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专题04 Earthquakes讲学年高一英语同步精品课堂基础版必修1原卷版.docx

1、专题04 Earthquakes讲学年高一英语同步精品课堂基础版必修1原卷版高一英语同步精品 必修1Unit 4Earthquakes 一、重点词汇考点1burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发n. 突然破裂;爆发【教材原句】In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. but the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.在市内

2、,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。【例句研读】(1)She burst out crying for a while, and burst into laughter for another moment, which made us at a loss.她一会儿突然哭起来,一会儿又_,这使我们一头雾水。 (2)We all thought his heart would burst with happiness.我们都认为他心中的快乐快要_了。 (3)The police burst in and arrested the

3、 gang.警察_逮捕了那帮人。 【归纳拓展】burst out 迸发;突然发作;突然起来burst into 闯入;突然出现;突然起来;突然发作burst into tears/songs/laughter/angry speech突然哭/唱/笑/吵起来burst out crying/singing/laughing突然哭起来/唱起来/笑起来burst in 闯入burst with anger/grief/joy 勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支be bursting to do 渴望,急着要做(某事)at a(one) burst 一阵;一口气;一举;一下a burst of anger

4、怒火的迸发【即时巩固】单项填空1. One minute she burst into _, and the next she burst out _. We just couldnt catch her mood at any moment. Acrying; laughter Btears; laughing Ctears; laughter Dcrying; laughing 2.Roses humor was_ make every studentburstinto_.Aso amused as tolaughter Bso amusing as to laughterCsuch th

5、atlaughing Dso that laughing完成句子3.After that, he _(突然大哭起来)4.There came _(一阵笑声)5.He blew the balloon _(直到它爆裂为止)考点2ruin n. U毁坏;毁灭,崩溃C(pl.) 废墟,遗迹v. (使)破产,(使)堕落,毁灭【教材原句】In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。【例句研读】(1)Drink was his fathers ruin and it will be the

6、ruin of him too.酗酒是他父亲_的原因,他也将遭同样的_。(2)Years of fighting have left the area in ruins.多年的战事已经使得这个地区_。 (3)A large number of churches fell to ruin after the revolution. 革命过后,许多教堂_。(4)The heavy rain ruined our holiday.大雨把我们的假期彻底_。 (5)If you go on like this, youll ruin yourself.如果你继续这样下去,你会自己_。 【归纳拓展】in

7、ruins 成为废墟;破败不堪be the ruin of 成为毁灭(堕落)的原因come/fall to ruin 毁灭,灭亡;崩溃;破坏掉bring sb. to ruin 使某人失败;使倾家荡产bring ruin upon oneself 自取灭亡ruin oneself 自取灭亡ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康/名誉【即时巩固】根据汉语提示完成句子(1)An earthquake_(使全城到处是颓垣断壁)(leave)(2)Some prewar constructions were abandoned and eventually _(成了废墟)(3)Th

8、at one mistake _ (毁坏)his chances of getting the job.(4)His future lies _ because he was caught stealing in the shop and put into prison.Aas usual Bin ruinsCby mistake Don purpose考点3injure vt. 损害,伤害【教材原句】The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.死伤的人数达到40多万。【例句研读】(1)Th

9、e boy injured his leg.这个男孩把腿_。 (2)Your remark may injure her pride.你的话也许会_。 (3)I didnt mean to do her an injury.我并未打算_她。 【归纳拓展】injury n. 伤,伤口;伤害 injured adj. 受伤的,受委屈的do an injury to sb.伤害某人 the injured伤员an injured look/expression委屈的样子/表情 injured pride/feelings受到伤害的自尊/情感【即时巩固】用wound, hurt或injure的适当形式

10、填空(1)His cold behaviour _ her deeply.(2)The bullet_ him in the shoulder.(3)He was _ in the accident.(4)When the girl learned that her boyfriend was _ in the earthquake, she _Ainjured; burst in tearBkilled; burst out tearsCstill alive; burst into tearsDmissing; burst into laughter考点4shock n. U;C打击;震惊

11、;震动;休克vt. 使震惊,使惊愕【教材原句】People were shocked.人们惊呆了。【例句研读】(1)The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock to him.他妻子去世的消息_。 (2)He was shocked at her smoking.看到她在吸烟,他很_。 (3) It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their children.看到邻居们如何对待孩子,我感到_。【归纳拓展】be shocked at/by (doing) sth. 被震惊be shock

12、ed to do sth. 惧怕做某事It shocked sb. to see/hear.看见/听到使某人震惊。(be) a shock to sb. 对某人来说是个打击提示:shocked adj. 感到惊奇的,惊讶的(主语多为人)shocking adj. 令人气愤的,令人惊讶的(主语多为物)【即时巩固】(1)_ the sight.这情景使我大为震惊。(2)If you touch a live wire, _如果你摸带电的线,就会触电。(3)The message _这条消息使他震惊。(4)The _ news made all the people present _. Ashoc

13、king; shockingBshocking; shockedCshocked; shocking Dshocked; shocked(5)Have you heard of _ death of Steven Jobs? Yes. It must be_shockto Apple fans.Athe; the Ba; the Cthe; a Da; /考点5bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏【教材原句】The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.部队人员组成小分队,将受困的人

14、们挖出来,将死者掩埋。【例句研读】(1)He was sitting with his head buried in a book.他坐着_。(2)He walked slowly, his hands buried in his pockets.他走得很慢,两手_。(3)After the divorce, she buried herself in her work.离婚后,她_。【归纳拓展】bury oneself in study 埋头研究bury oneself in (doing) sth. 专心致力于(做)某事be buried in thoughts 沉思bury ones f

15、ace in ones hands 双手掩面be buried alive 被活埋;隐居提示:表示“专心于,致力于”意义的短语还有:be devoted to, be addicted to, be absorbed in等。【即时巩固】1. _ in thought, I didnt notice what was happing.AHavingburied BBurying CBuried DTo beburied2._ deep down in the earth for thousands of years, the dead forest has rotted away and be

16、come coalAHavingburied BBeingburiedCBuried DTo beburied3. After starting work, Cao spent his evenings _ in his books and was eventually admitted to a secondary technical school.Aburying BburiedCbeingburied Dhavingburied考点6judge v. 断定;判断;判决n. 裁判员;法官;评判员【教材原句】Your speech was heard by a group of five j

17、udges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。【例句研读】(1)Dont judge a book by its cover. 勿_取人。(1)以貌(2) Judging from/by his accent, he must be a southerner.根据他的口音_,他一定是个南方人。(2)判断(3)He was judged to be the best actor of this year.他_今年的最佳男演员。(3)被评为【归纳拓展】judge

18、ment n. 判断,审判,意见,判断力 judging by/from 从上看,根据判断judge sb./sth. from/by. 从来判断 judge between right and wrong 判断是非as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为 in ones judgement 依某人看来,按某人的看法【即时巩固】1. _ from what she said at the meeting, she must have lied to all of us.AJudged BJudging CTojudge DJudge2. It was so dark in

19、the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.Aignore Bjudge Crecognize be the best one in the group, she had an opportunity to enter for the final competition.AJudging BToJudge CHavingjudged DJudged二、重点短语考点1right away立刻,马上【教材原句】Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right

20、 away设想你们家开始摇晃,你必须马上离开。【例句研读】(1)I want it to be sent right away.马上把它发出去。(2)He cleaned the room right away.他立即开始打扫房间。(3)Hes not in the office right now.他现在不在办公室。【归纳拓展】(1)表示“立刻,马上”的短语without delay/right now/immediately/at once/in no time/right off(2)比较right away/right nowright away“立刻,马上”,相当于at once,

21、in no time。right now“立即,马上;此时此刻”,后一意义比now的语气强,相当于at this very moment。考点2at an end 终止;结束【教材原句】It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!【例句研读】(1)The year is at an end.这一年已到_了。(2)The meeting came to an end.会议_了。(3)Go straight and youll find the hospital at the end of the road.一直往前走,你会在_找到这家医院。(

22、4)They argued for two hours on end.他们_辩论了两个小时。【归纳拓展】 an end (使)结束,终止 come to an end 结束,终止at the end of 在尽头(末) by the end of 到末为止(常与完成时态连用)in the end 最后,终于(后不加 of短语) on end 一连,连续to the end 到底 without end 没完没了make ends meet 收支相抵【即时巩固】英汉互译(1)He didnt answer it right away._(2)立刻给他打电话。(right away

23、)_(3)We will take care of this right away._(4)此刻我们不能谈论这个问题。(right now)_考点3a (great) number of 许多;大量的【教材原句】Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping.【例句研读】(1)There _ (be) a great number of books in the shelves.(2)The number of guests invited _ (be) 50, but

24、 a number of them _ (be) absent for the heavy rain.(3)Quantities of water _ (be) polluted now.(4)A great deal of oil _ (be) poured into the sea and did great harm to creatures in the water.(5)Many a famous writer _(be) an alumnus(撰搞人) of a local newspaper. 【归纳拓展】a large/great/good number of; a great

25、/good many; a good few; quite a few可数名词复数many a/more than one单数可数名词单数谓语动词a great/good deal of; a great/large amount of; quite a little不可数名词a lot/lots of; a great/large quantity of; large quantities of; plenty of可数名词复数或不可数名词提示:(1)a number of是“许多,大量”的意思,后接可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数。the number of 是“的数目”的意思,谓语动词用单数

26、。(2)large quantities of (pl.)/U做主语,谓语动词用复数。large amounts ofU n做主语,谓语动词用复数。【即时巩固】(1)_(许多学生) find it hard to find an acceptable job after graduation.(number)(2)A great number of new factories _(被建立)in my hometown since 1987.(3)_ (大量的金钱已被花) on the new hospital since 1980.(4)A large number of students i

27、n our school _ from the countryside; the number _ growing these years.Ais; has been Bare; has been Cis; have been Dare; have been考点4. as usual【教材原句】Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She is very reliable and I knew I didnt need to encourage her.像往常一样,王薇在我的前面,她很可靠,我知道我用不着给她鼓劲儿。【例句研读】Lily got up at 6 oclock_(像往常一样),but she realized it was Sunday as soon as she prepared her school bag.Lily像往常一样六点钟起床,但当她准备书包时才意识到那是星期天。【归纳拓展】usual adj.通常的;平常的usually adv. 通常地;平常地than usual 比平常【即时巩固】1. Lily got up at 6:00 oclock_but she realized it was Sunday soon.Aas usual Bas possible Cat pres

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