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1、金融专业英语及翻译Opposite 指“位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等对立的、相反的”, 如:如: “True” and “ false ” have opposite meanings.“真”与“假”有着相反的意思。Contrary指“两物朝相反的方向发展”, 含有“互相冲突, 不一 致”的意思, 如: Your plan is contrary to mine.你的计划与我的相反。Inverse 颠倒的;倒数的Evil is the inverse of good.Reverse 反过来,翻转He reversed the car. 他倒车.教育类素质教育education for all

2、-round development应试教育 the examination-oriented education义务教育 compulsory education片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of studentsentering school of a higher level高分低能 good scores but low qualities扩招 expand enrollment教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people因材施教 teach students according to

3、their aptitude提高身心素质 improve the health and psychological quality大学生创业 the university studentsinnovative undertaking社会实践 social practice文凭 diplomas and certificates复合型人才 interdisciplinary talents文化底蕴 the rich cultural deposits适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes满足社会的急需 meet the urgent needs the soci

4、ety工作类人才流动和双向选择 talent flow and a dual-way selection试用期probationary period跳槽 job-hopping自由职业 freelance work拜金主义 money worship获得名利 achieve fame and wealth充分发挥个人的潜力 develop fully ones potential and creativity工作出色 excel in ones work社会和个人的尊重 social and personal esteem生计问题 a bread and butter issue人才交流 ta

5、lents exchange培养人才 cultivate talents人才外流 brain drain失业问题 unemployment problems下岗职工 the laid-off workers自谋生路 be self-employed劳动力短缺shortage of manpower医药卫生类卫生环境sanitary environment 营养不良 malnutrition杀虫剂 pesticide传染病 infectious disease呼吸疾病 respiratory disease商业类假冒伪劣 forged and fake commodities物美价廉 goods

6、 with high qualities low price售后服务 after-sale service家用电器 household electrical appliances旺季 during peak selling seasons促销 promote sales提高购买力 raise the purchasing power刺激购物欲 stimulate the desire to buy超前消费 premature consumption国有企业 state-owned enterprise私人企业 private enterprise偷税漏税 tax evasion保持时常良好的秩

7、序 keep market in good order垄断市场 monopolize the market社会道德类遵守公德 comply with public morality物质和精神文明建设 material and ideological progress守法 observe/obey the law遵守交规 observe traffic regulations改进社会风气 improve public morals违法 offend against the law侵犯个人隐私 invasion of privacy违反公共规章 break/violate public regul

8、ations扰乱治安 disturb the social order要求索赔 claim compensation应该受法律严惩 deserve to be punished heavily by the law环保类生态系统 ecosystem环保意识 environmental awareness生态失衡 disruption of ecological balance全球变暖 global warming温室效应 greenhouse effect沙尘暴 sand/dust storms淡水资源短缺 shortage of fresh waterdownsizing 减员*stream

9、line 精简*on the job/in-service 在职*disposable 一次性*think tank 智囊团*round the clock service 全天候服务*(free) convertibility (自由)兑换*find a sugar daddy 傍大款*Nordic 北欧*non-renewable 不可再生*out and out 彻头彻尾*deadlock 僵局*tertiary industry 第三产业*fair (market) value 市值*refund 退款*axis-of-evil 邪恶轴心*(nuclear) nonproliferat

10、ion 核不扩散*holistic 整体的*one-off 一次性(解决)的;一揽子的*turnkey 总承包的;现成可使用的*in-house 自有的;(in-house finance company)*round-up 汇总?*overseas returnee 海归*framework accord 框架协议*WTO accession 加入WTO*non-exclusive license 非专用特许*royalty free 无版权费的*sublicense 转授权;转发许可证*creature comforts 衣食*recapitalization 资产重组*RPI(Retai

11、l Price Index) 零售物价指数*overriding concern 高于一切的考虑*Lanyard 系索*copyright 著作权*royalty 版权*compliance 合规性*extension 展期*co-lead underwriter 副主承销商*Advisory Board 咨询委员会*Board of Councillors 理事会*entrepreneur 创业者*upmarket 高端的*attorney general 首席检察官*upscale 高端的*clientele 客户群*self starter 白手起家人*down round 筹资首轮*m

12、ass market vs. submarket 总的市场/次级市场(比如根据某个标准分的客户群)*letter/power of attorney 委任书*market clout 市场影响(?)*rehaul (a business) 重组;*sell-back (与buy-out相对)*monograph 专题(论述)*verbatim 逐字逐句的说法(比如销售“定式”用语)*Liquidity Trap 流动性陷阱(宁愿把资金存放于银行拿取零利息的回报,也不愿再投资赔了)*many a little makes a mickle 集腋成裘*reservist 后备兵*at eleven

13、th hours 关键时刻*misnomer 用词不当*payoff 收益*outperform 超过*bailout 解决;救援(for instance, the bailout from IMF for South Korea and other SE Asian countries after financial crisis)*honor of N/R (notes receivable)/dishonor 到期兑现*political cronies 政府人员办的关联企业*value-based pricing 价值导向定价法(区别于cost-based pricing,指能为客户

14、带来多少价值来确定价格,而不是消耗了多少成本,比如飞机票)*clearinghouse like exchange(交换场所)*value of synergy 企业兼并之后带来的利益*post-investment values (注意post的用法)*techie 做技术的人(与salesman相对)*on-target 专注于最终目标的*optimum 最适宜的*overhead 还有一个意思是“投影”,类似powerpoint*in line 与预期相符的*YTD (year-to-date) 从Jan 1到目前的时间*scorched earth 焦土政策*economies of

15、scope 范围经济(与economies of scale相比)*toehold 小支点,起点*industry observer 行业观察家*networking 商业构建私人关系网*conference backdrop 会议背景幕*trade-up 升级*ease of maintenance/repair 维修的容易度*cap (金额)最高限度;upper limit*lifetime (债券等的)存期*double dip recession 二次萧条(特指本次美国经济泡沫破灭后,还将面临的进一步衰退)*fringe benefits 附加福利(除国家规定外的)*annual le

16、ave 年假*call to order 宣布开会;要求遵守秩序*second the motion 附议*motion carried 动议通过*window dressing 粉饰*end-state 最终状态*scrap 废品(与rework相对)*disagrregate 分解*solidity 可*性*MIS (management information system) 管理信息系统*in due course 稍后*7-11便利店*numerator/denominator 分子/分母*winding-up 结算;停业*subsidiary/member companies 下属

17、公司*coach 大客车*OEM/aftermarket parts 汽车业的前/后配件*assembly plant 汽车整车厂*elevated rail 轻轨*honorary 名誉*deputy magistrate 副区长(虹口)*size up 估计*offer . Advancement over 比。更高的优势*litmus test 试金石*money order 汇票*Actuary 精算师*vignette /vinjet/ 装饰图;花边文字*China Resources 香港华润集团*stagflation 通胀*downplay 不予重视*supranational

18、 (institution) 跨国组织,如World Bank*private banking 私人银行(为其理财,通常针对大额储户)*captive finance company 为大公司自有的金融公司*forward contract 远期合约(与期货的不同在于:1。标准化;2.在OTC上交易,而不是交易所;3.保证金;4.期货需每日结算,以控制头寸;*spot price (期货中)现价*treasury secretary 财长*rundown 纲要*passbook 银行存折*property & Casualty company 对应于life company(人寿保险公司而言)

19、*floor 最低值,保底值*investment grade;noninvestment grade (junk bond) 中等到高等credit rating的stock或bond(BBB以上)*crowding out effect 指政府增加expenditure之后造成利率上升、private investment反而减少的情况。*bank run 挤兑*velocity (of money) 货币周转率(=GDP/money supply)*quantity theory of money 货币数量理论(指Velocity和output保持不变,因此money supply与pr

20、ice成反比)*escalator clauses 自动调整条款(根据物价水平对wages等进行调整)*ceilings/floors 上限/下限*tax incidence 租税归宿(指由consumer还是supplier承担,有actural和statutory之分)*deadweight loss 无谓损失*elastic 伸缩度,(指demand和supply对price的敏感程度,越elastic,说明price的微小变动就能引起suppply/demand的巨大变动 The general formula for elasticity is: E = percent change

21、 in x / percent change in y*marginal utility 边际效用*economic profit 超额利润(accounting profit超出opportunity cost的那部分,在pure competitive market中,长期超额利润为零,即zero economic profit)*cold call 陌生电访(向推销员,找工作的人的撞大运式地乱打电话)*brown field investment 即外资购买或租赁现有厂房进行生产*shelf registration 总括申报; 暫擱註冊制度*fourth market 指投资者直接交换

22、股票*third market 在OTC交易交易所上市股票*basis point (bips) 基本点,相对于0.01%*style box (基金)中指某类基金,如成长型大市值基金*indenture/deed of trust 债券契约*fast moving consumer goods 快速消费品*Heavy Vehicle Technologies and Systems Group (HVTSG) Dana的一个新部门*Roadranger Dana和Eaton的供应商(技术?)*powertrain 动力传动系列(驱动轴、离合器、变速箱、差速器)*victor reinz di

23、vision Dana的一个部门*actuator 作动器*torque converter 变矩器*aftermarket (汽车用)零配件零售市场;在证券市场中相当于secondary market*named/unnamed sources 有/无来源的消息*China National Investment & Guaranty Corp. (I&G) 中国经济技术投资担保公司(简称中投保)*grass bag 草袋*wiring harness 固化在(汽车)上的电线*muffler 消音器*sub assembly 次组合件(注:assembly在配件中的含义为组合件的意思)*ge

24、ar case 齿轮箱*exhaust tube 排气管*sprocket 链齿轮*lifter 升降机*brake lever 手闸;刹车杆*ATV (all terrain vehicle) 全地形车*idler pulley 空转轮;惰轮*worm gear 涡轮*rear drive 后轮驱动*Dinli 杭州鼎力机械有限公司*FF式 Front engine front drive(前置引擎,前轮驱动)*FR式 Front engine rear drive (前置引擎,后轮驱动)*mesh 啮合*universal joint 万向接头*four-wheel drive 四轮驱动*

25、radiator 散热器*wheel rim 钢圈*halogen 卤素*wheel base 轮距*memorandum of association 公司组织大纲*certificate of good standing 公司状况良好证明书;资信状;信任状*rent seeking 寻租*unencumbered assets 无负担资产*fixture 固定装置*trade name 商号;厂商名称*promissory note 本票;期票*line of credit; credit line; bank line 信用额度*franchise 特许*replication 大批量生

26、产*credit division 信贷部*OEM financial arm OEM的金融机构*model 车型(用于汽车业)*OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (在商业中指与分销机构相对的厂商;从别处获得零件进行组合生产最终产品的厂商)*trade up (怂恿)买更贵的东西*holdback rebate(回扣)*indemnification 补偿*non-exclusive 非独家的;一般的(exclusive为独家)*standing 常务*letter of engagement 工作关系证明*earn out 收益外購法 (一種取決于公司既

27、得收益的資產購置法,它允許個人目前只支付所購股票一半的成本,其余部分5年內付清。)*Elopak 一家挪威的食品公司,与Wayne Smith有来往*deal sweetener 改善交易的措施*downstream product 下游产品*psi Pounds per square inch(每平方英寸磅)*delivery firm (courier service) 快递公司*print (of a product, e.g., rider) 图纸*SKU stock keeping unit (库存单位);即指单一货品,比如超市中摆在货架上的某个特定产品*drivetrain 动力传动系列(驱动轴、离合器、变速箱、差速器)*nomenclature 命名法 parking brake 停车闸*downshift; upshift 调高/低档*shift lever

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