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1、江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校学年七年级月考英语试题2015-2016学年第二学期5月份单元检测初一英语试卷一、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.The moonlight goes _the window and makes the room bright .A. across B. through C. over D. in( )2.After a while, I asked my mother _ next. A. when to do B. what to do C. how to do D. where to do( )3.When Mr Li walked _ the play

2、ground, he noticed some boys _ basketball there. A. passed, play B. past, to play C. past, playing D. passed, playing( )4.Dont worry. He is _ to look after little Betty. A. carefully enough B. enough careful C. careful enough D. enough carefully( )5.- Ms Qian, this problem is _ difficult for me! - D

3、ont complain _, Henry. You should use your head. A. too much, much too B. much too, too much C. too much, too much D. much too, much too( )6. Linda was too short _ the books on the desk. A. to reaching B. to reach C. reaching D. not reach( )7. Nancy is a moonlite (月光族). Yes. She _ all her money on s

4、nacks. A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost( )8. Bob saw a fire on his way home, and he _ by himself. A. put it down B. put it out C. put it away D. put it up( )9. Is there _ to drink? Yes. What about some hot milk tea? A. something cold B. hot something C. anything hot D. cold anything( )10. Mo Yan wil

5、l come to Nanjing for a book show. _ news! I like his books a lot. A. What a good B. What good C. How a good D. How good ( )11._ interesting story! _ excited you are! May I have a look at it? A. What a; How B. How an; What C. How a; What D. What an; How( )12. Look at my new skirt! How beautiful! _,

6、where did you buy it? A. On the way B. In the way C. By the way D. In this way ( )13.Its said that (据报道) _ 11-year-old girl saw _ UFO yesterday. A. an; an B. a; an C. an; a D. a; a( )14.Im sure she will _ learn English well. A. Can B. be able C. be able to D. can be able to ( )15.-Could you teach me

7、 how to dance? - _. A. Never mind B. Not at all C. No problem D. Thats all二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)When a fire happens, what should you do? You may be 16 , but you must keep calm (平静的). Call 119 for help. Tell them 17 the fire is. Then try to tell others about the fire. You can 18 or use the fire alarm (

8、报警器)Next, you must get out 19 . Dont try to take away things.Go out 20 awindow if you are on the ground floor. 21 you cant get out of the burning building, just stay with others in one room. 22 the door. Put clothes around it closely. Then open the window and call for 23 . Dont use a lift (电梯). The

9、lift may stop at any time. You have to run 24 the stairs (楼梯) quickly. You can take a piece of 25 cloth with you. Put it over your mouth. The water in it can protect you from the smoke and fire.( )16. A. careless B. happy C. worried D. afraid ( )17. A. what B. where C. why D. how ( )18. A. nod B. ru

10、sh C. shout D. laugh ( )19 A. slowly B. quickly C. faithfully D. badly( )20. A. over B. past C. across D. through ( )21. A. If B. But C. Before D. Because ( )22. A. Hurt B. Protect C. Open D. Close ( )23. A. help B. fun C. smoke D. fire( )24. A. up B. along C. down D. around( )25. A. wet B. dry C. c

11、old D. warm 三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)AIts nice to have a beautiful bedroom. And we like to put something up on the wall. Have a look at your bedroom. Whats on the wall? Believe it or not, it tells something about you. Write down your answer. And lets see whats behind the answer.A: You are interested in fash

12、ion (时尚). You care a lot about your looks. Maybe you have plenty of pretty clothes. B: You are hardworking. Before you do something, you always plan it well. You have good plans for your study and activities. C: You are good at making friends. You like to be around your friends and family.D: You are

13、 careful and efficient (高效的). You are never late for anything. You do much work and can always do it well. This quiz is just for fun. Dont take it seriously.( )26.Millie has a clock on her wall, so maybe she is_. A. careless B. happy C. careful D. helpful( )27.Ann likes to buy new clothes very much.

14、 She may have a _ on her wall A. photo B. calendar C. painting D. clock ( )28.Andy has a calendar on his wall. He makes good_ before a new week starts. A. meals B. plans C. friends D. lessons( )29.The last word “seriously” may mean _ in Chinese. A. 仔细地 B. 迅速地 C. 认真地 D. 戏谑地( )30.Whats the best title

15、of the article? A. Make your bedroom beautiful B. Things on your wall tell something about you C. What is good for your wall D. Walls are very important BAs a student, you may have many dreams. Those dreams can be very big like getting a Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖), or very small like just becoming the best

16、student in your class.What do you do with your dream? Do you try your best to make it come true?Follow Your Heart is a book by Andrew Matthews. It tells us its the biggest difficulty to make our dreams come true.There will be many problems on the way to dreams, but you must never give up (放弃) becaus

17、e the biggest problem comes from yourself. Everyone can make his or her dream come true. The first thing you need to do is to remember your dream. Dont let it leave your heart (心). Keep telling yourself what you want and keep working hard. Do like that and your dream will come true one day. ( )31. W

18、hich of the following may be a small dream for a student? A. To be a man like Nobel. B. To be a scientist. C. To be the best student in the class. D. To get a Nobel Prize.( )32. If you want to make your dream come true, the biggest problem is from_. A. yourself B. your family C. your dream D. your s

19、chool( )33. Follow Your Heart is the name of_. A. a student B. a book about hearts C. a book by Andrew Matthews D. a dream( )34. If you want to make your dream come true, you must_. A. make a good dream B. remember the problems C. give it up first D. always remember your dream( )35. Which of the fol

20、lowing is right? A. Different people have the same dream. B. If you keep working hard, you can make your dream come true. C. There are few problems on the way to dreams. D. When you give up your dream, it will come true soon.四、词汇(每空1分,共15分)(A)单词填空 36. Children should be careful with _(火柴).37. He bec

21、ame very popular because he wrote a lot of _ (文章) .38. In the 18th and 19th _ (世纪), many people moved to this city.38. Students shouldnt _ (冲) around in the classroom.40. Tom _ (付) 2,000 yuan for the mobile phone last week.41. You can use your iPhone as a _ (照相机).42.The boy was _(勇敢) enough to walk

22、through the forest alone.(B)用所给词的适当形式填空43. Lucy can look after _ (she)now because she is 12 years old. 44. His terrible look _ (surprise) me but I was not afraid.45. I looked up and saw the teacher _ (look) at me.46. He _(fall) off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he wasnt hurt.47. The dog is a wonderfu

23、l animal with some amazing_(ability). 48. She was too_(careful) and made lots of mistakes (错误).49. The little boy_(nod) when his mother spoke to him.50. How_(bad) he was hurt in the fire !五、句型转换(每空0.5分,共10分)51. He could swim when he was 5 years old .(同义句) He _ _ _ swim when he was 5 years old. 52. J

24、im did his homework last night .(否定句) Jim _ _ his homework last night 53. My father used paper to make a kite for me. (同义句) My father _ a kite_ _ _.54. She wasnt small enough to go through the door. (合并为一句) She _ _ _ _ _ through the door.55. Jack opened a small door with the key. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Jack

25、open a small door?56. The children had a good time at the party. (改写为感叹句) _ _ _ _ the children had at the party!六、动词填空(每题1分,共10分)57.Someone_(sing) opera outside .Who is it ?58.He always goes to schol without _(eat) anything .59.She was surprised _(find) a weak cat in the bushes .60.How_ Jim _(make)

26、kites last week ? 61.He looks sad .What _(happen) to him ?62.He always asks us _(not play) with fire .63.The police_(not be) there when there was danger .64.When _they _(get) there ? In an hour .65.I stopped_(talk) to her when I saw herin the street .66.He _(put) up a tent and went to find food .七、完

27、成句子(1-3每空1分, 4-8每句一分, 共10分)67. 上周我没有收到她的来信. I didnt _ _ _ last week .68. 从那时候起,潍坊就以制作风筝而闻名。From then on , Weifang _ _ _ _kites.69. 他太小了还不能去上学。He was _ _ _ go to school .70. 你不能让猫靠近鱼。 You must_.71. 如果不带地图的话,我们有可能会迷路。 If we dont take a map, we may_.72. 你可以在衣服上浇点水来保护你自己。 You can_your clothes _. 73. 你应该

28、尽你最大努力学好数学。 You should _your Maths.74. 在3岁时她就会弹钢琴了。 She was_piano _ 3 .八、任务型阅读(每题1分,共5分)Zhang Zihua, 14:Are you a big fan of hiking? One year ago I went hiking with my father. We started from Nantong in the morning. And we got to the city Haimen at noon. It was my first hike. I was so excited and didnt feel tired at all. This picture was taken near a river in Haimen. Zhang Xiaoyu, 14: Smell the flowers. They are really good. It was Sunday and I had a spring outing (春游) with my friend Vanilla. The sun was shining and these yellow flowers were opening by the side of the road. We

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