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1、完整版苏教版小学译林版英语六下伴你学参考答案A4打印版苏教版小学译林版英语六下伴你学参考答案Unit1The lion and the mouseStory time我尝试1. 略2. C D G A F B E3. 略我交流1. (1) B (2) A2. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) T3. (1) A mouse (2) Yes, he did (3) Yes, I think so我运用1. 略2. large, strong, walked by, woke, up, angry, eat3. (1) bit, hole, got, happily(2) F

2、rom then on, became脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. D large B sharp A strong C weak我交流1. (1) asked (2) woke (3) get (4) were (5) bit2. (1) good, well (2) quiet, quietly (3) usually (4) loudly (5) beautifully (6) carefully我运用1. (1) 就在那时 (2) 从那以后 (3) 出来 (4) some day2. (1) lion asked sadly (2) The, said quiet

3、ly(3) He was very strong and large(4) Two men caught the lion with a large net.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. eat you, eat me , help you2. sad, Thank you脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) C (2) D (3) B (4) A我交流略我运用1. animal stories, Chinese idiom books2. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)3. (1) C (2) A (3)

4、B (4) C (5) A脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试12. 略3. C D E F B A我交流1. (1) They are playing table tennis(2) Sam(3) Yes, they do2. (1) F (2) T (3) T3. 略我运用1. 略2. cheer for them, excited, hits, hard, find3. (1) are so many balls(2) pours it into the hole(3) Is the ball in the hole(4) They find a hole in the ground.

5、脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. (1) T (2) T (3) F (4) F2. (1) lived (2) ate (3) had (4) picked (5) made (6) played我运用1. (1) (2) (3) (4) 2. (1) are swimming (2) was (3) were (4) is living (5) brought脱口秀略Unit 1单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、15B A C A B二、15C C B A B三、1. get out, net2. bit, sharp3. small, we

6、ak4. cheer, hits, hard笔试部分一、16 二、1. Just then2. The next day3. some day4. 擅长于5. 路过三、1. quiet2. quickly3. happily4. woke5. bit 四、15 B A B B B 610 C B C B B五、1. can reach the ball2. lion caught the mouse3. The mouse woke the lion up4. do you want to buy5. The lion and the mouse become friends.六、walked

7、, woke, wanted to, help you some day七、15F T T F TUnit 2Good habitsStory time我尝试1. 略2. C D B A G H E3. sometimes, always, usually, never, often4. 略我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T (5)F2. (1) Yes, he does.(2) In the morning and before bedtime.(3) Before dinner.(4) Yes, he does.(5) Yes, he does. 3. 略我运用1.

8、 略2. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)3. 略4. has, habits, gets, early, never goes, late, morning, bedtime, puts, finishes, does well, room, tidy, has, habits, does, late, doesnt, early5. 略脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. messy tidy get up go to bed3. always, usually, often, sometimes, never我交流略我运用1. 略2. (1) He has m

9、any good habits.(2) I always put things in order.(3) He keeps his room tidy and clean.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. tidy large strong我交流略我运用1. 略2. (1) Do, get up early, do(2) finishes his homework(3) Does, do well(4) laughed loudly (5) never go to bed late脱口秀略Sound time & Song time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1) (2) (3)

10、(4) (5) (6) 2. (1) Listen to, teacher, school(2) Do, help your, home(3) Did, go, bed, last night脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试12. 略3. C A B F E我交流1. (1) Tinas friends (2) Tinas bedroom (3) Bobbys (4) Under the bed2. (A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 5 (D) 4 (E) 2我运用1. 略2. (1) show, around(2) go into(3) on the floor(4) put, in o

11、rder(5) brushes his teeth, before bedtime (6) listen to3. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) C (6) C脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. happy strong weak tidy我交流略我运用1. is singing well2. gets up late3. is running fast脱口秀略Unit 2单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、15C B C A D610C B C A D二、14B C C A三、2 4 3 1 5四、15B A C A B五

12、、1. gets up early2. never goes, late3. child, finishes4. strong, weak5. habits, tidy笔试部分一、15 B A A B A二、1. is wearing2. are3. happily4. Does, have5. keeps6. Did, go三、16A B C C A C四、1. never goes to bed late2. walk fast3. This child, good habits, keeps his room tidy and clean4. did, finish his homewo

13、rk5. 把你的玩具放整齐6. 昨晚7. 把水倒进洞里五、1. are playing,happily2. brings, water, pours, into3. always puts, things, order4. also helps, home5. Let, show, clothes六、15F T T F FUnit 3A healthy dietStory time我尝试略我交流1. (1) F (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) G (6) D (7) E2. bread, milk, rice, fish, meat, noodles, an egg, meat,

14、vegetables, rice3. (1) A (2) B (3) A (4) B (5) A我运用1. 略2. (1) have, healthy diet(2) a few, every(3) has, lot of, for(4) For, only, a little(5) eats, sweet, at a time3. (1) A (2) A脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. potato tomato vegetable我交流1. 略2. noodles, vegetables, eggs, meat, bread, water, rice, milk, jui

15、ce, mangoes, potatoes, tomatoes我运用1. a few potatoes, drink a little water, 吃很多肉,drink some milk, a few eggs, a lot of tomatoes, five mangoes, 吃一些蔬菜2. (1) drinks, little(2) eat a lot of noodles(3) He eats a few eggs.(4) They have some vegetables every day.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. eat, breakfast, hav

16、e, noodles, lunch, dinner, a lot of, vegetables, healthy我运用1. for lunch2. does, have3. has, vegetables4. does, for, has, noodles脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) B (2) D (3) C (4) A (5) F (6) G我交流1. 略2. E C D A B我运用1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 2. (1) Do, do(2) Does(3) have, has(4) for(5) Does

17、, doesnt, drinks (6) Chinese脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试12. 略3. (1) C (2) A (3) D (4) E (5) B (6) F我交流1. (1) A (2) D2. (1) went, supermarket(2) No, didnt(3) fish, rice(4) it wasnt我运用1. 略2. supermarket, not much, cola, takes, bottle, needs, rice, have a rest3. (1) come with me(2) shouldnt, too much(3) Take th

18、is big bag(4) Can we have a rest(5) We need a lot of rice(6) There is not much food in the fridge4. (1) with(2) drink(3) needs (4) rest (5) much脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) T (2) T (3) T (4) F我运用have for, have, bread, milk, does, breakfast, has, porridge, about, For脱口秀略Unit 3单元测

19、试卷口语部分略听力部分一、16A A C B B C712A A A C C B二、2 5 4 1 3三、15四、15B C A C B五、1. drinks, little2. healthy diet3. have, rest4. need, vegetables笔试部分一、15A B A A B二、1. drinks a little water 2. a few eggs 3. a healthy diet 4. at a time 5. eat a lot of vegetables 6. 喝点粥吃些馒头 7. 喝太多可乐 8. need some vegetables 9. hav

20、e a rest 10. is good for 11. not much food 12. 拿一小瓶三、15B B A C B610B C B A C四、1. have a rest2. Does, have, healthy diet3. should, too much4. not much, fridge5. has, lot, noodles, breakfast6. want to come with me7. He eats a few eggs every week.五、15C D A B F六、do, have, milk, bread, about, lunch, rice

21、, vegetables, healthy diet七、13F T T 4. Some bread and milk5. Yes, he does.Unit 4Road safetyStory time我尝试1. 略2. 马路,人行道,规则,必须,禁止,安全的,容易地,交通,遵守3. 略我交流1. 略2. 4 3 2 13. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) F我运用1. 略2. green man a zebra crossing red man road traffic lights pavement3. roads, crossing, lights, mustnt

22、, should, safe, pavement, cross4. (1) playing football, behavior, follow, safe(2) cross, cant, look, left, right脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. cant, mustnt, couldnt, arent2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) shouldnt(2) mustnt(3) must(4) loudly, cant(5) must, quietly我运用1. (1) C (2) C (3) A (4) C脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. C A D B我交流

23、1. 略2. (1) diet, mustnt (2) road, safe (3) never (4) crossing, lights我运用1. follow the rules and stay safe, run or play2. (1) 繁忙的马路 (2) 小心 (3) 在人行道上的等待 (4) follow the rules(5) on the road脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1. must, mustnt, can2. (1) D (2) A (3) F (4) C (5) B (6) E我运用1. (1) (2) (3) (4

24、) (5) (6)2. (1) D (2) C (3) E (4) B (5) A脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试12. 略3. E A D B C我交流1. 略2. (1) C (2) B (3) C3. (1) Yes, they do.(2) Yes, they are.(3) It means we must stop.(4) Because there is a red light我运用1. 略2. (1) so many cars, road(2) How, get to, shopping(3) arent any, lights(4) must, pavement, lo

25、ok out3. aunt, take, get, road, light, means, must, crossing, road脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. (1) you can (2) you cant (3) you must (4) you cant我交流1. 略2. (1) with (2) by, up (3) mustnt (4) must, in (5) little我运用1. (1) D(2) C(3) CD(4) A(5) B2. Where, classroom, are, having, must, follow

26、, mustnt, loudly脱口秀略Unit 4单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、15C A D D B68A A D二、4 5 1 2 3 6三、15B A B B A四、1. roads2. mustnt, fast 3. lights 4. must follow, safe 5. child, habits, never笔试部分一、14二、1. many busy roads 2. green man 3. follow the rules 4. got up late 5. on the Zhong Shan Road 6. 安全地过马路 7. 小心它们 8. 确保安全三、15A

27、B A A C 610C C B A A四、1. Must we, early2. little, crosses, road with3. healthy diet, must, vegetables4. wait on, look out for五、cross, road, cant, lights, must, mustnt, should follow, pavement六、14F T T F 5. On foot. 6. He crossed the road quickly without looking left and then a bus came to him and hu

28、rt his left leg.Project 1Being a good student (A)名师点拨1. large early tidy strong2. 在森林里,出来,吵醒,把倒入,做得好,把东西摆放整齐,帮助他的父母3. Amy: Amy gets up early and has breakfast every day. She goes to school early. She helps her classmates. She finishes her homework before dinner. She always waits for the green man before she crosses the road. She often eats too many sweets. John: John says “good morning” to his teachers, but he is sometimes late for school. He watches TV in the evening. He waits for the green man before he crosses the road, but he sometimes runs quickly on the road. He usually

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