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1、Learning key words and expressions in unit 51.aid vt.支持,帮助支持,帮助=help,救助,救助,资助资助 aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事aid sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事aid do=aid sb.with sth.=help sb.(to)do=help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事He came to my aid at once.I aided him with money.We aided him in raising the mon

2、ey.aid n.first aid 急救急救come/go to sbs aid 援助某人援助某人offer/do/give first aid to sb.提供急救in aid of=in favor of/for支持,为了帮助 The collection is in aid of the blind.这笔募集的捐款是用来救济盲人的。with(out)the aid/help of=with(out)ones aid/help 在/没有的帮助下 A concert will be given by some A concert will be given by some voluntee

3、rs to collect money_ those volunteers to collect money_ those poor children who canpoor children who cant afford to go to t afford to go to aid of aid of with aid of aid of C.with hope of need of C.with hope of need of temporary adj.暂时的,临时的暂时的,临时的反义:反义:perm

4、anent adj.永久的,持久的永久的,持久的运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。The boss had to hire some _(临时工临时工)to do some_ (临时临时工作工作).temporary worktemporary workers.fall ill 生病生病(fall 为系动词为系动词)fall ill 生病生病 属短暂性动词属短暂性动词,不与不与 for+时间段连用时间段连用be ill 指生病的状态指生病的状态,是持续性行为是持续性行为,可与可与 for +时间段连用时间段连用His wife suddenly fell ill

5、last week.He has been ill for a week.fall 用作系动词用作系动词,后常接形容词后常接形容词.fall asleep 睡着睡着fall silent 沉默不语沉默不语【拓展拓展】fall into sth.可分为可分为.;养成;养成(坏习惯坏习惯)fall in love with sb.爱上爱上.fall behind 落下落下 fall in 坍塌,倒塌;同意或支持某人坍塌,倒塌;同意或支持某人 fall back 后退,(军队)退却后退,(军队)退却fall silent 沉默下来沉默下来运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子

6、。他因总是想家而病倒了。他因总是想家而病倒了。_because of his homesickness.他直到午夜才睡着。他直到午夜才睡着。_ until midnight.He didnt fall asleepHe fell illInjury n.damage,hurt,harm损伤;伤害搭配 an injury/injuries to sb./sth.对某人/某物的伤害 do an injury to sb.=do injury对某人有害What you done was an injury to her fame.单词积累Injure V.受伤,伤害 injured ad

7、j.受伤的hurtinjurewoundn肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛n意外或事故而受伤意外或事故而受伤n指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)He got _ in the fighting.He was badly _ in a car accident.Her words _ me deeply.I _ my back when I fell.My feet _.woundedinjuredhurthurtinjuredbleed vi/vt.(bled;bled)vi.出血,流血了;e.g.bleed to death 流血过多而死 H

8、is nose bled last night.昨晚他流鼻血了vt.bleed sb(for sth)向某人勒索(钱财等)eg.:The boss bled him for every penny he had.老板把他的钱榨得一干二净。(3)bleed for(为事业、祖国)负伤或牺牲;难过e.g.对那些懒惰者我心里感到很难过My heart bleeds for those idlers他们在为国家流血牺牲。They bled for their country.Bleed sb.White/dry榨干血汗,榨完钱财派生词:blood(n)血,血液bloody(adj.)血染的,出血的 B

9、loodily(adv)血迹斑斑地bloodless(adj.)不流血的,无伤亡的 bleeder(n.)易出血的人bleed forbleed sb.whitebleed to death为为而流血而流血,悲悲痛痛榨干血汗榨干血汗出血过多而死出血过多而死lose bloodflesh and bloodnew/fresh blood流血、失血流血、失血血肉之躯血肉之躯新人新人choke vi./vt.噎住,窒息He choked when he ate his food too quickly.Anger choked his words choke with anger(喻)怒气哽喉 鱼刺

10、卡在喉咙里choke on a fish boneHe choked her to death他把她掐死了。Her voice was choked with sobs.泣不成声泣不成声3.poison n./vt.毒药毒药,毒害毒害;毒害毒害,使中毒使中毒 poisonous adj.有毒的有毒的n.These mushrooms contain a deadly.这些蘑菇含有致命的毒素这些蘑菇含有致命的毒素v.poison sb/sth to deathTom feared that someone had ed his food.These violent videos ed the m

11、inds of the young.把把 毒死毒死下毒下毒毒害毒害Ray 光线,射线The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun.窗户上闪耀着落日的余辉.A ray of hope/light一线希望/光明Variety n.变化,多样性,多边性名词复数:varieties 动词:vary形容词variousAll varieties of goods for daily use are available.日用百货一应俱全各种各样的Varieties of.a(wide/great/large)variet

12、y of electric shock 触电;电休克触电;电休克【巧记提示巧记提示】electric(电的电的)+shock(冲击;休克冲击;休克)【经典例句经典例句】The electric shock deprived him of his life.触电夺走了他的生命。触电夺走了他的生命。【考点聚焦考点聚焦】同根词:同根词:electrical adj.用电的;用电的;与电有关的;与电有关的;electrical books;electricity n.电流;电;电流;电;electronic adj.电子的电子的electric cord electric fanelectric li

13、ght electric current electric train electric stove electric power 电线电线电扇电扇电灯电灯电流电流 电动火车电动火车电炉电炉电力电力2.swell(swelled,swollen)v.(使使)膨胀;膨胀;(数量数量)增多;充满增多;充满运用:用英语解释下面的划线部分:运用:用英语解释下面的划线部分:Iron often swells when heated.With the development of the economy,the number of foreigners to China is swelling.Her e

14、yes swelled with sadness.are filled withbecomes largerincreasing相关搭配Swell up 膨胀,肿胀His face swell up with the toothacheSwell out 鼓出,凸出The breeze swelled out his light clothes.Swell with充满My eyes swelled with tears.squeeze an orangesqueeze the juice out of an orangesqueeze the milk from a cow6.squeeze

15、 vt./vi.榨出榨出,挤出挤出(+out/of/from);塞进塞进(+into)squeeze myself into a bus/the pants squeeze sb drysqueeze in 挤进去挤进去There were already four people in the lift,but he managed to squeeze in.电梯里已经有四个人了电梯里已经有四个人了,但他还是挤进去了但他还是挤进去了.squeeze out 榨出,挤出榨出,挤出 She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed ou

16、t of her.squeeze through 挤过,勉强通过挤过,勉强通过He had squeezed through a gap in the fencesqueeze sth.into sth.将将挤进挤进squeeze sth.from/out of sth.从从榨取榨取3.squeeze vt.&vi.榨;挤;压榨榨;挤;压榨运用:用适当的介词或副词填空。运用:用适当的介词或副词填空。She squeezed some juice_ the lemon.He squeezed_ the crowd and then went up to the stage.from through7.over and over again=over and over=again and again=time and again 反复;多次;反复;多次;eg:The teacher demands that the students should read the passage over and over again.老师要求学生应反复读课文。老师要求学生应反复读课文。11.over a

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