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1、 Learning aims:Discuss,explain and understand the difficult points of the test paper.讲讲 评评 课(课(1)13 B B D 47 C A B D811 D B B C 1215 C B A B事实细节题事实细节题干扰项干扰项 范围过大、过小范围过大、过小。干扰项干扰项 偷换概念偷换概念。干扰项干扰项 正误夹杂正误夹杂解题方法解题方法:原文定位法原文定位法。忠实于原文上下文及忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断1.查读法:带着问题寻找答案,把注意力集中查读法:带着问题

2、寻找答案,把注意力集中在与在与who,what,when,where问题有关的细节问题有关的细节上。上。2.细心!细心!细心!细心!细心!细心!正确正确项项 同义改写同义改写。Any actor would admit that its tricky to play roles based on real people.They need to do mountains of research to make sure they re staying as true to life as possible.Besides,they try to add their own touches to

3、 the performance so that their work can be called their own.4 What makes it difficult for actors to play roles based on real people?A.Mixing the act with their own feelings.B.Resembling the roles in appearanceC Lifelike e performances with personal stylesD Masses of academic research into the roles原

4、文定位法原文定位法同义替换同义替换+以偏概全以偏概全无关无关同义替换同义替换偷换概念偷换概念原文定位法原文定位法主旨大意题主旨大意题7.What is the best title for text?A.Be a good actorB.A moral dilemmaC Garfield and DossD Garfield gets deep浏览全文,抓住中心:浏览全文,抓住中心:读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉信息词信息词a 关键名词的定语,同位语成分关键名词的定语,同位语成分 b 逻辑连接副词及相关连词逻辑连接副词及相关连词 c 有态度暗示的形容词副词有态度暗

5、示的形容词副词 d 反复出现的词反复出现的词 The American actor Andrew Garfield,33,faced that dilemma when playing Desmond Doss in the film Hacksaw Ridge.Doss was a US army doctor during World War II who refused to carry a gun because of his beliefs,but saved 75 lives without firing a single shot.His actions made him the

6、 first conscientious objector a person who objects to serving in the armed forces for moral or conscience reasons-to be presented with the Medal of Honor,the USs highest honor awarded for personal acts of bravery.Garfields first stage of research was to study as many documentaries of Doss he could g

7、et his hands on.But Garfield soon realized that he needed to learn not only the Doss outer characteristics,but also“the deepest part of himself”,how the reserch would affect his performance.I dont think I could have gone too far in terms of getting to know who Doss was,”Garfield said.“But it cant be

8、 an impression of him.That doesnt interest me.Garfield explains that its like the difference between slipping into someones clothes and stepping into their skin.Until he goes deep inside a role based on a real person,he doesnt feel hes done the work justice.And its not until he fully understands the

9、 character that Garfield feels confident he can do the things asked of the role in the script without hesitation or thought.对于演员来说真人改编角色很难演,既要有真人为原型的表演还要有个对于演员来说真人改编角色很难演,既要有真人为原型的表演还要有个人风格。人风格。Garfield通过自己的努力了解人物内在把人物演得活灵活现。通过自己的努力了解人物内在把人物演得活灵活现。7.What is the best title for text?A.Be a good actorB

10、.A moral dilemmaC Garfield and DossD Garfield gets deep浏览全文,抓住中心:浏览全文,抓住中心:读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉信读懂首段和其余段落首尾句;捕捉信息词息词a 关键名词的定语,同位语成分关键名词的定语,同位语成分 b 逻辑连接副词及相关连词逻辑连接副词及相关连词 c 有态度暗示的形容词副词有态度暗示的形容词副词 d 反复出现的词反复出现的词Difficulty to play roles on real person Garfields dilemmaGarfields finding out the inside of Bos

11、sGarfields fully understanding太大太大偷换概念偷换概念没体现没体现G的努力的努力9.“Thats the time when we are still dependent on adults for love,protection and care.The major advantage of emotional tears is that you can target them at a specific person.”Vingerhoets says this ability could have come in handy in prehistoric t

12、imes,when humans were living among dangerous animals.Tears were a safer way to get attention.In this case,it is better to use a silent signal to ask for help,he says.11读每段段首句C Sometimesyou cant help cryingTypes of tearsWhy people cryTwo scientists do frequent studies to discover morePara 3.4 What do

13、es the author of the study call the group?Teenagers at risk of depression,anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign.Their risky behaviors-drinking too much alcohol,using illegal drugs smoking cigarettes and skipping school-can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are

14、 brewing.But a new study finds that theres another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger experiencing the same psychiatric(精神病学的)symptoms,teens who use tons of media,dont get enough sleep and have a sedentary(不爱活动的)lifestyle.DD隐性风险群体沉迷于手机、电视等媒体,睡眠不足,不爱活动。以这样的生活方式的青少年被称为隐性风险群体。这个群体的青少

15、年和那些风险行为明显的学生患心理疾病的风险几乎一样高。Candidate 候选人候选人Respectively 分别地,各自地分别地,各自地 tricky 棘手的棘手的 conscience 良知,良心良知,良心Be presented with a medal 被授予奖牌被授予奖牌In terms of 就什么而言就什么而言Justice正义正义 Arouse help and support from others引起;唤醒;鼓励 Arouse ones awareness of protecting the environmentHave sth/nothing to do with 与

16、什么有关与什么有关/无关无关Frequent studies 频繁研究频繁研究Component 成分成分Symptom 症状症状 engage sb in conversation 使参与对话使参与对话 An increasing number of adolescents engage in regular exercise.Invisible 看不见的,无形的看不见的,无形的exhibit 展示展示distinct明显的有区别的明显的有区别的 sample 样品样品Neglect ones duty 玩忽职守玩忽职守 Overlook a small detail 忽视小细节忽视小细节/ones fault 不追究过失不追究过失FGEBDFinancialMake a commitment 作出承诺,保证,委托Divorce 离婚Set aside money 留出 省出钱/把什么放置一旁A life full of sacrifices 牺牲BA BCADDACCACABDDBACBMake ones name for oneselfConsult a doctor Aband

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