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1、演讲稿之英语演讲比赛作文英语演讲比赛作文【篇一:英文演讲比赛文章】 follow these 7 steps and you will be confident are you good enough, clever enough, good looking enough? if you think not, would you consider your answer to be objective? are you one of those people who has an inner critic that satan would be jealous of? well its tim

2、e to see yourself as you really are; gifted, worthy and capable of anything you chose to be. time to put an end to yourself criticism and look at yourself objectively. follow these 7 steps below and you will be lacking in confidence no more. 1. monitor the negative voice start by monitoring your neg

3、ative voice. notice when you are self-critical, and observe the conversations that go on in your head. when you become aware of the conversations, you can then work on changing them. your job is to ensure that the voice in your head is positive and supportive at all times and not negative and critic

4、al. 2. friends family ask your family and friends for their honest opinions about what your strengths are. what do they think you are good at? what were you good at when you were a child? if you want an extensive review, write out a checklist, and ask them what they think of you in the listed areas.

5、 ask a couple of people and then you can see if the opinions are similarjust make sure the person you ask is not someone who is jealous of you or would have any reason to hurt or offend you. 3. no comparisons dont compare yourself with othersits a recipe for disaster. you only need to be good enough

6、 for you, so it doesnt matter what you sister, brother, friend or enemy has achieved. make your own standards and set goals that are right for you. 4. journalling take a long look at yourself and write a page describing yourself. journalling can be a great way to look at yourself objectively. tell y

7、our story like it belongs to someone else. what do you honestly think you are good at? nobody has to see what you write, just write for you. write down all of your past achievementsstart with last year and write about anything that went well, and then extend the list year by year, making sure you in

8、clude all of your achievements. 5. personality assessment do a personality assessment, like the myers briggs or disk personality profile quizzes. these assessments are a great way to understand yourself and to see how you fit in in the world; your personal strengths will become more apparent when yo

9、u are familiar with your own personality. 6. create a positive environment make sure that you surround yourself with people who love and support you. if criticism is coming from external sources, remove yourself from the environments that encourage negativity. if you dont have any friends or family

10、members who inspire and uplift you, join a community that will. there are many groups, both online and offline, that have been formed to encourage people towards a happier and positive life; join one. 7. drown yourself in positivity uplift ?plift, ?plift video vt. 提高;抬起vi. 提高;上升;升起n. 举起,抬起;道德的向上;精神的

11、高涨 criticism kriti,siz?m video n. 批评;考证;苛求 offend ?fend video vt. 冒犯;使不愉快vi. 违反;进攻;引起不舒服 critic kritik video n. 批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人 recipe resipi video n. 食谱;临床 处方;秘诀 personality ,p?:s?n?l?ti video n. 个性;品格;名人 checklist t?eklist video n. 清单;检查表;备忘录;目录册 apparent ?p?r?nt video adj. 显然的;表面上的 achievement ?t?i

12、:vm?nt video n. 成就;完成;达到 jealous d?el?s video adj. 妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的【篇二:假如你是李华,英语演讲比赛作文】 灵璧中学2015届高四年级最新书面表达范文选萃 (1)2015河南高考模拟英语作文 日前,你校英语俱乐部以“if i could do one thing to change china for the better, what would you do?”为话题向全校学生征文。请你写一篇英语短文参加此次征文活动。注意: 1. 词数100左右 2.文中不得出现自己真实的信息。 one possible version

13、if i could do one thing to change china for the better, i would make every effort to protect our environment. to begin with, i would rather do everything i can to shut down the polluting factories in no time, which can prevent the situation going from bad to worse. moreover, it?s time that people?s

14、environmental awareness should be raised. in the long run, however, only if we develop our country in an efficient and scientific way can we improve our environment thoroughly. in reality, it is our joint efforts that we can depend on to change our motherland for the better. i sincerely hope that we

15、 can devote as much as possible to making a more beautiful and harmonious china! (2)2015乌鲁木齐高考模拟英语作文 在英文单词i和you之间填入不同动词 在英文单词i和you之间填入不同动词,会表达不同的意义,如i trust you;i forgive you;i promise you;i understand you;i support you;请从以上五句话中选出你最喜欢的一句作为题目,用英语写一篇短文。 内容要求 1 你对该句话的理解 2 结合相关事例说明你喜欢这句话的理由 3 恰当的结尾 one

16、possible version: whenever i am faced with difficulty and almost lose heart, my parents often say “i trust you ”, which gives me a lot of encouragement. also, my teachers show a strong belief in me by smiling at me and offering practical assistance. thanks to their trust, i achieve more, even beyond

17、 their expectation . trust can really make a difference, so don?t forget to pass the message “i trust you” on to others. (3)2015赣州市高考模拟英语作文 对毕业典礼的看法 毕业,一个伤感的词语,也是一个充满希望的词语,对即将高中毕业的你而言,毕业有着什么样的意义?你认为毕业典礼应该是个怎样的场景呢?请你更接近提示写一篇100词左右的短文,说明你对毕业典礼的看法。内容包括以下两点: 1.写出毕业典礼对你而言意义是什么 2.说明要如何安排或进行活动才能呈现这个意义。 one

18、 possible version there is no doubt that a graduation ceremony is a significant event in the life of a young person. it provides an occasion for reflecting on the previous few years, your hard work during that time, and the relationships you have formed with classmatesand teachers. it is also a turn

19、ing point to the future, whether you will go to college or not. though it represents a serious moment in your life, i do think a graduation ceremony should always be a lighthearted and joyful event. besides handing out diplomas, it should include songs, jokes, and anything else that the students and

20、 their families might enjoy. such a significant day in any person?s life deserves to be a memorable one. (4)高考模拟英语作文 申请到美国大学就读英文自我简介 假如你是中学生李华,今年高中毕业,准备申请到美国某大学就读,需提交一份英文自我简介,请给校方写一封邮件,包含下表信息,并表达自己的愿望。 学习经历 1.学习特长:2.英语水平;3.业余爱好; 4.课外沽动. 注意:1.词数100左右. 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 one possible version: dear sir

21、/madam: yours sincerely li hua (5)2015湖北十校联考英语作文 people are always looking for someone to look 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 注意:无须写标题; 除诗歌外,文体不限; 内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例; 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。 参考范文 i can?t help recalling the time when i first entered high school. having failed the entrance exam

22、, i was admitted to an ordinary high school, which disappointed me a lot. i was very bitter and rude, looking down upon everyone at school. then one day i told myself i couldn?t be like this any longer. maybe i shouldn?t look for someone to admire but should change myself first. i tried to improve m

23、yself a bit and tried to be friendlier to others. as a result, i found myself a lot happier and i was even awarded the title of “excellent student” at the end of term. life is a constant exercise in self-improvement. changing yourself to a better self is definitely better than looking for someone be

24、tter to imitate. change yourself, and you will make the earth a better world day by day. (6)2015韶关高考模拟英语作文 介绍皮影戏的英语短文 你是学校校报的编辑,新一期校报准备介绍中国著名民间戏剧形式之一:皮影戏(又称影子戏)。现在请你根据以下信息写一篇英语短文,介绍皮影戏。 写作内容 皮偶原材料:兽皮、纸板 表演方式: 1.一人在帘布后操纵三、四个皮偶 2.影子通过灯光反射在帘布3.移动皮偶和灯源,产生不同效果。 历史:起源于汉代,元代传到很多国家 现状:拥有很多国内外戏迷 参考词汇 皮偶puppe

25、t 纸板 paper board 参考范文: shadow puppet play, also known as “shadow play”, is one of china?s famous folk opera forms of storytelling and entertainment. during the performance, a player usually holds/manipulates three to four puppets made of animal skin and paper board behind a curtain. with the light o

26、n, the shadows of those figures are reflected on a curtain, and then various effects can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source. originated from the han dynasty, shadow puppet play enjoys a long history in china. during the yuan dynasty, it was introduced to many countries and a

27、ttracted many foreign audience. nowadays, it is a popular form of entertainment for both children and adults in many countries around the world. (7)2015邯郸高考模拟英语作文 谈谈高三生活的感受和启迪 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友terry很关心你的近况,请给他回一封邮件,描述一件在你高三的学习生活中给你留下深刻印象的事情。谈谈你的感受和你受到的启迪。 注意: 1.词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,

28、不计入总词数。 one possible version: dear terry, i am really glad to receive your letter. thanks for your concern. talking about the most impressive moment in my life in senior grade 3, i still remember the speech contest which i took part in months ago. i worked hard on it. but when it?s my turn i felt so

29、 nervous that my mind went blank. i was about to give up when my english teacher came to me with a reassuring smile “believe in yourself and you can make it.” taking a deep breath, i started my speech and it went unexpectedly wishes. yours li hua (8)2015山西高考英语模拟作文 my chinese dream英语演讲稿 假如你

30、是星光中学的学生李华,将参加主题为“my chinese dream”的英语演讲比赛,请撰写一篇演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1梦想成为一名山村教师,帮助山村孩子; 2山区偏僻,教育落后;3父母和朋友都反对;4我会. 注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 开头和结尾已为你写好。 one possible version: good morning, everyone! i?m li hua from xingguang middle school. the topic of my speech is “my chinese dream”. as we know, the education of ru

31、ral areas is falling behind other areas. and the children there are longing for knowledge. therefore, the problem about the lack of teachers is especially serious. it puzzles me that parents and friends aren?t in favour of my idea of being a rural teacher. and they think i am foolish. i understandth

32、eir thoughts and feelings, but i think the children in rural areas are in great need of me. i will study hard to go college, thus realizing my dream. thank you! (9)2015广东揭阳高考模拟英语作文 被误解该怎么办 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 i?d like to share an experience with you in which i was misunderstood in the beginning. it happened on my way to school last monday. i was riding to school when i heard a sharp call for help all

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