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1、高三英语语法高三英语语法(十二)(十二)虚拟语气虚拟语气一一.虚拟语气的类型虚拟语气的类型1 1、实际意义上的虚拟语气。、实际意义上的虚拟语气。They talked as if they They talked as if they had beenhad been friends for years.friends for years.2 2、虚拟语气形式。、虚拟语气形式。The order was that we The order was that we(should)stay(should)stay where we where we were.were.二二.实际意义上的虚拟语气实

2、际意义上的虚拟语气1 1、小小顺口溜、小小顺口溜虚拟语气并不难虚拟语气并不难,从句时态都提前从句时态都提前,主句主句wouldwould加在前,注意动词要还原。加在前,注意动词要还原。(省略(省略if if要倒装)要倒装)e.g.e.g.1 1)If I If I werewere in your shoes,I in your shoes,I wouldwould accept the accept the terms.terms.2 2)If we If we had lefthad left earlier,we earlier,we wouldnt have wouldnt have

3、missedmissed the train.the train.3 3)I wish I I wish I werewere as clever as you as clever as you2 2、虚拟语气在、虚拟语气在条件句条件句中的应用中的应用所述所述情况情况 if if 从句从句 主句主句 与过与过去相去相反反if+if+主语主语 +had done+had done主语主语 +would/could/+would/could/might/should+have might/should+have donedone 与现与现在相在相反反 if+if+主语主语 +did+did(beb

4、e动词用动词用werewere)主语主语 +would/could/+would/could/might/should+domight/should+do 与将与将来相来相反反 if+if+主语主语 +did+didif+if+主语主语 +were to+do+were to+doif+if+主语主语 +should+do+should+do主语主语+would/could/+would/could/might/should domight/should do此表中需要注意几点:此表中需要注意几点:1 1bebe动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用wer

5、ewere。在非正式情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔。在非正式情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用也用waswas。如:。如:If he were/was you,he would go at once.If he were/was you,he would go at once.2 2主句主句中的中的shouldshould通常用于第通常用于第一一人称,人称,would,would,couldcould以及以及mightmight可以用于各种人称。可以用于各种人称。3 3在表示与在表示与将来将来事实相反的事实相反的条件句条件句中,只能用中,只能用shouldshould,而不能用,而不能用would

6、,couldwould,could和和mightmight等。如:等。如:If it should rain tomorrow,we would not go If it should rain tomorrow,we would not go camping.camping.(should rainshould rain也可以用也可以用rained,were to rained,were to rainrain代替)代替)4 4、主句和、主句和if if条件句时态不一致条件句时态不一致(单独虚拟)(单独虚拟)。如:。如:If he If he had receivedhad received

7、 six more votes,he six more votes,he would bewould be our our chairman now.chairman now.If you If you were were in better health,we in better health,we would havewould have allowed allowed you to join them in the to join them in the work.含蓄条件句含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出

8、现if if引导的条件句,而通过其他手段来替代条件句。引导的条件句,而通过其他手段来替代条件句。1 1用介词短语替代条件句。常用介词有用介词短语替代条件句。常用介词有with,with,without,but forwithout,but for等。如:等。如:We couldnt have succeeded We couldnt have succeeded without without your your help(=If we hadnt got your help).help(=If we hadnt got your help).What would you do What wo

9、uld you do withwith a million dollars?a million dollars?But forBut for the rain the rain(=If it hadnt been for the=If it hadnt been for the rainrain),we would have finished the work.,we would have finished the work.2.2.假设的情况又是可以通过假设的情况又是可以通过上下文上下文或其他方式表或其他方式表现出来。如:现出来。如:1 1)He would have given you m

10、ore help,He would have given you more help,but but he he has been ill.has been ill.2 2)I was ill that day.I was ill that day.OtherwiseOtherwise I would have I would have taken part in the parade.(if I hadnt been ill,)taken part in the parade.(if I hadnt been ill,)but,otherwisebut,otherwise连接的两个并列的分句

11、存在连接的两个并列的分句存在单独单独虚拟虚拟现象,即:现象,即:一个一个分句为分句为虚拟虚拟句,句,另一个另一个分句为分句为真实真实句。句。3 3)It would be a mistake not to help him.(It It would be a mistake not to help him.(It would be a mistake if we didnt help him.)would be a mistake if we didnt help him.)Anyone in her position would have done the same.Anyone in he

12、r position would have done the same.有些句子相当于一个条件从句,谓语也可用虚拟有些句子相当于一个条件从句,谓语也可用虚拟语气。语气。4 4)SupposeSuppose we told her the truth.we told her the truth.5 5)ImagineImagine your child played truant.your child played truant.省略省略if if的情况的情况如果从句中含有系动词、情态动词或助动词如果从句中含有系动词、情态动词或助动词(were,had,shouldwere,had,should

13、或或could could)时,可时,可省略省略if if,把从,把从句中的句中的were,hadwere,had或或shouldshould或或couldcould提到其主语前形提到其主语前形成成倒装结构倒装结构。如:。如:Had we made(=If we had made)adequate Had we made(=If we had made)adequate preparations,we might have succeeded.preparations,we might have succeeded.Were it not for their assistance,we wou

14、ld be in Were it not for their assistance,we would be in serious difficulty.serious difficulty.Should there be a flood,what should we do?Should there be a flood,what should we do?3 3、实际意义上虚拟语气在其它从句中的应用、实际意义上虚拟语气在其它从句中的应用(从句时态都提前从句时态都提前)wishwish后后thatthat引导的宾语从句中。如:引导的宾语从句中。如:I wish I I wish I werewe

15、re as clever as clever as you.I wish he I wish he would trywould try again.again.(表示与将来事实相反)(表示与将来事实相反)as ifas if(thoughthough)引导的表语从句或方式状语从句引导的表语从句或方式状语从句中。如:中。如:He looks as if/though he He looks as if/though he were were an artist.would ratherwould rather后的宾语从句中。后的宾语从句中。(would rat

16、herwould rather后后不能加不能加thatthat。)。)从句谓语用从句谓语用一般过去时一般过去时来表示与现在或将来要做来表示与现在或将来要做的相反的事情,用的相反的事情,用过去完成时过去完成时来表示与过去发生来表示与过去发生的相反的事情。如:的相反的事情。如:Id rather you Id rather you didnt godidnt go there.(there.(与将来相反)与将来相反)Id rather we Id rather we hadhad a rest now.a rest now.(与现在相反)(与现在相反)Id ratherId rather you you had beenhad been here yesterday.(与过(与过去相反)去相反)If onlyIf only引导的感叹句中。如:引导的感叹句中。如:If only I were a bird.If only I were a bird.(我要是只鸟就好了。)(我要是只鸟就好了。)三三.虚拟语气形式虚拟语气形式1)1)复合句中含有复合句中含有sugg

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