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1、高考语法填空专项练习高考语法填空专项练习欢迎光临指导!张海娟张海娟1.Analyze the sentences and fill in the blanks2.Introduce some skills of doing Grammatical Filling 3.Do some exercises 2015 2015年全国课标卷语法填空题年全国课标卷语法填空题命题规则命题规则 语法填空的设题形式分为纯空格类和提示词类,共10个小题,每小题1.5分。在一篇200词左右的语言材料中留出10个空白。部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所所需需的的内内容容或所提供单单词词

2、的正确形形式式,填词个数“不不多多于于3个个单单词词”,在无提示词的空白处填写的只能是一个单词。Put what the sentence needs into the blank Put what the sentence needs into the blank 缺什么填什么缺什么填什么 (1)The number of people _(speak)English as the(1)The number of people _(speak)English as the first language continues to rise.first language continues to

3、 rise.后置定语后置定语speakingspeaking1.从句从句-引导词引导词(2)My face turned red on hearing(2)My face turned red on hearing _ my mother said._ my mother said.宾语从句宾语从句whatwhat2.动词(谓语、非谓语)动词(谓语、非谓语)-using the verbs given Analyze the sentence to find out whether you need the Analyze the sentence to find out whether yo

4、u need the Finite Verb(Finite Verb(谓语动词谓语动词)or Non-finite Verb()or Non-finite Verb(非谓语动词非谓语动词)A very strong wind blew into my room.My A very strong wind blew into my room.My valuable notes,lying on my desk in the room,valuable notes,lying on my desk in the room,_(fly)high into the air._(fly)high int

5、o the air.非谓语非谓语谓语谓语flewflew(1)谓语动词谓语动词 时态时态 语态语态 主谓一致主谓一致 I was certain that she would like it because I I was certain that she would like it because I _(tell)by my classmates that she _(tell)by my classmates that she loved hot food.loved hot food.被动被动had been toldhad been told(2)非谓语动词非谓语动词 ing ing

6、 ed ed to do to do We must practise speaking and _ We must practise speaking and _(write)the language whenever you can.(write)the language whenever you can.writingwriting4.代词代词 人称代词人称代词I,you,he,us,him,themI,you,he,us,him,them 物主代词物主代词your,my,yours,mineyour,my,yours,mine 反身代词反身代词myself,ourselves,them

7、selvesmyself,ourselves,themselves 不定代词不定代词bodybody,oneone,thingthing5.5.副词副词 however,therefore(however,therefore(因此因此),instead,),instead,also,still,too,either,besides,otherwise(also,still,too,either,besides,otherwise(否则否则)6.6.冠词冠词a,an,thea,an,the7.7.介词介词8.8.比较级、最高级比较级、最高级 _ was only after I heard sh

8、e became _ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnsick that I learned she couldnt eat that food!t eat that food!I learned she couldnI learned she couldnt eat that food t eat that food only after I heard she became sickonly after I heard she became sick.强调句式强调句式ItIt“Thirty-fi

9、ve cents,Thirty-five cents,”she said _(rude).she said _(rude).副词副词rudelyrudely题型有提示词无提示词名词动词形容词/副词单复数时态/语态非谓语动词to dov-ingved 比较级最 高级冠词代词连词介词副词 1.对于文章对于文章,要熟悉语境。,要熟悉语境。5.对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词对于连词、介词、关系代词、关系副词 等不等不仅要理解仅要理解 它们的意思,还要熟记它们,在考试时它们的意思,还要熟记它们,在考试时能准确、快速地提取它们。能准确、快速地提取它们。3.对于动词对于动词,要掌握常用的时态、语态、非谓

10、,要掌握常用的时态、语态、非谓语动词的用法以及词形变化。语动词的用法以及词形变化。2.对于句子,对于句子,要能够分析其结构,懂得在什么时候该要能够分析其结构,懂得在什么时候该 用用 什么词性。什么词性。4.对于名词、形容词、副词对于名词、形容词、副词等,不仅要背诵其等,不仅要背诵其意义和拼写,还要掌握基本的词形变换。意义和拼写,还要掌握基本的词形变换。几点建议:几点建议:解答语法填空的基本功是懂得句解答语法填空的基本功是懂得句子的结构分析子的结构分析,准确理解句子意思准确理解句子意思,善善于把握上下句之间的逻辑关系。于把握上下句之间的逻辑关系。What is the usual way you fulfill What is the usual way you fulfill the task Grammar Filling?the task Grammar Filling?概读理解分析填空分析填空连贯检查连贯检查三步完成三步完成GOODBYEGOODBYEGOODBYEGOODBYE

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