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1、广州新初一暑期课程第五讲Unit3与名词新初一暑期课程 第五讲知识点1. Unit3 Reading高频词earth,protect,part等。2. 高频词组providewith,putinto,throw away等。3. 可数名词与不可数名词综合拓展。教学目标知识:1、掌握Unit3 Reading高频词汇earth,protect,part等。2、掌握高频词组betweenand,arrive at,help with等。3、掌握可数名词与不可数名词的区别与使用等。方法:自主学习与教师引导,课堂讲解与随堂练习相结合。能力:1、能正确拼写课文词汇短语并灵活运用。2、能通过语境的分析,正

2、确把握频度副词与副词短语的使用。教学重点1、The Earth 写作中相关短语句型的灵活运用。2、能在具体情景中准确地运用可数名词与不可数名词等。教学难点1、Protect the Earth 话题口语表达中相关句型运用。2、可数名词与不可数名词量的表达与名词所有格的正确使用。教学过程一、复习预习教师引导学生以提问、回顾、抽测笔记的形式复习上节课所学的Unit2中相关短语句型及一般现在时态的用法,针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过下面对一幅图片的分享导入本课:Noise pollution on the earth二、知识讲解知识点1:词汇短语详解1. There are diffe

3、rent animals on Earth too. 地球上还有不同的动物。Earth意思是“地球”,又可以写作“the Earth”, on Earth 表示“在地球上”。e.g. There are many long rivers on Earth. 地球上有很多长河。2. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. 地球为我们提供了空气、水和食物。provide.with.意思“为.提供.”。e.g. The Internet provides people with a lot of information. 互联网为人们提供大量的

4、信息。3. Today, there is a lot of pollution. 今天,有大量的污染。pollution 意为“污染”,是不可数名词,其动词是pollute.词缀-tion常用于构成名词,如protect-protection “保护”。e.g. We must do something to stop air pollution. 我们要采取措施阻止空气污染。4. We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. 我们把垃圾倒入大海,埋在地下。put.into.意思是“把.倒入.”。e.g. We must not

5、put waste water into the river. 我们不能把废水排入河流。5. We must stop doing these things. 我们必须停止做这些事情。1) must 意思是“必须”,情态动词,后接动词原形。e.g. We must go to school on time. 我们必须准时去上学。2) stop 后接动名词,stop doing 意为“停止正在做的事情”。stop后接不定式表示“停下来去做某事”。e.g. They stop watching TV at 9:30. 到九点半,他们就不再看电视。 They stop to watch TV at

6、9:30. 到九点半,他们就停下来去看电视。知识点2 课文重点句型讲解1.It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.对我们来说,为了我们的未来保护地球是很重要的。It is + adj. + for sb. + to do 这个句型中,it 是形式主语,其真正主语是不定式。e.g. It is very important for students to study hard. 对于学生来说,努力学习是很重要的。 Review the following sentences1. There are different

7、animals on Earth too. 地球上还有不同的动物。2. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. 地球为我们提供空气、水和食物。3. We must stop doing these things. 我们必须停止做这些事情。知识点3 名词综合点拨名词定义名词是表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。名词在句子中作主语、宾语或表语等。1. 可数名词单数变复数的规则:名词复数形式的规则变化表情况改法例词一般情况加sgirls books以s, x, sh, ch结尾的单词加e

8、sboxes watches以辅音字母加y结尾的词变y为i,再加esfamilies babies以f或fe结尾的单词变f或fe为v,再加eswolves knives (小刀)以o结尾的词有生命的加es无生命的加spotatoes heroesradios zoos pianos名词复数形式的不规则变化表分类例词不规则的词(三人两器官两动物)manmen womanwomen childchildrenfootfeet toothteethmousemice goosegeese单复数一样的词(三动物两人)sheep fish deer Chinese Japanese本身就是复数的词peo

9、ple clothes trousers noodles shorts 2. 名词复数s/es的读音: /s/ 清辅音结尾名词复数 /z/ 浊辅音和元音结尾 /iz/ 以/s/ /z/ / / /t/ /d/的读音结尾的词3. 对比:man、woman 作定语表示性别时,man、woman随后面的名词单复数而变。one man teacher 一个男老师 two men teachers 两个男老师one woman doctor 一个女医生 two women doctors 两个女医生比较:a girl student 一个女学生 two girl students 两个女学生a boy

10、student 一个男学生 two boy students 两个男学生名词作定语时,后面再加名词,在变复数时,只变后面的那个名词,如:an apple tree 一棵苹果树 two apple trees 两棵苹果树4. the+姓氏s = the + 姓 + family 表示“某某一家人”或“夫妻俩”。5. 称呼、人名或职业后加s,可以表示相应的场所,如:at my uncles 在我叔叔家in the doctors 在医院at the Whites 在怀特家6. 特殊的不可数名词:bread food weather news work homework houseworkmusic

11、 wind snow paper money hair rice porridgeink meat pork beef mutton tofu air information advice7. 名词量的表达:常见的量词短语:a piece of 一条/张/片 a piece of news / paper / breada pair of 一双/对/副 a pair of shoes / socks / glassesa box of 一盒 a box of eggsa bag of 一包/袋 a bag of ricea plate of 一碟/盘 a plate of dumplingsa

12、 cup of 一茶杯 a cup of coffeea glass of 一玻璃杯 a glass of watera bowl of 一碗 a bowl of noodlesa bottle of 一瓶 a bottle of juice注:如果前面的a变成复数,后面的量词也要相应地变成复数。如:a bag of rice two bags of ricea box of eggs two boxes of eggs8. 加可数名词复数:many 许多a few 少数几个few 几乎没有9. 加不可数名词:much 许多a little 一点点little 几乎没有10. 既加可数名词复数

13、,又加不可数名词:some / any 一些a lot of / lots of 许多plenty of 许多11. 名词所有格:情况改法例词一般情况在词尾加sJims book以s结尾的复数名词在词尾加teachers book 词尾不是s的复数名词在词尾加sChildrens Day拥有东西时几个人共有一件东西在最后一个人名后加sLily and Lucys room每个人分别拥有某物在每个人名后加sLilys and Lucys rooms表示店铺或某人的家所有格s后面通常不出现它所修饰的名词,名词所有格直接表示具体的意义the barbers 理发店the butchers 肉铺the

14、 Whites 怀特家双重所有格a friend of mine (名词性物主代词)a friend of my fathers (s形式)特殊的所有格表达todays news 今天的新闻two hours walk 两个小时的步行ten minutes drive 10分钟的车程12. 名词的其他特殊点:名词的所有格。比较Fathers DayMothers DayTeachers DayWomens Day亲生爸爸和妈妈只有一个,所以父亲节,母亲节是用单数名词的所有格。某国人的复数比较中、日不变Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese英、法变a为eEnglish

15、man-Englishmen Frenchman-Frenchmen其余s加后边American -Americans Australian-Australians注意:German- Germans (德国人)Germany (德国)one + of + (最高级) + 名词复数 意为“最的之一”,如:Mozart is one of the most famous musicians in the world. 莫扎特是世界上最著名的音乐家之一。课堂演练一、 根据上下文意思补全句子中单词所缺的字母。1. Our national f_ is red with five yellow s_.

16、 2. Xu Beihong was a famous Chinese p_. 3. Christmas is the most important f in western countries. 4. The months of winter usually are N , D and J . 5. C_ is a popular festival in western countries. 6. E_ are the biggest animals on land. 7. Dr Sun Yatsen was once a d_. 8. Beijing is the c of China.

17、9. This is more expensive than that one. (饭店) 10. Canberra is the c of Australia. Its very beautiful. 二、 单选1. ( ) There _ _ on the plate. A. is,breads B. are,breads. C. is,some bread D. are,some bread2. ( ) Uncle Li, theres something wrong with my computer. Would you give me a _?A. foot B. head C. h

18、and D. face3. ( ) -_there _ on the plate? -Yes,_only a little. A. Is, a meat, and B. Are,meats,but C. Are,any meats,and D. Is, any meat, but4. ( ) Mozart was one of the greatest _in the world. A. musician B. musicians C. writers5. ( ) Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the . A. park B. doctor C. t

19、eacher D. hospital6. ( ) -Whose ruler is it? -Maybe its . A. Peter B. Peters C. Marys D. Peters7. ( ) I want to see a film. Im going to the . A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank8. ( ) Wendy has a teddy bear. You can also buy on in_.A. an electrical shop B. a toy shopC. a clothes shop D. a sports s

20、hop9. ( ) David Beckham is a famous _ from the U.K.A. footballer B. politician C. musician D. inventor10. ( ) - How far is your sisters school from here? - Its about two drive.A. hours B. hours C. hours D. hour 三、例题精析【例题1】【题干】首字母填空:Venice is one of the most beautiful c_ in the world.【答案】:cities【解析】:

21、 此题考查了根据句子含义填写单词,一个题目可以说考了两个名词,如果考生不能正确拼读或不认识关键词“Venice”(威尼斯)的话,那就更难写出正确答案了。不过本题还考查了“one of+名词复数”这一重要固定结构的用法,相信有部分考生会在这里丢分,故本题答案为cities。【例题2】【题干】The underlined word “son-in-law” means “_”in Chinese.A.继子 B.姐夫 C.侄子 D.女婿【答案】:D【解析】:该题考查了“名词+介词+名词”这一结构的用法,一方面考查了“law”(法律)这个名词,有此可以联想到法律层面的儿子且和女儿有关的相关称呼即女婿,

22、故答案为D。【例题3】【题干】( )Whats your ? I like swimming.A. job B. age C. hobby D. number 【答案】:C【解析】:根据答句“我喜欢游泳”可推知问的是爱好hobby,而不是job(工作),age(年龄,number(号码)。【例题4】【题干】 _ your mother _ as a teacher ?A. Does, works B. Does, work C. Do, work【答案】:B【解析】 主语“your mother”属于三单,动词短语work as意思是“担任工作”,故第一空用助动词Does,而does后的动词w

23、ork用原形。四、课堂运用【基础】一、单项选择。( )1. They will Guangzhou this evening.A. reach to B. arrive in C. arrive at D. get( )2. We make great music with .A. each other B. other C. the other D. another( )3. Many children enjoy picture books.A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading( )4. The woman a pair of glasses her

24、 nose is my mum.A. with ; in B. with; with C. with, on D. on, on( )5. Alice is a nice girl . She to help others.A. ready B. always,glad C. is, always D. is always ready( )6. your father any housework at home?A. Does ; does B. Do; does C. Does ; do D. Do; do( )7. When the bell , all the students get

25、out of the classroom.A. ring B. rings C. ringing D. is ring( )8. My favorite sport is basketball. I play it after school.A. once week B. twice week C. twice a week D. one time week ( )9. My father likes reading newspapers .A. at breakfast B. for breakfast C. in breakfast D. on breakfast( )10. I look

26、ed for my English book in my room, but I couldnt it.A. look for B. find C. find out D. found【巩固】二、完成句子 。1. 她每天早晨读半小时英语,八点钟达到学校。She reads English for half an hour and school at eight.2. 公园离这里不远, 你可以步行前往。The park is not for from here. You can go there .3. 妈妈说:“祝你在吉姆的生日晚会上玩得开心点!”Mum says, “ at Jims bir

27、thday party!”4. 现在十点钟了。 该去睡觉了,莉莉!Its ten oclock. Its time to , Lily!5. 起床后,我通常喝一杯水。 After I , I usually have a glass of water.三、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. He _ (watch) TV every evening.2. My sister never _ (get) up late.3. Where _ your parents _(live) now?-They live in Wuhan.4. What _Jane _ (look) like in her

28、new dress? - She looks beautiful.5. Mike _ (like) fruits and vegetables. He _(eat) some every day.6. My mother _ (work) in a primary school and I _(study) in the same school.7. I _ (have) a bike and Ben _ (have) a bike, too.8. My sister _ (be) a pupil. She _(study) very hard.9. Who _ (cook) breakfas

29、t for your family?10. My father is a teacher. He _(teach) Chinese in a primary school.【拔高】 四、阅读理解If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life. This is the surprising advice from a British cook.Herny Jackson is working in a restaurant kitchen. He picks up a dish from a table, and suddenly a snake appears (出现) and bites him on the hand. A few days earlier, box and hides under the dish. I try to pick it up and it bites me. I threw it away, but it

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