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1、上海新教材牛津英语高一上学期英语教案高一上学期英语讲义Chapter1.Body language Reading 章节分析(Reading section )综述本章节通过Debbie和Simon 接人待物时的成功与失败,来说明肢体语言的重要性。在引导学生对文章进行整体理解同时,培养学生良好的礼仪。本课的任务有两个:1 对课文进行整体阅读。培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨括中心)等阅读能力。2 与时俱进。结合课文以及上海迎世博倡导学礼仪的活动,引导学生畅谈作为东道主该用何种Body Language来迎接四方宾客。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标:学习课文中重

2、点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。阅读准备(收集相关资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,慨括中心)等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能,教师对高一新生可以以本课为例作仔细介绍。3 情感目标:帮助学生对 “body language” 有更深入的思考,学会礼貌接人待物。(三)重点和难点 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 senior appearance express/expression impress/impression middle-aged, well-dressed, part-time communicate/com

3、munication opposite greet cheerful employ (employer, employee) colleague customer gesture2) 拓展词汇 sigh fax headline (练习D中) heading3) 词组和短语 glance at, get down to, give sb. a good impression, make a good impression on, without hesitation, hold up, preferto, would rather do2 句型学习 1)look ( sound, smell,

4、 taste, feel) + adj.2)make sb. +v.原形教学内容教学实施建议Pre-reading 介绍高中课本的结构特点;课文所涉及的内容;以及阅读时skimming 和scanning 技巧. 根据课文主题,向学生展示一些生动形象并表示不同含义的肢体语言图片并与讨论它们所起的作用,牛津英语教学参考Page 1While-reading 这是本课的主体部分,学习重点词汇和句型,提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。 Skimming 要求学生快速略读,获得课文的大概轮廓,能在有限的时间内运用skimming技巧,找到最基本的信息。 Scanning 由于课本上scann

5、ing全词填空太难,不符合由易到难的教学规律,故把课本第4 页E Read and think部分稍作修改变scanning的内容。要求学生运用scanning 技巧,搜索需要的信息。 Further understanding 经过以上两个基础环节后,进入课文深层次的理解,要求学生能找出文中描写Debbie 和Simon 身体语言的词语,通过比较总结出两人接人待物的成功与失败的原因。 Consolidation and conclusion 把课本第2页C Scanning 部分进行适当修改,巩固刚学过的内容。Post-reading Discussion这是课文的拓展部分,也是进行情感教育

6、部分。结合课文以及上海迎世博倡导学礼仪的活动,引导学生畅谈作为东道主该用何种body Language来迎接四方宾客。1 介绍高中教材的特点,介绍阅读中skimming 和scanning的含义与技巧.1) What is skimming?Skimming is a reading strategy. When we skim a piece of reading, we read it very quickly in order to get the general idea of the reading. When we skim, we skip the unimportant par

7、ts. Therefore, when we skim, we usually only look at titles and headings, pictures and diagrams, and important sentences (usually the first and last sentences of a paragraph) in the reading. Skimming takes only a minute or two, and it helps us get the general outline of the reading and follow the wr

8、iters idea more easily. It is a way to prepare us for a better and detailed understanding of the writers ideas.略读是一种阅读方式。当我们进行阅读时,我们是在非常快速地阅读,目的是获地阅读材料的大概轮廓或意义。在略读时,我们跳过不重要的部分。因此,我们通常只看题目和段落标题、附图和图表以及重要的句子(一般是每个段落的第一句和最后一句)。略读只需一二分钟,它帮助我们获得阅读材料的大概轮廓并使我们更好地跟上作者的思路,它为我们更准确、更仔细的理解作者的思想做好了准备。2) What is

9、scanning?Scanning is a reading strategy. When we scan a piece of reading, we read it very quickly in order to get specific or single pieces of information. So we scan to get information about time, names, places and numbers, etc. When we scan, we always skip the irrelevant parts and we only focus on

10、 what we need to find out.跳读是一种阅读方法。当我们在扫读一篇阅读材料时,我们是在非常快速地阅读,目的是获得有关时间、姓名、地点和数据等的信息。在跳读时,我们总是跳过不相关的部分,而只是集中注意我们需要发现的信息。3)Practice ( 老师们可以用以下材料说明介绍skimming和scanning的阅读技巧。)English MannersA When we meet someone we know, the simplest thing to say in English is “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, or “Good

11、 evening”. “Hello” and “Hi” are forms of informal greeting. We avoid using them with seniors or in a very formal situation. “How are you?” and “How are you doing?” are often used to greet friends. They are used either during the day or in the evening. “How do you do?” seems to be used less often tha

12、n before.B Some forms of greeting which are good manners in China are not considered so in Britain or some other English-speaking countries. For example, usually we should avoid greeting a foreign friend by saying “ Where are you going?” or “Where have you been?”, which are quite common among friend

13、s in China. If we did ask either of these questions, the foreign friend would think that we were asking about his private affairs. Neither should we greet a foreigner by saying “Have you had your dinner?”. He might think you were inviting him to dinner!These forms of greeting are only acceptable whe

14、n they are used with close friends.C In most English-speaking countries shaking hands is also a form of greeting, and the best kind of handshake is gentle and firm. Close friends or relatives, on the other hand, usually do not shake hands with each other; they often exchange a quick kiss on the chee

15、k when they meet or part. Men, however, dont often kiss or embrace when greeting each other. Men still tend to open doors for women in public. However, some young girls cannot stand that. Nowadays more and more women are opening doors for men! Good manners are made up of many small things. Foreign f

16、riends or colleagues can get very upset if we forget to say or do something properly. This can be clearly shown through the following example.F One day, on the desk of a department office in a college, lay a letter for a visiting American professor. Her Chinese colleague happened to pass by. She saw

17、 it, picked it up, and later gave it to the American professor, saying, “ Mrs Willis, a letter for you from your hometown.” To her surprise, the visiting professor immediately put on a stiff face. She didnt know the reason why the Chinese colleague was interested in her private affairs. At the same

18、time, the Chinese teacher didnt know the reason why Mrs Willis took offence.G Thus, we have a lot to learn about English manners. The native speakers around us offer very good examples when talking and acting. English books, TV programmes and the Internet provide lessons as well. Some dictionaries a

19、lso present lists of common polite expressions. So, we must try our best to learn more about English manners and peoples ways of life so that we can communicate with foreigners more properly.Exercises:A) Skimming: Read the first and last sentences of each paragraph and match the summaries in Column

20、with the paragraphs in Column. The first one has been done for you as an example.ColumnParagraph AParagraph BParagraph CParagraph DParagraph EParagraph FParagraph GColumn a) Things that make up good mannersb) A good example to show cultural differences in mannersc) Shaking hands, kissing and embraci

21、ngd) Opening doors and good mannerse) Different forms of greetingf) Manners in China and English-speaking countriesg) Getting to know more about English manners ( answer: a)-E, b)-F, c)-C, d)-D, e)-A, f)-B )(虽然这篇文章很长,但经过skimming 环节,同学们基本能在较短的时间内,通过看每一段落的第一句和最后一句,找到每段的段落大意,理清作者的写作思路,为下一步寻找细节奠定基础。)B.

22、Scanning: Scan the text and answer the following questions.In what situation(s) is each of the following used? “Good morning.”, “Good afternoon.”, “Good evening.” “Hello.”, “Hi.” “How are you?” , “How are you doing?” “How do you do?” “Where are you going?”, “Where have you been?”, “Have you had your

23、 dinner?”(经过skimming环节后,同学们知道以上问题的答案应在第A段和B段去找。) When and with whom do people exchange a quick kiss on the cheek?(在第C段找。答案:relatives or close friends when meeting) How many ways has the writer suggested to help us learn more about English manners?( 在G段找。答案:3 )(同学们往往畏惧阅读长文章,从头到尾读下来,却不知文章到底讲什么。通过学习理解文

24、章的大意,知道在什么段落去寻找需要的信息,并为下一步深层理解奠定基础。)链接2The many meanings of body language(见课件:body language 2 ) 链接3说明:本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学方法。通过略读、扫读、细读等不同手段来提高学生的阅读理解能力,从而培养学生的阅读技巧。Step One Warming-upLook at the pictures on ppt. Different body language (facial language) shows some different feelings. ( Students use diffe

25、rent words esp. adj. to describe them).(具体处理见课件“body language2 ppt.)Step Two Task cycle-reading1 Skimming Skim the story and look at the photo on the next page, and then try to answer the following questions.Where does the story take place? ( in the Sunbeam Travel Company)Who are the people sitting

26、down? (Debbie and Simon)When did the story take place? (on a Saturday morning) Which person looks the most friendly? (Debbie)1 ScanningScan the passage and find the answer to the following questions.Who sat down opposite Debbie? ( A middle-aged, well-dressed woman)How did Debbie greet her? (cheerful

27、ly)Who was Mr.Yang? (a senior employee in the company)Can you find two examples of Mr Yangs body language ? Why did he do the things?(put his hand on Simons shoulders; gave an encouraging smile; to tell him why the customer didnt prefer to deal with him in a friendly way.)Why did the customer prefer

28、 to deal with Debbie?( 进入下一环节的细读。)3 Further understanding(通过比较两人不同的身体语言,得出文章的主题)1) Find the different body language of Debbie and Simon.DebbieSimongreet cheerfullysighhold her head up rest his head on his handhook at the customers eyes look downwardssmile not smileturn her head or body towards the c

29、ustomernot turn his head or body towards the customer2) QuestionWhy did customers prefer to deal with Debbie instead of Simon?(Because her body language makes customers feel welcome, while Simons tells customers to go away. ) ( 书上原句)3) Conclusion:(main idea of the passage)Communicating is more than

30、speaking and listening. Your body language is important, too.( 书上)Step Three ConsolidationSimon is phoning a friend about his experience. Fill in the blanks. The first letters have been given. (Deal with some words and expressions that students have just learned in the previous steps.)I spoke to Mr

31、Yang today. Hes one of Sunbeam Travels s_ employees. I told him that our customers always p_ to deal with Debbie. He told me the problem might be the way I c_. He explained to me about b_ language. He said that I was not giving customers a good i_.My body language was telling customers to go a_, instead of making them feel w_. So now Im trying to i_ my body language.(reference : senior, prefer, communicate, body, impression, away, welcome, improve)Step Four Reflection - Post-readingDiscussion The World Expo wi

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