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1、学年人教版七年级英语下册Units712期末复习综合习题7年级下册 unit 7-12 阶段基础知识期末复习综合习题单词练习I.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Lucy is having a great time _(拜访)her grandparents.2.Its a nice day.Lets go out and _(享受)the warm sunshine.3.Can you _(描述) what your sister looks like?4.We have some_(特色菜)today. Would you like to eat them?5.The wat

2、ch is_(昂贵的). I dont have enough money to buy it.6.A group of_(老鼠)are talking under the table.7. The boys are playing in the_(雨).8.I want to go swimming because its too _(炎热的).9. My house is _(在的后面)the post office.10.Do you think the best things are _(免费的)?11. Look! The young man is tall and _(英俊的).

3、Is he an actor?12. The little girl has a _(圆的)face.13. Do you know the _(答案)to these questions?14. Lucy, do you like eating _(土豆)?15. In our store,we have_(不同的)kinds of clothes.16. Li Ming is one of the most_(优秀的)students.17. I bought some _for my parents.18.We are _(发育),so we must sleep well.19. Th

4、ey enjoyed the sunshine on the_(海滩).20. There are too many books in Toms room and I cant_(移动)them.21.They went_(扎营)in the forest.II. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。22. Do you have any p_ in your study? I can help you.23. Its very cold in w_ in the north.24. Its r_ hard outside. Dont go out!25. I want to get

5、some money. Is there a b_ near here?26. When we walk a_ the street,we must be careful(小心的).27. The box is very h_. Can you help me?28.Can you d_ the criminal in detail(详细地)to me?29. I have time this weekend.Do you have an i_?30. Its getting d_. Lets go home right now.31. If the skirt is too e_,I won

6、t buy it.III. 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。32. Its_(wind) in autumn.33. Molly was so _(luck) to go to America last year.34. I think you can get to the park_(easy).35. The little girl is so _ (love) that we all like her very much.36. I love the _ (sing) . They are great.37. My brother likes to draw.He wants to b

7、e an _(art) .38. Yesterday lots of _(visit) came to our school.39. Whats the _(high) of the mountain, do you know?40. Dont be _(scary) when you are in danger.41. Three _ (mouse) are fighting.42. The movie is quite _ (excite) . I want to see it again.43. All these _(paint) are very beautiful.44. Woul

8、d you like to go _ (skate) with me?45. Do you like _(fish) ? Its delicious.46. I like to watch monkeys_(climb)around in the tree.IV. 根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。(每空一词)snowman, country, spend, act, another, farm,luck,feed,fast,sun47. My aunt is a _. She grows lots of strawberries in the countryside.4

9、8. The children had fun making two _after the snow stopped.49. We_ten minutes going to school by bus yesterday.50._, I was at home when Betty called,so I went to the hospital with her quickly.51. Its_and warm today. Lets go for a walk.52. Can you show me _ hat? This one is too large.53. Mr. Green ra

10、n _,and we couldnt follow him.54. John is good at acting,so he wants to be an _.55. How many _are there around the world?56. My grandma likes animals. She _a pet cat.短语练习I.根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语,并用其正确形式填空。right now, on vacation, in front of, a little,take ones order, get popular, milk a cow, shout at,spen

11、d time, each other1. My uncle has lots of cows on his farm. Last weekend, I helped him_.It was fun.2. -May I _ ,sir?Yes,please. Some beef and rice.3.Julie is studying English in the classroom_.4. The post office is_the hotel.5. I like to_with my friends at the park every Saturday.6. They always help

12、_with their study.7. My family and I were_in the mountains.8. When Jack is angry,he always_me.9. I felt_tired after the school trip.10. How did ping-pong_in China?II.根据句意及所给汉语提示,用相关短语的恰当形式填空。11. Sorry, Alice isnt at home. May I_(捎个口信)for her?12. Could you tell him _(给我回个电话)?13. The new Chinese resta

13、urant is_(在前面)No.7 High School.14. Please_(向左拐)at the third crossing.15. The kite_(看起来像)a butterfly.16. It was difficult to finish the work in two days,but_(最后)she finished the work on time.17. He_(吹灭)all the candles in one go.18. Children usually_(许愿)before eating the birthday cake.19._(切碎)the bana

14、nas before you put them into the blender(搅拌器)。20. My parents enjoy_(去散步)along the river after dinner.21. Chinese people think the number 8 can_(给 带来好运)them.22. Mike _(拍了一些照片)on his last weeks vacation.23. Tom_(对感兴趣)reading books. Thats why he knows a lot.24. Last night I_(熬夜)watching a soccer game o

15、n TV.25. The baby is sleeping now.Dont_(把她弄醒).26. Look! They _(搭起)a tent by the lake.27. I like _(住在农村)because I really like the air there.28.I saw _(相当多)sheep on the farm.29. After hearing the news, we _(上下来回地跳)in joy.30. When I saw a snake in front of me,I _(吃惊).完成句子I. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1.天天气晴朗,正适合野营。Its

16、 sunny today, _.2.我的父亲既不高也不矮。他中等身高。My father isnt tall or short. Hes_.3.总的说来,昨天是令人兴奋的一天。_,yesterday was an exciting day.4.上个周六我们去了海滩。We _last Saturday.5.所有的学生正在教室里为考试学习。All the students are_in the classroom.6.孩子们正在公园里玩得很高兴。The children are_in the park.7.昨天的天气怎么样?_the weather_yesterday?8.沿着这条街一直走,你就会

17、看见一家银行在你的右手边。_this street,and you can see a bank_.9.她长着棕色的长卷发。She has_hair.10.你想要什么样的面条?What_noodles _you_?II. 根据汉语意思及所给英语提示写出英文句子。11.最近过得怎么样?(go)_12.他们留着长发还是短发?(have)_13.那时,我非常害怕以至于我不会动了。(so)_14.听起来好像你度过了一个愉快的周末。(sound)_15.昨天图书馆里人不多,我非常享受在那里阅读。(enjoy)_16.那道菜里有肉吗?(there be)_17.我正愉快地和朋友们一起在河上溜冰。(have

18、 fun)_18.昨天妈妈教我怎么做晚饭。(make)_19.这次学校郊游很糟糕,我根本不喜欢。(at all)_20.我们必须每天保持教室干净。(keep)_III. 按要求完成下列句子。21.Hows the weather in Boston?(改为同义句)_the weather _in Boston?22.They are playing basketball in the park.(对画线部分提问)_they _ in the park?23.There is some fish in the bowl.(改为一般疑问句)_fish in the bowl?24. Id like

19、 one large bowl of noodles.(对画线部分提问)_ bowl of noodles would you like?25.He went to the mountains with his family.(改为否定句)He_ to the mountains with his family.26. David needs half an hour to get to the museum by bus.(改为同义句)David_half an hour _the bus to the museum.27.The movie was very exciting, and I

20、 saw it again.(合并为一句)The movie was _ exciting_I saw it again.28.My mother bought me a lovely gift yesterday.(改为同义句)My mother_a lovely gift_me yesterday.29.Lily did something last weekend.(改为否定句)Lily_last weekend.30.Ms.Miller wants a small cake.(改为同义句)Ms. Miller_a small cake.IV. 单项选择31. -_is the weat

21、her like?Its cloudy.A.How B. When C. What D. Where32. Turn left_ the second crossing,and the school is_your right.A.on;on B.on;in;on;in33. Its windy and_outside. You must wear your sweater and hat before going out.A.dry C.sunny D.cold34. Most of these children enjoy_fruit and ice cr

22、 make B.making eat D.eating35. -Are there any interesting books in your bag?_ . All of them are in my room.A. Yes,there arent B. No,there arent C. Yes,they are D. No,they arent36. -_?Shes tall with big eyes.A. How is she B. How does she like itC. What does she look like D. What do you t

23、hink of her37. -Tom,lets play_badminton.Sorry, Bob. Im enjoy_moon.A.the;the B. /;the C.the;a D. /;a 38. -Sally,would you like_coffee?Sorry, I dont like coffee. Please give me_tea.A.some;some B.some;any C.any;some D.any;any39. -Who told Annie the story? B.was C.does D.did40. Can you hear Ti

24、m_in his room, Klaus?A.sang B.sings C.singing sing41. Lets go to the_to buy some meat. I need it for dinner.A.library D.supermarket42. The dish looks very_ but it doesnt taste good.A.boring B.bad C.delicious D.terrible43. Mike and Dave saw the same picture,but they described

25、 it_.A.early B.differently C.really D.quickly44. Last weekend Mr. Smith_his home and went to Beijing, China.A.left B.leaves leaving D.will leave45. -I camped by the lake with my family yesterday,and it was exciting.-_. I really wish to camp with my family.A. Thank you B. Youre right C. Sounds g

26、ood D. No problem参考答案:单词练习I. 1.visiting 2.enjoy 3.describe 4.specials 5.expensive 6.mice 7.rain 9.behind 11.handsome12.round 13.answers 14.potatoes 15.different16.excellent 18.growing 19.beach20.move 21.campingII. 22.problems 23.winter 24.raining 26.across 27.heavy28.describe 29.idea 30.dark31.expensiveIII. 32.windy 33.lucky 34.easily 35.lovely 36.singers 37.artis

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