂的痛,但痛过后是破茧的释然。The transformation process is the story, tears of pain, but the pain was relieved after birth.63、在那人烟稀薄的大街上,触摸秋天淡淡的伤。I

19、n the middle of thin street, touch autumn light injury.64、我不想逃,平静就好,我知道你的味道抹也抹不去。I do not want to escape, calm and good, I know you do not wipe the taste of the wipe.65、幸福只是一掠剪影,和过往的年华一样,似水生花。Happiness is just like a silhouette, and past time, water.66、那一次刻骨铭心的相许,那一刻为谁声声催天雨。The first phase The impri

20、nt is engraved on my heart. moment Xu, who sound reminders of rain.67、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。The past is no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.68、如果你心里还有我,请忘了别人,对我好一点。If you still have me, please forget the others, to me a little better.69、你的近况已与我无关,回想却让我走的好迟缓。Your situation has nothing to do wi

21、th me, but let me go back to a good slow.70、爱就一个字,可读懂爱,却需要万语千言。Love is a word, love to read, but need thousands and thousands of words.71、不是因爲快樂而喜歡你,因爲你已成爲快樂的意義。Not because of happiness and like you, because you have become the meaning of happiness.72、失去后才懂得珍惜,因为拥有时感觉不到失去的痛。After losing only know ho

22、w to cherish, because have not feel lost pain.73、一个人,一生中,总有一次要爱到失控。A person, life, there is always a love to lose control.74、我暗恋的人昨天换了发型,我顿时觉得我变心了。I crush yesterday for the hair, I suddenly feel that I change.75、有时候,爱情可以让人很幸福,也可以让人很痛苦。Sometimes, love can make people very happy, also can make people

23、very painful.76、如果有一天,我不再放下所有的骄傲去打扰你。If one day, I will not let go of all the pride to disturb you.77、做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。To be your original self, its better to be a copy of everyone.78、人生就像一次旅行,指不定在哪里翻车呢!Life is like a trip, Zhibuding where it overturned!79、我说那是情绪的宣泄,你们却说那是无知的表现。I said that is the emotional vent, you said that is the performance of ignorance.80、每道伤口的背后,有多少的回忆痛到窒息。Behind every wound, there are many memories of pain to suffocation.

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