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1、四子棋人工智能人工智能作业姓名:guojl学号:2620139012指导老师:刘峡壁1. 要求每一道编程题需提交四份文件:(1)可执行程序;(2)源代码;(3)程序设计说明;(4)程序使用说明。注:以上文件请打包成一个压缩文件,以“学号_姓名_大作业名称”方式命名后提交。在文件中请留下你的个人联系方式,以便在出现文件不能解压、不能打开、程序不能编译运行等各种情况时与你联系Implement a computer game program which must satisfy the following requirements:1. Use alpha-beta algorithm to se

2、arch the solutions;2. The allowed maximum depth of the game tree is8;3. Use neural network to evaluate the states of leaves in the game tree;4. Use some machine learning method to train this neural network in the process of competing againstitself or others. Tic Tac Toe on a 4x4 Board(4x4一字棋)Playing

3、 Rules: 1) X always goes first.2) The Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has four in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally; or (b) all 16 squares are filled.3) If a player is able to draw four Xs or four Os in a row, that player wins.4) If all 16 squa

4、res are filled and neither player has four in a row, the game is a draw.1, 给电脑安装JDK1.6以上版本,推荐JDK1.72, 请将BP_net_weight.txt文件拷贝到我的电脑的C盘根目录下3, 点击运行Tic-Toc-Too.jar或者Tic-Toc-Too-*.exe其中包结构如下:1,BpNeuralNetworks代码如下:packagencse.bpNeuralNetworks;;;impo

5、;;;;;/* * 神经网络评估 * author guojl * version 20141124 */public class BpNeuralNetworks private static double ETA = 0.7; private static int N = 4; / 输入层节点数 private stati

6、c int SIZE = N * N; private static int MAXVAL = Short.MAX_VALUE; private static int MINVAL = Short.MIN_VALUE; private double input_layer; / 输入层 private double competition_layer; / 隐藏层 private double output_layer; / 输出层(激活函数作用之前) private double y_i; / 神经网络输出(经过激活函数作用) private double w_ji; / 隐藏层到输出层权重

7、,隐藏层 N个节点到输出层1个节点 private double w_kj; / 输入层到隐藏层权重,输入层 N个节点到隐藏层 N个节点 private double y_j; / 隐藏层经过激活函数作用之后,即出输出的输入/ privateStringfilepath=System.getProperty(user.dir)+/src/ncse/res/BP_net_weight.txt ;/ private String filepath=getClass().getResource(/)+/ncse/res/BP_net_weight.txt ; private String filep

8、ath=C:/BP_net_weight.txt ; / 神经网络初始化 publicBpNeuralNetworks() input_layer = new doubleSIZE; competition_layer = new doubleSIZE; w_ji = new doubleSIZE; w_kj = new doubleSIZESIZE; y_j = new doubleSIZE; init_net(); / 初始化神经网络的输入层隐藏层输出层 private void init_net() for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) input_layeri = 0

9、.0; competition_layeri = 0.0; output_layer = 0.0; / 初始化权重 public void init_weight() for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) w_jii = Math.random(); for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) for (int j = 0; j SIZE; j+) w_kjij = Math.random(); / 激活函数。采用双曲正切函数。 / 输入:整合函数值(整合函数为加权求和)。 / 返回值:激活函数值。 private double logistic_s(double

10、 theta) return (1.0 - Math.exp(-theta) / (1.0 + Math.exp(theta); / BP神经网络应用函数。输入棋盘,立即得到其倒推值。 / 输入:当前棋盘状态。 / 返回值:神经网络输出值(需要乘以MAX才等于倒推值)。 public double BP_net_value(int chess_board) init_net(); / 输入层赋值,当前棋盘状态 for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) input_layeri = (double) chess_boardi; / 计算隐藏层 for (int j = 0; j S

11、IZE; j+) for (int k = 0; k SIZE; k+) competition_layerj += w_kjkj * input_layerk; / 计算输出层 for (int j = 0; j SIZE; j+) y_jj = logistic_s(competition_layerj); output_layer += w_jij * y_jj; y_i = logistic_s(output_layer); returny_i; / 调整权值函数。进行不超过最大迭代次数的正向/反向传播过程,不断调整权值。如果误差小于允许值则结束。 / 输入:一组学习样本(代表棋盘的1

12、6维向量以及对应倒推值)。 / 返回值:void public void adjust_BP_net_weight(int chess_board, intbacked_up_value) intiteration_times = 1000000; inttemp_iteration_times = 0; while (true) y_i = BP_net_value(chess_board); / 如果达到允许的最小误差或最大迭代次数,退出并结束本次学习 if (Math.abs(y_i - (double) backed_up_value / (double) MAXVAL) = iter

13、ation_times) break; / 开始反向传播误差,调整权重 for (int j = 0; j SIZE; j+) w_jij = w_jij - ETA * y_jj * (1 - y_i * y_i) * (y_i - (double) backed_up_value / (double) MAXVAL); for (int k = 0; k N * N; k+) for (int j = 0; j N; j+) w_kjkj = w_kjkj - ETA * input_layerk * (1 - y_jj * y_jj) * w_jij * (1 - y_i * y_i)

14、* (y_i - (double) backed_up_value / (double) MAXVAL); temp_iteration_times+; return; / 读取神经网络的权重,即神经网络训练的模型 / 按照写入顺序读取,数字之间用空格分开 / 两组权重为两行(第一组之后又换行符) public void read_weight() String num; try String encoding = utf-8;/ File file = new File(././res/BP_net_weight.txt); File file = new File(filepath); i

15、f (file.isFile() &file.exists() / 判断文件是否存在 System.out.println(*); InputStreamReader read = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(file), encoding); BufferedReaderbufferedReader = new BufferedReader(read); String lineTxt = null; lineTxt = bufferedReader.readLine(); num = lineTxt.split( ); for (in

16、t i = 0; i SIZE; i+) w_jii = Double.parseDouble(numi); lineTxt = bufferedReader.readLine(); num = lineTxt.split( ); for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) for (int j = 0; j SIZE; j+) w_kjij = Double.parseDouble(numi * SIZE + j); read.close(); else System.out.println(read_weight找不到指定的文件); catch (Exception e) Sy

17、stem.out.println(read_weight读取文件内容出错); e.printStackTrace(); / 保存神经网络训练的模型 / 此函数与public void read_weight()对应 public void write_mode() try File file = new File(filepath); file.createNewFile(); OutputStreamWriterow = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), utf-8); BufferedWriterbwrite = new

18、BufferedWriter(ow); for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) bwrite.write(w_jii + ); bwrite.write(n); for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) for (int j = 0; j SIZE; j+) bwrite.write(w_kjij + ); bwrite.close(); catch (Exception e) System.out.println(write_mode找不到指定的文件); 2,Checker棋盘程序如下:packagencse.checkerOP;importncse.bpNeu

19、ralNetworks.BpNeuralNetworks;/* * 棋盘程序 * authorguojl *version 20141124 */publicclass Checker privatestaticintN = 4; privatestaticintSIZE = N * N; / MAXVAL MINVAL 分别是默认的最大值、最小值点 privatestaticintMAXVAL = Short.MAX_VALUE; privatestaticintMINVAL = Short.MIN_VALUE; / 电脑一直使用 1 代替 / 人一直使用 -1 代替 / 在显示时,根据是否

20、先手,确定棋子是 “O” 还是 “X” privatestaticintcomputer = 1; / 电脑 privatestaticintplayer = -1; / 人 privateintwhofirst = 1; / 默认电脑先手 privateintm_chess_board; / 棋盘,用一维数组(N * N)表示二维数组(N,N) privateBpNeuralNetworksbpnet; / 神经网络 / 设置先手 publicvoidsetWhofirst(intwhofirst) this.whofirst = whofirst; / 初始化棋盘对象 public Che

21、cker() this.m_chess_board = newintSIZE; bpnet = newBpNeuralNetworks(); / 读取神经网络训练的模型 bpnet.read_weight(); / 清空棋盘 this.clear_board(); / 清空棋盘 publicvoidclear_board() for (int i = 0; i SIZE; i+) this.m_chess_boardi = 0; / 获取棋盘某一点值 / 0 : 表示没有棋子 / 1 :表示是电脑的棋子 / -1: 表示是人的棋子 publicintget_chess_board_val(in

22、t i, int j) returnthis.m_chess_boardi * N + j; / 打印棋盘函数,调试用。 / 输入:void / 返回值:void privatevoidprint_chess_board(int chess_board) int i = 0, j = 0; for (i = 0; i N; i+) for (j = 0; j N; j+) if (j N - 1) System.out.println(chess_boardi * N + j + ); else System.out.println(chess_boardi * N + j + n); ret

23、urn; / 在棋盘(x,y)处放置棋子。棋子类型为枚举pieceA,B。 / 输入:棋盘、x、y、棋子类型。 / 返回值:void privatevoidplace_piece_on_chess_board(int chess_board, int x, int y, int type) intpos = x * N + y; if (pos= 0) / 防止计算结果出错,导致数组越界 chess_boardx * N + y = type; else / 如果计算结果越出数组大小,打印当前 x, y值 / 调试用 System.out.println(x = + x + y = + y);

24、 / 功能同重载函数 / 不同点为,此函数默认对当前棋盘操作 / 是对外提供的在棋盘上下棋子的接口函数 publicvoidplace_piece(int x, int y, int type) place_piece_on_chess_board(this.m_chess_board, x, y, type); / 测试指定起点与步长的N个数数否相等,相等返回数值 / 否则返回0 / 用于判断当前棋盘是否有N个相同的棋子连续 privateinttest_N_num_equal(int chess_board, int start, int step) /* * 原理:一行棋子相同,则是在数

25、组中 N 倍数点起始连续N个点相同且不是0 * 一列棋子相同,则是判断前N个点中某一点起始,隔N的倍数个点的值都相同且不为0 * 对角线,间隔分别是:主对角线(N+1) * 次对角线(N-1) * 以上判断,都是相隔固定个点, * */ int i = 0; intcheck_flag = 1; for (i = 0; i N - 1; i+) if (chess_boardstart + i * step != chess_boardstart + (i + 1) * step) check_flag = 0; break; if (check_flag = 1 &chess_boardst

26、art + i * step != 0) returnchess_boardstart + i * step; return 0; / 测试当前棋局谁赢。 / 输入:棋盘。 / 返回值:为0表示A、B都没赢,为1表示A胜,为-1表示B胜。 privateinttest_who_win(int chess_board) / 分别测试一行、一列、两个对角线连成一线四种情况下的输赢 int ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i N; i+) / 行 ret = test_N_num_equal(chess_board, (i * N), 1); if (ret != 0) retur

27、n ret; / 列 ret = test_N_num_equal(chess_board, i, N); if (ret != 0) return ret; / 主对角线 ret = test_N_num_equal(chess_board, 0, (N + 1); if (ret != 0) return ret; / 次对角线 ret = test_N_num_equal(chess_board, (N - 1), (N - 1); if (ret != 0) return ret; return 0; / 同private inttest_who_win(int chess_board) / 此函数式对外提供的接口函数 publicintwho_win() returntest_who_win(this.m_chess_board); / 测试当前棋盘(博弈树结点)属于极大结点或极小结点。 / 输入:棋盘。 / 返回值:为

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