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1、Adverbs&Adverbial Clauses2Grammar3一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句2.表表示示时时间间先先、后后时时,即主句的谓语动作发生在从句之前或之后。连词有:after(在之后),before(在之前)。uAfter the children had gone to bed,she began to prepare her lessons.uHe had learned English for three years before he went to London.32.表示时间先、后时,即主句的谓语动作发生在从句之前或之后主要连词有:after(在之后),befor

2、e(在之前)。uAfter the children had gone to bed,she began to prepare her lessons.uHe had learned English for three years before he went to London.注意注意 before 引导状语从句的多种含义引导状语从句的多种含义1.“才”强调从句中谓语动作发生慢:uThe big fire lasted four hours before the firemen brought it under control.2.“还没来得及就”强调主句中谓语动作发生快:uBefore

3、I could figure out what had happened,he forced me into the car.3.趁1.Youd better write the phrases down before you forget them.考点讲练33一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句2.表示时间先、后时,即主句的谓语动作发生在从句之前或之后主要连词有:after(在之后),before(在之前)。uAfter the children had gone to bed,she began to prepare her lessons.uHe had learned English f

4、or three years before he went to London.注意注意 before 引导状语从句的多种含义引导状语从句的多种含义4.不知不觉多少时间已过去了不知不觉多少时间已过去了uHe was so absorbed in his work that four hours had passed before he knew it.5.before 常常用用于于“It was/will bebefore(要要)过过多多久久才才”和和“It wasnt/wont bebefore没没有有过过多多久久就就”句型中句型中uIt will be another five days

5、before we finish this task.uIt was not long before I forgot it all.考点讲练33一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句 3.表表示示习习惯惯性性、经经常常性性,即从句描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。连词有every time(每次),each time(每次),whenever(每当)等。uWhenever we met with difficulties,they came to help us.uEach time he came to town he would visit our school.uEvery t

6、ime I went to his house,he was out.3uThings went well until/till one night an accident happened.uI knew nothing about it until/till he told me.34.表示持续性或瞬间性主要连词有:since(自从),ever since(自从),until(直到才/为止),till(直到才/为止)常用句型:It is/wassinceuThings went well until/till one night an accident happened.uI knew n

7、othing about it until/till he told me.注意注意1until与与till及及 notuntil/till的用法的用法1.until和till都可表示“直到为止”,与持续性动词的肯定式连用。uHe waited until/till we finished our meal.2.当until和till表示“直到才”时,通常与短暂动词的否定式连用,这时,until和till含有before的意思。I didnt leave until/till she came back.考点讲练334.表示持续性或瞬间性主要连词有:since(自从),ever since(自

8、从),until(直到才/为止),till(直到才/为止)常用句型:It is/wassinceuThings went well until/till one night an accident happened.uI knew nothing about it until/till he told me.注意注意13.until引导的从句可以放在主句之前或主句之后,但till从句一般不放在句首。uUntil he told me,I knew nothing about it.4.当not until位于句首时,用倒装语序:uNot until she came back did I le

9、ave.=I didnt leave until she came back.5.在强调句型中一般用until,不用till。uIt was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.考点讲练3 It was five years after the war before the country took on a prosperous look.战争结束5年后国家才开始复苏。It will be 3 years before these trees begin to b

10、ear fruits.要过3年这些果树才能结果。注意注意2句型区别句型区别:Itbefore;Itwhen;ItsinceA.It was+long/时间段时间段+before(did)过了多久才过了多久才It will be+long/时间段时间段+before(do/does)要过多久才要过多久才否定式否定式:It was not+long/时间段时间段+before(did)没过多久就没过多久就 It will not be+long/时间时间+before(do/does)不要过多久就不要过多久就 It wasnt long before he finished the work.It

11、 wont be long before we say goodbye to the teachers and classmates and go to university.句型区别:句型区别:Itbefore;Itwhen;Itsince b.It is+时间段时间段+since(did)自从以来,有多久了 It is more than two years since I came to study in this school.我来这个学校上学已经有两年多了。c.It was+时间点时间点+when 当的时候,时间是 It was midnight when he came back

12、from the party.他聚会结束回到家时已经是半夜了。选用适当的词填空选用适当的词填空3能力练习before1.I explained the sentence for three times _ he understood me.2.Two weeks _ she got divorced,she left her hometown to start a new life.3.He swallowed the tablets _ I could stop him.4.Get down to studying _ it is too late.5.Dont leave _ the ra

13、in has stopped.after ,before ,untilbeforebeforeafter until3一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句4.表表示示持持续续性性或或瞬瞬间间性性。连词有:since(自从),ever since(自从),until(直到才/为止),till(直到才/为止)常用句型:It is/has beensinceuIt is just a week since we arrived here.uYou have been reading to me ever since James went out.uThe big clock which used to

14、strike the hours day and night was damaged during the war and has been silent ever since.(ever since可可以以放放在在句句末末,since则不能则不能)1.Rice grows well where there is plenty of rain and sunshine.在阳光水分充足的地方,稻谷生长良好。2.Hankou lies where two rivers meet.汉口处于两江交汇处。3.When travelling where the customs are foreign to

15、 your own,do as Romans do.到风俗习惯有别于家乡的地方去旅行,要入乡随俗。4.Put it where it belongs.把它放在原来的位置。5.Make a mark wherever you have any question.在有疑问的地方做个记号。二、地点状语从句二、地点状语从句 where(在在的地方的地方),wherever(无论哪里无论哪里)l区别区别 where引导的定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句引导的定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句 Tell me the address where he lives.告诉我他的住址。Its where you pu

16、t it.它就在你刚才放的地方。Youll find it where it was.你可以在刚才放它那地方找到它。注意注意(定语从句)(名词性从句名词性从句)(地点状语从句)地点状语从句)3练练口练练口 uWuhan lies where the Yangtze and the Han River meet.uYoud better make a mark where you have any questions.uHe would keep in touch with us wherever he was.uWhere there is water,there is life.uWhere there is love,there is also wealth and success.请你判断以下哪个是定语从句请你判断以下哪个是定语从句,哪个是地点状语从句。哪个是地点状语从句。AShall we have a party where we met last Sunday?BHave you been to the island where there are many monkeys

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