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1、临沂市苍山县高考模拟题2020.03.26日前绝密2020年临沂市苍山县高考模拟题2020.03第一部分:听力 (略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. - Where have you decided to have your birthday party?- _ .A. Yes, thats all right B. Im thinking of asking your opinionC. It depends on D. Dont ask me about that22. Its true that the old r

2、oad is less direct and a bit longer. We wont take the new one, _ , because we dont feel as safe on it.A. somehow B. though C. therefore D. otherwise23.Did your boss phone you again the next day?No, it was a fortnight _ he gave me a second call.A. that B. when C. before D. since24. The vocabulary and

3、 grammatical differences between British and American English are so few as hardly _ .A. noticed B. to be noticed C. being noticed D. to notice25. We all hope that she will _ a good doctor when she graduates from the medical college.A. turn B. do C. change D. make26. - Has Dr. Hawking left the hotel

4、 yet?- Yes. In fact he _ just a few minutes agoA. checked out B. pulled out C. left out D. turned out27. Known as one of the most important inventions of _ time, _ computer helps people living in different countries to do a lot of things.A. a; a B. the; the C. 不填 ;不填 D. all; any28.-You _ never drive

5、 my car if you let such accident happen again.-I wont, dad.A. must B. shall C. should D. may29. We always take our skin for granted until it is burned _ repair.A. without B. for C. under D. beyond30. - I must be off now. I dont want to be late for the speech.- _? Do you really want to listen to that

6、 dull report?A. What if B. What C. For him D. For what31. However wealthy you are, it can not _ a healthy body.A. compare B. suit C. defeat D. match32. This is not an economical way to get more water; _ , it is very expensive.A. on the other hand B. in short C. or else D. on the contrary33. The most

7、 exciting thing for him was _ he finally found two tinned fruits in _ seemed to him to be a servants bedroom.A. that; that B. that; what C. what; that D. what; what34. _ enough time, we didnt finish the work.A. Not there being B. There being notC. There not being D. There wasnt35. Where have you bee

8、n? I _ in the heavy traffic. Otherwise I _ here earlier.A. have got stuck; would have come B. got stuck; wasC. got stuck; would have come D. had got stuck; would comeIII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I met this guy who told me an amazing story. He was 36 Scotland on a motorbike by himself. One late aftern

9、oon he was on the road between Aberdeen and Elgin. He was traveling along, miles from any village, when he saw a really 37 girl standing by the road, hitchhiking (搭车). Anyway, he stopped and said he would give her a 38 to Elgin. She got on and he drove off. He said he 39 having her on the back, as i

10、t was nice 40 But after a time he forgot that she was there. Suddenly he 41 but he realized that he couldnt feel her knees 42 against him! He 43 behind him but.she wasnt there.He said he felt frightened 44 his life! He felt cold all over. He thought she must have 45 off the back. So he turned round

11、and 46 back along the road. He didnt find her. He went to see if she had crawled (爬) into a field or something. But he didnt find her. So he began to think that she might have been 47 by someone else.Anyway, he drove on towards Elgin and didnt see anyone 48 he came to a pub. He decided to 49 so that

12、 he could talk to someone and he thought he ought to tell 50 . He went into a pub and talked to the barman. He told the barman what had happened. He said the barman didnt seem to be at all 51 . He just carried on 52 the glasses.Then the barman said, Youre not the 53 person to come in here and tell t

13、he same 54 That girl you think you picked up 55 seven years ago in a motorbike accident. 36. A. touring B. searching C. defending D. circling37. A. poor B. attractive C. tall D. terrible38. A. help B. lift C. service D. trip39. A. chose B. came C. meant D. liked40. A. business B. event C. company D.

14、 action41. A. thought B. considered C. remembered D. called42. A. pressing B. turning C. going D. running43. A. looked B. took C. felt D. seized44. A. out of B. in case of C. in place of D. to the best of45. A. jumped B. kept C. kicked D. fallen46. A. raced B. walked C. got D. watched47. A. picked u

15、p B. searched for D. taken away D. brought back48. A. when B. until C. although D. since49. A. wait B. enter C. stop D. march50. A. someone B. nobody C. the father D. the police51. A. worried B. surprised C. moved D. satisfied52. A. breaking B. waving C. knocking D. drying53. A. first B. last C. rig

16、ht D. honest54. A. story B. message C. lie D. truth55. A. was saved B. ran away C. died D. left第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AIf youre in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point, I suggest, I gently push the actors in the direction I want

17、 them to go.In the 1986 movie Nothing in Common, Jackie Gleasons character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Maxs despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings. Jackie had far more

18、 experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell “The Great One” about acting? Out of fear, I decided to direct by suggestion, and I sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene. “so Max is sad,right?” I said. Gleason nodded. “And hes probably still ca

19、rrying his pens with his name on them-the ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?” Gleason nodded. “So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?” He was silent for a moment. “Why dont I throw them overboard?” I stood up and turned toward the crew. “Hey, everybody, Jacki

20、e has a wonderful idea. Lets shoot it.” After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile, “Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?” You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the so

21、lution first, youll all benefit when everything turns out right.56.Theauthortellsusthattosucceedinaprojectyouareinchargeof, you should _.A.makeeveryoneworkforyou B.geteveryonewillingtohelpyou C.letpeopleknowyouhavethefinalsay D.keepsendingoutorderstothem57.Itcanbeinferred that_. A.JackieGleasonisthe

22、directorofthefilmNothingincommon B.JackieGleasonisveryangrywhenheisfiredfromhisjob C.Max,acharacterinafilm,isinverylowspirits whenheloseshisjob D.JackieGleasonisthewriterofthefilmNothingincommon58.WhydidGleasoncallthedirectoroverandsmileathim?Thatsbecause Gleason_. A.thoughthiswonderfulideawasaccept

23、edbythelatterB.succeededinhittinguponawonderfulidea C.wascertain abouthisworkthenextday D.appreciated thelatterswayofdirectingfilms59.Themostsuitabletitleforthepassageis_. A.DirectingaFilm B.TheKeytoSuccess C.AWonderfulExperience D.WorkingwithFilmStarsBThe American national Football Team says that i

24、t aims to compete for the championship of the 2020 World Cup. Now a juvenile footballers training project, which costs 50 million US dollars and is provided by the Nike Company, has already gone into operation.As the first item project, 34 American boys under the age of 14 have already reached Mexic

25、o recently to begin their team training. Before that, the boys had received one week selection training in a San Diego camp. All these boys were selected from the four American regional training camps under the Olympic Development Program.Not long after the boys began training in Mexico did they ent

26、er competitions with the Mexican Teenager Football Team. In a top players match, the American Team lost by one to two. But in a replacement players match, the American Team beat the Mexican by two to one. After the matches, Carter, director of the Juvenile Development Project of the American Footbal

27、l Association, said, “I hope the scope of team training will be expanded to include 95-128 boys under the age of 14.” “Training of juvenile football players in the 15-to-16 age group will also be launched,” Carter said.The American football circles have expressed appreciation of those measures taken

28、 by the American Football Association. Some people even say that the American Football Association should take further action to organize and coordinate(使相互配合)competitions among juvenile football clubs and should strive to organize and coordinate school to school and state to state super juvenile le

29、ague football matches.60. The first item of the training project includes _.a. training many boys under the age of 14b. selecting 34 excellent boy playersc. training in Mexico and organizing some matches thered. organizing 15-to-16 age groupsA. a, b B. a, b, c C. b, c D. c, d61. According to this pa

30、ssage, the director named Carter has the wish _.A. to increase the number of boy plays under the age of 14B. to organize a few more football clubsC. to get more rewards in the futureD. to encourage the 15-to-16-year-old boys62. After reading the passage we know _.A. the Mexican Team won the first match in AmericaB. the American boys did better in the second matchC. the Mexican players won the matches by one to twoD. the American Team lost the games by one to two63. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Try to Win the 2020 World CupB. American Boys Trained for Football ChampionsC. Impr

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