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1、高二英语课时作业Unit1Greatscientists8新人教版必修五Great scientists 课时作业我夯基我达标I.根据句意和单词首字母或括号内汉语,写出单词的正确形式1.What are the_ (特征,特性)of the medicine? 2.The scientists are doing sresearch on the rats. 3.Examine the results carefully,and you will make a c. 4.He was (被战胜)at chess last night. 5.The babies are well ato in

2、the nursery. 6.Its very dangerous to be eto SARS patients without any protection. 7.The teacher gave me vadvice on how to learn English well. 8.Who is to bfor the accident? 9.I recognized her iI saw her. 10.Everyone should cwhat he or she can afford to helping the poor.答案:1.characteristics 2.scienti

3、fic3.conclusion 4.defeated5.attended6.exposed7.valuable 8.blame9.immediately10.contribute.单项选择1.Dont use words,expressions,or phrases_only to people with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known 1.答案:D 提示:句意为:“不要用那些只有专业人士才认识的单词、词组或短语。” words,expressions,or phra

4、ses应是被知道,因此,应用过去分词known作后置定语表被动。2. It is believed that if a book is,_it will surely_the reader. A. interested;interest B. interesting;be interested C. interested;be interesting D. interesting;interest 2.答案:D 提示:第一空表“有趣的”,作表语,说明主语的性质特点,应填形容词interesting;第二空缺谓语,应填动词interest。3.When did he leave the clas

5、sroom? He left_you turned back to write on the blackboard. A. for the moment B. on the moment C. the moment D. before3.答案:C 提示:the moment此处用作从属连词,相当于as soon as:“一就”。4.As we joined the big crowd,I got_from my friends. A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed4.答案:A 提示:从句子的意思可知,“由于人多,我和我的朋友被分开了”,而不是丢失了

6、。一些考生由于对get lost短语比较熟悉,而作出了错误的选择。get lost的意思是“迷路”,由于人多而迷路,显然与实际情况不符,且题干中有from一词,很显然考查的是:separate.from这一结构,所以答案应选separated。5._ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should 5.答案:A 提示:句中的do you suggest用作插入语,且su

7、ggest作“建议”解时其后的宾语从句必须用虚拟语气。此用法中should往往省略。6. The girl is similar_her mother in character. A. in B. with C. to D. on 6.答案:C 提示:be similar to是固定短语,意为“与相似”。该句意为“这个女孩性格上跟她妈妈相似”。7. Only in this way_our goals. A. we can reach B. can we arrive C. we can arrive D. can we reach 7.答案:D 提示:only放在句首,句子要倒装;reach

8、 ones goals意为“达到目标”。8.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what 8.答案:B 提示:one代指上句中的moment。9. There are many things which have to_ before we finally make up our minds. A. be thought B. be thought of C. think about D. think

9、 of 9.答案:B 提示:在主句中,没有人物,所以修饰things的定语从句应用被动语态;C、D两项不符合,去掉。在A、B两项中,只有think of 结构才能构成被动语态;A项不符合,去掉。B项正确。10.Do you know what Tom does all day? I know he spends at least_time watching TV as he does doing his lessons. A. as more B. more C. much D. as much 10.答案:D 提示:as much.as是同级比较,句意是“我知道他看电视的时间至少和做功课的时

10、间一 样多”11.He wanted his house_in a way_natural. A. to build;to lookB. build;looking C. built;to lookD. being built;looks 11.答案:C 提示:built作宾语补足语,to look natural作a way的定语。12.Can I help you? Id like to have the package,_madam. A. weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighing12.答案:A 提示:weighed作宾语补足语,该

11、句意为“我想把我的行李称一下,夫人”。 13._ the injures to his face and hands,he broke his left leg. A. Beside B. Despite C. Apart from D. Because of 13.答案:C 提示:apart from意为“除了”,符合题意。另外也可用besides。14.I havent time to see the movie._,its had bad reviews. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise 14.答案:B 提示:besides

12、意为“而且,除此之外”。这句话意思是“我没有时间看这部电影,而且人们对它的评价也不高”。15.Lets go shopping after school. _,call for me at any time. A. That dependsB. Hold on,please C. WhyD. Sounds good15.答案:D 提示:从call for me at any time可知,已经同意放学后去买东西。因此表示同意前者的观点。sounds good意为“听起来不错”,符合题意。我综合我发展.听力 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项

13、,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a record shop.B. In a jewelers shop.C. In a toy shop. 答案:W:What exactly are you looking for? M:Im looking for a toy.for my nephew.选C2.When did her brother start smoking? A. During coll

14、ege.B. After college.C. Before graduation. 答案:M:When did your brother first begin to smoke?During college? W:No.He didnt start until after graduation from college. 选B3.What are they talking about? A. A holiday. B. An accident. C. Luck.答案:W:What a shame about your accident!What a way to end your holi

15、day! M:Yes,it was bad luck.I suppose I should have been more careful.选B 4.How much did the coat cost? A. The coat cost $22 in a sale.B. He said that he had bought a coat for $20,but he was lying. C. His coat actually cost $2 more than the advertised price. 答案:W:Tony,your coat looks nice.Was it expen

16、sive? M:The ad said that the coat was on sale for 20 dollars,but actually it was $22.选C5.Why does the second person give 50 cents? A.T he class will have a party. B. Everybody should give 50 cents. C. To buy a present for their teacher.答案:M:Hello!You know its our teachers birthday tomorrow.Well,were

17、 collecting money to buy him a present from the class. W:What a nice idea!Heres 50 cents,is that enough?选C第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。 6.What did they do before the conversation? A. They slept

18、.B. They had a drink.C. They saw a film. 7.What do they want most now? A. A drink. B. A piece of cake. C. Sleep.答案:M:A wonderful film,wasnt it? W:Oh,yes,it was.I enjoyed it very much.But now what I need is some sleep.M:Yes.Itd be nice to have a good rest.But I feel like a drink now. W:As a matter of

19、 fact,Im dying for a drink,too.I wouldnt mind a cup of tea right now. M:All right,lets go to the teahouse and have some. W:OK,lets go. M:Id like a piece of cake to go with the drink. W:I guess we can get some there also.选6.C7.A听第7段材料,回答第810题。 8.Why did Jim stop? A. Because there was a rock on the pa

20、th. B. Because there were no trees. C. Because it was too hot. 9.When he woke up,what did he find? A. He found a snake by his feet. B. He found his shirt was stolen. C. He found a man standing in front of him. 10.Which is right according to the passage? A. There are a few trees near the path.B. Jim

21、wasnt afraid at all when he saw the snake. C. At last the snake moved under the rock.答案:Now here is a story.Please listen carefully. By midday the sun was so strong that Jim could not go any further.There were no trees near the path,so he stopped under a big rock.After drinking the rest of his water

22、,he took off his shirt and rolled it under his head.Then he lay down on the ground and went to sleep.It was so late in the afternoon when he woke up.He was just about to jump up when he felt something moving under his feet.He looked down.A long black snake was just about to move across his legs. Jim

23、 watched,too afraid to do anything.The snake moved across his legs;he hesitatedfor a moment, then moved on and disappeared under the rock,Jim jumped to hisfeet,paused only to pick up his shirt and ran off down the path.选8.C 9.A 10.C听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11.Who are the speakers? A.A passer-by and a policem

24、an. B.A passer-by and a driver. C.A passenger and a taxi-driver. 12.What is the womans house number? A.1323. B.3023. C.4023. 13.Why cant the man turn left? A.It is rush hour.B.It is a one-way street. C.The street is too narrow.答案:W:Excuse me,but I think you made a wrong turn.You were supposed to tur

25、n left on Wilson Broward. M:Oh,Im sorry.Didnt you say 1323 Wilson? W:No,3023.Its OK,though.You dont have to take me there.I can walk from here.M:Why dont I just make a U-turn at the corner? W:Well,you shouldnt make a U-turn there.Its a oneway street.See the sign up ahead. M:Well,maybe if I turn left

26、 here,I can come down the next street. W:You cant do that either during rush hour. Really though,dont go to any trouble.Sometimes one can wait thirty minutes for a taxi.So Im happy to get this close. M:Thirty minutes!Ive been riding around all day looking for passengers.选11.C 12.B 13.A听第9段材料,回答第1416

27、题。 14.What will they do on Saturday night? A. Have a picnic. B. Dance in the home of Mark and Mary. C. Have dinner with Mark and Mary. 15.What time will they go to see the new movie? A. On Sunday evening. B. On Sunday afternoon. C. On Sunday morning. 16.What will they not do in the weekend? A. Seein

28、g paintings. B. Riding bikes. C. Taking pictures.答案:W:Well,do you want to have a picnic in the park on Saturday? M:Thats a good idea.And we can ride our bikes for a while,too. W:Then theres a party. M:Party?What party? W:Have you forgotten?Mark and Mary invited us for dinner on Saturday night.M:I ha

29、ve forgotten.What time will we get home,do you think? W:Probably late.Mary wants to go out afterdinnerto a place where we can dance.M:Then well sleep all day on Sunday. W:Oh,not all day.Dont you have something special that you want to do on Sunday?M:We talked about going to that new movie. W:Oh,yes!

30、We can go in the evening.There are some new paintings in museum that I want to take a look at in the afternoon. M:It sounds like a busy weekend. W:Our weekends are always busy.But thats why in New York there is always so much to do! 选14.C 15.A 16.C听第10段材料,回答第1720题。 17.Where did the man send his Olympic Report? A. From the USA. B. From where the Olympic Games were held. C .From the broadcast station. 18.How many gold medals did the Americans get in swimming in the first three days? A. Three. B. Five. C. Six. 19.Who got t

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