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1、届贵阳中考英语总复习八上Units46精讲检测八年级(上)Units 46中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.choose(v.)_choice_(n.)选择_chose_(过去式)_chosen_(过去分词)选择;挑选2comfortable(adj.)_comfortably_(adv.)舒服地;舒适地_uncomfortable_(反义词)不舒服的3create(v.)_creative_(adj.)有创造力的;创造性的_creativity_(n.)创造力;创造性_creation_(n.)创造4perform(v.)_performer_(n.)表演者;演员_performa







8、earnfrom_29出版_come_out_30在20世纪30年代_in_the_1930s_31尽某人最大的努力_try_ones_best_32不同种类的_different_kinds_of_33许诺 _make_promises_句型再现(含情景交际)1.哪家电影院最好?_Whats_the_best_ movie theater?2.达人表演变得越来越受欢迎。Talent shows are _getting_more_and_more_popular_.3.那由你自己来决定。Thats _up_to_you_to_decide_.4.人们看这样的节目时,通常承担着评判优胜者的角色

9、。When people watch the show,they usually _play_a_role_in_deciding_ the winner.5.然而,并不是每个人都喜欢看这些表演。However,_not_everybody_ enjoys watching these shows.6.(询问对方的看法)“你认为访谈节目怎么样?”“很好,我不介意。”_What_do_you_think_of_ talk shows?Theyre OK._I_dont_mind_ them.7.因为我希望能弄清楚世界各地正在发生什么事情。Because I _hope_to_find_out_

10、whats going on around the world.8.在20世纪30年代,他用米老鼠制作了87部卡通片。_In_the_1930s_,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.9.然而,他总是准备好去尽其所能。However,he was _always_ready_to_try_his_best_.10.(谈论未来打算)“你将如何实现它?”“我打算学习计算机科学”。_How_are_you_going_to_ do that?Im _going_to_study_ computer science.11.有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。Sometimes

11、 the resolutions may be _too_difficult_to_keep.12.到目前为止,你认为它怎么样? _How_do_you_like_it_ so far?13.谢谢你告诉我。 _Thanks_for_ telling me.14.观看其他人展示他们的才艺总是很有趣的。 Its always interesting to _watch_other_people_show_ their talents.15.我们都知道并且喜欢那只长着两只大圆耳朵的黑色老鼠米老鼠。 We all know and love the black mouse _with_two_larg

12、e_round_ears_Mickey Mouse.16.其中一个重要的理由是米老鼠就像一个普通人,但是他总是尽力面对任何危险。 _One_of_ the main reason is _that_Mickey_was_like_a_common_man_,but he always tried to face any danger.17.现在的动画片通常不像米老鼠那样简单,但是大家依然知道并且喜欢米老鼠。 Todays cartoons are usually _not_so_simple_as_ little Mickey Mouse,but everyone still knows an

13、d loves him.语法1.形容词、副词最高级的构成和基本用法(详见第二编P115)2.动词不定式作宾语(详见第二编P123)3.一般将来时(be going to)的用法(详见第二编P128)话题Unit 4 Your town(你的城镇)Unit 5 Entertainment(娱乐)Unit 6 Life goals(生活目标)素材包计划与愿望:1.Everyone has his dream and I have my own dream,too.2.Life is full of challenges and opportunities.3.Life goal is just l

14、ike a lamp which always guides you in darkness.4.It is important to have a dream,because its the power of our life and study.说明自己的梦想和未来职业:1.I hope to be a writer when I grow up.2.I am going to be a pilot in ten years.3.As a fifteenyearold boy,my dream is to be a good teacher.4.I dream to be a nurse

15、or a doctor in the future.为实现梦想采取的行动:1.To make my dream come true,I will study harder at school.2.From now on,I will study harder and harder.3.In order to realize my dream,I will try my best from now on.4.Its necessary for us to work harder to achieve our goals.5.As long as I try my best,I am sure I

16、ll achieve my dream.贵阳中考重难点突破mind的用法(教材八上P33)【满分点拨】(1)mind作动词时意为“介意;对(某事)烦恼”,后接名词、代词或动名词。常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中。如:I hope you dont mind the noise.我希望你不介意这声音。(2)常用句型:Would/Do you mind sb./sb.s doing sth./if从句?意为“你介意吗?”表示礼貌地请求别人做某事。常用答语:表示介意:Im sorry/Youd better not.;表示不介意:No,not at all./Of course not./Certai

17、nly not.。如:Would you mind me/my smoking here?/Do you mind if I smoke here?你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?Youd better not.你最好不要。【温馨提示】mind(sb./sb.s) doing sth.为mind动名词的复合结构,当sb.为代词时,要用宾格形式,sb.s可改为相应的形容词性物主代词。1Would you mind _giving_(give) me a hand?The box is too heavy for me to carry.( B )2.Would you mind working in th

18、e countryside?_.I will be glad to work there.AIm afraid soBOf course notCI dont think so辨析find,look for与find out(教材八上P34)【满分点拨】词汇及短语用法find“找到;发现”,强调找的结果,是非延续性动词look for“寻找”,强调找的动作,是延续性动词find out“查明;弄清”,指经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事或某物查出来、搞清楚,多用于复杂而不容易直接查出的情况( B )1.(新信息题)He always tries his best to _ the truth of

19、 each case in Whos the Murderer(明星大侦探)Alook for Bfind out Cfind( C )2.I lost my keys.Im _ them.Afinding Bfinding out Clooking for( A )3.(2019预测)Mary is very sad because she cant _ her cat.Afind Bfound Clook forhappen的用法(教材八上P34)【满分点拨】(1)happen作动词,意为“发生”。其常见用法有:happensth.happen(s)地点/时间“某地/某时发生某事”sth.

20、happen(s) tosb.“某人发生某事”sb.happen(s) to do sth.“某人碰巧做某事”(2)辨析happen与take place相同点两者都没有被动语态不同点happen指偶然发生,具有不可预测性,主语一般是物。常见用法:sth.happen(s) to sb.“某人发生某事”take place指事先计划好或预先布置而发生,指某个确定事件take place,happen1(文化信息题)The May 4th Movement(五四运动) _took_place_ in China on May 4th,1919.2Yesterday I _happened_ to

21、 meet Alice on my way to school.( C )3.(新信息题)The 2020 Olympic Games will _ in Tokyo.Atake after Btake off Ctake placefamous的用法(教材八上P37)【满分点拨】famous为形容词,意为“著名的;出名的”,相当于wellknown,其常用短语及具体用法如下:短语含义例句be famous for原因(特点、特长等)以(因)而出名Austria is famous for its music.奥地利以音乐而闻名。be famous as身份、职业、地位等作为而出名Lu Xun

22、 is famous as a great writer.鲁迅是位著名的大作家。be famous to人为所熟知Confucius is famous to Chinese people.孔子为中国人所熟知。用适当的介词填空。1Guilin is famous _for_ its green hills and clear water.2Yao Ming is famous _to_ most young people.3Thomas Edison is famous _as_ a great inventor.4As is known _to_ all,Taiwan belongs to

23、China.promise的用法(教材八上P45)【满分点拨】单词词性及词义用法promisev.许诺;承诺promise to do sth.许诺去做某事promise sb.sth.许诺某人某事promisethat从句 答应n承诺;诺言make a promise许下诺言keep the promise信守承诺break the promise违背诺言( B )1.(2019预测)How will you spend your summer vacation?My mother _ to take me to Mount Huang three days ago.Aasked Bprom

24、ised Canswered( C )2.(2018河南中考改编)Its useless to regret what has been done.Dont make those mistakes again.I wont.Thats a(n) _.Aorder Bdecision Cpromise3He promises _to_finish_(finish) the work on time.take up的用法(教材八上P45)【满分点拨】(1)take up意为“(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做”。如:When did you take up music?你什么时候开始学音乐?(2)tak

25、e up还可以意为“占用”。如:This chair takes up too much room.这张椅子占地方太多。【归纳拓展】take的常见短语:( B ) (2018河池模拟改编)What are you going to do during the summer vacation?I am going to _ a new hobby like swimming or dancing.Atake off Btake up Ctake after辨析hope,wish,expect与look forward to(教材八上P34)【满分点拨】词汇含义用法搭配和句型hope希望,期望表示

26、主观上认为能实现的愿望,并对其实现抱有信心 hope to do sth.hopethat从句wish希望,祝愿表示某种未实现或不能实现的愿望,还可以表示对他人的祝福wish (sb.) to do sth. wish sb.sth. wishthat从句(虚拟语气)expect期待,预料侧重于相信或认为有可能实现的愿望expect (sb.) to do sth. be expected to do sth. It is expectedthat从句Look Forward to盼望,期待表示主观上期望或向往某事,常怀有高兴、愉悦的心情 look forward to sth. look f

27、orward to doing sth.We hope to arrive around two oclock.我们希望能在两点钟左右到达。I wish that I could fly like a bird.我希望能像小鸟一样飞翔。I expect her to give me a hand.我期望她帮我个忙。Im always looking forward to hearing from you.我一直期待收到你的来信。 ( A )1.He _ his father to find a good job in the city.Awishes Bhopes Cexpect( B )2.

28、(贵阳背景特色题)Im looking forward to _ Qianling Village(黔灵山) with my parents.Avisit Bvisiting Cvisits3祝你旅途愉快!_Wish_ you a pleasant journey!4青少年希望他们的父母能像朋友一样理解他们。Teenagers _hope/expect_ that their parents can understand them like their friends.5我没有期望他会来参加我的生日派对。I didnt _expect_ that he would come to my birthday party.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round earsMickey Mouse.我们都知道并且喜欢那只长着两只大圆耳朵的黑色老鼠米老鼠。(教材八上P37)【满分点拨】(1)wit

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