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九冀样本 导学案一.docx

1、九冀样本 导学案一Unit 1 The Olympics导学案(一) Lesson 1学习目标 英汉互译 A)重点单词和短语1. record _ 2. the twentieth_3. 赢得金牌_ 4. 事件_ 5. 现代的_ 6. 黄金_B)重点句型 1. 我们称第一届奥运会为“古代”奥运会。 _. 2. 要是你是第一名,就可赢得一枚金牌。 _ 3. How many countries sent athletes to the 2004 Athens Olympics? _自主学习 任务1:学习新单词; 任务2:写出你所知道的奥运会运动项目。合作探究探究一 Nobody broke hi

2、s record for twenty-three years.本句的句意为_, break a record 的意思是_。“for+一段时间”通常和延续性动词连用。但是在否定句中或句中有表示频度的词语时,非延续性动词也可和其连用。如I havent met her for 3 years. 探究二They were very excited! 辨析excited和exciting:这两个形容词都和“兴奋的”有关,但excited表示“感到兴奋的”,常在句中作表语,表示人的一种感情,主语是人;exciting表示“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”既可作表语,也可作定语,其主语和被修饰词必须是物。如:I

3、 saw an _ film last night.I was so _ that I couldnt fall asleep all night long. (用excited和exciting填空)探究三 What does “modern” mean? 句意为“modern”是什么意思? 本句中mean作动词,意为“意思是”,一般不用于进行时态。meaning是名词,意为“意思,涵义”。因此本句的同义句为Whats the _ of “modern”? 【延伸】mean作动词,后接动名词,即mean doing sth. 意为“意味着做某事”;后接不定式,即mean to do sth.

4、 意为“打算做某事”。【运用】试翻译:1. 那样做意味着浪费时间。_2. 我想去,但是我父亲不肯让我去。_达标测评一、根据句意、首字母提示填空1. How did they build it without m_ machines?2. What does “Konbanwa” m_ in English?3. Women didnt c_ in the ancient Olympics.4. He did very well, but he didnt break the r_ at the sports meeting.5. We all hope that one day wushu w

5、ill be an e_ of the Olympic Games.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. The Olympics _ (be) important, I think.2. Whats the _ (mean) of the word “newspaper”?3. These top basketball teams come from different _ (country)4. He _ (win) a gold medal in shooting in 1984.5. Today is the _ (twenty-one) day of opening the shop.三、

6、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 你最喜欢的奥运会项目是什么?Whats your _ _ _?2. 人们喜欢称他为汤姆大叔People like to _ _ Uncle Tom.3. 有多少国家派运动员参加了2008年北京奥运会?How many countries _ _ _ the 2008 Beijing Olympics?4. 他在跳远比赛中赢得了一枚银牌。He won a _ _ in the long jump.5. 他跳出了令人吃惊的8.8米。He jumped _ _ 8.8 meters.四、根据短文内容,选出最佳选项We are learning English, but ho

7、w can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about EnglishBut maybe(也许)he cant speak English well. If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the waterAnd if you want to be a football player, you must play footballSo you see, you can learn by using itYou must listen to your teacher

8、in classYou must speak English to your classmates every dayAnd also you must write something in EnglishThen one day you must find your English very good( )1You know a lot about English, but maybe _ itAyou can speak Byou can studyCyou cant speak Dyou cant listen( )2You must get into the water _Ato le

9、arn how to swim Bto skate Cto play Dto dance( )3Do you want to be a football player? Please _Abuy a football Bplay footballCread some books Dwrite something( )4If you want to study English well, you must often _Alisten to your teacher in class Bspeak English to your classmates CYou must write someth

10、ing in English DA , B and C( )5The article(文章)tells us _ Ahow to learn English well Bhow to swim Chow to play football DHow to be a football playerLesson 2学习目标 英汉互译 A)重点单词和短语1. seem_ 2. beat_3. 接近 _ 4. 急速运动_ 5. 上上下下_ 6. 创造世界纪录_B)重点句型 1. It was the first gold medal in an Olympic swimming event for ou

11、r country._. 2. It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an American swimmer, had finished at the same time. _ 3. 汤姆森小姐在百米项目中创造了54.48秒的世界纪录。_4. 但是今天庄勇战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。_自主学习 任务1:学习新单词;任务2:通读文章,回答课前问题。合作探究探究一 ZhuangYong won the womens freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds.本句句意为_。其中womens 是名词所有格形式,如

12、果是在词尾加s的复数名词构成的所有格,则只在s后面加,如果是不规则变化的名词的复数或不是以s结尾的复数名词构成的所有格,仍在词尾加s。如:教师节_ ;儿童节 Childrens Day。探究二 It was a very close race. 那是一场实力极其接近的比赛。close 在句中作形容词,意为_。【延伸】close作为形容词还有“接近的”指在空间或时间上的接近。“亲密的,密切的”指在关系上的密切。close后接介词to构成close to sb./sth. 意为_。探究三 It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an Ameri

13、can swimmer, had finished at the same time. Was it a tie? 本句中seem意为“好像,似乎”,可用作联系动词,常用在“it seems/seemed that”it 是形式主语。如:It _that he has given a right answer to the question. 似乎他已经给出了这个问题的正确答案。【延伸】seem后还可以接不定式,即seem to do sth.。 如:He seems to leave for London right now. 其中do 如果是be动词,则后接形容词作表语,构成seem to

14、 be +形容词,to be可以省去。如:Li Lei seemed nervous because he missed his bus to school. = Li Lei seemed _ _ nervous because he missed his bus to school.达标测评 一、根据句意及首字母填空1. The girl from Class Two won the 100-metre r_.2. I have a c_ friend. Shes my mother.3. It s_ that he was unhappy.4. Do you know the resul

15、t of the football match? Yes. The game ended in a t_.5. All the s_ felt excited when they saw the athlete win the game.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Who is the captain of the _ (woman) football team?2. I have a friend. He likes swimming. He is a _ (swim).3. Is the shop open or_ (close) at this time of day?4. “I h

16、ave a new bike, too.”He said, _ (show) his new bike.5. Our team have _ (beat) their team three times.三、根据句意从方框中选用合适的词语,并用其适当形式填空up and down, at the same time, set a world record, the others, with a time of1.We arrived at school _.2. Chen Ying _ in shooting at the 29thOlympics.3. There are thirty stu

17、dents in our class. Twenty are girls, _ are boys.4. Monkeys are energetic (有活力的). They always jump _.5. Liu Zige won a gold medal in womans 200-metre butterfly (蝶泳) _ 2 minutes 4.8 seconds at the 2008 Olympics.四、完形填空Kate wants to be a nurse and 1 for sick people. She knows they need her help. When K

18、ate goes to the hospital, she always sees many 2 there. Last summer, Kate broke her leg. The pain was very great and she could not 3 walk. Her parents 4 her to the hospital 5 and she 6 stay there for about two weeks. One day a nurse came to Kates bed and said with 7 . “Youll be 8 soon. You can walk

19、again, so dont think only about bad things. Try to be 9 !” The nurse was very kind and they became friends.After Kate left the hospital, she thought 10 of the kind nurse. She now understands that the nurse job 11 very important, 12 the nurse can often give hope to 13 people. Kate is now thinking abo

20、ut her 14 future. She often talks with her parents about it. Kate knows what she should do 15 a good nurse, and she is studying very hard at school.( )1. A. work B. worker C. working D. worked( )2. A. girls B. students C. workers D. patients ( )3. A. still B. yet C. even D. ever( )4. A. made B. took

21、 C. brought D. let( )5. A. with car B. by a car C. by car D. in car( )6. A. must B. had to C. need D. could( )7. A. a smile B. smiling C. smile D. smiles( )8. A. good B. nice C. free D. better( )9. A. pleasure B. sad C. happy D. happily( )10. A. lot B. a lot C. lots D. a little( )11. A. be B. are C.

22、 am D. is( )12. A. because B. if C. but D. when( )13. A. young B. old C. sick D. poor( )14. A. self B. selfs C. owns D. own( )15. A. to be B. be C. being D. to being Lesson 3学习目标 英汉互译 A)重点单词和短语1. 运气 _ 2. 乒乓球_3. volleyball _ 4. the same to you_B)重点句型 1. 从哪里开始在哪里停止_ 2. Start by standing still _ 3. The

23、n jump as far as you can._自主学习 任务1:学习新单词。 任务2:辨析bring, take, carry与fetch。合作探究. 探究一We show the groups where to start and where to stop.本句句意为_。where to start and where to stop是“疑问词+不定式”的结构,相当于名词,在句中作主语宾语或表语。如:I dont know what _. 我不知道做什么。Lily told me where _. 莉莉告诉了我去哪里。探究二 What do you need to bring to

24、class for the event? 为了竞赛你需要带什么东西到班级来?本句中need作实义动词,意为_,有人称和数的变化,可用于各种时态,后接名词、代词或不定式。need也可用作情态动词,表示“需要”后接动词原形,用于否定句或疑问句,没有人称和数的变化。如: You neednt go there now, you can go there later.句意为_。探究三We ask each group to run across the soccer field. 我们要求每个小组跑过足球场地。本句中的ask sb. to do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”。不定式作宾语补足语,其否

25、定形式为_。如:他让我们不要在大街上打篮球。He asked us _ _ _ basketball in the street. across 在此句中为介词,意为“穿过,横穿”辨析through和 across: 1. through表示从某一范围的一端到另一端,表示的动作在内部空间进行。2. acrosss 为介词,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边,且指在物体表面上沿着某一直线的方向而进行的动作,常和表示移动的动词walk, run, fly, jump等连用。如:A ball went into the room _ the window.Lily goes _ the street to

26、 buy some cakes.达标测评 一、根据句意及首字母填空1. He is good at playing table t_.2. Who can d_ some events for our coming classroom Olympics?3. The little kids walk a_ the street after class every day.4. I hear that you are going to look for a job. Wish you good l_.5. How many p_ can you do in one minute?二、用所给词的适

27、当形式填空1. We need _ (get) everything ready before the party.2. Our teacher asked us _ (not take) these books away.3. _ (luck), the doctor came right away.4. He got up late so he went to school without _ (have) breakfast.5. My father has been to Beijing for three _ (time).三、按要求完成下列各句1. Can you tell us where we should go? (改为同义句) Can you tell us _ _ _2. can, sit-ups, how, one, you, minute, many, in, do (连词成句) _?3. She said good luck to me.(就画线部分提问) _ _ she say to you?4. Ill stay here for an

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