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纯享版 八年英语真题分类专项语法基础知识集合.docx

1、纯享版 八年英语真题分类专项语法基础知识集合第5部分 语法基础知识考点19 -词汇辨析考点20 -非谓语动词考点21 -动词的时态、语态及情态动词考点22 -从句考点19 词汇辨析1(2017北京)Peterplease send us postcards _ well know where you have visitedNo problem but or C for D so2(2017北京)If the new safety system _ to use the accident would never have happenedhad been put were put Cshoul

2、d be put Dwould be put3(2017北京)Many people who live along the coast make a living _ fishing industryat in Con Dby4(2017江苏)_not for the support of the teachersthe student could not overcome her difficultyIt were Were it C It was D Was it5(2017江苏)0nly five years after Steve Jobs deathsmart-phones defe

3、ated _PCs in salescontroversial contradictoryCconfidential Dconventional 6(2017江苏)Determining where we are _our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survivalin contrast to in defense ofCin face of Din relation to7(2017江苏)What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean?Its nothing Just something

4、_as clear as day off the top of my headCunder my noseDbeyond my wildest dreams8(2017江苏)The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidentsut _explanations are hard to findalternative aggressive Cambiguous Dapparent 9(2017江苏)Going to watch the Womens Volleyball Match on

5、 Wednesday?_!Will you go with me?You there You bet CYou got me DYou know better 10(2017天津)lberts birthday is on next Saturday and Im planning a surprise party for him_ Ill bring some wineSounds like fun It dependsC Just a minute D You are welcome11(2017天津)I want to see Mr. WhiteWe have an appointmen

6、tIm sorrybut he is not _ at the momentfor the meeting hasnt endedbusy active Cconcerned Davailable12(2017天津)Mr. and Mrs. rown would like to see their daughter _get marriedand have kidssettled down keep off Cget up Dcut in13(2017天津)Michael was late for MrSmiths chemistry class this morning_? s far as

7、 I knowhe never came late to classSo what Why not CWho cares DHow come14(2017天津)It was when I got back to my apartment _ I first came across my new neighborswho where Cwhich Dthat15 (2017天津)When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California you will be _ trees that are over 1,000 years oldamon

8、g against Cbehind Dbelow16(2017天津)We offer an excellent education to our students_we expect students to work hard0n average t best Cin return Dfter all17(2017天津)Do you have ettys phone number?Yes0therwiseI _able to reach her yesterdayhadnt been wouldnt have been Cwerent Dwouldnt be18(2016天津)The dict

9、ionary is _: many words have been added to the language since it was published. out of control . out of date C. out of sight D. out of reach19(2016天津)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she _ her opinion on the subject. gave voice to . kept an eye on C. turned a deaf

10、ear of D. set foot on20(2016天津)The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _ of rain later tonight.effect sense Cchange Dchance21(2016天津) Im going to _ advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle. put . make C. take D. give22(2016天津)I hate it when she calls me at workIm

11、 always too busy to _ a conversation with her. carry on . break into C. turn down D. cut off23(2016浙江)_prize for the winner of the competition is _two-week holiday in ParisThe ; 不填 ; 不填 C ; the DThe ; a24(2016浙江)In many ways , the education system in the US is not very different from _in the UKthat

12、this C one D it25(2016浙江)It is important to pay your electricity bill on time , as late payments may affect your _ condition income C credit D status26(2016浙江)That young man is honest , cooperative , always there when you need his help_, hes reliable 0r else In short C y the way D For one thing27(20

13、16浙江)The study suggests that the cultures we grow up _influence the basic processes by which we see world around us on in C at D about28(2016浙江)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite , rather than _ us divide reject C control D abandon29(2016浙江)When their children lived far

14、away from them , these old people felt _from the world carried away broken down C cut off D brought up 30(2016浙江) sudden stop can be a very frightening experience , _ if you are travelling at high speed eventually strangely C merely D especially31(2016浙江)When the time came to make the final decision

15、 for a course , I decided to apply for the one that _my interest limited reserved C reflected D spoiled32(2016浙江)In this article , you need to back up general statements with _ examples specific permanent C abstract D universal33(2016浙江)I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope t

16、o attend in the coming yearslittle more no more Cmuch more Dmany more 34(2016江苏) Can you tell us your for happiness and a long life? Living every day to the full, definitely recipe record C range D receipt35(2016江苏)He did not easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cau

17、se approach wrestle C compromise D communicate36(2016江苏)Many businesses started up by college students have thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation fallen off taken off C turned off D left off37(2016江苏)His comprehensive surveys have provided the most statements of how, and on what ba

18、sis, data are collected explicit ambiguous C original D arbitrary38(2016江苏)Parents should actively urge their children to_the opportunity to join sports teams gain admission to keep track of C take advantage of D give rise to39(2016江苏) Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interviewLack o

19、f self-confidence is his_, I am afraid chilles heel childs play C green fingers D last straw40(2015福建) The failure was a big _ to him, but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.blow issue C excuse Dfactor41(2015陕西) more learned a man is, _more modest be usually become. The; the .

20、 ; a C. The ; a D. ; the 42(2015江苏) Some schools will have to make _ in agreement with the national soccer reform.judgments adjustments Ccomments Dachievements43(2015浙江) Janes grandmother had wanted to write childrens book for many years, but one thing or another always got in way.a;不填 the; the C不填;

21、the Da; the44(2015安徽) There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some _ and then let me know.thought support Cprotection Dauthority45(2015福建) It was of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.careless considerate Cpatient Dgenerous46(2015湖北) Even though the conference hall

22、 is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be_.accurate punctual Cefficient Dreasonable47(2015安徽) They gave money to the old peoples home either _ or through their companies. legally sincerely Cpersonally Ddeliberately48(2015浙江) Most of us, if we know even a little about where o

23、ur food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was alive. steadily instantly Cformerly Dpermanently49(2015湖北) The girl used to be shy, but is _ getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.gradually usually Cpreviously Dmerely50(2015福建) common memory they a

24、ll have _ their school days is the school uniform.of on Cto Dwith51(2015陕西) The little pupil took his grandma the arm and walked her across the street. on . by C. in D. at52(2015湖北) This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _ that if you smoked here you would be fined. in adv

25、ance in detail Cin total Din general 53(2015天津) The quality of education in this small school is better than _ in some larger schools.that one Cit Dthis54(2015江苏) Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around _ Thomas Edison.thanks to regardless of Caside from Dbut for55(2014浙江) The pap

26、er is due next monthand I am working seven days _ week often long into _ night a; the the; Z Ca a D/; the56(2014江西) They chose Tom to be _captain of the team because they knew he was _smart leader a the the; the Cthe; a Da a57(2014重庆)I cant tell you _way to the Wilsons because we dont have_ Wilson h

27、ere in the village the; a a / C a; the D the; / 58(2014浙江)We most prefer to say yes to the_ of someone we know and likeattempts requests Cdoubts Dpromises59(2014湖北) Her_ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education motivation qualification Ctalent Dtechnique60(2014湖北) What

28、 was so_ about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed awful essential Cimpressive Dobvious61(2014安徽) My good performance in the job interview left me _ about my future and about what I can do here puzzled sensitive Coptimistic Dembarrassed62(2014福建) With online shopping increasingly popularthe Internet is seen as a(n)_ way of reaching target customers temporary complex Caccura

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