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1、精选新目标版英语九年级全练习题第四十九篇2019年精选新目标版英语九年级全练习题第四十九篇 第1题【单选题】I like to listen to music that can make me .A、happyB、relaxingC、boringD、to relax【答案】:【解析】: 第2题【单选题】 Smoking and drunkenness (酗酒) are both bad for peoples health. Yes. So we should cigarettes and alcohol.A、shut downB、get on withC、stay away fromD、pu

2、t away【答案】:【解析】: 第3题【单选题】 Which do you prefer, orange juice or cola? , thanks. Id like just a cup of tea.A、EitherB、NeitherC、BothD、0【答案】:【解析】: 第4题【单选题】 Did you study any other languages English when you were at college? Yes, I studied three. But I have forgotten all a few words of each.A、besides; bes

3、idesB、but; exceptC、except; exceptD、besides; but【答案】:【解析】: 第5题【单选题】Its bad for health to hurry to move into a house _ has new furniture in it.A、whoB、whereC、that【答案】:【解析】: 第6题【单选题】What me most is its sights.A、interested; interestedB、interested; interestingC、interesting; interestingD、interesting; inter

4、ested【答案】:【解析】: 第7题【单选题】I havent worked the problem out yet. What am I supposed to do?Try again! Its only difficult.A、a lotB、a bitC、too muchD、too many【答案】:【解析】: 第8题【单选题】 What music do you like? I like music that I can sing along or dance .A、to; withB、with; withC、to; toD、with; to【答案】:【解析】: 第9题【单选题】Yo

5、u get her a scarf as a birthday gift.A、should be supposed toB、are suppose toC、are supposed toD、should suppose to【答案】:【解析】: 第10题【填空题】Its _(polite) for you to start eating first at the table.【答案】:【解析】: 第11题【填空题】Its a pity that only two _(piece) of music that I like best were recorded.【答案】:【解析】: 第12题【填

6、空题】If I were you, I would take more exercise and eat _(little) meat.【答案】:【解析】: 第13题【填空题】All of us were _(shock) by what he did.【答案】:【解析】: 第14题【填空题】用所给词的适当形式填空完成短文, 使短文内容通顺、完整。(必要时可加助动词或情态动词)Hello, Im Li Ming. I have studied in the UK for nearly two years now. But I _(remember) my first few weeks of

7、living in a different country forever.The FoodIll never forget the first food that I _(taste) at school in England. We had this soup and it tasted of nothing at all. In China, our food is salty, but we like it because the salt _(make) it taste nice. A friend advised me _(try) some cheese. It was rea

8、lly sour.CustomsIn China when you meet someone for the first time, you shake hands. I was so _(surprise) when my friends mother gave me a kiss when I left his house. I felt so embarrassed and my face _(go) red.TransportWhen I want to go anywhere in China, I just take my bicycle. Here in England, I h

9、ave to get a bus everywhere. The buses _(not stop) automatically like they do in Beijing. You have to put your hand out, ring the bell or press the signal button.Socialising(社交)I remember when I went around to a friends house. In China, we often _(give) people cakes as presents. The boys mother star

10、ed at the cake. She was trying to be polite but I knew from her face that I _(take) something wrong. In England, a cake is more often _(give) on someones birthday.【答案】:【解析】: 第15题【阅读理解】阅读理解Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. At any time of day and night, he wa

11、s always ready to go and help sick people. Every one in the town liked him and people always went to him when there was anything wrong with them.But many years went past and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory (记忆). This made him do foolish things sometimes. When people noticed this,

12、they did not go to him any more. He may give us the wrong medicine, they said and they were afraid.Why does no one come to me now? he wondered. But no one wanted to tell him because they did not want to hurt the good old man, so they said, You have cured (治好) all the sick people in the town. There i

13、s no one sick now. The doctor was pleased when he heard that and they went away happily.The doctor lived _.A、in a townB、in a hospitalC、in a villageD、in a cityPeople did not go to the doctor any more because _.A、he didnt want to cure themB、they were afraid of himC、he didnt want to see themD、he might

14、give them wrong medicineWhen the doctor heard what the people said, he _.A、was sorryB、was surprisedC、was pleasedD、was worriedThe doctor _.A、was quite foolishB、always gave the wrong medicineC、believed what the people told himD、was not kind to the sick peopleWhy didnt people tell the truth to the doct

15、or?A、Because they were angry with the doctor.B、Because they did not want to hurt the old doctor.C、Because the doctor did not like to listen to them.D、Because they did not need to tell him the truth.【答案】:【解析】: 第16题【阅读理解】根据短文内容完成句子。The programmes Sun Xiaomei hosts might be among the shortest on CCTV.

16、On Screen Next Week is on once a week for 15 minutes, and TV You, He and I comes on for five minutes each time once a week too. “Though these programmes are short, I have many ideas to make them more lively for the audience,” she said.Sun was interested in music in her childhood. She played the viol

17、in since the age of five until she finished middle school. At first her father wanted her to enter a music school; however, 16-year-old Sun Xiaomei became a student in Beijing Broadcasting College.Sun loves her job as a hostess very much. She pays great attention to learning from her comrades(同事), e

18、specially Zhao Zhongxiang. When Zhao Zhongxiang hosted The World and The Animal World, Sun would sit beside him to learn.“I am sure that when I am seen by hundreds of millions of audience on the weekend, I can make friends with them through my warm and easy talk,” she said.The _Sun Xiaomei _are On S

19、creen Next Week and TV You, He and I.It _Sun Xiaomei 20 minutes to host the programmes _week.In the sentence “I have many ideas to make them more lively for the audience”, the word “them” here means _.She played the violin _5 _16.She has a _and _talk to the audience.【答案】:【解析】: 第17题【翻译】根据汉语意思翻译句子花园里有

20、不同种类的花。_既然那样,我将放弃这个计划。_你认识那个戴红色帽子的人吗?_他们尽力使莉莉高兴起来。_我会尽我的最大努力来帮助你。_【答案】:【解析】: 第18题【翻译】根据中文完成句子翻译。Carmen远离甜的食品。Carmen stays away from food that _.徐菲更喜欢能表演安静、轻柔歌曲的组合。Xu Fei _groups _play quiet and gentle music.据报道, 蔬菜有益健康。_vegetables are good for health.我喜欢我可以随着一起唱的音乐。I like music that I can sing _.你的话

21、让我想起了我的狗的死。What you said made _my dogs death.【答案】:【解析】: 第19题【翻译】根据汉语意思完成英语句子足球比赛后,他太兴奋了睡不着。After the football game, he was _ excited _ sleep.有相当数量的大学生宁愿待在大城市里,也不去西部工作。Quite a large number of college students prefer to stay in big cities _ _ go to work in the western part of China.当我听它时,我几乎伴着它哭了。I al

22、most cried _ _ it as I listened.在他的一生中,他很快乐。He was very happy _ _ _.到他的生命结束前,他能弹奏600多首乐曲。By the end of his life, he could _ _ _ _ _ music.【答案】:【解析】: 第20题【翻译】根据中文提示完成下列英文句子。Rick _(习惯于) reading English for half an hour before going to bed.What do you know about the _(餐桌礼仪)in Peru?Emma _(使我感到宾至如归)when

23、I was at her home last year.When Mike was in trouble last month, his uncle _(特地不怕麻烦地帮助他).Who is always _(发出令人不愉快的声音) in the office?【答案】:【解析】: 第21题【选词填空(词汇运用)】用who, that, which填空My brother likes movies _ are very funny.I mean the one _ was bought yesterday.Victor wants to have friends _ are ready to

24、help others.It is the most important task _ should be finished soon.Are you interested in the books _ have many cartoons?I must thank the girl _ found my purse.Its the kind of music _ you can dance to.Mrs. Brown hates clothes _ are unusual.It is a book _ will help you a lot.This is the room in _ Max

25、 lived.【答案】:【解析】: 第22题【任务型阅读】Tina, Mike, Jeff, Linda和Vera在生活、学习和运动中遇到一些问题, 请阅读下面五个片段, 并从后面的选项(A-E)中帮他们找到解决问题的方法或建议。_Tina has been invited to one of her friends birthday party next Sunday. She is worried about this now because she has never taken part in any birthday party, and nobody can tell her so

26、mething about it._Mikes favorite is playing sports. He gets up early at 6: 00 every morning. Then he goes out to exercise by the riverside. He runs along the river for nearly half an hour, and then takes a walk for a few minutes. He goes back home for breakfast at 7: 30. But he always feels weak aft

27、er morning exercise._Jeff is interested in the computer. His parents bought him a Dell computer last month. He wants to surf the Internet. But he heard that there are many terrible things for kids on the Internet. His parents dont have the knowledge about this._Lindas parents will be away from China

28、 on business for more than half a year very soon. She cant go with them because she has to go to school. She will be at home alone. Nobody will take care of her, and she cant do chores herself._Vera is a clever girl. She does well in her studies. But Vera doesnt like playing with her classmates, and

29、 she feels bored when her classmates ask her questions about studies. So she cant get along well with her classmates.A. Dont give your personal information such as your address, telephone number, etc. on the Internet without your parents permission. Never agree to get together with someone you “meet” online and never send a person your picture or anything else without first checking with your

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