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1、状语从句状语从句 Adverbial Clauses1.什么是状语:什么是状语:在句中用来修饰动词、形容词、副词在句中用来修饰动词、形容词、副词的成分被称为状语。如:的成分被称为状语。如:He works very hard.He is real handsome.2.什么是状语从句:什么是状语从句:用作状语的句子被称为状语从句。用作状语的句子被称为状语从句。really 1.Adverbial Clauses of Time:(时间状语从句)3.Different Kinds of Adverbial Clauses:2.Adverbial Clauses of Reason (原因状语从句

2、)3.Adverbial Clauses of Conditions (条件状语从句)4.Adverbial Clauses of Place (地点状语从句)5.Adverbial Clauses of Purpose (目的状语从句)6.Adverbial Clauses of Result (结果状语从句)7.Adverbial Clauses of Comparison(比较状语从句)8.Adverbial Clauses of Concession (让步状语从句)9.Adverb Clauses of Manner (方式状语从句 )4.位置位置:主前从后亲密没够,主前从后亲密没够

3、,从前主后得有小逗,从前主后得有小逗,从在主中需俩逗逗。从在主中需俩逗逗。I was reading a book when he came in.When he came in,I was reading a book.I was,when he came in,reading a book.时间状语从句时间状语从句when while as before aftertill/until sinceas soon as普普通通连连词词特特殊殊连连词词the momentthe minutethe secondthe instantevery/each timenext timeany tim

4、eby the timethe first timeimmediatelydirectlyinstantlyWhen 的用法的用法1.When 即可以引导一个持续性动作,又可引到一即可以引导一个持续性动作,又可引到一个短暂行动作。可用以表示主从句动作同时发生个短暂行动作。可用以表示主从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句。或从句动作先于主句。2.(从句动词可延续也可非延续从句动词可延续也可非延续)3.I was thin when I was a child.4.The film had been on when we about to do when be doing

5、when be on ones way when be on the point of doing when had just done when以上句式中的以上句式中的“when”译为译为“这时或那时这时或那时”不不可以用其它连词替换。可以用其它连词替换。The telephone was ringing when I got home.I was about to go to bed when he came back.We were just _ calling him up _ he came in.A.about;when B.B.on the point of;whileC.C.o

6、n the point of;when D.D.on the point of;as I was walking down the street while I heardsomeone calling for help.when 3.When 还以引导条件状语从句相还以引导条件状语从句相当于当于if How can I explain it to you when/if you wont listen.When you read it again,the meaning will become clearer to you.While 的用法的用法 1.必须引导持续性动作,强调在一段时必须引

7、导持续性动作,强调在一段时间内,主句和从句动作同时发生。间内,主句和从句动作同时发生。My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.Please dont talk so loud while others are working.2.“然而然而”表示对比。表示对比。I like watching TV while he likes reading.3.引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句 “虽然、尽管虽然、尽管”While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.尽管我承认他的

8、优点,但我还是看到了他的缺点。尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是看到了他的缺点。4.引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句“只要只要”While we are here,dont worry.As 的的引导引导时间状语时间状语从句的从句的用法用法 1.“随着随着”2.“一边一边一边一边”3.“当当”强调动作同时发生,无先后强调动作同时发生,无先后.1.As I get older,I get more optimistic.随着年龄的增长,我变得更加乐观。随着年龄的增长,我变得更加乐观。2.He hurried home,looking behind as he went.他匆匆忙忙回家,边走边往后看。他

9、匆匆忙忙回家,边走边往后看。3.As he was going out,it began to rain.当他出去时开始下雨了。当他出去时开始下雨了。“as”可以引导的其它状语从句:可以引导的其它状语从句:Young as he is,he knows a lot.(让步)让步)As he wasnt ready in time,we went without him.(原因)(原因)Do as I told you./do as you like.(方式方式)He is as old as I/me.(比较比较 )连接词连接词when,while,as的用法区别:的用法区别:1while引导

10、的时间状语引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词从句的谓语动词必须是必须是可延续可延续的,的,而而when引导的时间状语引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词从句的谓语动词是是可延续可延续的,也的,也可以是可以是非延续非延续的动词的动词。如。如:When/While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.When I stopped my car,a man came up to me.2从句动作发生在主句动作之前时,只能用从句动作发生在主句动作之前时,只能用when引导这个引导这个 从句,不可用从句,不可用as或或while。如:如:Whe

11、n you have finished your work,you may have a rest.3表示表示“随着随着,一边一边一边一边”,连词用,连词用as.如:如:As the election approached,the violence got worse.4如果如果主句谓动主句谓动是是非延续性非延续性的,而的,而从句谓动从句谓动是是延续性延续性动词并使用动词并使用进进行时态行时态时,时,when,while与与as 可互换使用。可互换使用。如:如:When/While/As I was walking down the street,I came across an old fr

12、iend of mine.问题问题1:1.(04北京春北京春)We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.A.when B.while C.until D.before2.(02上海上海)He was about to tell me the secret _ someone patted him on the B.until C.whileD.when3.(05上海上海)He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the bes

13、t time for it.A.where B.when C.thatD.until4.(05福建福建)Did Jack come back early last night?Yes.It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.A.Before B.when C.that D.until(注:句型:(注:句型:It is/was+点时间点时间+when从句)从句)A AD DB BB B问题问题2:6.(06天津天津)The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain,_ th

14、e quality of life is probably one of the highest.A.since B.when D.while7.(04年江苏年江苏)_ I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person.A.While B.Since C.Before D.Unless8.(06辽宁辽宁)He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears.A.why B.where C.when D.whileD D

15、A AC CBefore 的多种翻译方式:的多种翻译方式:1.在在之前之前 2.2.在在It+be+短时间短时间+before句型中句型中 3.主句是肯定句式时:主句是肯定句式时:“(多久之后多久之后)才)才”4.主句是否定句式时:主句是否定句式时:“(过不了多久过不了多久)就)就”5.3.“还没来得及,就还没来得及,就”6.4.“趁趁”1.Before they got to the bus stop,the bus had gone.在在.之前之前2.It will be 5 years before he returns to his motherland.多久之后才多久之后才3.We

16、waited a long time before he came out.多久之后才多久之后才4.It wont be long before we meet again.过不了多久就过不了多久就5.He died before he wrote a will.还没来得及还没来得及6.Catch him before he escapes.趁着趁着7.Please write it down before you forget it.趁着趁着1.(03年北京年北京)He made a mistake,but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse.A.until B.when C.before D.as2.(04福建福建)Scientists say it may be five or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A.since B.after C.before D.when3.(06四川四川)Why didnt you te

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